03/05/2010 06:14 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Ya'll know what? If this next game doesn't have a character that a person wants, Kreate a Kharacter should be here and it should have all the features of the characters that won't make it in the game so players can create their favorite character. All the weapons, clothes, moves, and etc. of the missing fighters should all be selectable in this mode to create those characters. If possible, they should do something about the fatalities of custom characters too. glasses

Never thought I would see myself write this but... I'm glad you changed the subject for this thread. Thank you smile

Even though I hated create a character, if I had to go with either that feature or create a fatality, I'll choose that over the fatality. That whole feature sucked big time, way worse than creating a character.
Icebaby Wrote:
Omigosh, this is what I was trying to avoid but I guess not. One minor little mention of your name and you're on the case immediately. Seems like someone else is doing the liking rather than the other user...You always start shit. I only mentioned your name once because you drove three threads down the drain with your useless opinions about how gameplay was so important when most people didn't give a fuck. God, you're the most conceded person on this site and I refuse to allow you to continue to think you won every disagreement because they stopped arguing with you. They stopped because they couldn't stand the fact that you couldn't get the whole, "your facts are your opinions," through your easy bake oven head. And no matter how many people try to show you that you were wrong all the time, you still started the argument again by throwing something off topic in your argument, just so you think you sounded intelligent when really you made yourself look like a fool.

Oh, and I made it sound like I was making the whole "story is crucial" a fact. IT'S MY GODDAMN OPINION. Jesus fucking Christ, that's MY GODDAMN OPINION... I wrote that a fucking month ago. I wrote that a fucking month ago to a point where I forgot that I even said something on this thread, don't you dare start throwing something in that was mentioned a month ago. Despite that I still defend my position in this mess, IT'S MY FUCKING OPINION. Whether you want to accept it or not, shut up about facts. Facts facts facts facts facts, who the fuck cares about your damn facts. You never showed one ounce of factual information so just either shut up or stick it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. I don't care about your facts, your facts are your opinions, when the hell will you get that through your mind? Never, because you're "Mr. Right," I forgot about that... Jesus. So stop saying you got the facts, because they're not facts whatsoever. You've yet to give me a link to any site that shows me where you're right. How 2d is better than 3d, oh shouldn't have mentioned that, now it's gonna be a 2d v. 3d war now. Boo hoo....

I told you that I accidentally wrote something that was not intentionally supposed to be written. There, that's that, do you understand me? And I only brought up your name once, once... Get that, once. There's your goddamn fact. Show me where you got your information if you think you're this "Mr. Right" character. Blah blah blah, your so full of yourself. I'm not going to continue this because this will be the FOURTH argument or whatever. You want to continue arguing and TRYING to prove to me that you're right when you're really wrong and I know so, shoot me a stupid PM or something, I refuse to fuel the flame anymore. So shut up or shoot me a PM, that's it.

Sheesh. Simmer down for a sec'. Can't blame the guy for being an idiot, he smokes crack every day, and lots of it.
03/05/2010 01:02 PM (UTC)
GoldDragonPrincess Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Omigosh, this is what I was trying to avoid but I guess not. One minor little mention of your name and you're on the case immediately. Seems like someone else is doing the liking rather than the other user...You always start shit. I only mentioned your name once because you drove three threads down the drain with your useless opinions about how gameplay was so important when most people didn't give a fuck. God, you're the most conceded person on this site and I refuse to allow you to continue to think you won every disagreement because they stopped arguing with you. They stopped because they couldn't stand the fact that you couldn't get the whole, "your facts are your opinions," through your easy bake oven head. And no matter how many people try to show you that you were wrong all the time, you still started the argument again by throwing something off topic in your argument, just so you think you sounded intelligent when really you made yourself look like a fool.

Oh, and I made it sound like I was making the whole "story is crucial" a fact. IT'S MY GODDAMN OPINION. Jesus fucking Christ, that's MY GODDAMN OPINION... I wrote that a fucking month ago. I wrote that a fucking month ago to a point where I forgot that I even said something on this thread, don't you dare start throwing something in that was mentioned a month ago. Despite that I still defend my position in this mess, IT'S MY FUCKING OPINION. Whether you want to accept it or not, shut up about facts. Facts facts facts facts facts, who the fuck cares about your damn facts. You never showed one ounce of factual information so just either shut up or stick it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. I don't care about your facts, your facts are your opinions, when the hell will you get that through your mind? Never, because you're "Mr. Right," I forgot about that... Jesus. So stop saying you got the facts, because they're not facts whatsoever. You've yet to give me a link to any site that shows me where you're right. How 2d is better than 3d, oh shouldn't have mentioned that, now it's gonna be a 2d v. 3d war now. Boo hoo....

I told you that I accidentally wrote something that was not intentionally supposed to be written. There, that's that, do you understand me? And I only brought up your name once, once... Get that, once. There's your goddamn fact. Show me where you got your information if you think you're this "Mr. Right" character. Blah blah blah, your so full of yourself. I'm not going to continue this because this will be the FOURTH argument or whatever. You want to continue arguing and TRYING to prove to me that you're right when you're really wrong and I know so, shoot me a stupid PM or something, I refuse to fuel the flame anymore. So shut up or shoot me a PM, that's it.

Sheesh. Simmer down for a sec'. Can't blame the guy for being an idiot, he smokes crack every day, and lots of it.

i know its your FUCKING opinion. its FUCKING wrong. you dont care about being wrong. so good for you. and stop TALKING about me, REPLYING back to me if you dont like me. that makes me think you want to keep talking to me or whatever. even last time I had stopped replying back to you, but you kept insisting. and you followed me into the 2d or 3d thread. you always follow me around( and keep talking about me), and i really dont know why. maybe you just cant stand that im actually right....

the only time i have a problem is when people say things that are not true or biased opinions that they say is right. you keep saying you just want content and you make youself sound like an idiot. who plays a game just for the content or the story. you sound stupid, but i think that you are just casual player. its nothing wrong with it. YOU ARE A CASUAL PLAYER!!!

and stop playing video(fighting) games if you love the story so much. go read or watch a mk movie. and mk story is always messed up anyway, like in mka. they should have kept it concise and interseresting like mk1-mk4.

but i have to agree story is very important but gameplay beats it out because it keeps the user attention longer. thats why people still play 10 year old games, because of gameplay.

story lifts it off and gameplay keeeps it in the air for years. its the ONLY reason you get a ps3, a controller,etc....TO PLAY THE GAME. lol

(im taliking about fighting games)

im right you are wrong. you have an opinion, i have a fact. now go watch some movies little causal player, who knows nothing about fighting games and stop taliking about gameplay. stick to story because thats the only thing you half know about.

i will fight for mk to become more of a deep fighter instead of some stupid gimmick, alot people on this site agree that mk has been trash lately, interms of gameplay. you have to be a complete idiot or a super casual player not to notice....... PEACE.

(reply back if you want war, shut the fuck up if you dont want it)
03/05/2010 01:57 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Whaaaaa, whaaa. I'm only good at crying and thinking everyone's always wrong with my factual statments which I know aren't true. Whaaa, whaa!!!!

You know what, I change my mind about ending this, I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not going to stop until I prove to you that you're not always right, you jerk... But from you post that I have on my post... that's all I saw, and I thought I told you that if you wanted to continue this stupid argument, shoot me a damn PM message instead of wasting your time making a public message that's not about facts at all, but you continue to think I'm wrong with my opinion stated posts and I'm not going to let some whiny little punk think that people cannot post their opinions without having you throwing in their faces that they're wrong because they don't show facts.

You don't have facts to prove that I'm wrong because you haven't showed me any links to show me how I'm wrong. I'm wrong for stating an opinion while you're right by stating a fact? Were you dropped on the head at childbirth or do you enjoy acting like an idiot? Either way, you're just an idiot for complaining about how people on this site are always wrong because they show opinions rather than facts. I would rather read opinions than facts, idiot. And if you know they're my opinions, then why do you keep throwing back in my face that I'm wrong with what I stated a month ago, instead of acting like a decent person and accepting that I care about something different then what you want? Are you really that stupid that you can't handle someone's opinions so that you have to throw in their faces some stupid "factual" piece of shit that's not even factual at all but your own opinion, or do you just want everyone to convert to Syke-ism, and you're the head of the cult so everyone can want what you want instead of what they want on their own?

Ooh, casual player.... HAHAHAHAHAHA, you don't even know what player I am, genius. There's no way in hell I'm a casual player of Mortal Kombat. Go back sucking on a pacifier you whiny little brat. You don't know what kind of gamers people are on this site, just because I stopped telling you what I mean with those posts, I'm not a casual player or something? Jesus, there you go again by throwing something that has nothing to do with the topic just so you can start up an argument. "Oh people want gameplay..." Yeah not fucking shit they prefer that over stories... WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT... You're arguing about what I prefer in the damn game and what I wrote a month ago. You think you're smart by saying something back to my post that I wrote over a month ago? And you say that people make you look stupid... I don't think so.

And I've been playing video games since I was 2 years old. I think I know more about video games than you since I can so tell that you're not over 19 years of age... Despite that I don't know your age since you don't have anything filled out in your profile thing.

I don't care if I get a skull point for this, but someone has to teach you a lesson in hoping that you understand what the word "Fact" means. Despite more and more people have been stopping because everyone knows that they can't have a decent argument with you because... God it feels like a broken record lately... Because you constantly believe that you win. Blah blah blah no matter how many times people argue with you, you think you're right. You're not, your facts are not facts their your opinions rather you want to accept them or not... There's no such thing as biased opinions, they're just fucking opinions. If you can't accept what I prefer for a game, then why waste a fucking argument with me? I want a good story in MK rather than gameplay because in MY OPINION, I don't see anything wrong with the gameplay. I stated this numerous times that I actually liked MK vs. DC's gameplay a heck of a lot more than any other MK game's gameplay... And what, because I said that, I'm going to get another rant how I'm wrong? Buddy, I don't care if you disagree with what I want, it's what I want more in the game, and if you can't accept the fact that people want different things than gameplay, then you're just a whiny little brat who thinks everyone is wrong because they want something more in the game than gameplay. I don't give a fuck about game play, I want to know what's going to be in the game more than gameplay. And if you can' t handle what I want instead of converting to your side, then you need to shut the fuck up and stop trying to convert me to believe you're right. You're not right so shut up for one fucking minute and let me say what I want to see in a video game... Since I already post what I want in your "Perfect MK game," thread which you clearly ignored the post, I told you want I want in the game... So there.

And lols for Goldenprincessdragon... Funny post.

03/05/2010 02:53 PM (UTC)
im not trying to convert you.you are entiled to your wrong opinion just like hitler. lol ice.. ice.. BABY lol at least you have your own theme song. lol can we just end this discussion, on good terms. and i will pm you if i ever want to discuss something.PEACE.
03/05/2010 04:52 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
im not trying to convert you.you are entiled to your wrong opinion just like hitler. lol ice.. ice.. BABY lol at least you have your own theme song. lol can we just end this discussion, on good terms. and i will pm you if i ever want to discuss something.PEACE.

You're an egotistical, selfish little brat, you're referring me to Hitler just because I have opinions about a video game. Now you're making yourself look stupid. You say you want to end this discussion in good terms, referring me to an asshole that should never had gotten millions of German nazis to kill innocent people has to be the most retarded thing ever to compare me to.

Here's the issue with you. It's fine that you care about gameplay more than anything else. Who fucking cares that you worry about something that others don't have to agree with. And if you continuously say you're always right and they're always wrong, you're going to get people angry/annoyed and get this thrown back at you. You want to end things, but you go ahead and insult them right before you beg people to end a debate with you. How can people end things with you if you're the type of person that needs to say the last word? I can keep this game going as much as the next person, I can have the last saying as well until some mod comes in and shuts this thread down.

But, getting back to the issue, you want to fight on what I care more about MK than gameplay? I want to know what characters are going to be coming back, what new characters are we going to see. What are the fatalities going to look like. What are the blood and guts going to look like. Will there be mini games, will there not be. Will we see konquest and the krypt. What stages will return, what stages won't. What stages will be new, will there be deathtraps, will there be stage fatalites. Will character biographies actually look like real biographies, will characters have alternate costume, will there be secrets. Will there trophies to obtain. Will there be a story that actually make sense...

I can go on, but as you can see, this is what I care more about fucking gameplay. And if you have an issue with that, then stick it up your ass and cry me river because I can worry about other things than gameplay for an MK game. If you have an issue about that, then you're an idiot. Really, I don't care about gameplay. Games are advancing day after day, Midway was bought out by a new company that makes good games, and I don't care as long as I get a MK game. Is that so fucking hard to ask? Or are you going to mock me again because I care about something more that is against what you care about in a game.

Oh, but this discussion might end soon because I'm going to Unofficial at around 3, it's a big party in the midwest of the state I'm in and I won't be back until Monday... so... Yeah, I think you should just end it right here and just admit that people have the right to post their opinions about things that they care about in a game that doesn't have to agree with you.
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New sig on the way
03/05/2010 05:11 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
im not trying to convert you.you are entiled to your wrong opinion just like hitler.

That was just ridiculously uncalled for.

BIG_SYKE19, you are not going to last at this rate. Stop inciting arguments. Stop derailing topics.
About Me

what doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger.

03/06/2010 07:04 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
im not trying to convert you.you are entiled to your wrong opinion just like hitler. lol ice.. ice.. BABY lol at least you have your own theme song. lol can we just end this discussion, on good terms. and i will pm you if i ever want to discuss something.PEACE.

Actually Hitler tried to enforce his opinion to other people, he was like i'm right you're wrong. Sound familiar?
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