MK9 for PSP
posted01/17/2010 05:34 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/08/2009 07:29 PM (UTC)
I believe it should be in the Playstation Portable because there isn't much MK games in that console yet. Plus, it'd be nice for us to bring MK9 where ever we go.
12/07/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)
I wish. I'll tell ya that much. I freakin' wish.
12/08/2009 05:07 AM (UTC)
Gho$t Wrote:
I wish. I'll tell ya that much. I freakin' wish.

Me too.
01/12/2010 08:40 PM (UTC)
Close this thread please? Someone?
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01/12/2010 09:03 PM (UTC)
PSP owners UNITE! I like MK Deception Unchained. It has this crazy mode in it that no other console MK's have. It's called a survival mode. It's crazy! you keep fighting people until you lose!

What's that ya say? Every other fighting game has been doing that for like 15 years now? Well shucks...

In all seriousness, I really like Unchained. I thought they did a great job with it, in fact. I just hope that the next console MK has a survival mode. It's always a fun mode and it's so freakin basic for fighting games that almost can't believe the MK team fails to include it in their console versions.

MK team: There's more to game modes than Arcade, versus, story and online ya know!
Historical Favorite
01/12/2010 10:15 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.
01/12/2010 11:21 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.
01/12/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5?

There is a limit, and excessive thread making gets threads closed easily, but it's not like it's a big thing to where you need to close all of your threads just because you made one too many. You just need to wait until your threads have like enough responses or gets moved to the next page or so to make more.

It's not a big deal and you don't need to close your threads to make new ones you know.
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

01/12/2010 11:30 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

From the Community FAQ:
"* To prevent flooding and abuse of the forums, you are limited to creating five active threads per forum. This means that any thread active within the last 24 hours or a thread that is still on the first page of that forum after this period counts towards that total. Users found creating excessive amounts of topics will be warned and possibly banned."

By the way, I don't see how Icebaby is annoying, could you explain/elaborate
01/13/2010 12:05 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

From the Community FAQ:
"* To prevent flooding and abuse of the forums, you are limited to creating five active threads per forum. This means that any thread active within the last 24 hours or a thread that is still on the first page of that forum after this period counts towards that total. Users found creating excessive amounts of topics will be warned and possibly banned."

By the way, I don't see how Icebaby is annoying, could you explain/elaborate

Simple, she's always against me.
01/13/2010 12:10 AM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

From the Community FAQ:
"* To prevent flooding and abuse of the forums, you are limited to creating five active threads per forum. This means that any thread active within the last 24 hours or a thread that is still on the first page of that forum after this period counts towards that total. Users found creating excessive amounts of topics will be warned and possibly banned."

By the way, I don't see how Icebaby is annoying, could you explain/elaborate

Simple, she's always against me.

The only thing that I am against you is your strange fascination about rape. It's immorally wrong and grotesque, I have no idea why someone would be so happy to see if being featured in a game. There's a good reason why I'm against rape, as I was a victim of sexual assault back during my freshman year of high school. So you can see why I'm personally against such a thing.

Other than that, Sadistic_Freak, I have nothing against you, I do not hate you, I just disagree with your statement about how rape should be featured in a video game. There's nothing wrong with freedom of opinions or whatever, since you enjoy to cheer that out into the open, but there are just some topics that are either too controversial, completely wrong, or just not even a waste of time to be discussed to talk about... And I believe that rape is one of those topics. (And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site) That is the only thing I am against, other than that, I have nothing against you personally.
01/13/2010 03:16 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

From the Community FAQ:
"* To prevent flooding and abuse of the forums, you are limited to creating five active threads per forum. This means that any thread active within the last 24 hours or a thread that is still on the first page of that forum after this period counts towards that total. Users found creating excessive amounts of topics will be warned and possibly banned."

By the way, I don't see how Icebaby is annoying, could you explain/elaborate

Simple, she's always against me.

The only thing that I am against you is your strange fascination about rape. It's immorally wrong and grotesque, I have no idea why someone would be so happy to see if being featured in a game. There's a good reason why I'm against rape, as I was a victim of sexual assault back during my freshman year of high school. So you can see why I'm personally against such a thing.

Other than that, Sadistic_Freak, I have nothing against you, I do not hate you, I just disagree with your statement about how rape should be featured in a video game. There's nothing wrong with freedom of opinions or whatever, since you enjoy to cheer that out into the open, but there are just some topics that are either too controversial, completely wrong, or just not even a waste of time to be discussed to talk about... And I believe that rape is one of those topics. (And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site) That is the only thing I am against, other than that, I have nothing against you personally.

Alright. I understand where you're coming from. I apologize if my ideas brought back too many bad memories but understand, I don't mean any harm in any way to anyone. It's just me throwing about ideas that I think would make a game more grittier and fun. And it's ok to disagree with me but just be careful of how ya'll (not only you) say it because it can really offend me or to thers you talk to. For example: if you disagree on something, don't say that my ideas are "stupid" or "shitty". Simply say, "I don't agree with this because..." or "I don't like that idea because..." To tell you the truth, I wasn't really happy with you because you did use the words such as "shitty" about my opinions. Oh and you also said a dew things that put me down I just wish I remember what they were. But anyhow, that's that. I just wanted to remind you why I got ticked off with you but I'm already letting go of that. For those of you who want to talk more about MK9 for the PSP, make another thread please.
Historical Favorite
01/13/2010 07:40 AM (UTC)
If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

Icebaby didn't make MKO's rules. And she can't enforce them because she's not a mod. So it's like blaming the Great Depression on your history teacher.
01/13/2010 11:16 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Jironobou Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Close this thread please? Someone?

Any particular reason you're requesting your old threads to be closed? Just curious.

Someone said I'm only aloud to have 5 threads active. I have more. Is that true that I have to onlyu have 5? If you're going to blame someone, blame that annoying Icebaby because she told me that.

From the Community FAQ:
"* To prevent flooding and abuse of the forums, you are limited to creating five active threads per forum. This means that any thread active within the last 24 hours or a thread that is still on the first page of that forum after this period counts towards that total. Users found creating excessive amounts of topics will be warned and possibly banned."

By the way, I don't see how Icebaby is annoying, could you explain/elaborate

Simple, she's always against me.

The only thing that I am against you is your strange fascination about rape. It's immorally wrong and grotesque, I have no idea why someone would be so happy to see if being featured in a game. There's a good reason why I'm against rape, as I was a victim of sexual assault back during my freshman year of high school. So you can see why I'm personally against such a thing.

Other than that, Sadistic_Freak, I have nothing against you, I do not hate you, I just disagree with your statement about how rape should be featured in a video game. There's nothing wrong with freedom of opinions or whatever, since you enjoy to cheer that out into the open, but there are just some topics that are either too controversial, completely wrong, or just not even a waste of time to be discussed to talk about... And I believe that rape is one of those topics. (And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site) That is the only thing I am against, other than that, I have nothing against you personally.

This kinda explains why you seemed a bit hostile towards me with the idea of pushing the rating thread I am assuming. I feel for you and all but I don't think that you should be hostile towards others for posting opinions. I understand how you feel because I have friends/family that went through hell with being sexually victimized but you should not be so outspokenly offensive to people. As for posting too many threads you are right but there are plenty of other posters that have done a lot more worse things than this and had nothing done or said to them...
back on topic...I do not have a PSP but I think it would be fair to have the new MK on it but it all depends on the quality and if the game in full will fit on the handheld.
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01/13/2010 04:24 PM (UTC)
Wow, this thread got really heavy, really fast. I probably don't need to weigh in on this at all, but if we're talking about violence, shock and awe etc in MK. Or the idea that controversy creates cash...

My view is that sex and sexuality can certainly have their place in video games. I know that people from the US can be a bit prude in that regard. We can show guts, blood and gore until the cows come home, but show a nipple, something that feeds babies and has been a part of the female anatomy since human beings came in to existence and the morals police come out in full force.

Why is showing a little skin so taboo? Is it because this country decends from puritan sexual repression? Is it because Christian morals and values are omnipresent even in secular society? I'm certainly not going to throw my opinion out there in that regard. We've already talked about sexual assault, I don't think that I need to bring a religious debate into the mix.

But my feeling is that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed. If MK wants to show a little sex in their cut scenes (if it makes sense for the story and isn't silly or immature) then I'm fine with it.

Maybe you show an unsavory character in a strip club getting a lap dance and then all of a sudden the lady performing the lap dance kills the guy silently, so no one notices. The scene could be sexy and gritty and realistic and shocking, but also important to get an idea of what this female character can do and what her story will look like. That? I'm cool with.

But the idea of allowing players to sexually assault another fighter on screen? What's the point? Yeah, it's controversial. That's also the type of stuff that gets games slapped with an AO rating.

Sex in video games is still in it's infancy. Remember the outrage over Mass Effect? A scene that was slightly over the edge of PG by movie standards was lambasted by Fox News, even if their "information" lacked even a shred of accuracy.

Have you seen the opening scene of the Dante's Inferno trailer? Beatrice's boobs are all over the place. I was honestly shocked. I obviously wasn't offended in any way, but it's definitely surprising. That's where we're at in video games right now, so no, I don't think we're at the point where a game that involves rape in any way, shape or form, would even remotely pass muster with the ESRB.

I do, however, like the idea of injecting MK with some real, adult themes. Whether it's plotlines that go beyond the ideas of good guy kill bad guy (and the infusion of more shades of gray), revenge etc. Or even the way that sexuality is displayed in MK.

As I said in another thread, watching a guy in a full kung fu gi beat up on a woman in what looks like lingerie is equal parts silly and a bit off putting. A woman (or a man for that matter) can be sexy without having to wear ridiculously skimpy clothes. In this regard, I hope that MK stays as far away from Dead or Alive and it's blatantly adolescent view of women as humanly possible.

The eyes, facial expressions, a brief showing of skin, the way a body moves, a victory pose etc.... There are a million ways to make a character sexually appealing. But I also think that, in the right circumstances when it makes sense for the plot, having characters go further than that could create a little shock and awe, if not show people that MK can play the same games that God of War, GTA and others have been doing for some time in terms of controversy.

Returning MK to the top of the controversy heap wouldn't be a bad thing at all, but in my opinion, it has to be done well and for the right reasons. Otherwise, you're just doing stupid, immature crap. Personally, I'd rather MK be on the God of War/GTA side than say... Night Trap, BMX XXX, Thrill Kill or the rest of the games that fall squarely in to the immature garbage pile.

01/14/2010 02:44 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow, this thread got really heavy, really fast. I probably don't need to weigh in on this at all, but if we're talking about violence, shock and awe etc in MK. Or the idea that controversy creates cash...

My view is that sex and sexuality can certainly have their place in video games. I know that people from the US can be a bit prude in that regard. We can show guts, blood and gore until the cows come home, but show a nipple, something that feeds babies and has been a part of the female anatomy since human beings came in to existence and the morals police come out in full force.

Why is showing a little skin so taboo? Is it because this country decends from puritan sexual repression? Is it because Christian morals and values are omnipresent even in secular society? I'm certainly not going to throw my opinion out there in that regard. We've already talked about sexual assault, I don't think that I need to bring a religious debate into the mix.

But my feeling is that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed. If MK wants to show a little sex in their cut scenes (if it makes sense for the story and isn't silly or immature) then I'm fine with it.

Maybe you show an unsavory character in a strip club getting a lap dance and then all of a sudden the lady performing the lap dance kills the guy silently, so no one notices. The scene could be sexy and gritty and realistic and shocking, but also important to get an idea of what this female character can do and what her story will look like. That? I'm cool with.

But the idea of allowing players to sexually assault another fighter on screen? What's the point? Yeah, it's controversial. That's also the type of stuff that gets games slapped with an AO rating.

Sex in video games is still in it's infancy. Remember the outrage over Mass Effect? A scene that was slightly over the edge of PG by movie standards was lambasted by Fox News, even if their "information" lacked even a shred of accuracy.

Have you seen the opening scene of the Dante's Inferno trailer? Beatrice's boobs are all over the place. I was honestly shocked. I obviously wasn't offended in any way, but it's definitely surprising. That's where we're at in video games right now, so no, I don't think we're at the point where a game that involves rape in any way, shape or form, would even remotely pass muster with the ESRB.

I do, however, like the idea of injecting MK with some real, adult themes. Whether it's plotlines that go beyond the ideas of good guy kill bad guy (and the infusion of more shades of gray), revenge etc. Or even the way that sexuality is displayed in MK.

As I said in another thread, watching a guy in a full kung fu gi beat up on a woman in what looks like lingerie is equal parts silly and a bit off putting. A woman (or a man for that matter) can be sexy without having to wear ridiculously skimpy clothes. In this regard, I hope that MK stays as far away from Dead or Alive and it's blatantly adolescent view of women as humanly possible.

The eyes, facial expressions, a brief showing of skin, the way a body moves, a victory pose etc.... There are a million ways to make a character sexually appealing. But I also think that, in the right circumstances when it makes sense for the plot, having characters go further than that could create a little shock and awe, if not show people that MK can play the same games that God of War, GTA and others have been doing for some time in terms of controversy.

Returning MK to the top of the controversy heap wouldn't be a bad thing at all, but in my opinion, it has to be done well and for the right reasons. Otherwise, you're just doing stupid, immature crap. Personally, I'd rather MK be on the God of War/GTA side than say... Night Trap, BMX XXX, Thrill Kill or the rest of the games that fall squarely in to the immature garbage pile.

I completely agree with you on the topic of sexual themes and all. One thing that comes to my mind though is that if things are done in the way to draw controversy...they should take a page out of infinity wards book and allow the player to turn the offensive scenes or anything like that off (the MW2 terrorism levels). I have said it time and time again and agreed with others that games need to start having toggle switches for game content such as gore,profanity and sex.
Having on and off switches should be priority now days because there is some much variety in games and not everyone likes certain stuff.
What you said about fighting in skimpy clothes...I think if it relates to the story why not? like your erotic dancer idea...after such a cut scene the fight could take place in her skimpy attire as just an alt costume or something.
Also,i mentioned in other threads about mythological some female gods and hybrid creatures/ humanoid cryptids could bare topless attires without being immature.
Anyway...this topic is way off the PSP topic. perhaps a topic on the pending rating systems for future installments should be made to further discuss such stuff because it clearly pops up a whole lot as of late. I would do it but will let someone else do the honors if they want.
Historical Favorite
01/14/2010 08:39 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.
01/14/2010 05:31 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.

Omg. *Eyes Rolling*
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

01/14/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.

Omg. *Eyes Rolling*

Well to be honest (and not trying to sound like a jerk) you double/triple post often, currently have eight active threads, and nearly all of your discussion consists of genitals.
01/14/2010 07:28 PM (UTC)
All I gotta say is ... if Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur 4 can look that good on PSP , so can MK9. Mortal Kombat 9 + Taking a shit = good times :)
01/14/2010 07:38 PM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
All I gotta say is ... if Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur 4 can look that good on PSP , so can MK9. Mortal Kombat 9 + Taking a shit = good times :)

Oh yeah. lol
01/14/2010 11:09 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.

To be perfectly frank, I quite honestly don't care... What was said was said. So... confused
Historical Favorite
01/14/2010 11:18 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.

To be perfectly frank, I quite honestly don't care... What was said was said. So... confused

It was just an anecdote, no one is interested in what you care about. Post something worth reading for once.
01/14/2010 11:22 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
(And like you said, you got banned from a different Mortal Kombat site because you talked about that way too much there and they thought you shouldn't belong on that site)

It's funny you say that. I was talking to a former MKO poster just yesterday who asked me how Sadistic wasn't banned yet.

To be perfectly frank, I quite honestly don't care... What was said was said. So... confused

It was just an anecdote, no one is interested in what you care about. Post something worth reading for once.

Then butt out of things that don't concern you and I will post something worth reading... Because you sure like to add your two cents into something that you weren't involved with.
Historical Favorite
01/14/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

Then butt out of things that don't concern you and I will post something worth reading... Because you sure like to add your two cents into something that you weren't involved with.

Yeah, because discussion board.

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