MK9 becoming a better fighter
posted02/24/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
Like duh, I said this so many post ago, that mk needs to be more like tekken as far as characters. If u noticed since tekken5, they got rid of all the chars they really didnt need. Then from tekken5 on they never took any chars out, instead they added few chars at a time. This gave them time 2 fix chars up, giv them more moves as well as balance chars & gameplay out more throughout each tekken game. In the future if not sooner tekken will be a damn near perfect fightin game.
Now, mk needs to add all the chars from mkt with some newer ones from later mk titles(havik,quanchi, shinnok, tanya, kai,sereena, dairou)- with new stories balance gameplay out more, new looks as well as new moves. Then never kill off chars, save that for the gameplay (fatalities) this way the game can keep its chars and they can balance them out throughout each mk, as well as they dont hav to bring bac chars from the dead because of(POPULAR DEMAND) of someones favorite char bein dead,
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/19/2010 06:38 PM (UTC)
plus by you not killing off peoples favorite characters, the game would act more like a tournament as well as like i said be4 you wouldn't have to bring bac chars from the dead because of(POPULAR DEMAND) of someones favorite char bein dead, and end up fukin up the storyline because of this.
Also, YES ppl do want a great story, however if the gameplay is so cool, i rather have more chars. Its better for fightin games this day in age 2 have more then 24 chars and stages especially if online. Atleast if there are more chars, when u finish learning one char you can go to the next, plus more chars makes 4 better variety.
It gets boring to see the same used chars over again, there4 i want more, the same goes with stages. Iseen some1 say why is mk9 commin out so soon R U CRAZY, this MK9 has been in production since the end of 2008, right after mk vs dc released, so dont tell me they didnt have enough months/ years to add everything. Jus because they switched to WB dont mean the production stopped
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/19/2010 06:54 PM (UTC)
oh yeah i forgot
I play mk2 online and there are definitely are not enough chars, after so many fights i get bored by the gameplay as well as chars. PPL waitin on each other 2 jump jus so that they can uppercut you or back kick you, back in the day yes this was exceptable, but after playin 3d mk's no i dont want less chars as well as 2d gameplay its boring, basic and repetitious. 3d makes for wayyy more things you can do. If they stick with 3d they can master it over a period of time, and make it much faster. 2d fightin game play is outdated.
02/19/2010 07:46 PM (UTC)
you make pretty good points about fighters not dying, but mk is SUCH A VIOLENT GAME, were people are trying to take your soul(kill you). tekken just knocks you out. so idk how that would work. and gameplay and fighters are main attraction to fighting games, story just adds to it.

i agree with you alot, even thought you could of said it in one post. lol and mk needs to have better gameplay(deep,technical), its a must have for 3d games. this is not super smash bros guys. lol!!!!! but 2d fighting is not outdated buddy, its CLASSIC. people still play 2d fighters, just check EVO tournament list of games. some will always think 3d is better, some will think 2d is better. i like both of them but 2d is my fav. and you say you can do more things with 3d, ummm no its an illusion buddy. you can side step, stages are a bit diff,camera thats basically it. i mean you are still trying kill your opponent just like in 2d. side step,8 way movement-3d punch-2d,3d(3d has more puches,kicks that you never use, who cares) kick-punch2d,3d jump-2d,3d toward,backwards-2d,3d multiteird stages-2d,3d wall throw-3d wall jump-2d,3d health bar-2d,3d timelimit-2d,3d juggles-2d,3d combos-2d,3d air combos-2d wall bounce combos-2d technical,deep-2d,3d speed-2d is faster, 3d is not that fast block,parry-2d,3d throws-2d,3d duck-2d,3d run,dash-2d,3d so im just trying to say 2d and 3d are not that diff if you really look at it!!! now 3d might have some cute camera angles but you can do that with 2.5 d too. PEACE!!!
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/22/2010 01:55 PM (UTC)
to me this is better and helps mk in the future
02/22/2010 05:39 PM (UTC)
whats better??? 3d????
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/22/2010 10:16 PM (UTC)
I think that MK needs to stay MK thats what makes it original
02/23/2010 02:15 PM (UTC)
yeah you are exactly right. MK needs to STAY MK. meaning they need to bring back 2D GAMEPLAY. because thats the REAL MK i grew up on.
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02/23/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
I enjoy not having every character in one game. MKDA and MKD were both really exciting and wild in terms of being uncertain.

The masses and all of us here on MKO trying to guess the faded black unlockable pictures, best time ive ever had on mko. that and the super unlockables. hahahaha

good times
02/23/2010 03:53 PM (UTC)
Saying that you don't want to see the same character in every game is just like saying that with Street Fighter, and god knows that Street Fighter will not and cannot lose their main characters... which is basically the entire roaster excluding some new characters out.

There should be a limit with how many recurring characters come back to how many new characters should be added.

Turning it back into 2d is not going to make a big difference with the gameplay or not. They may never go back to 2d roots because they haven't done so in the past 5 games, do you believe that they're going to suddenly bring that back? And please note, I said "may," doesn't mean that I'm saying it'll be gone forever, I'm saying it "could" never return since the past 5 games have not been in 2d form.

That's all I have to say.
02/24/2010 01:10 AM (UTC)
i know 2d might not return...... i always hear fans saying mk needs to stay mk and not be like any other fighter. but they want mk to stay 3d. you contradict yourself. if you want mk to stay mk, then you would want it to go back to 2d. mk changed because they are trying to be like vf and tk. street fighter did the same thing but they hurried up and coverd their mistake. stop trying to be like vf and tk and let mk be mk ed boon.

sf4 has sold more or just as much as tk6 and vf5 anyways, so 2d still sells. and most pro gamers prefer 2d.(evo tournament).

3d is more realistic but 2d is more FUN, which is what gaming is all about.

and when you go 3d, you HAVE TO have a good, DEEP fighting system or it wont be good. 2d is not the same because its based on a fast fun factor. which is why i dont complain about mk1-mkt. and thats why mk4 is the best 3d mk, because it was still fast and fun. I DONT EXPECT MK TO HAVE THIS WORLD CLASS FIGHTING SYSTEM, only if they are doing 2d though. soul caibur is an example of how 3d mk fighting system could be deep but not complicated.

name me one 2d fighter that has made a good 3d fighter???? NONE. and if tekken went 2d that would be stupid too and l love 2d gameplay.

once a 2d fighter goes 3d it turns WACK and thats a strong opinion from PRO gamers.(im not a pro gamer)
02/24/2010 03:48 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
name me one 2d fighter that has made a good 3d fighter???? NONE.


BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and thats why mk4 is the best 3d mk, because it was still fast and fun.

Therefore, a a 2d game HAS made a good 3d game. Don't start saying that's not what you meant, here's your fact.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
(im not a pro gamer)

Figured. And trust me, this isn't starting shit, just pointing out a few issues with your last statement.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/24/2010 07:54 AM (UTC)
and mk4 was not the best 3d game, mk4/ GOLD on dreamcast was the 1st best 3d game until mkd. Make no mistake, mkd had fast gameplay also, as well as stage fatalities(TRAPS)
I compared the trilogy kombo speed to mkd kombo speed and believe me the kombos in mkd are faster.
They need 2 stay 3d, its more fun and you can do more things. 2D is ok but in mk2 i got tired of that tit for tat shit, people waitin all day for you to jump so they can uppercut you or roundhouse you. Sorry but that 2d gameplay was ok in the 90's, but not this day in age for mk. Pretty soon if not in mk9, they will master 3d, so y take a step down to 2d. REALLY il be great if the whole game was done in 3d& 2d. You could press a button durin rage to switch the gameplay from 3d to 2d while in battle. It would be like a revenge from players who like 2d more then 3d & players who like 3d better then 2d( So they let u battle it out, by buttun combination pressing.
02/24/2010 07:34 PM (UTC)
yeah im saying mk4/gold is the best 3d fighting game for MK style because it tried to stay 2d and fast. mk4 is a terrible 3d game when it comes to vf and tk, BUT FOR A MK STYLE GAME, THATS HOW MK 3D SHOULD BE. but if a vf game was made like mk4 the vf fans would be throwing up. it was good for mk, not overall though.

if you are a true fan you want mk to be 2d because thats the way it started and thats when it was at it best.

mk has made enough 3d games, they need to do 2d again.

all the pro gamers know mk needs to be 2d, anybody who knows about fighting games know that all mk 3d games suck in terms of gameplay.

story,blood,nostalgic is the only reason mk is hanging on. its really dead as a fighting game, its been turned into a complete casual game gimmick.

mk can only be good as 2d. it never was a deep technical fighter. mk is similar to super smash bros, all style no substance. that is okay for 2d BUT YOU CANT DO THAT WITH 3D GAMES.

im tired of having to keep explaining this 2d/3d game stuff....i sound like broken record. lol
02/24/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
mk has made enough 3d games, they need to do 2d again.

No they don't. They don't need to suddenly change it to 2d just because there's 5 games out that are in 3d. That's utter bologna for a reason to go back to 2d.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
all the pro gamers know mk needs to be 2d, anybody who knows about fighting games know that all mk 3d games suck in terms of gameplay.

You continuously mention this, and it's somewhat annoying. I consider myself as a pro gamer, and I find this statement truly false. Whether it's your lack of sense to figure out that your "2d games are better than 3d" statement is not fact rather than opinion, or you just constantly have to shove this in any argument, you cannot speak out for those that you are not apart of. You just stated that you are not a pro gamer, so how do you know what pro gamers want and don't want if you're not one of them?

The last 3d game the MK team made was MK vs DC and I thought that was a faboulous game in terms of gameplay. Yes, there were a few bugs concerning cheap characters and horrible online play, but the game in general felt smooth and nicely done.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
story,blood,nostalgic is the only reason mk is hanging on. its really dead as a fighting game, its been turned into a complete casual game gimmick.

I doubt that is true. There's more than just the blood and the story that makes people still buy this game despite many have said that Armageddon was a waste of a game and MK vs DC was a big disappointment for a lot of people that they didn't even bother giving the game a chance.

That's just like saying the only reason why MGS has been doing so well is because of their character Snake and the bosses. No, there's a hell of a lot more reasons why that game made the series go to where it's at.

Or saying that the only reason why Street Fighter has been doing so well is because it never changes, we see the same damn thing over again, there's just a few more new characters... Yeah, no.
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02/24/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah im saying mk4/gold is the best 3d fighting game for MK style because it tried to stay 2d and fast. mk4 is a terrible 3d game when it comes to vf and tk, BUT FOR A MK STYLE GAME, THATS HOW MK 3D SHOULD BE. but if a vf game was made like mk4 the vf fans would be throwing up. it was good for mk, not overall though.

if you are a true fan you want mk to be 2d because thats the way it started and thats when it was at it best.

mk has made enough 3d games, they need to do 2d again.

all the pro gamers know mk needs to be 2d, anybody who knows about fighting games know that all mk 3d games suck in terms of gameplay.

story,blood,nostalgic is the only reason mk is hanging on. its really dead as a fighting game, its been turned into a complete casual game gimmick.

mk can only be good as 2d. it never was a deep technical fighter. mk is similar to super smash bros, all style no substance. that is okay for 2d BUT YOU CANT DO THAT WITH 3D GAMES.

im tired of having to keep explaining this 2d/3d game stuff....i sound like broken record. lol

Okay, no offense, but what the hell are you talking about? All the pro gamers know that MK should be 2D? First off, who CARES what "pro gamers" think? Why would their opinion hold any more validity than yours, mine or Ed Boons?

You keep using Street Fighter as the reason why MK should be 2D but here's the thing... Mortal Kombat hasn't been a 2D fighting game in over a DECADE. Read that again. It's been over TEN YEARS since MK has been a 2D fighter. MK is NOT a 2D fighting series.

Icebaby wouldn't say it, but I will: The MK team will NOT go back to 2D. They want advanced graphics, they always have. 2D fighting games haven't been popular since the 90's... Add those up and what do you get?

Your argument for Street Fighter is also full of holes that you refuse to address like the fact that SF4 came out about 8 years after the last SF game. People thought it was dead. People wanted to get it for nostalgia's sake. MK doesn't have those things going for them.

Also, show me a good 2D style for MK. Is digitized graphics from back in the mid 90's? Yeah, that'll go over great. I mean, for one thing, most game companies look to fifteen years ago for inspiration in terms of graphics. It was such a beatiful time by today's standards.

Or maybe you want Street Fighter's style of animation and backgrounds and the sort of cartoony look, only darker... Right? Did I hit the nail on the head yet? Well here's an idea, why don't we just let Street Fighter be Street Fighter and we'll let MK be what it's been for the last 10 plus years, hmm?

Also, I've been playing MK since the first one came out in beta test in the arcade, so yes, I'm a true fan and I don't want to see them go back in time. I also don't think that MK's been living on notalgia for the last ten years and the review scores from most outlets back me up on that.

MK routinely scores between a 7 and a 9, which tells me that while MK isn't the elite of the elite in fighting games, they're not exactly running on fumes either.

Seriously man, if you want MK to be 2D, that's fine, I can respect that, but your logic and reasoning seems to be supported by innacurate statements and half truths.
02/24/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Icebaby wouldn't say it, but I will: The MK team will NOT go back to 2D. They want advanced graphics, they always have. 2D fighting games haven't been popular since the 90's... Add those up and what do you get?

Ahh, yes. And I can back this statement about how they wanted to be advance with the character Kabal. I remember the writers or creators or whoever clearly wanted to make Kabal look more cool looking by adding that breathing pack on his back in when he was first introduced but they couldn't since they did not have the proper technology during that time.

That and I fully agree with your entire post, Baraka.
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02/24/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
Oh, and in regard to your question on what 2D fighting games have made it as 3D fighters? This kind of ties back in to what I was saying before...

The 2D fighting craze DIED in the 90's. Even 3D fighters have become a niche market. But they still survive on the backs of the genre's premiere titles. But no, 2D fighters are a novelty from video game's past.

I'm guessing (and again, this is just a guess) that most companies didn't see the wisdom in pouring money in to trying to make one of their 2D fighting games 3D because there simply wasn't a lot of money in it.

That's why you don't see a new Killer Instinct, Bloodstorm, Fighters Destiny, Samurai Shodown, King of Fighters, Weaponlord, Eternal Champions, etc etc etc...

But you know what? If they ever bring one of those series back from the great beyond? I'll bet that it will most likely come back as a 3D fighter, even with all the nostalgia over SF4.
02/24/2010 09:39 PM (UTC)
your nostalgia argument cant be proven for everyone because thats not the reason i bought it. nostalgia is an opinion anyways, cant be proven. and people wanted a new sf game, but not that bad because they created classics that could be played forever. and at least sf TAKES TIME TO DO THE GAME, NOT JUST RUSH IT.

you guys just like 3d better and you try to make me sound stupid. just say you like 3d better and the argument will be over.

MK is a 2d series(FACT). it CHANGED to a 3d series(FACT). it was first 2d. or i am a lying about that too??? it changed because vf and tk was getting popular, thats how i know they are sell outs(ed boon). they only want money. capcom(street fighter) does too, but at leat they give you a decent product.

the reason why i compare it to street fighter is because mk copied them. yeah its a lil diff, but they copied them. all 2d fighters did. no surprise.(FACT)

and i know pro gamers. pro gamers are the people who play at tournaments for money. tiers are based off pro players. so dont tell me that their opinion dont matter.

HUMMMM i wonder why at the BIGGEST fighting game tournament(EVO), pro gamers VOTE FOR OLD 2d games every year????3rd strike,mvsc2,gg,sf2 make it almost every year. so thats how i know pro gamers prefer 2d, BECAUSE PROS VOTE THE GAMES IN. only tk6 got voted in this year.

and mkvs dc did not get voted in. IT SUCKS. IT EVEN SUCKS FOR A MK TITLE. if you know anything about pro gaming, i would not have explain that to you. no mk has never been voted in, because they are not up to standards in gameplay. they are considerd as button mashers, but are pretty fun. not so fun when you try to be all realistic. mk is about fast 2d gameplay with over the top violence. not trying to be slow and realistic like vf and tk.

and the japanese moslty play 2d. and they create the best 2d and 3d fighting games. so whatever the japs say goes. lol naww im actually serious.

i got facts you got opinions. argument over. naww you will think up something. lol

and baraka give me your reasons why 3d fighting is sooooooo better than 2d fighters.

no EXCUSES just admit that sf4 did better than 3d games. sf4 did good because it is a good game. if sf4 would have did bad, you would have tossed it up in my face!!!! ssf4 is gonna do good to. 2.5d is the way to go FOR 2d FIGHTERS from the 90's. if mk would have stared out 3d i would want it to stay that way, but it did not.

im still waithing for the 2d to 3d games success interms of gameplay. everyone has FAILED MAJORLY. and if street fighter, the king of fighting games, could not do it, you know mk version is gonna suck. lol

mk4-mkvs dc suck. i bet you guys would not even put a MK 3d game over a 2d mk game. 3d mk SUCK. TEKKEN AND VIRTUA FIGHTER GOT 3d GAMES LOCKED UP. and doa has the stylish and gimmicky 3d games locked up. sorry mk, because thats what you are known for.
02/24/2010 10:07 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
you guys just like 3d better and you try to make me sound stupid. just say you like 3d better and the argument will be over.

Yeah, that's the point of what we're trying to make, we're trying to make you look stupid... (BIG SARCASM RIGHT THERE) No body and I mean no body is trying to make you look stupid, but your arguments are just not even arguments it's just babble rabble... Seriously, when you argue, you throw in more things to argue about not just the main thing that people were disagreeing with you from the start.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
MK is a 2d series(FACT).

Really? Then why did it change to 3d then if it's supposed to be a 2d series?

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
it CHANGED to a 3d series(FACT).

Then it's not considered a 2d series anymore if it changed to 3d.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
it was first 2d. or i am a lying about that too??? it changed because vf and tk was getting popular, thats how i know they are sell outs(ed boon). they only want money. capcom(street fighter) does too, but at leat they give you a decent product.

Every company in the world wants money, whoever didn't know that obviously doesn't know about the business industry.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
the reason why i compare it to street fighter is because mk copied them. yeah its a lil diff, but they copied them. all 2d fighters did. no surprise.(FACT)

What? WHAT? Mortal Kombat did not copy Street Fighter, they did not. They've probably got some ideas off of that game, but they certainly did not copy Street Fighter. If they did, we would be seeing MK characters trying to destroy a car with their bare hands under a certain amount of time or find some mysterious fighter coming out to knock out the boss totally and make you fight some indestructible asshole. They certainly did not copy Street Fighter.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and i know pro gamers. pro gamers are the people who play at tournaments for money. tiers are based off pro players. so dont tell me that their opinion dont matter.

Shut up right there. You do not know what pro gamers are if you consider yourself not as a pro gamer. You don't know what pro gamers are, so why are you saying you know what they're like if you're not one? This is where I'm arguing with you. You certainly do not know your stuff, you do not back up your statements with solid hardcore evidence to prove to those who argue/disagree with you to be wrong.

Pro gamers do not spend their lives at "tournaments" for money. I have no idea where the fuck you got that information, I don't even want to know where you got that, but that's not the definition of a pro gamer. Shut up about things you don't know. If you're thinking that people are trying to make you look stupid, you're doing that by yourself by talking about things you do not know.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
HUMMMM i wonder why at the BIGGEST fighting game tournament(EVO), pro gamers VOTE FOR OLD 2d games every year????3rd strike,mvsc2,gg,sf2 make it almost every year. so thats how i know pro gamers prefer 2d, BECAUSE PROS VOTE THE GAMES IN. only tk6 got voted in this year.

What are you talking about?

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and mkvs dc did not get voted in. IT SUCKS. IT EVEN SUCKS FOR A MK TITLE. if you know anything about pro gaming, i would not have explain that to you. no mk has never been voted in, because they are not up to standards in gameplay. they are considerd as button mashers, but are pretty fun. not so fun when you try to be all realistic. mk is about fast 2d gameplay with over the top violence. not trying to be slow and realistic like vf and tk.

Rambling incoherently.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
and the japanese moslty play 2d. and they create the best 2d and 3d fighting games. so whatever the japs say goes. lol naww im actually serious.

Here's another reason why you're making yourself look a bit foolish. You don't know the world like it's in the palm of your hand. You cannot back this up with solid evidence that every Japanese gamer plays 2d games. You're putting more crap into your arguments to make you seem smart, this isn't showing off that you know everything, it's showing that you can't stick to one topic while someone is disagreeing with you so you'll do anything to make them look stupid compared to you.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i got facts you got opinions. argument over. naww you will think up something. lol

If you truly have facts, which I doubt, I expect some sort of web link that proves you're telling the truth, otherwise, I'm just going to laugh every time you come back with another babble because this is just babble. You change topic every time and you state that you have facts, NO YOU FREAKING DON'T. Because if you did, you 'd show it but I have not once seen any living proof that you're right. You're not because you don't have anything to show that you are right.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
mk4-mkvs dc suck.

In your opinion, not the entire fanbase of MK's opinions.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i bet you guys would not even put a MK 3d game over a 2d mk game.

I'm putting MK vs DC over MK3 because I didn't really enjoy that game too much, uh oh.

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
3d mk SUCK.

02/24/2010 10:27 PM (UTC)
icebaby you dont know what the evo tournament is?????
02/24/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
icebaby you dont know what the evo tournament is?????

I did not see the (EVO) right next to the word tournament... I apologize for the mix up.
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