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12/15/2005 09:50 PM (UTC)
YaGreatness Wrote:
This by far is my best idea, bring back Frost let her be unfroze by scorpion and subzero. And let them both Scorpion and Frost join the lin Kuei and be Subzero's partners/ left and right hands.
Bring back the following: Motaro, Kintaro, Shinnok, Sheeva, and Jarek.
keep shujinko, but make a better story.
Build off of his ending. he wasnt the champion but scorpion was.
Scorpion there for becomes good. Forming a truce with subzero.
Subzero and scorpion go after quan chi and shao kahn.
THEY win the tournament there by leading into the next one. MK Tag Team Kombat.
Bring back striker they were supposed to in MK4 but didnt.
Let the people be unlocked by beating the game with certain other people. Tie their stories together.

keep dairou i wasnt interested n his story.
let the dragon king STAY DEAD!
no more lond ass konquest! it was fun but make it shorter.


was completely thoughtless and completely out of MK. Scorpion and Sub-Zero team up? Sad. Oh, Stryker was never planned for mk4 to my know-ledge.
About Me


12/15/2005 10:58 PM (UTC)
Ok things to DO

Recreate a fight engine (possibly for the nextgen) Keep a unique MK feel but add the fluidity of other fighters such as tekken etc.

Create a character OR multiple character clothes.

More mini games. Puzzle kombat was wicked. Chess was ok
Add something like MK pong.


Each character needs to be their own character. What I mean by this is to eliminate the sharing of certain moves and throws etc.
If need be assign one fighting style to each character, Make that fighting style deep, add removable weapons that can be lost and impaled.

PLEASE !!!! add depth to the storyline.
Show a history of each character, explain why they are the way they are.

Do the above through a short conquest mode for each character.

Keep the krypt, but make players earn the right to unlock characters by completing milestones.

Branching storylines with different bossed depending on your characters alliance.

Make the game a lot darker, and raise the intended audience target, Get rid of comical characters and throw in real badasses, Add swearing.

Bring back Fujin, and Kai as they have really unique fighting styles.

Introduce characters that represent different parts of each realm (example a middle eastern warrior from asia in earthrealm)
A wolf like character from south of the vampire world (I forgot its name) lol.

Clean up past contradictions

Show historical moments in MK, Wen kung lao was killed by goro
Wen Sub died at Scorps hands
Wen shinnok was first banished etc etc

Elaborate on the ONE BEING

Kill Shujinko… keep him dead, show it in the intro movie

A big roster

Things NOT TO DO

Don’t try to shove a main character down our mouths

Don’t share moves

Don’t replace the ending scenes with FMV’s (I would rather images then shitty voice acting)

Don’t make the game for anyone under 16 years old

Don’t make things more complicated, just explain them.. and explain what was cannon in the last few games and what isn’t.

Don’t revive the dead

Don’t make a game u wouldn’t be proud to buy and say “this is what Mortal Kombat is all aboutâ€?
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