MK9 Roster
posted08/09/2009 02:55 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/26/2007 06:51 PM (UTC)
1. Scorpion
2. Sub-Zero
3. Liu Kang (human not that gay zombie shit)
4. Kung Lao
5. Raiden (MKDA style)
6. Tremor
7. Rain (Ninja style)
8. Havik (make him a little darker)
9. Reptile (ninja style)
10. Hotaru (Full suit and not gay)
11. Fujin (give him some new threads)
12. Kintaro (MKA style)
13. Reiko (MK4 style)
14. Hydro (Just to mix things up)
15. Belokk (get the rights too or whatever)
16. Smoke (Human)
17. New Character
18. New Character
19. New Character
20. New Character
21. New Character
22. New Character
23. Shao Kahn (MKA 2nd costume)
24. That male vampire dude they said they were gonna make
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/07/2009 10:23 PM (UTC)
You know there is a "Your perfect MK9 roster" a few posts lower, right?
08/07/2009 10:49 PM (UTC)
Great, a homophobic user who calls everything he doesn't like gay.
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08/07/2009 11:35 PM (UTC)
I didn't know Hotaru was gay. I guess i'll have to go back and play Deception and go through his story again...must have missed that part...
08/07/2009 11:37 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I didn't know Hotaru was gay. I guess i'll have to go back and play Deception and go through his story again...must have missed that part...

You don't remember the part in Konquest when Shujinko walked in on him and another guard?
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/08/2009 12:28 AM (UTC)
DrZoidberg Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I didn't know Hotaru was gay. I guess i'll have to go back and play Deception and go through his story again...must have missed that part...

You don't remember the part in Konquest when Shujinko walked in on him and another guard?

I remember that, you had to talk to Taven in Earthrealm, Unlock Liu Kang, and convert Raiden to good, right?
08/08/2009 02:15 AM (UTC)
Vapor Wrote:
1. Scorpion
2. Sub-Zero
3. Liu Kang (human not that gay zombie shit)
4. Kung Lao
5. Raiden (MKDA style)
6. Tremor
7. Rain (Ninja style)
8. Havik (make him a little darker)
9. Reptile (ninja style)
10. Hotaru (Full suit and not gay)
11. Fujin (give him some new threads)
12. Kintaro (MKA style)
13. Reiko (MK4 style)
14. Hydro (Just to mix things up)
15. Belokk (get the rights too or whatever)
16. Smoke (Human)
17. New Character
18. New Character
19. New Character
20. New Character
21. New Character
22. New Character
23. Shao Kahn (MKA 2nd costume)
24. That male vampire dude they said they were gonna make

Lol at the gayness of Hotaru. What the heck was gay about him? Lol, wow!

Can someone answer me this, please... what's the point of Hydro, despite he made ONE TINY APPEARANCE in a comic? Hydro isn't even like an official MK character, he was never even in a game, at least Belokk was supposed to be in a game.
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08/08/2009 04:59 AM (UTC)
He's basically Rain, but he's not purple and flamboyant looking
08/08/2009 05:47 AM (UTC)
Congratulations on suggesting the most boring roster ever.
08/08/2009 07:04 AM (UTC)
Vapor Wrote:
1. Scorpion
2. Sub-Zero
3. Liu Kang (human not that gay zombie shit)
4. Kung Lao
5. Raiden (MKDA style)
6. Tremor
7. Rain (Ninja style)
8. Havik (make him a little darker)
9. Reptile (ninja style)
10. Hotaru (Full suit and not gay)
11. Fujin (give him some new threads)
12. Kintaro (MKA style)
13. Reiko (MK4 style)
14. Hydro (Just to mix things up)
15. Belokk (get the rights too or whatever)
16. Smoke (Human)
17. New Character
18. New Character
19. New Character
20. New Character
21. New Character
22. New Character
23. Shao Kahn (MKA 2nd costume)
24. That male vampire dude they said they were gonna make

I don't really like this roster. Unfortunately, Sub-Zero and Scorpion are locks, so I'll agree with those two. I'll agree with Liu Kang, too. Like it or not, the guy is an actor of the series. I definitely think he should return as a character you can unlock, although his role in the games should be supporting the new hero. And that does mean new hero, so Kung Lao is out. If he was going to be the new good guy, he would have kept his promotion after Deadly Alliance.

Raiden will likely return, but I don't know -- I think Raiden could have the same fate forced onto him as Shinnok. Do we really need the Thunder God back? Let him and Shinnok fight to the complete atomic destruction of them both. That could be a great way to write out Raiden, and make Fujin the new Elder God.

Tremor is dead, isn't he? Why bring him back? He was a throwaway character in an action game. Let's just go with some new characters in place of him, OK? If you want someone who can manipulate the earth, then create a new character.

Rain was somewhat interesting, but he was made interesting because they needed a way to bring him back without making him completely irrelevant. I think he'll be buried and forgotten. There would be ways to do him, but he'd need to move away from he ninja concept. Like completely away. He'd need to lose the purple, and become more of a deep character. I'd just let him die, personally. The best thing going for him is that he is somehow linked to the Taven and Daegon storyline, but isn't as bland as they are.

I actually agree that Havik should return. The character has so much untapped potential, he had a good MK look, and the character could have done so much more. His reasons for operating are always present (creating chaos), so there's no problem fitting him into any story. Havik should become an MK staple, in my opinion. But make him a character you have to unlock.

Reptile turned into Onaga. It was the irony of the character that he was a slave for all of his life, and then became the vessel for the big boss of Deception. I assume Reptile is all but dead, though, and if he isn't, he should be left to rest.

Hotaru had so much potential, but got a tough break right out the door. How many endings did he die in again? While I do like Hotaru, I just don't think his story has too much potential in a new era, although he would make a great direct opponent to Havik (a problem with Deception was that you not only had Hotaru and Havik, which would have been enough, but you also had Dairou and Darrius). Hotaru would not get any complaints from me if he were back, but only if he got more of a chance this time.

Fujin should be promoted to Elder God status, and still be involved in the story, although I don't think we need him as a fighter. If you want someone who can fly and control the wind -- invent a new character. Fujin is not nearly enough of an icon to warrant coming back in anything more than mention. At least at first.

Kintaro was a sub-boss in the second MK game. Why would he return now? Yeah, he was cool and challenging, but I see no reason or way to make him a playable character that warrants coming back. His role is to die and die spectacularly.

Reiko had a lot of potential, but that potential ultimately went nowhere. He is a general with ambitions of taking over, but I just don't see that happening for him. He will die during Armageddon, I hope.

I really don't see the point in Hydro. He was pretty much a gimmick, and I'd rather see characters with depth come in. Belokk was a pretty cool concept, and if they could make it fit, more power to them. Maybe create a new character inspired by Belokk?

There is no way Smoke should come back as a human. His character was turned into a robot, OK? Deal with it. Then he pretty much died, got brought back by Noob Saibot, and like Reptile, there is some understated tragedy in just how terrible the character's existence is. Can we accept that is his role in the MK universe? Smoke is one of the few characters I would keep going in the franchise. Let him die, and let him die now. Noob Saibot, on the other hand, at least has a purpose still going in the storylines.

Shao Kahn returning is actually something I'd be sort of cool with. It's a pros and cons situation. Kahn represents the old era, so killing him would close that chapter (like it looked like they were going to in Deadly Alliance), but on the other hand -- we still know so little about the character. Bring Shao Kahn back, and make him playable, I say. It sort of "gives the rub" to the new era if the head honcho of the last arc is back and is normal in comparison.

If they were going to introduce a male vampire (and at one stage I thought they should), it would have been best in Deception or Armageddon. We don't really need one now, considering the vampires probably won't play a large part. I could, however, see the character working.
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08/09/2009 02:55 AM (UTC)
Just down the front page there's another, older thread with this same content in it. Please head there and post with this kind of thing for the time being.

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