MK10 ideas
posted02/22/2012 03:25 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/28/2011 08:37 PM (UTC)
sorry bout the previous idea thread i changed the name this time, and this is about MK10 and i found out that there are 3 different ideas for the next game:

MK10 (sequel to MK 2011)

MK vs Streetfighter (confused)

A sequel/spin off/ or a remake of MK: mythologies subzero

So post ideas about any of the 3 games above. grin
02/11/2012 06:16 PM (UTC)
If it was MK10 I'd like to see:
the kombatants that Quan chi has under his control come back (not as zombies)

Sub zero gets out of that robotic suit

Skarlet, Kenshi, and rain are playable (not DLC)

Kratos still playable for Playstation consoles

More alternate costumes

IF Freddy comes backs give him a couple alternate costumes

Daegon, Reiko, Frost, Sareena, Tanya, Meat, Shinnok, Havik, other returning characters, and new ones are included as playable characters (the first 8 are there because they all have cameos)

More challenge tower levels included

A level in the challenge tower were you play as a Shadow Priests

Hornbuckle and Tremor as characters (or at least DLC)

And the plot having something to do with shinnoks invasion, stopping Hornbuckle and the holy men from hatching onaga and capturing blaze, and some 3rd thing.grin
02/11/2012 06:49 PM (UTC)
How about this. Get rid of all guest characters. No more guests.
02/11/2012 07:00 PM (UTC)
Agreed with no more guests. Or keep the number of guests to the minimum. 0 Being kind of good. But i prefer having something done to save the zombified kombatants with the help of other good guys than having them come back alive with no clue as to how they were saved.

Li Mei
Bo rai Cho
Should all have a spot as the good guys. The vampire kind of having the means to enter the Neitherealm and get someone out as she once did with Cyrax could be promised her freedom or the life of her race in return for her assistance. (Just an idea)

I don't want to go into that crossover thing since i fear they would feel like they must introduce the classic roster once again (MK1-MK3) to match a classic roster of SF.

So, the game should be a sequel or at least should be MK10.
02/11/2012 07:11 PM (UTC)
DistraughtOverlord Wrote:
Agreed with no more guests. Or keep the number of guests to the minimum. 0 Being kind of good. But i prefer having something done to save the zombified kombatants with the help of other good guys than having them come back alive with no clue as to how they were saved.

Li Mei
Bo rai Cho
Should all have a spot as the good guys. The vampire kind of having the means to enter the Neitherealm and get someone out as she once did with Cyrax could be promised her freedom or the life of her race in return for her assistance. (Just an idea)

I don't want to go into that crossover thing since i fear they would feel like they must introduce the classic roster once again (MK1-MK3) to match a classic roster of SF.

So, the game should be a sequel or at least should be MK10.

Right back at ya dude. When it comes to guests, I sense evil like horror monsters. I despise those creeps. They gotta go and stay in hell permanently.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
02/20/2012 02:24 AM (UTC)
I'd like MK 10 to focus on the events of MK4 with some hints and shades of Deadly Alliance and Deception. I had an outline of future games somewhere.

MK 2011 to me seemed like the moral of the Butterfly Effect film. One thing changes everything

The next few games could be like the message in Terminator 3 and Salvation, some things are just inevitable.

Basically, Shinnok invades and kills the Elder Gods. Fujin survives and helps Rayden redeem himself (I like the idea of the Elder Gods punishing Rayden for his mistakes). The undead army that Quan Chi dominates the good guys emotionally seeing how it's their former comrades.

I honestly think Shinnok knows about the timeline change and that's why Quan Chi was at the first tournament.

I would also have Rayden destroy Blaze so Armaggedon doesn't happen, but in later games it's invokes the return of the One Being.

It's going to get worse before it gets better, but not all is perfect on Shinnok's side. Noob does return, but secretly plots overthrow and Sareena defects after helping Sub-Zero. Liu Kang gets killed by Shinnok from a trap from Tanya like in her ending, but as I had mentioned, Shinnok convinces Liu Kang to dominate the realms which later in the new Deadly Alliance he revives Shang Tsung.

Shinnok is defeated.

Deadly Alliance still happens, but Liu Kang kills Rayden telling him the truth. Deception happens, but Shujinko is killed shortly after by Liu Kang.

For Sub-Zero, he would be put into Quan Chi's purification chamber by Sareena. Except he would end up like Cyrax being partially human and cyborg. Sareena then sends him to Outworld near an icy temple. He discovers his Cryomancer heritage and must undergo a series of tests (facing himself and past demons) to be made human again. He puts on the armor and the outfit and goes back to Earth

He would then go towards destroying the Lin Kuei, but find it's been slaughtered by the new version of the Noob-Smoke duo. Sektor barely survives, but wants to fight Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero wins, but disbands the Lin Kuei and forms his own clan of Earthrealm defenders. He pretty much becomes technophobic.

There is another survivor named Lai, a female Lin Kuei assassin who also worked on the Cyber Initiative. She uses technology in fighting, but she's more like Human Cyrax then Human Sektor.

Sub Zero and her do the process of getting Cyrax his humanity back, not Jax and Sonya.

Noob recruits Smoke and has him cut his past by both of them taking on the Lin Kuei, Noob, when fighting cyborgs, sees potential in Smoke's enerera and like his MK: Deception ending, kidnaps a technicician and cyber-demons are becoming created.
About Me do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.
02/20/2012 03:07 AM (UTC)
I want next Mortal Kombat To be about Shinnok invading Earthrealm (along with Quan Chi). Shao Kahn should be done for the rest of the games and Reiko takes over as ruler of Outworld. Sub-Zero should be reverted to his non-automated self somehow and Ermacs ending in the last Mortal Kombat should be partially true, becoming a protector of Edenia and bring his story to a close. Along with the Shinnok invasion story, someone should destroy the dragon egg and stop Onaga from being revived (so that stops that arc from happening, so the next game after this have a radically different storywise and forget the Deadly Alliance). Some new characters could join the cast and help stop Shinnok. I kind of want Smoke to be automated again but that probably won't happen and also, maybe Motaro could be a battle in a new challenge tower or something as a four-legged centaur. Maybe Tremor and a few other characters could join with a new appearance. Also perhaps Raiden could either die or become an Elder God and Kidd Thunder could take his place (forgot about him, did you) and some other characters won't return or atleast be minor characters seen in the story mode.
That's all I have right now. What do you guys think?
Hi guys I'm the new gal on the block. Pleased to meet you!

Anyways I was thinking of a possible plotline for a future MK that maybe is just my female mentality talking, but it's something I think would be pretty good if the guys up at Midway cared enough.

What if they did a storyline where Liu Kang, and Kitana did in fact marry. Perhaps as a way to officially partner EarthRealm, and Edenia, and plus the romantic in me would like to see that. Anyways for storyline purposes Liu Kang is generally regarded as the most powerful warrior from EarthRealm, while Kitana as Princess of Edenia also has incredible power.

So they have a baby. And this baby Raiden discovers is a source of great power, and has the potential for a huge destiny. Unfortunately so do Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shao Khan. So both the forces of good and evil fight for possession of this baby that is destined to be so powerful. Raiden's side of course wants the baby to be good, while Shao Khan wants the baby for evil.

This would also be a good way to reintroduce characters absent from MK9. Bo Rai Cho could be entrusted by Raiden to train the child, and keep him or her safe(I haven't decided if the baby should be a boy or a girl). While Tanya could be introduced as someone who would be working to help Shao Khan win.

And watch Sindel rip Shao Khan's spleen out if he threatens her grandchild LOL!
02/21/2012 12:52 AM (UTC)
BeautifulPrincessKitana Wrote:
Hi guys I'm the new gal on the block. Pleased to meet you!

Anyways I was thinking of a possible plotline for a future MK that maybe is just my female mentality talking, but it's something I think would be pretty good if the guys up at Midway cared enough.

What if they did a storyline where Liu Kang, and Kitana did in fact marry. Perhaps as a way to officially partner EarthRealm, and Edenia, and plus the romantic in me would like to see that. Anyways for storyline purposes Liu Kang is generally regarded as the most powerful warrior from EarthRealm, while Kitana as Princess of Edenia also has incredible power.

So they have a baby. And this baby Raiden discovers is a source of great power, and has the potential for a huge destiny. Unfortunately so do Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shao Khan. So both the forces of good and evil fight for possession of this baby that is destined to be so powerful. Raiden's side of course wants the baby to be good, while Shao Khan wants the baby for evil.

This would also be a good way to reintroduce characters absent from MK9. Bo Rai Cho could be entrusted by Raiden to train the child, and keep him or her safe(I haven't decided if the baby should be a boy or a girl). While Tanya could be introduced as someone who would be working to help Shao Khan win.

And watch Sindel rip Shao Khan's spleen out if he threatens her grandchild LOL!

I love it! But I don't Kahn to return since Earthrealm is no longer threatened by him. I hope Shinnok kills Quan Chi if he secretly knows the sorcerer stole his amulet.

Let a new enemy rise and have Shang Tsung return.

I wish it was after Shinnok's defeat and we have a new generation of warriors.
What if the new enemy was Onaga? I always thought The Dragon King was ferocious, and was disappointed that he did not show up in MK9. Plus in MK9's storyline you see the one scene where Shao Khan is examining what looked like one of Onaga's Kamidogus. So yeah Shao Khan is dead like you said, but somehow Onaga is brought back from the dead, and he pretty much picks up where Shao Khan left off doing evil stuff.
02/21/2012 12:57 PM (UTC)
BeautifulPrincessKitana Wrote:
I think would be pretty good if the guys up at Midway cared enough.

Um... They're not Midway anymore, they're Netherrealm Studios.

BeautifulPrincessKitana Wrote:
What if the new enemy was Onaga? I always thought The Dragon King was ferocious, and was disappointed that he did not show up in MK9. Plus in MK9's storyline you see the one scene where Shao Khan is examining what looked like one of Onaga's Kamidogus. So yeah Shao Khan is dead like you said, but somehow Onaga is brought back from the dead, and he pretty much picks up where Shao Khan left off doing evil stuff.

Why would Onaga be in MK2011? Or what purpose would be gain being in here? During this time, if Deception's Conquest mode is still taking into consideration of happening in the background, Onaga's presence isn't even a threat. And as you've watched the flash backs, it focuses more on Kahn obtaining ultimate power, not Onaga. They pretty much turned Onaga into one of the lamest, uninteresting, dullest and non-threatening boss there was. He was hardly a threat in Deception as how majority of the cast's endings didn't even involve him, more like, Hotaru's, Li Mei's, Shujinko's, Scorpion's, Kabal's and Havik's. That's pretty much it, everyone else had nothing to do with the dragon king. Even Raiden himself had focused on Shujinko rather than Onaga, and Onaga is the reason for his death in the first place.

If they're going to bring back the dragon king, they need to do so in a way where we know that every realm is facing the most incredible threat of realm destruction there is. But as of right now, there's absolutely no purpose for him to even be mention right now. Shinnok is the next to be focused on. And I'm more interested in seeing a fallen god rather than some king that got killed by Kahn years and years ago.
Why wouldn't Onaga make a return? Maybe Deception didn't showcase him right, but it seems MK9 was designed to hit the reset button, so that all the continuity issues would start from scratch. Much like DCU's habit of doing Crisis storylines to clean up after a decade or so. As mentioned above for now Khan is dead, of course he never really stays dead. Now Shinnok is waiting in the wings for his spotlight, and I really hope they do a better job with him than in MK4. If they want us to believe he's worthy to be the top dog on the bad guys' side he'd better damn well be a badass. As of right now I remember how he was in MK4 and MKA and I have to say I was NOT impressed.
See there? Like Onaga , Shinnok didn't live up to his expectations either the first time. So what's the difference? There are a lot of variables in how Onaga could be brought back. Shinnok could do it, the evil sorcerers could do it...but why not bring him back? He had a great look. The wings, the armor...that guy made the Shokans look like cream-puffs. I'd love to see how he'd look and work out on the newer advanced platforms. He has the potential if people utilize it. P.S. I didn' know about the company name change...hell I don't even know how many times my bank has changed names.wink
02/22/2012 03:25 PM (UTC)
Yes, the company changed names because they were bought out by Warner Brothers after MKvsDC due to bankruptcy.

I never really said Onaga won't come back, but, due to everything changing around with the story, his chance to come back has already been tampered with since:

Shang Tsung is dead

Shang Tsung being dead changes a lot because Quan Chi partnered up with him back in Deadly Alliance. Since Shang is dead, how is Quan Chi supposed to ally himself with another deadly sorcerer that the realms are frightened of?

It's REALLY going to depend where this next story ends because if it has Quan Chi getting killed, how is he going to find the Dragon Army? If Cyrax is dead as well, how is he going to partner up with Nitara? And if that event doesn't happen, how is Reptile supposed to find and ambush them, while getting sucked into the Great Egg?

At this very moment, Onaga isn't looking too good to come back. But I'm not saying that he won't, just his chances are slim. Incredibly slim. And if they don't even start working on the whole Shujinko story, it's basically kinda over.

Time paradoxes are neat.
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