MK9 Karacters
posted03/06/2010 07:04 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/08/2007 12:54 AM (UTC)
there is always the certain need with everyone to have a large cast of characters in a mortal kombat game. thats maybe because everyone wants to see their favorite character in the game. i think the developers should concentrate more on the story and how each characters is connected in the story than have a large cast. its the story that should attract the players. when you have too many fighters in the game, it becomes pretty hard to keep track of all that. the story gets complicated and you get lost in the shuffle so to speak.

rich story = better experience playing

a lot of the content should be hidden just like it was in mk1 or mk2 ( finding reptile or fighting jade, smoke, noob in mk2). thats what made MK what it is today.

to end this, share your point of view about this: more kharacters or rich and intriguing story. which one would you choose?
02/15/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
Shouldn't the name of this thread be: "MK9's story and characters" rather than just "MK9 characters?" Just a thought.

Story is the most crucial thing in a video game, otherwise, I'm just playing something with no point to it whatsoever. Sure, there might be games out there with no story line, but then I'll be just bored with whatever happens throughout the game.

I say, develop a good story with characters that actually have an important role. No more 5 against 1 story lines. Example, Hotaru. The guy had 5 people against him, and all he wanted was to bring order to the realms, that was it. And the 5 people who were against him, 3 of the 5 did not make sense. Havik, Sub-Zero and Kenshi... Sub-Zero's story involved him finding out more about his ancestors and the armor he wore.

Last time I checked, Ermac and Kenshi were friends, I have no idea why Kenshi would get involved with Hotaru.

And Havik was just a crappy character to begin with.

If there's going to be a large cast of characters, they all need to have good stories behind them and endings that would be so cool to have. Not like how Li Mei died in hers, Frost turned frozen, and Drahmin became what he was before he died... Yeah, that's lame.

So, that's all I have for now.
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02/15/2010 08:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Story is the most crucial thing in a video game,

Tetris says hi.

Anyhoo, when faced with the question of more characters or richer story, I'll pick more charcters every time. I love it when fighting games (or really any games) have a good story, but a game needs to be a game. Give me lots of fighters with diverse movesets and a polished game first, then we'll worry about why everyone is punching each other.

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02/15/2010 08:35 PM (UTC)
I can't believe I missed this the first time.

Icebaby Wrote:
Example, Hotaru. The guy had 5 people against him, and all he wanted was to bring order to the realms, that was it.

He wanted to bring order by means of a crushing totalitarian rule wherein you could be imprisoned for the most meager of offences and held for decades awaiting your one-sided trial. Anyone in their right mind would be opposed to Hotaru.
02/15/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Story is the most crucial thing in a video game,

Tetris says hi.

Don't be a smartass, Optimus, I'm pretty sure people got what I meant.

OptimusGrime Wrote:
I can't believe I missed this the first time.

Icebaby Wrote:
Example, Hotaru. The guy had 5 people against him, and all he wanted was to bring order to the realms, that was it.

He wanted to bring order by means of a crushing totalitarian rule wherein you could be imprisoned for the most meager of offences and held for decades awaiting your one-sided trial. Anyone in their right mind would be opposed to Hotaru.

And no duh, I know Hotaru's story like that since he's one of my top 5 characters I enjoy playing as throughout the series. But some characters' story did not make sense. Darrius and Dairou's story makes sense because they were either involved with the order themselves, or the rebels who fought against Hotaru's army.

So, if I were you, I'd stop acting like you know it all because I know Hotaru's character, and I'm not going to keep going back and forth like tennis just to show you that I know a character's info.
Historical Favorite
02/15/2010 09:05 PM (UTC)
You said that three of the five people opposing Hotaru made no sense. I just saying that they do, as no one wants this guy invading their realm to impose his brand of 'order'. Anyone aware of him would want to stop him. Havik most of all.
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02/15/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
I know I'm redundant, but the best thing Boon/Vogel can do for the story is stop introducing so many new characters. Other fighting games maintain roughly the same cast each game for a damn good reason.
02/15/2010 10:00 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I know I'm redundant, but the best thing Boon/Vogel can do for the story is stop introducing so many new characters. Other fighting games maintain roughly the same cast each game for a damn good reason.

Hell yes. This is one reason why Street Fighter 4 was so well recieved.
02/15/2010 10:06 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I know I'm redundant, but the best thing Boon/Vogel can do for the story is stop introducing so many new characters. Other fighting games maintain roughly the same cast each game for a damn good reason.

Hell yes. This is one reason why Street Fighter 4 was so well recieved.

It's exactly how it should be done. There should be only around 4 new characters. That's it.
03/03/2010 04:35 PM (UTC)
Story. Yes, a game needs to be a game, but story is much more important. There needs to be something that draws people into a game. If we put characters with nice fighting styles, but bland, boring, stories, the game would get boring and old quick, and people would either lose interest or won't care what happens next.

As for why 5 people are against Hotaru.

Havik is against Order. Hotaru is the quintessence of Order. Havik is going to do whatever he wants to stop that.
Dairou and Darrius are obvious.
I'm not really sure about Sub-Zero
Kenshi never really had anything against him, but he was traveling with SUb-Zero at the time, and Hotaru attacked SZ, so Kenshi defended SZ against Hotaru.
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03/03/2010 06:59 PM (UTC)
Fuck the story we want MK ARMAGEDDON 2 TRILOGY grin
03/03/2010 10:56 PM (UTC)
i agree with BlueDragonClan. lately, the last 2 MK games, i would play and lose interest right away because there's nothing drawing me to playing the game. The konquest are too easy and straightforward. it would be better if they further develop the konquest mode and make it more complicated and sophisticated so we could be drawn in and end up playing the game for hours and hours. even for the fighting it should be longer than it is, for example, the "Choose your Destiny" was a great idea. or even making the character ladder longer. hopefully MK9 would be a big improvement than the other MK games because now they are backed by WB. and Warner Brothers could afford to give all the time they want to create a better MK game. at leat thats what i think.
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03/04/2010 03:50 PM (UTC)
Resident evil, in all honesty, is probebly one of the worst games in term of gameplay that you can find. Especially classic RE. and I am a diehard fan of the series, i know everything about it.

Even with the games now, i play through RE2 or RE3 at least once every 2 weeks. Its amazing, why???

Because of the story. RE4 and 5 were I guess more entertaining. But was deffinately not for the diehard fan. I know change is necessary. Seeing the Beta's for re4 and 5, they shoulda stuck with them, dark and scary.

Story > Gameplay. Same with MK

I hated MKDA and MKA. I lvoed MKD for some unknown reason. Probably konquest mode. It was just very entertaining and I could play it for hours searching for secrets. MKDC was the ebst since MK4 in terms of gameplay IMO. I am happy they can go in a better direction now. Good luck with WB.

Its MKD storyline that really took my hopes and shot them up high for MK. Everybody defeated at the beginning on the front steps, a new unexpected alliance, and the fact that the DK was using reptiles body(as far as i know).

That game was soo f***ing good at realing me in, it was rediculous. If they stick to their guns on both fronts. MK9 should be the best since UMK3/MKT which are the best IMO.

03/04/2010 04:14 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Shouldn't the name of this thread be: "MK9's story and characters" rather than just "MK9 characters?" Just a thought.

Story is the most crucial thing in a video game, otherwise, I'm just playing something with no point to it whatsoever. Sure, there might be games out there with no story line, but then I'll be just bored with whatever happens throughout the game.

I couldn't disagree with you more. If it's all story and no gameplay I might as well be watching a movie. I say put gameplay as the highest importance when making a game.

However, I will agree that MK needs a good story. MK generally has the best stories out of all fighting games, and if the combat isn't the best then at least give us some other good things to care about. As much as I like a story in MK, I think content is a little more important. I want a lot of replay value. I can only play MKvsDC's story mode so much. So far me it goes combat, contenet, and then story.
03/04/2010 06:41 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Shouldn't the name of this thread be: "MK9's story and characters" rather than just "MK9 characters?" Just a thought.

Story is the most crucial thing in a video game, otherwise, I'm just playing something with no point to it whatsoever. Sure, there might be games out there with no story line, but then I'll be just bored with whatever happens throughout the game.

I couldn't disagree with you more. If it's all story and no gameplay I might as well be watching a movie. I say put gameplay as the highest importance when making a game.

However, I will agree that MK needs a good story. MK generally has the best stories out of all fighting games, and if the combat isn't the best then at least give us some other good things to care about. As much as I like a story in MK, I think content is a little more important. I want a lot of replay value. I can only play MKvsDC's story mode so much. So far me it goes combat, contenet, and then story.

You misjudged what I said. Stories are important to a video. I'm no rocket scientist who knows that gameplay matters first, but as all video game developers out there today are trying to improve game after game, I don't worry about gameplay as much as that Syke user. I know gameplay is crucial to a game, but I don't worry about it in today's generation since we got blueray shit and stuff like that.

With story, MK never had a great storyline throughout its series. I don't enjoy playing video games with no story but senseless fighting or whatnot. Still, in your opinion you believe that gameplay is more important, okay.
03/04/2010 07:24 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Shouldn't the name of this thread be: "MK9's story and characters" rather than just "MK9 characters?" Just a thought.

Story is the most crucial thing in a video game, otherwise, I'm just playing something with no point to it whatsoever. Sure, there might be games out there with no story line, but then I'll be just bored with whatever happens throughout the game.

I couldn't disagree with you more. If it's all story and no gameplay I might as well be watching a movie. I say put gameplay as the highest importance when making a game.

However, I will agree that MK needs a good story. MK generally has the best stories out of all fighting games, and if the combat isn't the best then at least give us some other good things to care about. As much as I like a story in MK, I think content is a little more important. I want a lot of replay value. I can only play MKvsDC's story mode so much. So far me it goes combat, contenet, and then story.

You misjudged what I said. Stories are important to a video. I'm no rocket scientist who knows that gameplay matters first, but as all video game developers out there today are trying to improve game after game, I don't worry about gameplay as much as that Syke user. I know gameplay is crucial to a game, but I don't worry about it in today's generation since we got blueray shit and stuff like that.

With story, MK never had a great storyline throughout its series. I don't enjoy playing video games with no story but senseless fighting or whatnot. Still, in your opinion you believe that gameplay is more important, okay.

"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah.

anyways story and gameplay are very improtant to a game, gameplay being more important. now when it comes to FIGHTING games, gameplay matters WAYYY more, because thats like the only thing to do. you can add other modes but they still require using the fighting system.

and gameplay is always more important because its VIDEO GAMING(playing the story) not READING or WATCHING( the story).

ex: why do you think they make video games for movies like batman, lotr, starwars, hp, avatar.......because you have already read a great version
, you have watched a great version, now PLAY a great VERSION(GAMEPLAY).

sadly thats not the case. lol (movie to video games suck most times. lol)
03/04/2010 11:02 PM (UTC)
MK has a lot of potential in terms of story. i agree MKD was right on the money with the gameplay and story. they were headed in the right direction with that game. i think they rushed MKA for monetary reasons and they couldn't develop it better that MKD. Don't forget they had about two years to develop MKD and they had about a year to make MKA. i'm not saying that they shouldn't care about gameplay at all. Gameplay, story, characters... etc. are all part of the equation to further continue the legacy of what MK really is. If they develop the story more and go deeper into the world of MK, they generate more interest and you could be glued to the television to play the game. kinda like what happened to me with MKD. i would play konquest mode for a long time seaching every inch of every realm to find secrets. IMO, thats what a game is suppose to do, is to keep you playing and keep your curiosity going till you finish it.
03/04/2010 11:40 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?
03/05/2010 12:04 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......
03/05/2010 12:12 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......

They're different from the other? Really? I did not know that. I accidentally wrote the "I could care less about how the game looks." I did not meant to write that, I meant to say was that I could care less about the gameplay.

Either way, I could care less about both, despite that I did not meant to intentionally write about graphics..
03/05/2010 12:17 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......

They're different from the other? Really? I did not know that. I accidentally wrote the "I could care less about how the game looks." I did not meant to write that, I meant to say was that I could care less about the gameplay.

Either way, I could care less about both, despite that I did not meant to intentionally write about graphics..

what do you mean by content???
03/05/2010 01:29 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......

They're different from the other? Really? I did not know that. I accidentally wrote the "I could care less about how the game looks." I did not meant to write that, I meant to say was that I could care less about the gameplay.

Either way, I could care less about both, despite that I did not meant to intentionally write about graphics..

what do you mean by content???

It means I know where this is going to lead and I refuse to fuel another flame war with you.So I'm not going to answer your question since three thread are already spammed with a ridiculous disagreement that should not have occurred.
03/05/2010 02:22 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......

They're different from the other? Really? I did not know that. I accidentally wrote the "I could care less about how the game looks." I did not meant to write that, I meant to say was that I could care less about the gameplay.

Either way, I could care less about both, despite that I did not meant to intentionally write about graphics..

what do you mean by content???

It means I know where this is going to lead and I refuse to fuel another flame war with you.So I'm not going to answer your question since three thread are already spammed with a ridiculous disagreement that should not have occurred.

nobody wants war. just clear understanding. if you thought that, you was wrong. anyways you stated your opinion like it was a fact(story is the most crucial blah....). i stated my opinion, which is backed by facts. im right you are wrong.

and you dont want another discussion because ill be right again. lol and if you dont want "WAR", stop bringing up my name, unless you want "LOVE". lol hahahahaah........
03/05/2010 03:25 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
"that syke user" seems like i stay on your mind. hahahahah

Uhh, I have a boyfriend to think of rather than thinking about some whiny kid on some website.,

Point is, I could care less about gameplay, since games are being improved more and more these days, I care about the content inside the game rather than how it looks. Sure, I can say that "I hope this game looks beautiful," but why do I need to say that when the games that I've bought and played all have great decent gameplay.

Need I say more or do people get the point?

are you talking about gameplay or graphics??? because they are both VERY diff from the other. ive seen plenty of games with great graphics and bad gameplay, the other way around too.

i think some people want mk like metal gear solid 4. excellent gameplay, grahics and amazing story. i played it and it was pretty awesome.

i "THINK" thats why boon may have did konquest mode because mk has a pretty good story and lots of fans really find it interesting. so konquest is kinda for the "story fan" rather than the actual 1 on 1(arcade) fighting game fan like me. its like an in depth(action,adventure) story mode......

They're different from the other? Really? I did not know that. I accidentally wrote the "I could care less about how the game looks." I did not meant to write that, I meant to say was that I could care less about the gameplay.

Either way, I could care less about both, despite that I did not meant to intentionally write about graphics..

what do you mean by content???

It means I know where this is going to lead and I refuse to fuel another flame war with you.So I'm not going to answer your question since three thread are already spammed with a ridiculous disagreement that should not have occurred.

nobody wants war. just clear understanding. if you thought that, you was wrong. anyways you stated your opinion like it was a fact(story is the most crucial blah....). i stated my opinion, which is backed by facts. im right you are wrong.

and you dont want another discussion because ill be right again. lol and if you dont want "WAR", stop bringing up my name, unless you want "LOVE". lol hahahahaah........

Omigosh, this is what I was trying to avoid but I guess not. One minor little mention of your name and you're on the case immediately. Seems like someone else is doing the liking rather than the other user...You always start shit. I only mentioned your name once because you drove three threads down the drain with your useless opinions about how gameplay was so important when most people didn't give a fuck. God, you're the most conceded person on this site and I refuse to allow you to continue to think you won every disagreement because they stopped arguing with you. They stopped because they couldn't stand the fact that you couldn't get the whole, "your facts are your opinions," through your easy bake oven head. And no matter how many people try to show you that you were wrong all the time, you still started the argument again by throwing something off topic in your argument, just so you think you sounded intelligent when really you made yourself look like a fool.

Oh, and I made it sound like I was making the whole "story is crucial" a fact. IT'S MY GODDAMN OPINION. Jesus fucking Christ, that's MY GODDAMN OPINION... I wrote that a fucking month ago. I wrote that a fucking month ago to a point where I forgot that I even said something on this thread, don't you dare start throwing something in that was mentioned a month ago. Despite that I still defend my position in this mess, IT'S MY FUCKING OPINION. Whether you want to accept it or not, shut up about facts. Facts facts facts facts facts, who the fuck cares about your damn facts. You never showed one ounce of factual information so just either shut up or stick it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine. I don't care about your facts, your facts are your opinions, when the hell will you get that through your mind? Never, because you're "Mr. Right," I forgot about that... Jesus. So stop saying you got the facts, because they're not facts whatsoever. You've yet to give me a link to any site that shows me where you're right. How 2d is better than 3d, oh shouldn't have mentioned that, now it's gonna be a 2d v. 3d war now. Boo hoo....

I told you that I accidentally wrote something that was not intentionally supposed to be written. There, that's that, do you understand me? And I only brought up your name once, once... Get that, once. There's your goddamn fact. Show me where you got your information if you think you're this "Mr. Right" character. Blah blah blah, your so full of yourself. I'm not going to continue this because this will be the FOURTH argument or whatever. You want to continue arguing and TRYING to prove to me that you're right when you're really wrong and I know so, shoot me a stupid PM or something, I refuse to fuel the flame anymore. So shut up or shoot me a PM, that's it.

Now that's a rant grin
03/05/2010 04:46 AM (UTC)
Ya'll know what? If this next game doesn't have a character that a person wants, Kreate a Kharacter should be here and it should have all the features of the characters that won't make it in the game so players can create their favorite character. All the weapons, clothes, moves, and etc. of the missing fighters should all be selectable in this mode to create those characters. If possible, they should do something about the fatalities of custom characters too. glasses
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