MK11/Onaga, the Dragon King Saga
posted02/22/2012 06:06 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
How many of you would want Onaga to return in MK11?

If the story would go better... it should have some new fresh cast of characters and some to return to mentor. New villains to join in the fight to serve Onaga... and... Shujinko could return in a young age.

What's your ideas on making Onaga and its saga a good one?
02/06/2012 12:00 PM (UTC)
Well, i like Onaga and thinks he has potential but he's not one i miss. Making his saga better, well he could actually just kill Shujinko (Not that Shujinko wouldn't come back.) or just wait a little and when Shao Kahn has had a nice break, he should be the one to kill Onaga.

But i really don't have any idea about new chars. The Dragon King will most likely come back, i just feared that having him playable in MKA and not being the first time we would have him as a boss kind of lifted the interest.
02/06/2012 11:33 PM (UTC)
How they brought him into the series was really clever. Having Reptile get sucked into the Great Egg and that, but I feel as soon as this thing was released, he was just... not what I expected him to be. And having the whole Shujinko story really sucked, I did not like that.

You know how the bosses are supposed to make you feel threatened? That "Hey, this guy is going to take over my world if nothing's stopping him/her/it from doing so." I never got that from Onaga. He wasn't that difficult to defeat, and I just felt that this Dragon King was nothing and I could see how easy it was for Kahn to take over his place.

If he is to ever come back, I would gladly hope that they do something to where I feel intimidated to play against him. Kanh in 2011 is somewhat like that, only because I know the guy is cheap... Yeah I don't want that from every boss, but that feeling is what makes bosses awesome.

He wasn't so.
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"Never Stay Down"- Steve Rogers

02/07/2012 02:37 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind having the Dragon King come back but I'm not sure if he will. I think the game will go down a completely new path after the next game. Who knows we might even get a new villain.
02/22/2012 01:44 AM (UTC)
What BeautifulPrincessKitana said about Liu & Kitana being married and raising a child with great power is right.

I mean I vote for it and I WANT IT to happen.

The story should take place years after Shinnok's defeat. There was no longer any danger.

But Shang Tsung gets revived in the Netherealm. He now serves the spirit of Onaga the Dragon King.

When the sorcerer hears rumors of Liu & Kitana's child, he seeks to use the child's power for himself and his new master.

Perhaps Shujinko will appear as well. Bo'Rai Cho will be given the task of training the child and not tell him of his true parents until the right opportunity.

Let's hope there'll be konquest mode again. Not like the RPG, but... an adventure form and be trained. There'll also be that story mode again about all characters... if possible.

Onaga fears the child and Shujinko will ruin his plans on merging the realms.
To Immortal_Kanji: I am flattered. I didn't think my idea would catch on with anyone. I really like how you fleshed it out with details though. I just had the basic idea, but you put meat(oh and by the by Ed Boon if you're reading this that is NOT to be taken literally. I think I speak for some of us here that we never ever ever want to see the character Meat again) on it. Hey we could be onto something. I know from Ed Boon's own mouth that him and his guys do use ideas from fans. i.e. Animalities, Ermac, Skarlet etc..I think I'd shit myself if our ideas actually came to fruition in a game.
02/22/2012 06:06 AM (UTC)
I can see the game with characters like these:

- Son of Liu Kang & Kitana
- Red Dragon Shaman & former student of Nightwolf
- Jubei
- Daughter of J. Cage & Sonya
- Son of Reptile & Khameleon
- Rival star of J. Cage.

- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero
- Frost
- Kabal
- Stryker
- Nightwolf
- Skarlet
- Rain
- Li Mei
- Kenshi
- Ermac
- Sindel
- Smoke
- Mavado
- Fujin
- Raiden
- Tremor
- Kai
- Shujinko
- Mileena
- Jade
- Shang Tsung
- Onaga
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