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Signature by Pred
09/12/2011 02:47 AM (UTC)
This is not the first time Ed Boon mentions a "Fire & Ice" concept for a future game. If I recall correctly, they had originally planned another Shaolin Monks-like game, except the main players were Scorpion and Sub-Zero. This was scrapped since Midway was going bankrupt at the time, but now that NRS is with WB, who knows? It'd be a nice way to have their arcade MK '11 ending come to life.
09/29/2011 12:27 PM (UTC)
i loved shaolin monks!! please NRS make Shaolin monks 2 or a game similar 2 it. and make the V.S. mode 4 player (SSB style)

10/08/2011 12:31 AM (UTC)
That's not that bad of an idea. Although I think that it would be a good feature to have inside of the game, rather than that be the only format of the game because I still love the competitive fighting format with the induction of new fighting characters. But adding an action adventure third person styled fighting game would be a great feature to have with the game. I think that could add another dynamic that the Armeggdon series had with MK.

Maybe it could be formatted with Scorpion/Sub-Zero go through various mazed puzzles in which they were to find keys or hidden items that would allow the unlock of special prizes, hidden features to the overall game, and advancement to higher levels. Also various other characters, new characters and hidden characters could be used as boss/sub-boss character after every level or adventure.

Along with Sub-Zero/Scorpion you could implement other characters to fight with against the adversaries in the action adventure. They could be up to four character like with the implementation of Kitana/Jade or Kitana/Mileena along with Sub-Zero/Scorpion. It would be like four against the world or four the hard way. Something to that affect.

With all that said though, I would rather have Mortal Kombat retain the 1 on 1, and Tag Team formats maybe possibly implementing a 3 on 3 format or Team Combat where you could add up to seven characters on your team and fight against either the computer or an opponent with their seven characters. It could also be a new dynamic for Mortal Kombat. Either way though I think the MK9 format should be retained although expanded into other various gaming modes such as the Team Kombat as forementioned.

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