MK7 Raiden
posted09/13/2005 10:22 AM (UTC)by
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04/12/2005 05:28 PM (UTC)
If you could change Raiden for MK 7 how would you do it? I would give him his MKDA look and make his story so that Fujin beats him to his senses.
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08/31/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)
that would be pretty cool
i would keep him pissed and make his moves more powerful and fast.
i also think that they should have another tournament so when the earthrealm wins raiden could go back to normal since he just laid a whole lot of smack down on the next boss. You know take out some frustrations.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

08/31/2005 07:08 PM (UTC)
I, personally, would make him the sub-boss of MK7. It's almost universal that everyone believes him to be corrupted after he blew himself to smithereens trying to destroy Onaga, so him being another unwilling agent of the One Being (like Onaga, Shujinko, and Khan were; I'd have it that it was the One Being's influence that corrupted him) would make sense. Fujin would, of course, have to come back to confront his old mentor, while foolishly believing that he could negate the One Being's influence over Raiden by destroying the Kamidogu.
08/31/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
same as mkda. Good and a good story. and white
09/01/2005 02:02 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see John Vogel take Raiden's new storyline path and develop it even further. It's very interesting and I love this change for him as it adds something new and exciting for his character. I really like both of his costumes though I don't know why he has to have sandals on though he should just have them for his alt costume with the dark samurai look.

Fighting wise, Jujutsu is a great fit for him, especially with the samurai thing he's got going on in his alternate costume. The Wakizashi, a Japanese bladed weapon smaller than the Katana but larger than the Tanto, would go well with the Jujutsu style and the whole samurai look. I wouldn't mind seeing him with the Lightning Staff but they need to add more moves with it or something...For another unarmed style, I was thinking of a style name of Raijinken (Thunder God Fist) for him.

I suggested in a thread made by Joes04 about Mode A with 2 styles and Mode B with two other styles and each character or maybe most of them at least will have Modes A and B.

For mode A with Raiden's dark thunder god costume, he could have Raijinken and Lightning Staff while in mode B with his dark samurai costume, he could have Jujutsu and Wakizashi.

I'd like to see him with all of his special moves and maybe a charge on his lightning blasts. I also like the electro shield move he does in the MKD intro to protect himself from Shang Tsung's fireball. That could be a good projectile defense move for him.
09/03/2005 06:37 AM (UTC)
That a great Idea for MK 7......
Rayden become "Evil" feeling that Mortals are to egotistacal to Defend Earth and begins a tyraid on Earth Warriors. And this causes the RETURNING Shao Kahn to attempt another Earth takeover however Shao Kahn is in the same boat as Rayden feeling that the Outworld Warriors Betrayed him. so Kahn pretty much hates everyone in Outworld Howver we make Kahn the sub-boss and Rayden the Final Boss. also in the Storyline Liu Knag is still Dead. The Elder Gods are dissapointed in Rayden and Assign Fujin as the New Protector of Earth and Leads Shojinko and
09/07/2005 07:50 AM (UTC)
I much prefer seeing the old 'good guy' Raiden, but I don't see how that would be possible with the current storyline and still make sense. Perhaps in MK7 have the dark Raiden but for his ending have him revert back to his white/blue outfit once he cools down and sees that rage isn't the answer. Humans are....human. We make mistakes and as I read somewhere....Rule no. 1 People are stupid. After all his centuries as a Earthrealm god and Sworn Protector, he should already know this but Shinjinkos (sp?) stupidity was just the last straw. BTW Fujin is already Sworn Protector of Earthrealm. Raiden never got the job back when he walked out on the Elder Gods. (I think)
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09/12/2005 02:34 PM (UTC)
yeh i would love to see Raiden darker and scarier, i think there should be one more game before he goes evil, just one more to push him deeper...

der should be another boss and more mortals becoming corrupt.. it would be even better the see a bit of earthrealm destroyed.. and raiden finally click. with a mision to kill anyone who was involves in earthrealm being damaged
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09/12/2005 03:17 PM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
yeh i would love to see Raiden darker and scarier, i think there should be one more game before he goes evil, just one more to push him deeper...

Agreed. In the next game, he should be REALLY REALLY strict and dark and such. Then in his ending the elder gods ban him or something, making him get angry and want to make the world his, and make his own rules.. Then maybe in MK 8 he can be the final boss!
09/12/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)
Raiden just inexplicably goes back to being the main force of good in the MK universe for no explained reason, other than the fact that turning good guys evil for a quick (and pointless) plot twist is just as stupid in video games as it is in comic books.
09/13/2005 12:28 AM (UTC)
Wow...well, I don't think it's pointless. I'm sure there's some explanation behind it. I like this new development in Raiden's character, because there wasn't too much to him before...
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/13/2005 02:23 AM (UTC)
i think this one of the best things to happen to raiden in a while...his story, his look, his attitude...everything fits...i don't see him as evil or corrupted...he's just a much more of a makavelli(yeah i know it's spelled wrong haha) version of himself...the ends justify the means...and if that just happens to mean killing off foolish earth warriors who would've put earth realm in jeopardy..then that's just what would have to happen...Is it better to love and guide earth or rule it with an iron fist...that's where raiden is coming from right now...and i love itwowlong live dark raiden
09/13/2005 10:22 AM (UTC)
I dont like the idea of Raiden being the boss in MK7. Not atall. I think he is too good to be the boss. He has become a good supremist of sorts. He would kill all who threatened Earth's survival, even unintentionally, so i see him as more of a dark hero. i posted an idea elsewhere that the games story mode should be unique to each character with story relevant fights, and a plot that drives each fight (aswell as Soul Callibur style nameless characters, such as Tarkatans Warriors, and Shokan warriors with numerous outfits, or variations, such as Baraka with an alt costume becoming Tarkatan Warrior)

So for Raiden, you would fight a number of good or neutral fighters who had caused potential for harm to Earthrealm, or who you did not consider purely good. Then, in the stories of a number of good and neutral fighters, you would encounter Raiden, and THIER perspective might show him as a lunatic, but others purspectives, such as Lui Kang, who i expect would side with him in his purification, might show him as a greater good.
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