MK4-Armageddon characters that DESERVES a second shot?
posted10/13/2011 12:23 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Out of all the new characters that came into the series during these games, which characters do you think deserves a second shot to be playable?

You can name as many as you want.

For me, I feel that Frost, Tanya and Ashrah should definitely make a return for the females.

And for the males, Bo Rai' Cho, Hotaru, Mavado and Drahmin should return for the guys.
09/14/2011 07:55 PM (UTC)
The Oni, Havik, Nitara, Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho, Mokap, Jarek, Darrius, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Kira. I could probably just say all of them, even those I liked least, but those I mentioned are among the ones I'd like to have back most.
09/14/2011 09:33 PM (UTC)
Kai - Personality needs work, but if they get his fight style right all will be good
Sareena (along with Kia and Jataaka as a hidden endurance)
Tanya - Yes she got her second shot in Deception and ran beautifully with it.
Bo Rai Cho - I fucking love this guy. Tone down the toilet humour and all is well.
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09/14/2011 11:18 PM (UTC)
Bo Rai Cho
09/15/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
-Kenshi is definitely in so I'm not worried about him.

-Kai seems like a cool "new slate" character. He's got a cool concept and he seems like he could possibly fill the "champion" role (now that Liu Kang is gone), although, I'd kind of like Johnny Cage to fill that role in the future.

-Tremor seems like a cool "blank slate" character. I'd love to see his character and background expanded on; there is definitely a lot of potential for a great character here. His Earth powers are very interesting, as is his past as a Black Dragon.

-Bo Rai Cho could be an interesting character if he wasn't so, I don't know, all over the place. Seriously, is he the seasoned and wise mentor, or is he the cheap, Family Guy-esque, comic relief? Again, massive potential, but untapped thus far.

-Drahmin seems like he could be interesting, given his backstory.

Well that's it for now, more when I think of them. smile EDIT: -Havik -Frost
09/15/2011 12:48 AM (UTC)
Good topic.

First and foremost..
-Kenshi (he's safe, thankfully smile)
-Li Mei (I suppose)
-Sareena (technically)
-Shinnok (duh!)
Bo' Rai Cho
09/15/2011 02:02 PM (UTC)
All of them. If they weren't interesting in the past games, then make them interesting. But I believe they all deserve to get a second chance.

My top five are Reiko, Tanya, Bo'Rai Cho, Hotaru and Havik.
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09/15/2011 03:31 PM (UTC)
I'd mostly like to see Havik, easily my favourite of the newer characters, his special moves are excellent. Would quite like to see Li Mei back, was always one of the funnest to play as on Deception.
09/15/2011 09:23 PM (UTC)
Havik,Hotaru,Reiko,Sareena,Tanya,Fujin and maybe,just maybe Li Mei
09/16/2011 07:12 AM (UTC)
Let's see for now;

-Fujin and Shinnok: for sure, what is Mortal Kombat without some other god and Elder god involve in it beside Raiden.
-Quan Chi: for sure, good to have another dark sorcerer and to continue the Scorpion/Sub-Zero and Quan Chi feud.
-Tanya: for sure, the original female who turn from good to evil, unlike evil to good like Jade and Kitana.

A couple depends on appearance of others (cause and effect):
-Hotaru: depending on if either Havik, Darrius and/or Dairou, where there is order there must be Chaos
-Mavado: depending on how the game makers want to portray the Black Dragon. If they portray them as an offshoot of the Red Dragon, then Mavado as one of two Red Dragon members must be in it.
-Hsu Hao: IMO, he's awful, but again one of the few Red Dragon members.
-Shujinko: Depend if the game makers still want to have Onaga, as the original ruler of Outworld and will returned.
-Blaze: depending on if Taven and Daegon still have their quest.
-Drahmin or Moloch: IMO not both, one should be suffice to distract Scorpion as Quan Chi escape.
-Reiko: with Shao Kahn apparently death in MK9, this will leave a gap on the throne of outworld, that Reiko who likes to wore his helmet, will try to rise.

That's it for now.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

09/16/2011 07:30 AM (UTC)
Shinnok (Pretty sure he's in the next game)
09/16/2011 01:42 PM (UTC)
here are my picks:

Reiko - definitely would be an awesome character in the MK9 world of gameplay with his moveset. shoulder charge, teleport, shurikens, twirl kick, and his wrath hammer. plus as someone earlier mentioned...he definitely keeps Shao Kahn's spirit alive by sneaking in his throne room and wearing his helmet. plus he is one of those characters that blurs the he with Shao Kahn? with Shinnok?

Shinnok - he has great character design and awesome powers that would lend to all sorts of special moves and now that he has the cool looking staff from Armageddon I can only imagine how cool he would be to play as.

Tanya - I think she needs a tad bit of reinvention to some of her moves to make her a bit more unique. she could have more variations to her drill attack. maybe diagonal or in air going downwards or straight forward. she should still have a boomerang but it should play differently than Jade's, maybe perhaps be similar to Batman's batarang and grappling hook moves and her fireball...well we need to know where her fireball comes from. i always felt she had a fireball for no reason. and character-wise she is another that blurs the lines of whose side she is on. is she on Edenia's side? Shinnok's side? that always makes for good stories.

Frost - I always felt like she was one of those characters that was the "second sub zero" that seems to appear in every other mk game. She needs a chance to be more unique. perhaps use her ice powers in more different non-sub zero-like ways. more clever uses of her ice daggers similar to how Skarlet uses hers maybe, and a more elegant appearance.

Taven - He always felt to me like a true heroic character. I definitely think his and Daegon's story needs something added to it...I never felt like it got wrapped up. I liked alot of his moves and the idea that he fought with a broad sword. I think there could be a lot of possibilities gameplay-wise with him.
09/16/2011 03:14 PM (UTC)
Everyone but Mokap and Hsu Hao(rebooted out of existence)
09/16/2011 05:07 PM (UTC)
- Fujin
- Reiko
- Shinnok
- Kenshi
- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Havik
- Kai
- Mavado
- Kira
- Nitara
- Sareena
- Tanya
- Bo' Rai Cho
- Quan Chi
- Li Mei
- Drahmin

The ones written in bold are top priority for me.
09/16/2011 06:02 PM (UTC)
09/16/2011 06:37 PM (UTC)
All of them, except Kira. But I'm most looking forward to:

Bo' Rai Cho, Drahmin, Li Mei, Havik, Nitara, Blaze
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

09/16/2011 08:27 PM (UTC)
All of them including Kira
09/17/2011 07:29 AM (UTC)

Shinnok: He is a great charachter and we've seen that in MKM, and we saw he could do good in a game like MKA, that really didn't do much good with the other charachters remade for that game (excepting, perhaps, Rain and Reiko) I think he'll be a great boss in the next game.

Fujin: Not a great look in MK4, well, to be honest it wast awfull, but great gameplay and cool story. In MKA he still had a cool story and his look was better, but his gameplay was not as cool as in MK4. If they manage to get his look and gameplay right, he'll be amazing. Really looking foward for him.

Tanya: She is great in MK4, and did quite well in MKD. She has a great personality and a cool desing, i would be really upset if she doesnt come back.

Kai: I'm one of the few who think Kai is cool. I really liked his specials and his look in MK4, although i hated both of them in MKA. If they can make him more similar to what he was in MK4 for the next game he'll be amazing, and he could have a nice role in the story too.

Reiko: I wouldn't bring him back, but i guess he became quite popular thanks to his MKA apearence. I don't like him, but i'll admit he had a cool personality in the Konquest. Still, i assume he'll be back, as one of Khan's generals that has some tie with Shinnok, he could really play an interesting role in the story.

Jarek: I like Jarek, and even when i would like to see him return with a new and cool moveset, i wouldnt bring him back. But i would like to see him near to Kano in a cutscene or two...


Sareena: She is a great charachter related to some of the most important charachters in the series. Her return is a must for the next game, there is just so much potencial in her.


Kenshi: He is already in

Nitara: I like her, but i would save her for MK11, widouth those wings.

Li Mei: I would never bring her back, i always found her a really uninteresting and boring charachter.

Bo Rai Cho: I don't mind him, there are other charachters that i would prefer over him, but he is not bad. Perhaps just as an NPC during storymode, that would be cool. I wouldn't mind if he died.

Frost: Although i like her, i wouldn't bring her back. She could be saved for MK11, or could simply never apear again.

Drahmin: I didn't like his gameplay back in MKDA, but his story with that mask is really interesting. I would save him for MK11, but as the next game will probably be more related to the Netherrealm i think it would make sence for him to appear in the next game.

Moloch: Big and boring. He could be an NPC during storymode and be alongside Drahmin.

Mavado: I would like the next game to be something like a reteling from MK4 to MKA, but only in the way of closing the important things that happened during those games, not in the way of having the same story or a similar again. I want the Red Dragon to be destroyed during the next game, and Daegon to be killed. Mavado could be playable in the next game if he got rid of those red bands, i wouldn't mind if he didnt.

Hsu Hao: I hope he never ever returns.

Blaze: Again, I want the next game to close all of the mayor plotlines from MK4 to MKA, so blaze has to appear, at least as an NPC in the story, and get killed/destroyed. I like blaze, but if MK10 doesnt end with him, we might have a story similar to Armaggedon in MK11 or MK12. I would rather they ended that in the next one.


Shujinko: Although i liked him, i don't want he to be playable again. I would like Raiden to kill him during storyode in the next game. Raiden see him, has a vision of what he will do and Kills him, thinking that will prevent Onaga for resurrecting. It doesnt and Onaga decides to revive even when he doesnt have all the Kamidogu yet so we have a Shinnok vs Raiden vs Onaga war in the next game, ending in the death of many charachters including Onaga, Shinnok and Blaze, that way we prevent Armaggedon and we are completely clean for the MK11.

Havik: The best charachter of the last gen, he is a must for the next game and NRS has to many options with him.

Hotaru: I like him, i wouldn't bring him but i wouldn't mind if he was there. Perhaps just in the story and latter as DLC.

Darrius: I like him, but he has nothing to do in the next game, i wouldn't give him a second chance.

Dairou: I don't like him, i would never bring him back

Kobra: I don't like him, i would never bring him back

Kira: She has a good story and a cool look, her problem is her gameplay as its a mix of Kano and Sonya, but that can be fixed. I would save her for MK11.

Ashrah: She is the second best charachter introduced in MKD, and a great charachter overall. As she was in the Netherrealm during the events of MK4 and is related to the brotherhood of shadows, i don't see why she coudn't be in the next game.


Daegon: He should be killed during storymode, i don't mind if he is playable or not, but he has to be killed so we can get rid of the Red Dragon and from Armaggedon

Taven: He should be killed, but for that he must first be awake. I wouldn't mind if Blaze's death made him sleep forever...

Wow... I realiced i see potencial in most of MK charachters :P

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Thanks to xB$INx for the Kick-Ass Sig.

09/18/2011 03:10 AM (UTC)
Havik - My favorite 3D era character next to Kenshi.

Kai - If he has Caporiea i'll main him in a heart beat lol

Mavado - The guy is awesome, i cant see why alot of people dont seem to like him.

As much as i HATE Hotaru with a passion, i think he deserves a second chance, he needs a totally new look and whatever, i dont know, just make him lose the Flags *shrugs*
09/20/2011 09:52 PM (UTC)
Jarek, Fujin, Ashrah, Frost, Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanya
09/20/2011 10:55 PM (UTC)
I wanna see Havik and Hotaru fight some more.
09/21/2011 01:32 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi (Mortal Kombat Mythologies' version!!!!!)
Bo Rai Cho
10/08/2011 03:27 AM (UTC)
Sareena, Frost, Nitrara, Kira, Kai, Darrius, Taven, Jarek, and Tremor (he deserves a chance to be in a real MK game to see whether or he was worthy of that abomination MK: Sepcial Forces)
10/10/2011 02:38 AM (UTC)
Everyone especially Havik, Tanya, Bo'Rai Cho, Ashrah, Drahmin and Kai

with the exception of Shujinko I really have no problem with seeing everyone else return.
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10/11/2011 05:20 PM (UTC)
Man, I keep thinking that I've already responded to this thread. Guess not! Anyways, here's my list:


Quan Chi (Though to be fair, it's not like he's in any danger of NOT getting another shot)

Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei


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