MK10, How Far Should it Go? How Far Should it Deviate?
posted08/20/2010 01:12 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
So with MK9 being a reboot of 1-3, MK10 could go a similar route. It could cover MK4-MKD, leading into Shinnok, fighting the Deadly Alliance, and Stomping the Dragon King, cleaning up the story where it needs to be polished. OR they could drastically deviate. New villain, new story, basically just moving forward. Because if not, then what do you have? Same games new graphics. Perhaps they could introduce new villains or pump up old ones like Quan Chi to finally take the role fo big bad. I'm just curious to see what everyone wants because by the time the game's announced we would likely see a split in opinion
06/23/2010 09:37 PM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
So with MK9 being a reboot of 1-3, MK10 could go a similar route. It could cover MK4-MKD, leading into Shinnok, fighting the Deadly Alliance, and Stomping the Dragon King, cleaning up the story where it needs to be polished.


Vash_15 Wrote:
OR they could drastically deviate. New villain, new story, basically just moving forward. Because if not, then what do you have? Same games new graphics. Perhaps they could introduce new villains or pump up old ones like Quan Chi to finally take the role fo big bad. I'm just curious to see what everyone wants because by the time the game's announced we would likely see a split in opinion

Yes. They can clean up all the MKDA, MKD, and MKA bull shit in a new game. Just have a massive opening sequence that ties up all loose ends.

But thanks to MK9's stupid story, that will never happen. Because apparently Raiden goes back in time near the end of Armageddon.

Personally I think MK is fucked now (story wise) thanks to who ever came up with that shitty excuse.

Unfortunately I see MKX being a sequel to MK9, with an alternate twist.
I see Raiden preventing Shujinko's quest. Shinnok never escapes the Netherealm. Onaga is never resurrected... etc.

If you ask me, Raiden is an idiot. If he could send messages back in time, he should have done it from the beginning. He also should have sent his gay little message before his first war with Shinnok. MK9 just fucked MK even harder in the ass than Armageddon if you ask me. This is the first MK game I'm playing purely because of gameplay. The story, as it has been presented thus far, has turned me off.
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06/23/2010 09:56 PM (UTC)
I was talking about this yesterday actually.

I do not want the story to deviate too much. But I am open to new directions. Shinnoks invasion Must happen as it would be hard for him to be stopped anyways even if Raiden was enlightnened.

I can deal with the Deadly alliance not happening and introducing something completely new. Scorpion and Quan chi still playing cat and mouse. I would liek to have Shang Tsung kill Liu Kang anyways. It contributes to Kung lao's ambition and story very much.

The Dragon King... hmm.

I am deffinately open to seeing him, but i dont think he should be "the man" of sorts. I actually want Reptile to remain as his vessel. Reptile copuld ahve newfound power and knowledge after Onaga is defeated. Bringing in a possible visit to Zaterra?

just throwing ideas out there. But if they went from MK4-MKD. Then they could go another direction with MK11 instead of MKA. worst idea ever.

ima ll for it. MK4-MKD lets giv'er

06/28/2010 05:36 PM (UTC)
please no zombie liu. I actually liked the twist of him being killed.
07/26/2010 05:01 AM (UTC)
I was just thinking about this. My mind is thinking that this migh be a 3 arc thing. Like MK-MK3 first. Then MK4-MKD. Finally they try and end Armageddon once and for all in the 3rd
07/27/2010 12:28 AM (UTC)
I just realized that with MK9 rebooting the franchise the Deadly Alliance would have never existed, Sub-Zero would never become the wise grandmaster, Quan Chi would have never betrayed Shinnok, Liu Kang might not win the tournament, etc.

Hopefully they don't deviate too much. Make sure Subby becomes awesome and the Deadly Alliance appears
07/27/2010 06:08 AM (UTC)
To me, there were so many different stories and potential that wasn't fleshed out properly in MKD, and MKA was just garbage.

I'm probably one of the very few that would want a re-imagining of deadly alliance and deception. I don't like how Onaga was portrayed as the dragon king in MKD, he could've been much sicker and they should've went far more in depth with him. Being a big boss, he should've stayed with us for a few games and that would've fleshed him out more as a character. I wanted Onaga to have his own saga, kinda like Kahn did.

Remember certain endings and speculations of deadly alliance? How crazy the dragon king was gonna be in the next game, the return of the vampires, the third oni, drahmin possibly becoming human, etc. Deception is ok in its own right but it didn't go in depth/detain into alot of things. We heard how crazy Onaga's dragon army was....yet its all gone from a simple blast by Raiden. I personally would've wanted to see a big war involving alot of characters/races but still keeping things simple. Instead, the dragon king dies way too early and we didnt get to know much about him or his past (even his relationship with Kahn).

After that we get MKA which was complete trash Imo. Not feelin Blaze as a boss at all, but lets just say Onaga did die early I wouldn't of wanted MKA's approach. Earthrealm, Outworld, and everywhere else should've just been chaos with no major boss player; everyone just going all-out against each other. They could do this in another game obviously, but like I said I want them to go more in depth right after deadly alliance.

So I'd personally want to go back and fix things up properly. Fill in alot of holes and flesh out more story potential. I wouldn't even mind if the deadly alliance never existed, just as long as they come up with something very good leading up to the return of Onaga.
07/29/2010 03:10 AM (UTC)
Story story story... fuck the story. Why not? Everyone else at midway has obviously come to the same conclusiuon. Otherwise here's what I want: smaller roster no more than 15. The return of create a character and excellent graphics along with a straightforward story that ISN'T FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION!!! furiousfuriousfurious
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/29/2010 11:33 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
I just realized that with MK9 rebooting the franchise the Deadly Alliance would have never existed, Sub-Zero would never become the wise grandmaster, Quan Chi would have never betrayed Shinnok, Liu Kang might not win the tournament, etc.

Hopefully they don't deviate too much. Make sure Subby becomes awesome and the Deadly Alliance appears

I don't know about that, Quan Chi's betrayal happened during MKM:SZ, and I'm pretty sure that came before MK1, so that would be about the only part of the story they couldn't change(aside from that old fool Shujinko, He occurred during all of that crap)
08/20/2010 01:12 AM (UTC)
Totally new if you ask me. After Mortal Kombat 3 the story started falling apart. Too many weird things going on at once. Especially with the gap from Deception to Armageddon.
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