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03/17/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
I don't think Jax is hated particularly, is just that people tend to dislike the weakest link when the available spots get smaller by the day, if there was another less popular character he/she would probably take the heat.

To clarify, I don't play favourites when it comes to the roster, sure I think some characters a more interesting than others, but I mostly appreciate any efforts towards variety and keeping things fresh, I think this particular game is sort of a mixed bag in that department, great characters when you see them individually but a meh kind of feel when you see the roster in its entirely (talking about the leaked one, assuming it's legit) trying to bring back so many MK1-2 characters seems a little forced, they could have easily saved a MK3 character from the Netherrealm, adding a Cyborg or another Black dragon member would have relieved some of the tension about the roster spots and dispel the general impression of unbalance some fans are getting, and we aren't even talking about 3D characters yet.

Even the order and distribution of the reveals seems kind of off to me. Like, for example, and this is only my opinion, I could totally see Kung Lao and Kitana being back as DLC, since I don't see them playing a crucial role in the story and it would be a must buy DLC from day 1. Johnny and Sonya where always thought to be in the game but why not Cyrax, they were able to bring Sub-Zero's humanity back pretty easily so why couldn't they achieve that with him in 25 years?

I know is impossible to keep everyone happy, but that's why it's important to make wise decisions, little changes can go a long way.
03/17/2015 10:35 PM (UTC)
Yeah I've been disappointed in the lack of characters from mk3-mka being playable. I'm sure most will at least have a cameo in story mode.

alican_zero Wrote:
Queen Sindel slayed them all and she is already in the game ! glassesfurious

If you remember correctly it was Nightwolf who destroyed Sindel.wink
03/18/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Johnny and Sonya where always thought to be in the game but why not Cyrax, they were able to bring Sub-Zero's humanity back pretty easily so why couldn't they achieve that with him in 25 years?

It's entirely possible that both Cyrax and Sektor are dead, or they've been deactivated somehow. It's currently a loose end that no one is quite sure of how it's supposed to wrap up.

Strange exclusion considering Cyrax was such a popular competitive choice too.
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03/18/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
If it's MK & MK2 hevy then we need Noob now!
03/18/2015 01:21 AM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
Johnny and Sonya where always thought to be in the game but why not Cyrax, they were able to bring Sub-Zero's humanity back pretty easily so why couldn't they achieve that with him in 25 years?

It's entirely possible that both Cyrax and Sektor are dead, or they've been deactivated somehow. It's currently a loose end that no one is quite sure of how it's supposed to wrap up.

Strange exclusion considering Cyrax was such a popular competitive choice too.

Dead? Deactivated? THAT CAN'T BE THE FATE OF SEKTOR :'(.

Don't wanna believe it! Can't believe it! :'(

On a more serious note though, It is pretty weird to have Sektor and Cyrax out of the game without any reason, so I'm guessing they'll explain what happened to them in the Comics/Story mode.

What you said is entirely possible, it's possible that Sektor and Cyrax are dead, although I'd like to believe otherwise(Bias obviously :p).

But I don't think they'll ever turn either of them human, both Sektor and Cyrax are the original cyborgs(Along side Somky the hidden one, who is no longer a cyborg). Cyrax is known and loved for his Cyborg look and Sektor is the same case. So even if they can turn them back, they'll always find a way to keep them cyborgs or in the case of Cyrax half cyborg sometimes.

We will just have to wait and see, but I hope their fate is better than what we are all thinking :).

If Sektor makes it in, I'll lose my fucking shit. Waiting for that damn cyborg to show his metal ass around.
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03/18/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
Killing Cyrax and Sektor off-screen would be fucking atrocious, if they do it at least they'll do it through the comic.
Asesino Wrote:
If it's MK & MK2 hevy then we need Noob now!

I think he has chances to be DLC, although some of the revealed character's variations have made some people believe he might not be playable in this game.
03/18/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Injustice isn't the same exact game as this nor is it being developed for next-gen tech.

Never said it was but they are using what they learned from it. Also it was ported to next gen.
Windice Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Injustice isn't the same exact game as this nor is it being developed for next-gen tech.

Never said it was but they are using what they learned from it. Also it was ported to next gen.

Right but porting something to next gen ages after you developed it for PS3/360/WiiU is a bit different than doing it from scratch on next-gen hardware.

And as far as variations go I'm willing to bet that those do actually add a decent bit because you need to think of three for each character, test them all out in a plethora of matchups, etc and when you're testing out a new system like that, you want to use your strongest, most popular characters because you have a better feel for them and the game might be better received for it.
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03/18/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
Yeah I've been disappointed in the lack of characters from mk3-mka being playable. I'm sure most will at least have a cameo in story mode.

alican_zero Wrote:
Queen Sindel slayed them all and she is already in the game ! glassesfurious

If you remember correctly it was Nightwolf who destroyed Sindel.wink

I remember truly the fact that Nightwolf sacrificed himself to stop her !
03/18/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
Injustice isn't the same exact game as this nor is it being developed for next-gen tech.

Never said it was but they are using what they learned from it. Also it was ported to next gen.

Right but porting something to next gen ages after you developed it for PS3/360/WiiU is a bit different than doing it from scratch on next-gen hardware.

And as far as variations go I'm willing to bet that those do actually add a decent bit because you need to think of three for each character, test them all out in a plethora of matchups, etc and when you're testing out a new system like that, you want to use your strongest, most popular characters because you have a better feel for them and the game might be better received for it.

Yes u do need to balance them. Why u wouldn't be able to do it with other characters idk. This is not a big differnce like 3d was.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/18/2015 01:01 PM (UTC)
Well since the subject has been brought up...

Imo, Jax has always been, for lack of a better word atm, boring or stale. Although, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I've never enjoyed his gameplay. I can appreciate his role in the story, but his style of play is just not one that suits my palette, never has been. And Jacqui is easily the least interesting of the new blood, but it's hard to stand firm on that until I try her.

On topic, the MK3 cast was never one of my favorites. I had only really wanted Nightwolf, Sektor, and Cyrax. But by this point, even that seems like reaching. So I'll accept any one of those three since they're preference.
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03/18/2015 01:06 PM (UTC)
We have seen Sindel ! She is definitely in and will probably be playable like Sub-zero, Kitana and Jax glasses and who ever says she is not just be realistic !glasses
03/18/2015 01:29 PM (UTC)
At least they are in the game, I would have no problem if everybody but Nightwolf & Kabal got killed off screen. That was one of the worst new character groups in the whole series. Cyborgs were okay, Nightwolf was a cool concept but terribly executed, Sheeva was terrible to play with and the 4 arms did not get due diligence, Sindel was annoying with her screaming, Stryker lame. Only Kabal was great: fast moves, hookswords, just totally bitching look.

Nightwolf is interesting storywise and I love the native american spirituality and physical weaponry possibilities. Unfortunately, NRS never allowed him to reach his potential and now with Kotal Kahn, who I feel is the new American native representative, he's probably not coming back. Ironically, this is the game they introduce a 'cowboy' and do not bring back the 'indian'.
Kobal would be very cool, the hookswords and they could nuts with his look with next gen technology, but very little chance. Would be a cool DLC.
03/18/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
*Long post ahead*

I'd like to have Sheeva back as an ally of Earth. It seems like her MK9 ending did partially happen. She was such a badass in the old timeline, slaying Motaro and attempting to murder Shao Kahn himself. They had to take away that accomplishment by making Raiden kill Motaro. For MKX's story, I think she and Goro could make natural enemies, with her deserting Outworld to migrate to Earth.

Khameleon is another long overdue for a return, with an individualized design and moveset. She of course had to be predictably deconfirmed. She could help Reptile be more than another lackey. And like Sheeva, Khammy could provide another alien-looking gal among the heroes which would be refreshing.

As much as I like Sindel, I think one reason they haven't used her much beyond her not being the most requested character, is that they don't know what to do with her, storywise, with Kitana almost always around. If Jerrod's soul is indeed within Ermac, and Sindel discovered it, that could give her some purpose, but then there's little reason that storyline wouldn't also be Kitana's. So in short, Sindel seems stuck in Kitana's shadow along with Jade.

Stryker was always one of my favorite characters. The guy has always been ridiculously unpopular. I personally liked his chubby MK3 design, as it just seemed trollish.

Storywise, both his MK3 and A endings made him seem like a lone wolf, which I think could have been interesting for his character. But MK9 opened a few doors by revealing that he and Kabal knew each other, leading to a few questions: Do Stryker know Kabal was part of the Black Dragon? If so, did he help him cover it up? They missed an opportunity by not showing his reaction to Kabal being alive in MK9's story mode.

I'd really like to see how Stryker would look like as a revenant, provided it wasn't a mere few tweaks like with Sindel's design.

Next, Kabal. Part of his appeal is how gray he is as a character. I disliked him being evil in MKD, especially just so he could bring back the tired Black Dragon clan. Beyond his newly revealed connection to Stryker and the possibilities it brings, Kabal's MK9 ending could partially happen if he came back from the dead, with him put in morally compromising situations by that cyberneticist.

Personally, I wouldn't mind Stryker being the one converted to chaos by Havik, if all three of them came back. That's another potential storyline for both Kabal and Stryker.
03/18/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
At least they are in the game, I would have no problem if everybody but Nightwolf & Kabal got killed off screen. That was one of the worst new character groups in the whole series. Cyborgs were okay, Nightwolf was a cool concept but terribly executed, Sheeva was terrible to play with and the 4 arms did not get due diligence, Sindel was annoying with her screaming, Stryker lame. Only Kabal was great: fast moves, hookswords, just totally bitching look.

Nightwolf is interesting storywise and I love the native american spirituality and physical weaponry possibilities. Unfortunately, NRS never allowed him to reach his potential and now with Kotal Kahn, who I feel is the new American native representative, he's probably not coming back. Ironically, this is the game they introduce a 'cowboy' and do not bring back the 'indian'.
Kobal would be very cool, the hookswords and they could nuts with his look with next gen technology, but very little chance. Would be a cool DLC.

If anyone should of had a levitation variation it should have been sindel. Match that with a scream variation and a hair variation with some new clothes. Oooooo she would have been amazing
03/18/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Next, Motaro. Probably the most mistreated character in the series.

We've never really got to know him well as a person. Why was he chosen as Shao Kahn's general, out of every Centaurs? What is his postition in Centaur society? Is he royalty, one of it's greatest soldiers, or a mere citizen who proved himself a worthy warrior? What was his stance on the conflict between his race and the Shokan?

Did he have any relationship with Sheeva before MK3? Did they personally know each other, or did he just happen to be the Centaur Sheeva would hate most for being the general?

Admittedly, Motaro doesn't have much story potential right now, not just because he's dead but because the Centaurs seem like a non-factor so far. But the character is vague enough, that if they bring him back one day, they'll have plenty of freedom with his storyline.
03/18/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
I think the delusion is clear in some of the first replies to this topic. To claim that Cassie is Stryker with boobs is so ridiculous. She's already one of the most popular characters in the game from the newbies, and her playstyle is nothing like Stryker's, even if she has gunshots. You might as well say she's Harley Quinn since they share two moves. Or Sektor since she has rockets.

And most of the MK3 characters aren't that popular or would need serious departures from even their MK9 appearances to appear less campy. I mean, one of the biggest reasons Sindel isn't more popular despite being canonically the strongest character in the MK universe (confirmed by Ed Boon), is because of her 'bride of frankenstein' look and her big hair. Nightwolf also suffers from this; he's a weird mix of The Village People and a Native American stereotype that is more of a joke than anything, and would not make sense in MKX. Then you have Kabal, who was only as popular as he was because he was top-tier, but in all honesty he's one of least realistic characters in the entire MKU. He got burned alive and now he has super speed?

I don't think I have to mention Sheeva. She's an awesome character but the fanbase will never embrace her because she's not a typical female character. I mean Goro has people so hyped for this game but Sheeva is considered a terrible character by so many people and gets no love from NRS.

Then the Cyborgs are probably DLC, or at least Cyrax. But there's a definite possibility that balancing Cyrax's resets was too difficult, and they didn't include him because of that. And Sektor is a poor man's Cyrax and will probably get killed by Sub-Zero so story-wise he was probably excluded from this game.

Overall, it makes sense that so many of the MK3 characters were left out. To claim that they're so great whilst hating on the 3D era characters is a huge case of nostalgia glasses.
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

03/18/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I don't think we will see much MK3 characters UNLESS it's DLC. Real shame because they are awesome.

Stryker was always a joke, but in MK9 he actually gained a good fanbase and became more likeable.

But NRS were like "Let's kill him and bring him back, but this time we give him boobs... You know what, let's just make a female Stryker."

That's how Cassie became a character.

He gets a lot of shit, but he is awesome.

Kabal, the ONLY character with super speed. No need for him, fuck him, right? It's not like he is actually cool or interesting.

Cyrax and Sektor? Pfftt, Cyborgs in MKX? Get the hell outta here with this shit. MKX is "realistic"

Nightwolf, Again who needs actual interesting characters that can be cool in the story? Let's just make more SF characters, Yay us.

Sindel and Sheeva... DON'T BRING THEM BACK!

I think they are playing it safe, basically they want characters that they know will work.

MK1 & MK2 are filled with beloved characters that really not a lot of people hate.

I can become rich, if I start to sell all this salt. grin
03/18/2015 04:11 PM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I don't think we will see much MK3 characters UNLESS it's DLC. Real shame because they are awesome.

Stryker was always a joke, but in MK9 he actually gained a good fanbase and became more likeable.

But NRS were like "Let's kill him and bring him back, but this time we give him boobs... You know what, let's just make a female Stryker."

That's how Cassie became a character.

He gets a lot of shit, but he is awesome.

Kabal, the ONLY character with super speed. No need for him, fuck him, right? It's not like he is actually cool or interesting.

Cyrax and Sektor? Pfftt, Cyborgs in MKX? Get the hell outta here with this shit. MKX is "realistic"

Nightwolf, Again who needs actual interesting characters that can be cool in the story? Let's just make more SF characters, Yay us.

Sindel and Sheeva... DON'T BRING THEM BACK!

I think they are playing it safe, basically they want characters that they know will work.

MK1 & MK2 are filled with beloved characters that really not a lot of people hate.

I can become rich, if I start to sell all this salt. grin

Oh you have no idea how fucking salty I am, WHERE IS MY FUCKING SEKTOR!

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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

03/18/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Oh you have no idea how fucking salty I am, WHERE IS MY FUCKING SEKTOR!

I'd like to see him too, he is my favorite character, but so far it seems odds are not in his favour.
Most likely Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) will deal with him in the backstory. I hope he won't die and will found a new version of Tekunin.

MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I don't think I have to mention Sheeva. She's an awesome character but the fanbase will never embrace her because she's not a typical female character. I mean Goro has people so hyped for this game but Sheeva is considered a terrible character by so many people and gets no love from NRS.

Sheeva considered to be a terrible character because she is seen as female rip-off of Goro and Kintaro, who is also Goro's rip-off. From the point of view of some fans she is redundant, if you have the other two in the game.
Besides, her gameplay always was...odd, to say the least, which naturally hampers her popularity.
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"Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin Clan. Our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh."

Sonic 2 Meets Mortal Kombat?!

03/18/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
In response to Sharefrock... (I somehow screwed up the quoting system)

I share your pain, my fellow cyber ninja fan. However, even without the greatness of Sektor and Cyrax, MKX is still looking pretty good otherwise.

I've come to terms with the fact that the 'borgs probably won't make the cut, but what will cause me to resume being salty too is if there's no closure surrounding their fates at the end of MK9.

And if Sektor and Cyrax do go down against Subby early in the story, as is what many signs are starting to point to as being the case, at least make 'em go out with a bang, Ed Boon!
03/18/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I think the delusion is clear in some of the first replies to this topic. To claim that Cassie is Stryker with boobs is so ridiculous. She's already one of the most popular characters in the game from the newbies, and her playstyle is nothing like Stryker's, even if she has gunshots. You might as well say she's Harley Quinn since they share two moves. Or Sektor since she has rockets.

And most of the MK3 characters aren't that popular or would need serious departures from even their MK9 appearances to appear less campy. I mean, one of the biggest reasons Sindel isn't more popular despite being canonically the strongest character in the MK universe (confirmed by Ed Boon), is because of her 'bride of frankenstein' look and her big hair. Nightwolf also suffers from this; he's a weird mix of The Village People and a Native American stereotype that is more of a joke than anything, and would not make sense in MKX. Then you have Kabal, who was only as popular as he was because he was top-tier, but in all honesty he's one of least realistic characters in the entire MKU. He got burned alive and now he has super speed?

I don't think I have to mention Sheeva. She's an awesome character but the fanbase will never embrace her because she's not a typical female character. I mean Goro has people so hyped for this game but Sheeva is considered a terrible character by so many people and gets no love from NRS.

Then the Cyborgs are probably DLC, or at least Cyrax. But there's a definite possibility that balancing Cyrax's resets was too difficult, and they didn't include him because of that. And Sektor is a poor man's Cyrax and will probably get killed by Sub-Zero so story-wise he was probably excluded from this game.

Overall, it makes sense that so many of the MK3 characters were left out. To claim that they're so great whilst hating on the 3D era characters is a huge case of nostalgia glasses.

Ed Boon really said that about Sindel? Where? Would love to see it, she was one of my mains in MK 9 and 3, and a very underused character, she would be awesome with the 3 variations.

I bet Cyrax will be a DLC, he is too popular and iconic not to make.
03/18/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
I think the delusion is clear in some of the first replies to this topic. To claim that Cassie is Stryker with boobs is so ridiculous. She's already one of the most popular characters in the game from the newbies, and her playstyle is nothing like Stryker's, even if she has gunshots. You might as well say she's Harley Quinn since they share two moves. Or Sektor since she has rockets.

And most of the MK3 characters aren't that popular or would need serious departures from even their MK9 appearances to appear less campy. I mean, one of the biggest reasons Sindel isn't more popular despite being canonically the strongest character in the MK universe (confirmed by Ed Boon), is because of her 'bride of frankenstein' look and her big hair. Nightwolf also suffers from this; he's a weird mix of The Village People and a Native American stereotype that is more of a joke than anything, and would not make sense in MKX. Then you have Kabal, who was only as popular as he was because he was top-tier, but in all honesty he's one of least realistic characters in the entire MKU. He got burned alive and now he has super speed?

I don't think I have to mention Sheeva. She's an awesome character but the fanbase will never embrace her because she's not a typical female character. I mean Goro has people so hyped for this game but Sheeva is considered a terrible character by so many people and gets no love from NRS.

Then the Cyborgs are probably DLC, or at least Cyrax. But there's a definite possibility that balancing Cyrax's resets was too difficult, and they didn't include him because of that. And Sektor is a poor man's Cyrax and will probably get killed by Sub-Zero so story-wise he was probably excluded from this game.

Overall, it makes sense that so many of the MK3 characters were left out. To claim that they're so great whilst hating on the 3D era characters is a huge case of nostalgia glasses.

Sindel is the strongest female. I think shinnok is the strongest. People hate sindel cus of her scream and they think hair moves are dumb. It also doesn't help that she killed a lot of people favorite characters hahaha. She is my fave tho cus she is a strong queen who been both evil and good. I like her moves and she differnt from the other girls cus she is older. She also has this magic look to her. I was looking forward to tanya having the same kinda magic look but better but that doesn't look like it is happening.
I don't get why Kabal being one of the "least" realistic characters in the series hurts him.

I mean, what the fuck does "least realistic" even mean in fiction? None of it is real to begin with, I don't care if you're talking about man who can fly or some boring shmuck who just uses martial arts. How they fuck do you quantify realism when everything in MK is fantasy bullshit?
03/18/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
hydraslash Wrote:
In response to Sharefrock... (I somehow screwed up the quoting system)

I share your pain, my fellow cyber ninja fan. However, even without the greatness of Sektor and Cyrax, MKX is still looking pretty good otherwise.

I've come to terms with the fact that the 'borgs probably won't make the cut, but what will cause me to resume being salty too is if there's no closure surrounding their fates at the end of MK9.

And if Sektor and Cyrax do go down against Subby early in the story, as is what many signs are starting to point to as being the case, at least make 'em go out with a bang, Ed Boon!

I thought I was the only one with this pain, after the end end of MK9 I was expecting that finally Sektor and Cyrax might actually get a great story, since they were two of the few survivors.

When MKX was announced at E3 I was sooooo hyped because the game looked amazing, and I was thinking "Wow, I can't to see Sektor with three variations in this awesome game", at this point in time, I've lost all hope :'(.

Sektor is awesome, therefore he needs to be in this awesome game.

But yeah, you are right, the game is pretty amazing regardless of whether Sektor is in or not.

But Sektor will take from Amazing to super duper AWESOME!.

I don't want to give up on the red cyber ninja yet, he might still stand a chance.

Also yeah, if he is not in, I want closure and I want to SEE what happens to him, I'm sure he will put up a fight if he does in fact end up dead.
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