MK5 before MK9
posted09/10/2009 01:23 PM (UTC)by
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ummmm, couldnt think of 1 =(

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09/07/2009 06:20 PM (UTC)
this is my personal Idea. instead of expanding to MK9 so quickly lets make an MK5. what i mean is (deadly alliance doesnt count as MK5) just like GTA vice city didnt count as GTA 4 and GTA San Andreas didnt count as GTA 5. my point as well is that Many of the endings of MK4 didnt lead up to the intro of deadly alliance very well. my solution? MK5 will take place between MK4 and MK Deadly Alliance. many characters would make a huge come back.

Story: shinnok was defeated by Quan Chi's betrayle (which would explain later why quan chi made it to MKDA and Shinnok didnt). Reiko has under gone a mission to act as the emporer Shao Kahn (which explains why it wasnt Shao Kahn who died at the intro of MKDA, returned on MKD, and why Reiko never comes back on DA or D), Raiden has chosen Fujin to guide the earth realm warriors while taking his place amongst the elder gods. the Black Dragon Clan is all for gone while the red dragon clan begins to emerge. Shang Tsung has been revived by Reikos newly found power. and all hell is breaking lose.

Characters who will not be returning from MK4/MK Gold
1.) Raiden (he is an elder God now)
2.) Baraka (he was killed by Quan Chi on MK Gold)
3.) Jarek (who died at the hands of Jax)
4.) Shinnok (who died at the hands of Quan Chi)

Characters who will not be appearing before MKDA
1.) Nitara (because she wouldnt fit very well with the story)
2.) Frost (because she was either just accepted as a student or wasnt one yet)
3.) Li Mei (she was not yet a student of Bo Rai'Cho
4.) Kenshi (he was still lost)

Characters from MK4/ Gold who are under debate for return on MK5
1.) Kai (he said he had to wondr the earth to find himself, however he was bestilled Raidens lightning staf which may give him some purpose)
2.) Kitana (who killed Mileena in her ending but died on Mileena's ending)
3.) Milena (same reasons as Kitana)
4.) Sektor (who never died in any ending)

Characters from MKDA who are under debate for return on MK5
1.) Drahmin (useful to Shang Tsung but then again not needed until DA)
2.) Bo Rai'Cho (who helped to train Kung Lao and Liu Kang)
3.) Movado (the leader of the red dragon on MKDA)
4.) Hsu Hao (Movados #1 guy)

Debatable sub-boss character for MK5
1.) Goro (from MK4)
2.) Moloch (precursor to MKDA)
3.) Motaro (Just to bring him back with all his legs ;) )

Debatable hidden characters
1.) Dairou
2.) Noob Saibot
3.) Smoke
4.) Meat
5.) Belokk (just to finish that idea)

Final Boss

Characters who will come on MK5 (if i had the say so)
1.) Quan Chi
2.) Shang Tsung
3.) Tanya
4.) Cyrax
5.) Bo Rai'Cho
6.) Fujin
7.) Kung Lao
8.) Jax
9.) Sonya
10.) Liu Kang
11.) Reptile
12.) Scorpion (duh)
13.) Sub-Zero (no crap)
14.) Johnny Cage
15.) Kano
16.) Sektor
17.) Movado
18.) Reiko

thats my idea for short. hopefully you all enjoy the idea. and if you have input or question or even criticism please let me hear your thoughts. thank you.
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09/07/2009 07:27 PM (UTC)
That is a very very good idea asuming my brain is working correctly today.

How long passed before mk4 and MKDA???
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09/07/2009 09:31 PM (UTC)
This is a really cool idea, but I think I'd rather have a short (maybe 5 issue) comic book series done for it. It reads like a comic book to me is all.

I also seriously doubt Vogel would put the time into it considering he didn't start writing for MK til MKDA. Also, I'm not sure the MKTeam would go back like that now either, considering that they're no longer a Midway franchise.

Plus, a comic would give Tobias a good reason to re-emerge as a story telling force for MK. He's doing this sort of work right now anyway. At the same time, hopefully he'd be able to continue this sort of work, going along, sewing up the ins and outs of things that happen between games like you suggests.

Gives him a job, solves alot of the story history, gives us more to buy, and gives us continuity going forward.
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/07/2009 10:15 PM (UTC)
Thimbou_ Wrote:
(deadly alliance doesnt count as MK5)


I would like an explanation as to your logic...
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ummmm, couldnt think of 1 =(

09/07/2009 10:28 PM (UTC)
I just specifically said GTA Vice City wasnt GTA4 (even though it came out right after GTA3 and San Andreas isnt part 5 just because its the 5th instalation of GTA. thats what i meant. plus theres WAAAY too much of a diffrence between MKDA and MK4 for MKDA to just be a sequel. its obviously years later.

and to the question (how long before DA and after 4) the answer is RIGHT after 4/Gold. it was ment to be set right after Reiko takes the throne as a "Shao Kahn" look alike. (which he will reveal himself to be Kahn just to stall for the Real Shao Kahn to cause mayhem)
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

09/08/2009 01:11 AM (UTC)
Thimbou_ Wrote:
I just specifically said GTA Vice City wasnt GTA4 (even though it came out right after GTA3 and San Andreas isnt part 5 just because its the 5th instalation of GTA.

...GTA has nothing to do with MK

Thimbou_ Wrote:
plus theres WAAAY too much of a diffrence between MKDA and MK4 for MKDA to just be a sequel. its obviously years later.

So? Jak 2 is WAAAY different from Jak and Daxter:TPL, and it's obviously years later, but it's still the sequel

Thimbou_ Wrote:
it was meant to be set right after Reiko takes the throne as a "Shao Kahn" look alike. (which he will reveal himself to be Kahn just to stall for the Real Shao Kahn to cause mayhem)

according to whom?

Oh, and did you notice the big V shaped blade in the background of the MKDA logo? "V" is the Roman Numeral for Five, and it's a little hint from the MKTeam, saying "*psst*This is MK5."
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ummmm, couldnt think of 1 =(

09/08/2009 02:54 AM (UTC)
your points are well made and i can see them clearly. I appreciate your response, and as far as what i meant. MKDA and MKD are much closer related in story and timing then MKDA and MK4/Gold I know for a fact that is a true statement. and as far as that Reiko statement i wasnt still talking about him on MKDA i was referring to his role he would have on my MK5 plan. I must not have clearified that enough. MK5 is just a name for it because it takes place right after 4 and right before DA (which has never went by the name MK5) but as i stated before you make strong points and i appreciate the feed back.
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09/08/2009 11:21 AM (UTC)
Yeah Jironobou,Thimbou was just giving his logic for how they COULD do a MK5 since no one actually calls MK:DA by the name MK5. Yes, there's a big roman numeral on the box. But if you want to get technical, Deception has no reference to a 6 anywhere on it's box. You could also just refer to the roman numral on Deadly Alliance as just a design if you wanted to be, well, not technical about it.

Either way, the door is at least left open to what Thimbou is saying. There could be a sort of missing game in between MK4 and MK:DA. I certainly wouldn't mind playing that game either. I don't know if I'd make Reiko the final boss, but I could definitely see a way to tie up loose ends. Here's my take:

Quan Chi has emerged victorious. Through the use of the sacred amulet, he has destroyed the Elder Gods, Rayden, Shinnok and created his own dead realm within Outworld. In order to undo that which Quan Chi has done, the amulet must be destroyed.

Who makes it in:

Quan Chi: The final boss (he would be a much more regal and boss-like character than what he looked like in MK:DA, he'd be reduced to that look, having been forced to the shadow when he is defeated and his amulet destroyed. In his ending, he loses, but he's able to slip back in time and steal the amulet from himself. This would lead right into the opening of Deadly Alliance.)

Liu Kang: Obviously since he was in MK4 and he dies at the beginning of MK:DA, he has to be in MK5. Since the deadly alliance has to take him out at the beginning of MK:DA, we'd have to assume that he is the one that defeats Quan Chi in MK5.

Mileena (as Kitana): Since I'd have Mileena's ending come true in MK4, Kitana is believed to be dead once Mileena knocks here out of the throne room window. Mileena takes Kitana's place on the throne, though she's really just Quan Chi's servant, but she doesn't realize that Kitana lived, and is actually posing as her old friend Jade in order to get close to her sister and kill her.

Kitana (as Jade): Thought to have been killed by her sister, Kitana hatches a plan to retake the throne from Mileena. Instead, she saves her sister when she realizes that Mileena has become a slave to Quan Chi. Furthermore, she realizes that Mileena was created from evil sorcery, but that Mileena herself isn't inherently evil. She has simply been abused by everyone she has ever come into contact with. Shang Tsung, Shao Khan, Shinnok and then Quan Chi. Of course, their reunion is short lived, since the destruction of the amulet erases everything.

Scorpion: His ending from MK4 didn't come to pass. Instead of trapping Quan Chi in the netherealm, he was transported there himself. Able to descape through a dimentional rift, Scorpion heads toward outworld, fully aware of what Quan Chi did to his family in order to enlist his services so long ago.

Sub Zero: This time, the Sinrai Ryu ninja and the Lin Kuei ninja will fight side by side in an attempt to destroy Quan Chi. Call me insane for attempting this, but I'd make them like Noob/Smoke in story mode. Once you beat the game, you then get access to their full move lists and the ability to use each of them separately.

Fujin: The new protector of Earth, Fujin is shocked and dismayed by the deaths of the Elder Gods. Rayden was destroyed only moments after putting Fujin in charge. For this, Fujin swears vengence, but he knows that a sorcerer that's powerful enough to destroy the Gods should not be taken lightly. Fujin will band a force of warries together to fight the new master of Outworld.

Kai: Interrupted in his travels by the new protector of Earthrealm, Kai agrees to help Fujin in his quest to rid Outworld of Quan Chi, but he's reluctant. Kai doesn't believe that he has the ability to defeat Quan Chi. He must learn from Fujin and the what little he learned from Rayden. He will also need to learn how to harness the power of the staff Rayden gave him.

Reptile: Though he had been helping Quan Chi and Shinnok with the belief that Shao Kahn committed genocide on his reptilian race, Reptile has actually been secretly working for his old master all along. Reptile works from the shadows to conceal his master's wereabouts in his weakened state. Knowing that Shao Kahn couldn't destroy both Shinnok and Quan Chi while they possessed the amulet, Reptile rushed to alert his master that the time was right to strike.

Shao Kahn: Nearly destroyed by Liu Kang and the forces of Light after his failed attempt at taking control of Earthrealm, Shao Kahn is a fallen emperor. His only remaining loyal servant, Reptile, has seen to his wounds and kept him hidden in the bowels of the Wastelands of Outworld. There, Kahn has been waiting, gathering his strength, his power; healing from old wounds. Though not what he once was, Kahn is still a dangerous force with both his cunning, divisive mind and his powerful sledgehammer.

Tanya: Her ending for MK4 also didn't come to pass. She attempted to lead Liu Kang to his death, but was side tracked by the news of Kitana's fall from the throne room. Tanya returns to Quan Chi with news of both her failure and of Kitana's death. Quan Chi gives her one more chance: Use her wiles to lead the grief-stricken Liu Kang to the underground chamber, there he and his loyal servant Reptile will dispose of the Mortal Kombat Champion.

Reiko: The former general in Shinnok's army has a choice to make. Avenge the death of his fallen master or join the sorcerer that killed him. Reiko sides with Quan Chi, but his motive for doing so goes much deeper than fear of the sacred amulet and it's current user. When Quan Chi is defeated by Liu Kang, his amulet is destroyed, sending Outworld back in time. With Shao Kahn still thought to be dead and no leader of Outworld, Reiko puts on the mask and seizes control. Of course, he'll regret this decision once Quan Chi and Shang Tsung walk into his throne room not long after his triumph.

Mavado: With careful manipulation, the Red Dragon swordsman known as Mavado was able to get the Special Forces to take out one of the remaining members of the the hated Black Dragon clan. With Jarek's death, Mavado knew that he had only one target remaining; Kano. Lured into outworld by the death of his brethren, the last member of the Black Dragon would be out in the open once more, only this time, Mavado would see to his death personally.

Kano: With Jarek dead, the number of the Black Dragon was down to only a few, and Kabal was in no shape to tangle with the Red Dragon. Knowing full well that Mavado was waiting for him in Outworld, Kano went regardless. Though there is no honor among thieves, even the Black Dragon bury their own dead. He will travel with Fujin and the forces of Light, but he's obviously out for himself. In the end, Kano evades Movado and decides to serve Shao Kahn once more. Not knowing that he's actually Reiko, Kano is imprisoned by the imposter, only to be let out when Sheeva triest to assasinate Kahn. Kano kills Sheeva, thus allowing Kano to take her place as the general of Kahn's army.

Sheeva: Having served Shao Kahn in the invasion of Earthrealm, she's transported back to Outworld during the retreat. She finds herself in the Living Forest, far from the Castle and far from anything she knows. By the time she returns, Quan Chi is in control. She doesn't know what happened to Shao Kahn. Choosing to fight alongside Earth's warriors, she plays a vital role in Liu Kang's defeat of Quan Chi. Overjoyed at the return of her master, she realizes that something is different about Shao Kahn. When she figures out Reiko's plot, she tries to kill him, only to die at the hands of one of the humans she had recently sworn to protect.

I would also add 3 more brand new female characters and 4 more brand new male characters for a grand total of 22 characters.

Of course, I would have two more secret, superunlockables:

Noob: Believed to remain loyal to he who possesses the amulet. Noob remains the distant servant of Quan Chi. But the sorceerer doesn't realize that Noob wasn't tied to Shinnok by the amulet. In exchange for his loyalty, Shinnok granted Noob the power to destroy the Shinrai Ryu. Shinnok himself created The Brotherhood of the Shadow and made Noob their leader. Destroyed in the battle with Scorpion's clan, the Shadow warriors vanished, leaving Noob nothing but the ability to kneel at the feet of his new master. But with Shinnok dead, Noob has become a wild card in Quan Chi battle to keep Outworld and destroy Earth's warriors. During his defeat, Quan Chi looks to the shadows to find a pair of eyes watching him intently. Freed of from the control of Shao Kahn, Shinnok and now Quan Chi, Noob has no master and is thus able to search out his own destiny.

Shang Tsung: When Shang Tsung learns of Shao Kahn's plot to take his soul during the invasion, Tsung turned on his master and nearly defeated him, making it possible for Liu Kang to send Kahn back to Outworld on what the Forces of Light thought to be his deathbed. With a power vaccum in Outworld, Shang Tsung will attempt to step in and seize control. Little does he know that Quan Chi has the amulet, and Shao Kahn is still alive. In the end, Shang Tsung fights for his own side, with no real allies, and with so few souls to feed on, he ages to an elderly from once more. Shao Kahn returns (the Imposter) and relegates Tsung to the role of servant. Shang Tsung believes that he is in for a life of hardship until he's approached by a man with a plan.

Grand total: 24

Who's cut for sure:

Baraka: Killed by Quan Chi in his own ending, but since Quan Chi goes back in time and steals his own amulet, Quan Chi never actually kills him, making Baraka available for MK:D.

Kung Lao: He settled his differences with Goro in his ending. Now he lives a life of peace once more.

Shinnok: For the purposes of this game, Shinnok's dead.

Rayden: Same with Shinnok. He's dead in this game.

Goro: Having signed the treaty with the centaurs, Goro opts now for a life of peace. His fighting days are over.

Cyrax and Sektor: Honestly, they really don't seem to have much to do anymore.

Johnny Cage: He's either dead or off filming a movie. Let's leave it at that.

Sonya and Jax: Let's also keep the military out of this one. They don't know that Kano is still alive and they think that they just eliminated the last Black Dragon member in Jarek. So no special forces here.

So yeah, that's my 2 cents. What do you think?
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ummmm, couldnt think of 1 =(

09/08/2009 01:42 PM (UTC)
I like plenty of the ideas. Raiden didnt die though and i dont think he should have, i think he should put fujin to the test instead. and after quan chi and reiko and shang tsung are defeated Raiden rest in peace until he realizes they come back then he relinquishes his powers as elder god.

Sheeva? i never saw her fitting in to either MKDA or MK4 so MK5 seems an odd point to just pop her in and never bring her back til MKA =/

I chose Reiko as the boss character because after his defeat he is weaker which is Why 'Shao Kahn" on the intro of MKDA looks so weak.

Shao Kahn? (i love how you gave great logic to why hes back) but i dont agree that Reptile knows that the real shao kahn is alive in outworld but flips out when the fake one dies on MKDA. kinda odd. unless Reptile is a great actor or just plain forgetful.

I have heard from quite a few people that Reiko would be one of there favorite MK4/ MK Gold characters to become a boss.

and as far as Jax and Sonya not knowing Kano has returned? didnt they think Kano was gone on MKII and sonya was captured. there were NO black or Red Dragon clan members on MKII if my memory serves me correctly, and on this one Movado (a red dragon member) and Kano (a black dragon member) is on there. as well Jax and Sonya were both on MK3, MK4, MK Gold, and MKDA why take them out in the middle of all that?

all together your ideas are splendid. with good reason. and as far as Quan Chi running away in the netherrealm. id rather have the idea that he's running from an angry Shinnok or an angry Reiko than running from himself.

btw why cant Kung Lao just come back for the fact to help out fujin, kai and liu kang?

sorry if i seem to critical your ideas and theories are valid and i thank you for understanding my plans and theories.

all in all i agree with many thoughts and I am glad you expanded on my ideas and added to them =)
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09/08/2009 08:07 PM (UTC)
No problem man, I don't mind constructive criticism in the least.

As far as Sheeva is concerned, I brought her back for the simple reason that Kano kills her before MK:DA officially gets started. That's how he endears himself to Shao Kahn and how he becomes a general in his armies and how he's in position to stand by and pledge his loyalty to the Deadly Alliance when Kahn falls.

There's a whole thread that while perhaps not needing the biggest of explanations, can still be explored. I mean, maybe she didn't turn on Shao Kahn because he preferred the race of Centaurs in their battle with the Shokan? I just wrote sort of an alternate story for her that seems more tidy and what not in my mind.

Rayden doesn't die? I dunno man, he dies in a few of the endings. Or at least Quan Chi says he's dead. I chose to have him die because it would be surprising and it would raise Quan Chi to the level of legitimate powerful boss. Of course, when all of his evil deeds are undone by the amulet getting destroyed, Rayden is returned to what he once was.

Oh, and Quan Chi isn't running from himself. He's going back in time to get the amulet that he lost when he was defeated by Liu Kang at the end of this MK5 game. Once the amulet is destroyed, the power used to kill Rayden and several of the events that occur in this game itself are undone. Similarly, several events that take place undone because the amulet's power pulls Outworld back in time to a point where MK:DA can begin and Quan Chi has found Shang Tsung.

As for Kung Lao sitting out, well, he was in MK3, MKG and MK:DA. That's why I sat him out. I made Liu Kang the main hero because, well, it's really his last turn as the main hero since he dies in the intro of the very next game.

This is my same logic for why Jax and Sonya should sit out. They were in MK3, MK4 and MK:DA. Why not let the Red Dragon/Black Dragon feud begin as a storyline in the MK universe here? Plus it sets up both Mavado and Kano for the next game. I mean, haven't we seen the whole "Special Forces hunting the Black/Red Dragon" plot enough? I'd give it a rest for one game.

As for Reptile, there's nothing that says he saw Shao Kahn die (unless I'm mistaken on that) so maybe there's some level of confusion. He gets word of Shao Kahn's death (though it's Reiko that actually dies) and Reptile, not knowing that Reiko took over and pretended to be Kahn, would naturally assume that the real Shao Kahn died. This type of info could of course be worked into his ending, but it could easily make sense.

That's kind of the beauty of MK. Since the storylines are so frayed between MK4 and MK:DA, it's really not that hard to create several ideas that fill in the gaps yourself. You might have to twist them a little to get them to fit, but they can all work if you really try.
09/09/2009 05:07 PM (UTC)
Having a game explore the time between MK4 and Deadly Alliance would be interesting. It could just sort of bridge things together a bit more, and iron things out more clearly. We could find out exactly just how Shinnok was defeated, and we can also explore Shao Kahn's survival a bit more.

But, and dare I say it, I think we'd be more likely to get an exploration of this time in a sequel to Shaolin Monks. I mean, the original was sort of like an alternate MKII story, with Shao Kahn being killed in the end, and Quan Chi then grabbing the Amulet. While the MK Team have come out and said that the Fatalities and such aren't canon, it did provide finality and closure to the game -- even if it is false in any universe that we know.

I could definitely see a game where you can perhaps play as Liu Kang, Kung Lao or Kai, and you fight against Shinnok and Quan Chi -- encountering the characters whom are still alive at this point in time, and meeting the new ones and "exploring" them some more.
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09/09/2009 10:15 PM (UTC)
Wow, that's actually a REALLY good idea as well! I mean, let's face it, the MK team isn't going to devote an actual fighting game to the time between MK4 and MK:DA, so why not make a Shaolin Monks 2, have it center around (exactly as You know Who said) Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kai at the beginning, perhaps with more characters unlockable as you find them or some event occurs etc.

Perhaps, and again, I'm just spitballing off of You Know Who's idea here, but it might be cool to five or six characters unlocked by the end, and then you play through the game, seeing it from five or six perspectives. So if you're Sub Zero, you might go to places that you can't go to if you're using Reptile, who has places that he goes to that Reiko can't go to.

Sure, if you play two player, you get maybe only 3 possible tracks depending on who the partners are, but in the one player game, you get the pathways that maybe cross with other playable characters, but then they diverge again until finally coming to their own end for their story leading into MK:DA.

Maybe Liu Kang's story is that he destroys Shinnok, maybe Kung Lao's story ends with him trying to asassinate Goro, maybe we finally find out why Reiko's pretending to be Shao Kahn. You use this game's multiple stories to connect the characters to MK:DA and you do it in a variety of different ways, through a variety of perspectives, with each character interacting with the same plot points at certain parts, but then seeing entirely different characters and substories along their own journeys.

I think that would make for an awesome game!
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09/09/2009 10:52 PM (UTC)
OK, I read most of the posts in the topic but I am needing to go out soon so will post my thoughts so far:

Many character arcs from the whole series made no sense, especially the early games where every character apparently killed Shang Tsung / Shao Kahn in their endings. Endings are usually cleared up in the next installment with Bios and I think MKDA's were good enough.

I would prefer to ignore MKA's story line and say Shao Kahn, Lui Kang, and all the other Earthrealm heroes died at the hands of the Deadly Alliance.

Quan Chi was being chased through the Netherrealm by Scorpion, and hired Moloch and Drahmin to slow him down. So the only way these guys would fit in is if they only ever fought each other. On the other hand you can't leave Scorpion out of a MK game (not again).

Reiko as a final boss seems rather anti-climactic.

I agree with ThePredator that the time between games would be best summed up in a comic book, especially since a lot of it is explained in character bios and not much happens (since it is supposed to be a peaceful time).

I'd prefer them to continue on with the story rather than going back to fill some of it in (that I personally think doesn't need filling in much more).
09/10/2009 01:23 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Wow, that's actually a REALLY good idea as well! I mean, let's face it, the MK team isn't going to devote an actual fighting game to the time between MK4 and MK:DA, so why not make a Shaolin Monks 2, have it center around (exactly as You know Who said) Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kai at the beginning, perhaps with more characters unlockable as you find them or some event occurs etc.

Perhaps, and again, I'm just spitballing off of You Know Who's idea here, but it might be cool to five or six characters unlocked by the end, and then you play through the game, seeing it from five or six perspectives. So if you're Sub Zero, you might go to places that you can't go to if you're using Reptile, who has places that he goes to that Reiko can't go to.

Sure, if you play two player, you get maybe only 3 possible tracks depending on who the partners are, but in the one player game, you get the pathways that maybe cross with other playable characters, but then they diverge again until finally coming to their own end for their story leading into MK:DA.

Maybe Liu Kang's story is that he destroys Shinnok, maybe Kung Lao's story ends with him trying to asassinate Goro, maybe we finally find out why Reiko's pretending to be Shao Kahn. You use this game's multiple stories to connect the characters to MK:DA and you do it in a variety of different ways, through a variety of perspectives, with each character interacting with the same plot points at certain parts, but then seeing entirely different characters and substories along their own journeys.

I think that would make for an awesome game!

You probably wouldn't get Reptile in there, unless he came with Shinnok out of the Netherealm, looking for revenge on Liu Kang and Kung Lao. I'd like to see the Shaolin Monks games take on their own sort of continuity if they keep going with them. The other ideas are pretty much what I envisioned.

But don't get me wrong -- I'd love to see a fighting game set between MK4 and Deadly Alliance, because there is a lot of stuff that needs addressing. The only characters I probably wouldn't bring back from MK4/Gold would be Raiden, Jarek, Sonya and Cyrax.

Raiden could be killed by Quan Chi during the beginning, giving the events a sense of weight. Of course, Raiden's energies re-group in Earthrealm at the end of this saga, which explains Fujin's reason to be concerned about Raiden re-grouping in Outworld or wherever in Deception.

During Gold, Jarek realises that he is going to be killed if he continues fighting with Sonya and Jax, so he makes his move and knocks Sonya off a cliff. Jax is enraged, and tosses Jarek to his "death." Of course, both characters survive, but Sonya is out of commission for this game (to be found in Jax's ending), and Jarek won't re-emerge until Armageddon.

I'd consider leaving Cyrax out, as well, having him be defeated by Sektor in Gold, and left in the desert somewhere. Jax also finds him in his ending, and becomes fascinated by the technology that the Tekunin would later use.

The other characters are all back, and their stories pretty much either keep going from MK4, or they change to accomodate new relationships (Goro now fighting with with the Earth warriors; Reptile learning of Shao Kahn's survival and joining him). I like the idea of Mileena successfully capturing the throne of Edenia, only for Kitana to battle back up and defeat her, deciding to imprison her rather than kill her -- which gives us a big victory for first Mileena, and then Kitana.
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