posted09/05/2013 08:57 PM (UTC)by
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05/23/2011 05:25 PM (UTC)
Hey for MK10 do you want to see them go through the same events with changes along the line or do something completeley new? They are already getting back into MK4 storyline. For MK10 I would like to see MK4 - MKD reintroducing all of the old characters but making them more bad ass. I also would like to see Onaga forshadowed or maybe even included in MK10 but i doubt it .
05/08/2013 05:15 PM (UTC)
I think mk10s storyline should be mk4-mkd. I think they should get rid of raidens flashbacks and just let the storyline play out instead of him trying to change things. I hope they give a good amount of characters that were in mk4-mkd a chance to develop. so many of them had potential and then they just threw them in the trash. . .BRING EM BACK haha
05/08/2013 08:53 PM (UTC)
If the next game will follow heavily on the fourth game's story, I would like for them to make changes as well as make the characters that debuted in the fourth game actually be characters I want to come back.

All but one of the characters that debuted in the fourth, I really didn't care for. Quan Chi, really, was the only character for me that I wanted to see return, which he did. I just felt that the others were too bland or they had potential but just didn't go anywhere, such as Kai and Fujin. I really liked Fujin because we have another god-like character and all of a sudden, he just gets ditched.

Shinnok was not even remotely intimidating as a boss. I thought that he was nothing compared to the other bosses that we fought before him. If he is going to be the main villain in the next game, he better sure as hell come back as someone that I would be a little frightening to fight against.

I would also like to see what changes they have to make towards the story. There's obvious changes since the Earthrealm warriors are dead and such, I would really like to know how they would be saved, that is if they even get saved.
06/04/2013 06:34 PM (UTC)
Well if the deaths hold from MK9 then I suppose Raiden will see that by altering the timeline and getting everyone killed Earth needs new heroes. So, MK4 can play out but with a different cast of characters. I wouldn't mind that, mixing old and new. There is no need to panic about most classics being dead, companies are money mad. They will leave many classics out and then release them in DLC form.

Change is diffilcult but the MK team have been lumbered with the same characters for many years. A huge sweep of new characters is risky but could be grand.

My money is on a female Tarkata for sure. At the end of Barakas ladder you see a female with two blades on each arm. That'll be cool.
06/04/2013 06:50 PM (UTC)
I hope they'll have new heroes to replace classic ones. Those with new powers.

To replace Kai, it should be someone who honors Liu Kang as a hero, but sees his hero becoming rogue with vengeance on the Elder gods as he tries to save his hero and find out if there is still some good left in his heart.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
06/04/2013 09:05 PM (UTC)
I think they should just focus on MK 4 this time instead of 3 games all at once. Despite the flaws in 4, I found it to be underrated.

But there should be changes after all with Khan dead, we should go into new territory.

I'd pretty much like the characters who died in MK 9 to be dead with the exception of Sub-Zero (because he's my favorite character) and come back in the next game. They can be non-canon DLC. Let's bring in some with the old characters revamped and some new ones. There was someone that leaked out the plot for a possible MK 10 where Liu Kang plays a neutral role. I thought maybe Liu Kang's soul would be taken by Quan Chi but Shinnok uses him as a sleeper agent to find Rayden's weaknesses and Rayden resurrects him but leaves him resentful of the Elder Gods and he has been given false visions. He gets the hood like in Legacy but has burn marks from his attack. Perhaps, he starts to form an army of combatants and makes a Deadly Alliance to fight against Armageddon. Just an idea.

Also, I still believe Shinnok was not at the Pyramid, but in the Netherrealm seeing what Rayden was doing before Khan killed him. I was watching the end of Story Mode where Quan Chi tells Shinnok of how his plan was successful but yet Rayden lived. He looked confused but had that "I'm going to backstab you later" smile. So he sells Quan Chi out and gets someone else to take his amulet back. I thought maybe that would give Shang Tsung a chance to come back, Shinnok resurrects him as insurance when Quan Chi betrays him.

The only way the undead good guys would be restored is by Quan Chi's death by Scorpion like in his ending in MK 9. Make some type of deus ex machina now that his magic no longer has an effect on them.
06/05/2013 07:03 PM (UTC)
In my opinion, I don't want the heroes to be resurrected. This could be a perfect opportunity to actually bring in some fresh new meat to the table and see where it goes.
06/06/2013 05:58 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
In my opinion, I don't want the heroes to be resurrected. This could be a perfect opportunity to actually bring in some fresh new meat to the table and see where it goes.

Then what was the point of showing them in Story Mode as Quan Chi's new slaves then if he wasn't going to use them in the next game? Makes no sense.

What I want MK10 to be about is MK4 storyline and then completely new storyline. I don't want MKDA,MKD and MKA events to be repeated (well,maybe MKDA events,but SOME of them,not the whole plot,like Sub-Zero becoming Grandmaster of Lin Kuei and Cyrax as a member of OIA,things like that).
But before doing that,NRS needs to somehow explain why Shujinko,Taven,Onaga,etc. aren't coming back story-wise.

MK4 was very interesting plot,even had the comics,but unfortunately wasn't executed well.Time to change that and bring this APOCALYPSE/DEAD RISING FROM GRAVES feel to the game. And it should concern not only Earthrealm,but other realms as well.
06/07/2013 01:02 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
In my opinion, I don't want the heroes to be resurrected. This could be a perfect opportunity to actually bring in some fresh new meat to the table and see where it goes.

Then what was the point of showing them in Story Mode as Quan Chi's new slaves then if he wasn't going to use them in the next game? Makes no sense.

Let me rephrase: "I don't want them back amongst the living as heroes anymore. Let them be Quan Chi's slaves, get killed by the heroes, and then stay dead so a new batch of characters can come into the series."
06/09/2013 02:46 AM (UTC)
That's what YOU want, but most fans want them back.

Who do you think NRS would pander to? casual fans and observers who identify characters like Sub-Zero, Stryker, Kitana, Jade, Smoke, Sindel etc. with the MK franchise...or a handful of internet forum "experts" who are all like "Leave 'em dead, start over again, have a spine NRS!, leave 'em dead for art's sake."?

Replacing the icons with uninspired "fresh blood" like Tsu Hao, Mavado, Tanya etc. is what almost killed the franchise 7 years ago. Ed rebooted MK for a reason- Win back the multitudes of fans that abandoned MK post-MK4 and bring the series back to it's glory days. They accomplished that. So why would they just "leave 'em dead"? Icebaby, I think it's time for you to climb out of your little superiority complex, you're an "Internet Forum Expert", that's ABSOLUTELY nothing to brag about.
06/09/2013 01:59 PM (UTC)
ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
That's what YOU want, but most fans want them back.

Who do you think NRS would pander to? casual fans and observers who identify characters like Sub-Zero, Stryker, Kitana, Jade, Smoke, Sindel etc. with the MK franchise...or a handful of internet forum "experts" who are all like "Leave 'em dead, start over again, have a spine NRS!, leave 'em dead for art's sake."?

Replacing the icons with uninspired "fresh blood" like Tsu Hao, Mavado, Tanya etc. is what almost killed the franchise 7 years ago. Ed rebooted MK for a reason- Win back the multitudes of fans that abandoned MK post-MK4 and bring the series back to it's glory days. They accomplished that. So why would they just "leave 'em dead"?

Icebaby, I think it's time for you to climb out of your little superiority complex, you're an "Internet Forum Expert", that's ABSOLUTELY nothing to brag about.

Whoa calm down.

She has an opinion just like everybody else, a forum is a place where people usually post opinions and share their ideas. Discuss topics and such. If you don't like a post, don't respond to it. Or if you do don't do it in such a rude manner.

Im pretty sure Tanya was one of, the most requested characters for DLC in MK9.

I don't think it was just Ed who rebooted MK, he had a team with him. And they wouldn't have been able to do it without WB.

Maybe she wants them to leave them dead, so NRS can show that they don't need certain characters to sell again. ex) Sub-Zero, Kitana, etc

That was really rude, and I don't know why you think its okay to just throw shade on people the way you did.
06/09/2013 05:16 PM (UTC)
Wow, people seriously need to know the meaning of "having an opinion" before they shove their rudness into other people's faces.

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
That's what YOU want, but most fans want them back.

So what if other fans want them back, I'm not allowed to say what I would like? Then what the fuck is the point of this whole site? We're allowed to state what we want and don't want, that's what having an opinion is all about. You can agree and disagree, but for heaven's sake, at least be respectful about it if you happen to disagree with someone and their thoughts, not being a little whiny brat about it.

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Who do you think NRS would pander to? casual fans and observers who identify characters like Sub-Zero, Stryker, Kitana, Jade, Smoke, Sindel etc. with the MK franchise...or a handful of internet forum "experts" who are all like "Leave 'em dead, start over again, have a spine NRS!, leave 'em dead for art's sake."?

Netherrealm Studios cares for ALL of their fans, not just a specific type. That would be poor on their shoulders. I don't even think anyone on the team checks these kinds of sites, and if they do, okay so what? They listen to all of their fans, whether they're experts on the game, or they just play for fun but like to give a thought or two.

Jesus.. I can't believe you actually wrote that.

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Replacing the icons with uninspired "fresh blood" like Tsu Hao, Mavado, Tanya etc. is what almost killed the franchise 7 years ago. Ed rebooted MK for a reason- Win back the multitudes of fans that abandoned MK post-MK4 and bring the series back to it's glory days. They accomplished that. So why would they just "leave 'em dead"?

Having new characters in a game isn't what almost killed the franchise. There's a heck of a lot more other issues that the last few games suffered, and blaming it on one thing is utterly pathetic, especially when that reason is "the new characters did it." They were trying to introduce to us characters because that's what games do. They introduce to us new features, whether it's characters and modes, graphics... You cannot sit here and say that one single thing is to blame the downfall of Mortal Kombat's success in the past before Mortal Kombat 2011. Because I can at least sit here and say, "There's more than one thing that almost killed the franchise."

The reason why I wouldn't mind seeing majority of the characters dead is so that we could give new characters a chance. Something that didn't necessarily happen with Deadly Alliance or Deception. New characters walked in, and they sit here with hardly any fame. This site's Supreme Champion clearly shows that people are more comfortable voting on the classics rather than the new. Do I have a problem with that? No, absolutely not, but I do see from time to time, how users here would like to give the "newer" characters a chance to rise rather than just being in one game and never given another opportunity again.

News flash, Mortal Kombat doesn't need to follow Street Fighter's trend in making their roster the same in every new game featuring maybe four new characters. We can have a new roster with a few classics coming in. That shouldn't be a problem to anyone. And if it is, fine, that's their choice, and it doesn't bother me.

ReignInBlood1986 Wrote:
Icebaby, I think it's time for you to climb out of your little superiority complex, you're an "Internet Forum Expert", that's ABSOLUTELY nothing to brag about.

Um...Who the fuck sat here and bragged that I'm an "Internet Forum Expert?" The fuck is that even supposed to mean?

I'm going to tell you this once and hope you get the picture... This forum is for people who like to talk about Mortal Kombat. We share ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc. And if you have a problem with one measly little user who thinks differently than the rest, I suggest you get over it and deal with it that there are some people that don't necessarily want to follow the crowd. Besides, it's not like my opinions are facts, because I don't state my opinions as facts. I talk in a way where I like to make my point, let others read, and make them think. Never to change their minds, but realizes that there are people out there that don't normally want the same old same old to return. That should NOT be a problem for anyone. And if it is, well, I suggest to them that they get the fuck over it and stop acting like a little baby about it. Because sir, there was no need for you to respond in a way like that, especially over an opinion that no one needs to agree upon but myself. And I'm not an expert, I do not sit here and claim that I am... And if it's because I've been on this site since 2008, that's not being an expert. It's being a fan of this site because there are nice people here that likes to discuss something I like to talk to. Not too many of my friends are video game fanatics like I am.

Last but not least... I don't even know you, why you're getting this upset at me out of the blue, I would really like some explanations if you would so kindly do. Thank you.

And at least someone gets the point:

Martin_Jacob22 Wrote:

Thank you grin
Icebaby Wrote:
In my opinion, I don't want the heroes to be resurrected. This could be a perfect opportunity to actually bring in some fresh new meat to the table and see where it goes.

Did somebody say meat?
06/10/2013 12:40 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
In my opinion, I don't want the heroes to be resurrected. This could be a perfect opportunity to actually bring in some fresh new meat to the table and see where it goes.

Did somebody say meat?

Your link isn't working sad
06/12/2013 05:11 AM (UTC)
Armageddon is inevitable. No matter what Raiden try to do, the corruption of the fights will always grow and the matters that put the pieces of the One Being's mind together will always be strong.

Since they are rebooting, I agree they should explore new features, but I really do not see myself playing with new characters instead of all players we got to date.

If there are going to be new protagonists, I would enjoy playing as the Great Kung Lao, winning a tournament and even losing the next one. I hope they get more creative than ever, because as I said, Armageddon is inevitable, we are all going to end on the pyramid waiting for Blaze, or maybe another thing.
06/12/2013 02:12 PM (UTC)
But then what's the whole point of this new story if we're trying to make it to where we DON'T have Armageddon happen again?
06/12/2013 02:59 PM (UTC)
i think it should have mk4 - mkd characters included in the game but not follow the same story. like let the story play out a new way, and have different events popping up, no more raiden trying to change things. the whole Armageddon thing was kinda weak and I don't wanna see that happening again for quite some time.
06/13/2013 04:15 PM (UTC)
mk9 was half a game only because it was sort of a remake,,not entirely a new game,,

if only if there was some sort of confirmation that there actually wil lbe a mk10..;p
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/17/2013 01:33 AM (UTC)
With this whole new timeline altered arc the team is able to to retcon a lot of things from MKDA-MKD. I hope Onaga isn't one of those things, I thought they were improving a lot storywise during Deception, and I hope they keep Onaga and Shujinko alive in the MK lore.
08/11/2013 09:47 PM (UTC)
I would like the fallen heroes to return but as heroes. I cant envision kitana as a bad girl. But my main point is i hope nrs get some people outside nrs to help with Mk x because if nrs only do it then its the same people making the game over and over again. They need to get people outside nrs like they did letting a dc guy design scorpion. I suggest employing platinum blondes from Sweden because swedes are the most creative people.
09/03/2013 01:34 AM (UTC)
I'm going to predict now there will be MAYBE 2 more Injustice characters then at E3 2014 MK10 will be announced and it will come out in Spring or Summer 2015 on Next Gen. consoles
09/03/2013 12:41 PM (UTC)
Next gen consoles are coming out pretty soon. Before this year's hollidays 4 the PS4 as it seems. The Wii-U is already out. I'm thinking MK10, might really get some first impressions even before E3, next year.
About Me

big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

09/04/2013 04:28 PM (UTC)
after the events Mk4, they should steer the story a different direction but include some characters like Having and Lie Mei(sorry for misspell).
09/04/2013 10:20 PM (UTC)
I would like them to follow the timeline as they have been but making logical choices that drastically alter the events based on things Raiden has already changed.

They've already done one by Kitana/Sindel&Jade getting killed which sets this timeline's MK4 in Outworld rather than Edenia like it originally was. The butterfly effect has that little change affecting the roles of all of the Edenian characters along with Reptile (who was facing charges of genocide by Sindel at this time in the original timeline). Raiden intervened a lot in MK9, so I'm really interested in seeing how the butterfly effect causes the next set of events to unfold completely differently.
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