mk7 seven confirmed for 360
posted10/02/2005 01:55 AM (UTC)by
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08/30/2005 07:33 PM (UTC)
at they confirmed that mk7 was coming out on the 360.
they found a microsoft issued list of future titles. it also included killer instinct 3 and halo 3. according to some other sites the list is going to be in a futre magazine.

I kant wait for mk7 its gonna be sweet ass.
Holy crap I hope it's true! confused
09/28/2005 03:10 PM (UTC)
Hmmm, I would'nt get my hopes up. This is what the site said:

All these unconfirmed but highly anticipated titles just showed up on a picture of a game list named “Full Release List”.

This list was submitted to us by a reader and at the moment we don’t have any info to go along with it, so I want to stress that we don’t know if the list is real or not. However, the games listed, amongst them Killer Instinct 3 , Mortal Kombat 7, Ninja Gaiden 2, Fable 2 and Halo 3 are all unconfirmed games that the fans have been hoping for. As soon we find out the source of this list, we will let you know.

It's unconfirmed, they don't know if it's real and the list as submitted by a reader.

Those games sound cool, but I'm afraid it's a reader's wishlist.

Time will tell I guess.
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09/28/2005 04:08 PM (UTC)
I hope they come out with a Killer Instinct 3. I'll buy that shit in a second.
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09/28/2005 04:11 PM (UTC)
YES!!! Finaly a KI3!!! yeah MK7 sounds cool too.grin
They are all highly possible games though, being that Rare is directly working with Microsoft. Cheers to Mk7 and KI3 to hopefully rule the fighting scene again.
09/28/2005 05:32 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I hope they come out with a Killer Instinct 3. I'll buy that shit in a second.

you are not the only one......
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

09/28/2005 09:13 PM (UTC)
really......not to be a smart ass, but what did you think MK7 will be on? commodore 64 or Sega Genesis?
09/28/2005 11:48 PM (UTC)
MolochMonsta Wrote:
really......not to be a smart ass, but what did you think MK7 will be on? commodore 64 or Sega Genesis?

thank you. its true what else is it gonna be on, its comin out in about 2 years!
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09/29/2005 12:01 AM (UTC)
MK7 will almost assuredly be multiplatform and for the next gen systems, so no real shock there. Halo 3, well, while Gates says it's coming out the day PS3 launches (though Bungie won't confirm that), it's pretty obvious that Halo 3 will come out, at one point or another, on XBox 360. Ninja Gaiden 2 was already confirmed to be in production by Tomonobu Itigaki (if you don't know who he is, he's the brain behind Ninja Gaiden as well as the DOA fighting game series). The question for a while has been which system it's being developed for, as Itigaki has been been somewhat tight-lipped in response to that question. Still, given Team Ninja's support of Microsoft, it wouldn't be surprising at all to see NG2 coming out on 360.

Killer Instinct 3 however is a different story altogether.

Don't get me wrong, MK is my favorite fighting series by FAR. But KI is definitely way up there on my list as well. So I'd love to see a KI3. Heck, I'd be happy with a rerelease package of the arcade versions of KI and KI2. The problem with KI3 though, is that the team that developed the first two games (and KI Gold for N64) simply doesn't exist anymore. Many of those people left Rare or are in different departments. This is all information that I have read in magazines. EGM did a "where are they now" article a year or two ago where they went to the sources of games that the public wanted sequels for. KI was on the list, and when they talked to Rare, the spokesperson said that the people responsible for KI haven't been a team for some time, and many of them don't work for Rare anymore.

Now obviously, it wouldn't be difficult to pull a team together and make a KI3. But this is Rare we're talking about. If you've ever seen a game where Rare has gone the easy route, show it to me, because it doesn't exist. I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm just saying that unlike the other games on that list, which seem like gimme's to me, KI3 seems more like a pipe dream. You put enough games on a list that are obviously coming out, and stick them around one that is more of a wish than anything else, and more people might believe you. At least, that's the attitude I'm taking until I see something official. That said, it would be REALLY freakin cool to see KI3 on 360!
09/29/2005 12:44 AM (UTC)
Awesome, if it's true.

I would also buy KI3 in a heartbeat when it comes out.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

09/29/2005 12:53 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
MK7 will almost assuredly be multiplatform and for the next gen systems, so no real shock there. Halo 3, well, while Gates says it's coming out the day PS3 launches (though Bungie won't confirm that), it's pretty obvious that Halo 3 will come out, at one point or another, on XBox 360. Ninja Gaiden 2 was already confirmed to be in production by Tomonobu Itigaki (if you don't know who he is, he's the brain behind Ninja Gaiden as well as the DOA fighting game series). The question for a while has been which system it's being developed for, as Itigaki has been been somewhat tight-lipped in response to that question. Still, given Team Ninja's support of Microsoft, it wouldn't be surprising at all to see NG2 coming out on 360.

Killer Instinct 3 however is a different story altogether.

Don't get me wrong, MK is my favorite fighting series by FAR. But KI is definitely way up there on my list as well. So I'd love to see a KI3. Heck, I'd be happy with a rerelease package of the arcade versions of KI and KI2. The problem with KI3 though, is that the team that developed the first two games (and KI Gold for N64) simply doesn't exist anymore. Many of those people left Rare or are in different departments. This is all information that I have read in magazines. EGM did a "where are they now" article a year or two ago where they went to the sources of games that the public wanted sequels for. KI was on the list, and when they talked to Rare, the spokesperson said that the people responsible for KI haven't been a team for some time, and many of them don't work for Rare anymore.

Now obviously, it wouldn't be difficult to pull a team together and make a KI3. But this is Rare we're talking about. If you've ever seen a game where Rare has gone the easy route, show it to me, because it doesn't exist. I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm just saying that unlike the other games on that list, which seem like gimme's to me, KI3 seems more like a pipe dream. You put enough games on a list that are obviously coming out, and stick them around one that is more of a wish than anything else, and more people might believe you. At least, that's the attitude I'm taking until I see something official. That said, it would be REALLY freakin cool to see KI3 on 360!

Exactly, if anything don't expect a Killer Instinct game in a LONG time. Rare has their hands full with Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo, but when those two games are released that leaves them free to start a new project like a new KI so it's possible but not very likely. That said though you shouldn't expect a new KI game for a LONG time especially if you know Rare's track record with delaying games.
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09/29/2005 05:00 AM (UTC)
actualy about two months ago rare was confronted by a gaming site about the re liscensing of the killer instinct franchise. they have already stated that they are coming up with ideas for the project. but that was all they said. and at e3 they stated that they have five projects in the works for the 360 pdz and kameo being two of them. they said int the future we will see classic games returning. but it probabaly wouldnt be for a while.
09/29/2005 07:01 AM (UTC)
MolochMonsta Wrote:
really......not to be a smart ass, but what did you think MK7 will be on? commodore 64 or Sega Genesis?

actually I thought I remember hearing from boon or another mk crew member, stating they were not postivie whether MK7 would be on ps3/360 or ps2/xbox.
09/29/2005 10:10 PM (UTC)
Sea_Serpent Wrote:
MolochMonsta Wrote:
really......not to be a smart ass, but what did you think MK7 will be on? commodore 64 or Sega Genesis?

actually I thought I remember hearing from boon or another mk crew member, stating they were not postivie whether MK7 would be on ps3/360 or ps2/xbox.

its probaly a joke of something. cuz mkdeception or deadly alliance weren't playable for PS1 or Dreamcast.
09/29/2005 10:29 PM (UTC)
Last August, CEO David Zucker himself said MK7 would be for next-gen Xbox and PS consoles. Then came word from Boon earlier this year saying they would consider making it a current-gen.

I doubt they'd contradict Zucker's statement, but then could look at that whole Gates/Bungie Halo issue as another example.tongue

Not sure how reliable is, but being a Xbox diehard, glad to hear it.
09/30/2005 12:58 AM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
thank you. its true what else is it gonna be on, its comin out in about 2 years!
I saw in an old issue of Gamepro where they previewed MK:SM,they said Midway plans to release a game under the MK name once a year.tongue lets hope its turesmile
10/02/2005 01:55 AM (UTC)
thats weird.

in psm mk is listed as one of the ps3 launch titles.
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