MK8; An MK too far?
posted08/05/2007 02:39 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/18/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
I love the MK series and hope it lasts forever (me too so I can play it =P) but I was thinking the other day should Mortal Kombat just end now? I've spoken to quite a few people and they are very pessimistic about the next MK to say the least.

As a fanboy I'd love for MK to go on but as a fan of the series I have to question whether releasing another MK will do more harm than good. I mean if Midway wanted to end MK, now would be the best time to do so. They have just released a game with all the MK characters in it and had billed it as wiping the slate clean, well how about just end it there? All they would really have to do it release all the bios and then official canon endings, which they could subsequently release in a Special Edition of MK:A. That would wrap up the story nicely.

On the other hand if Midway chooses to continue with MK (which they most likley will, since I think it's their biggest money earner) they risk messing up the storyline even further (if that's even possible) and ruining all that was achieved before. It's all fine and dandy to proclaim a clean slate, but we all know characters or at least rip-offs of characters, will return due to fan pressure. Also where would they take the story? I see no way to inject anymore life into the series.

I have to question what is good for MK, not what is good for me. It's like with TV shows, some end at their peak, others drag on until they get canceled. Which would you rather have for MK? A fighting game franchise that ended on a high, being remembered as one of the greats. Or a franchise that was bled dry, remembered more for never knowing when to stop as opposed to anything great it achieved.

Midway has managed to lose the 'casual fan' one that goes, "ooo this looks cool" and "that was fun I'll buy the next one too". They're the life blood of a franchise, not the hardcore fan. Although that's not to say we're not important. We know what makes the game great, please us, (which doesn't necessarily mean do everything we demand) and you can guarantee you'll please the 'casual fan', which in turn results in mass sells.

I guess what it comes down to, is that I would like to see MK go out on a high now, rather than whither and die slowly with the next 2 - 3 games.

So what are your thoughts, should MK end now? Push on despite how bad it gets? Or is there yet hope for the franchise?
07/11/2007 12:44 PM (UTC)
Hey Crispy. I hope MK does last forever in whatever form (games, movies, comics, whatever, etc.) But, an MK8 that goes off the old generation too much is an MK too far. What I mean by an MK too far is the current generation story being dragged out. But, if MK8 wipes the slate entirely clean, meaning if they bring whole new concepts to the table, with some old ones that didn't get their due time (Chaosrealm, Orderrealm, etc.) then it's a bran new MK. Needless to say, things are going to get more serious in the next generation according to the MK team, so that is a new MK. I think MK will last forever, imo. There are just too many fans. And let's say Boon dies or decides not to do MK anymore, there will be someone else to pick up the ball (I'd be waiting in line and probably some others here too).

So, no MK8 is not an MK too far, if you look at it as a Rebirth. Trust me, there are plenty of fans here who have ideas that could keep MK alive for a lot longer. I don't think it should end now at all, they need to do some redeeming after MKA. I don't think it will get bad as long as they keep to originality, which MK has. The problem is, Midway is trying to suck the well dry, but yet keep the fans hooked, which isn't working right now. wink
07/11/2007 12:51 PM (UTC)
If they don't call it "Mortal Kombat 8" but starts on a new series of MK games it wouldn't mess the storyline. They have the world, but they should start on a whole new story! The whole "Outworld VS Earthrealm" era should end and a new era should start.
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07/11/2007 06:19 PM (UTC)
I would hate it if MKA was the last game.I mean it wouldn't feel right.I hope MK will last longer in the future but it will have to end sometime.sad
07/11/2007 08:54 PM (UTC)
totally agree with crispy dragon...if Mk woudl stop,this is the right moment.
Now'll explain.

What i mean:why in the hell kill off 90/95 % of your characters,characters that YOU(Ed boon & co) created logn ago?

It's like i kill my son only 'cause he can't give more money.
I kill my son only because he's not useful,etc.

Mk has his storyline with old and new characters.
I want the NEW and the OLD characters as well.
tekken never kills of his characters,and even if they die,they find a way to return.Steet fighter too.dead or Alive too.every franchise.
try to image SONY that kills off Crash bandicoot only because wants to clear the state?it would be a failure,a flop!

Instead if we make enter new things and characters and intersting thing and merge with the old things that begin to annoy,we''ll have a perfect product.
example:70% of Mk fan boys want to see johnny cage die and hotaru survive.
But why?Why they can't survive both?
It' enough ive a decent storyline to both of them,and maybe make a connection between the two characters.
Idem for Scorpion.Or liu kang.

Everyone have his favourite characters,oh God there are also Mokap fans out there,so why risk to lose fanboys for killing useness characters?
change the useness into useful.

this however it's just a dream,they have the right amount of time to develop their games,idem for the storyline.
So they decide to start everything again.

this is why i'll not buy Mk8 and i'll not play it.
i still hope,howver that with time all my favourite charcaters wil return,in a way or ther.because i still prefer a character I like with stupid storyline,instead of a mediocre character loved only for his storyline.
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Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

07/12/2007 05:20 AM (UTC)

Short version of my reasoning: MKA sucked, but MK still has the potential to be good again.

Long version:
1.) MKA was a horrible end, even with the bios and such now. A "special edition" would only be seen as a way of milking the fans further. All that stuff was supposed to be in the game to begin with.

2.)As much as I liked the story of MK, it was overrated (well, maybe not in the fighting game universe, but generally). I'm confident that they can make an at least decent new story.

3.) Though fatalities will never again reach their nostalgic awesomeness, MK is probably the only fighting series with the "birthright" to them. Almost any other series that tries to do fatalities could be written off as an MK wannabe.
I suggest MK8 do something big with fatalities to make them worthwhile to learn.

4.) Though it's a long shot, Boon and co. could start listening more to the non-stupid fans on gameplay. LONG SHOT, but possible. Decent gameplay would bring MK closer to the awesomeness MK has within it.
07/20/2007 02:21 PM (UTC)
MORE MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/22/2007 03:47 AM (UTC)
No, because the MK team has yet ANOTHER chance to start from scratch, and build a solid fighting system. If MK8 does not have a solid system, then honestly, it never will.
I have been reading several threads that hover around this issue: The future of MK and will it really be "a clean slate". This is a long post but i hope it is profitable.

When I was at college, my professors told me to be very careful about peer influence. For my senior project I had to make a film and I chose to do one about a local musician and what brought him to his ultimate career, etc. Anyway, my teachers warned us so many times to not show our progress to any other students. Of course the exception would be your cast...maybe.

I didn't understand this at first because I am one who wants criticism so that I can get better. But the downside was peer pressure. Letting one person see your half finished product makes them feel obligated to contribute...but it doesn't stop there and then they feel like you should accept their ideas.

Now begins the problems with midway. We have a team that has a series of different categories to work on.

1. story
2. character sketches
3. Fatalities
4. special moves and martial arts stances
5. mini-games (or whatever extras like krypt and things)
6. Purpose

Now I know that they all mesh with eachother but that doesn't mean an entire team should have it's hands in everything. Originaly for MK1 and Mk2 it seems to me like the story was handled by a small amount of people. Where has it gone since then? I know employees left and the head-ups make story-threatening demands and thus MKA was born.

Like the comparison to the project I was working on, invloving too many peers was detrimental. I allowed some peers to watch what I had because I was confident it would ultimately help me. It did not. It made me more open to accepting ideas from my friends rather than follow the script and planning process I had worked on alone (with some help from proffessors) for over two years.

It's kinda like a 50/50 risk but I can understand my professors point. The story needed to be mine...not a mix of what everyone wanted. MKA seems to be an attempt by midway to give people what they wanted.

Now look back to the era of MK2. Sure they had some ideas but I have a hard time believing they were watching the boards or reading magazine write-ins for suggestions.They had everything they needed.

They had a good premise of a story of good vs evil and the lives of many different people and realms at stake. They opened new doors with the background on the elder gods and new chapters to learn the backstory of the characters.

If you read about the making of Shaolin monks...backstory on mk2 fighters was already being thought out around the same time as MK2. I have no proof but I remember reading about and the plans of doing the same for other characters.

Then tobias left and probably some other great employees. The franchise took a turn and their focus and premise changed.

I know there are die-hard fans who look at mk strickly for gameplay issues...that is not my concern for this subject. Story is the main thing to perfect.

If MK8 follows its trend and does not learn from its mistakes then I agree MK8 should not be made and the series should end with MKA. I would hate to see it go but I see the arguements on both sides. I hope this wasn't too lame and boring. later.
07/22/2007 04:20 AM (UTC)
I don't think it is an MK too far, but....

Apocalypse27 Wrote:
No, because the MK team has yet ANOTHER chance to start from scratch, and build a solid fighting system. If MK8 does not have a solid system, then honestly, it never will.

What Apicalypse27 sais resonates alot.
07/22/2007 02:33 PM (UTC)
Carpathain_Malice Wrote:
I hope this wasn't too lame and boring. later.

you lame and boring jfcalibur? no!! couldnt be!!!

btw, didnt you call this entire site a haystack? why do you still post here then?

and tell nukes to update my thread please, thanks backstabber

benevolence part 4: dont work with people, then backstab them.

see u in mk 8,backstabbing wannabe jealous loser.
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07/23/2007 03:21 AM (UTC)
I say it should never end no matter what.
07/31/2007 09:17 PM (UTC)
mortal kombat needs to go on forever. they'll probly begin to make some awsome mk ideas now. like armageddon was real good. creating characters and all characters unlocked exept 4 and it has old school mortal kombat theme to it
08/05/2007 02:39 PM (UTC)
I think that Midway is going about MK8 the wrong way. Rather than killing of the characters and adding a new cast. They should concentrate on refreshing the gameplay. For example MKA has become a case of standing next to your opponent and blocking until they attempt to attack you then respond with and long combo. I dont like a gameplay style that encourages you to be an opportunist. Whilst im on the subject of new characters, remeber more or less had a completely new cast. Did we ever again see most of that new cast until MKA? NO! because everyone loved the classic characters way more than the newcomers! The same is fated for MK8.
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