MK10 Possible Scenario
posted04/28/2011 07:56 PM (UTC)by
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04/26/2011 02:01 AM (UTC)
Now hear me out on this people.. I have an awesome idea for the next game. It is connected to Liu Kang's ending. What if.. After Liu Kang beats Shao Kahn he becomes angry with the way Raiden was behaving, and then demands the Elder God's to let him challenge Raiden in Mortal Kombat for control of Earthrealm. He defeats Raiden then becomes a God. But when Shao Kahn was defeated, some of his evil essence went into Liu Kang and tainted his soul, making him evil. Liu Kang then becomes a tyrant, and gathers many of Kahn's surviving minions (mileena, reptile, reiko, ermac, ext...) and HE is the new threat to Earthrealm. And the opening movie could be him beating up Shinnok AND Quan Chi together to show how powerful he has become? I know this idea has some holes, and people may not like the fact that Liu Kang is evil, but I like the Liu Kang character, I just think he'd be more interesting as the evil boss. It would also add an awesome twist to the next game. Thoughts?
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04/28/2011 07:41 PM (UTC)
Way too earlier for this stuff, imo. Now is the time to enjoy the glory that is MK9.
04/28/2011 07:42 PM (UTC)
I'm sure you're all excited of your idea but I would expect something deeper not involving a corrupted hero. Liu Kang wouldn't be a very cunning and vicious villain, he would be just plain wrathful killing everyone. He doesn't even have the passion to conquer worlds necessary. I'd like to see Shinnok with his insidious plans to be the big enemy in the sequel.
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-Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body

04/28/2011 07:46 PM (UTC)
I could see Liu kang being a god like villain in future games, but not based off of Kahns evil corrupting, I see it more from him feeling that Raiden betrayed him in story mode. I would like to see what some of the endings suggested play out, such as Shang Tsung become the new Liu Kang like figure of the MK universe and be on a mission to defeat Liu Kang.
04/28/2011 07:50 PM (UTC)
I know my idea is a little far fetched, and to be honest.. it's just an idea. Im not even sure if that would really work out well, that's why I wanted to know what others thought. But about Shinnok... He is the one I'd truly like to see in the next game, and I'd also like to see his character far more developed than in previous games. But, the evil Liu Kang idea was just something that stays on my mind. Im not a fan of Shang Tsung becoming good, but if the next game had liu kang evil, and shang tsung as the hero??? That'd be CRAZY!
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"Retirement my ass!"

04/28/2011 07:55 PM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
I'm sure you're all excited of your idea but I would expect something deeper not involving a corrupted hero. Liu Kang wouldn't be a very cunning and vicious villain, he would be just plain wrathful killing everyone. He doesn't even have the passion to conquer worlds necessary. I'd like to see Shinnok with his insidious plans to be the big enemy in the sequel.

Most definitely this. I can't see Liu being able to pull of the "Evil Conquerer" role. Besides,
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
I liked the Shinnok set up at the end of Story mode.
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

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04/28/2011 07:56 PM (UTC)
This should go in the Future Games forum.
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