MK10 in 2013??
posted01/04/2012 10:15 PM (UTC)by
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07/14/2011 07:56 PM (UTC)
This was on the Mortal Kombat Legacy page on wikipedia:
"Shooting is expected to begin in March 2012 with a budget up to $100 million and a release date of 2013, coordinated with the next installment of the video game series being produced by the same studios."
01/04/2012 12:42 AM (UTC)
Not too sure i wouldn't be ready to welcome a game a little earlier but yeah. It seems the next movie will see the day in 2013.
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01/04/2012 07:04 PM (UTC)
2013? Wow... Seems like pretty quick turnaround considering the fact that no one at NRS has even acknowledged that a new game is in the planning stages, much less something that would be ready for a 2013 release.

A budget of 100 million? Really!? Wow... That's a LOT of money to sink in to an MK movie. I'd be surprised if the first MK movie back in the 90's had even a quarter of that size of budget.

Given Tanchereon's love of MK and that kind of bankroll, I think that MK fans can expect a fantastic treatment of our favorite series. But will other, non-MK fans really care about it enough to make that money back at the box office?

I dont' want to sound like a downer but, I'm only curious because I'd hate to see the movie flop (or make what your average game movie makes, which probably isn't around 100m at the gate) and WB decide to put the game series on the back burner as a result.

Sure, they might not seem connected, but if they see a lack in brand extension ability, it might limit how much they stand behind NRS in the future. Ya never know.
01/04/2012 10:15 PM (UTC)
Call me crazy for saying that. I know that the help of a company such as WB is kind of needed and appreciated. But if they really intend to help a lot less in the future only because of a flop at the box office, well NRS would probably find some other means to get themselves back on track. Pleasing WB is kind of safe imo. I'm not wishing anything bad to the NRS team at all be sure of that, but once you have your back against the wall in a industry like this one, well if you have balls it's when they show the most. With a one non-compromising game they could surprise us once more.

I understand and agree with ppl stating the fact that movies based of games somewhat suck. There has been many proof in the past. Don't know why but this budget of 100 million doesn't cheer me up any more than it disappoints me. Sure the visuals can be pretty awesome, but finding a cast who can both do physical, get into their roles and can act? I dunno. It's lame but i fear what could happen to a MK movie filled with actors that just came for a check and never really cared about trying to understand the characters they play even a bit.
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