MK10 Character Predictions
posted09/12/2011 06:49 PM (UTC)by
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02/11/2003 02:30 PM (UTC)
Okay, so from my understanding of MK9's storymode... here are the characters that have literally DIED (rather than just stimply lost a battle)

I see no need to explain the orange highlighted characters... because they were clearly defeated and seen in the Netherrealm.
Correct me if I'm wrong about the red, though:

Liu Kang - Raiden fried his ass
Sub-Zero - Scorpion killed him / Turned into Cyber Sub-Zero
Noob Saibot - It would appear as though he was torn apart by the Soulnado
Shang Tsung - Shao Kahn sucked the life out of him.
Shao Kahn - Destroyed by Raiden and the Elder Gods... or it would appear.
Motaro - Raiden kills him on the Bridge
Kratos - trash
Freddy - trash

So here are just the survivors... and the "rumored" characters

Assuming that MK10 will retell the story of Shinnok's war on the Heavens and Earthrealm (and now Outworld)... This is how I believe it would affect the MK4 / MKG character roster:

Jarek, being a complete knock-off of Kano... I assume this time they'd ignore Jarek's existence. Afterall, Kano was just left frozen by Cyber Sub-Zero. Not necessarily killed.

So with what we have surviving from MK9, here's what I think we could fill in from MK4/MKG

That leaves us with quite a few question marks...

Since we see some of the survivors in the Netherrealm, and we know in Mortal Kombat no one REALLY dies... maybe the captured souls would be our future DLC? Or just secret characters to unlock?

We know that MK10 has to have a roster equal to or more than (even by a few) the roster from MK9

Here's what I predict

Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Liu Kang, and Sub-Zero are among the trapped souls in the Netherrealm. They might be DLC or unlockable characters.

Sareena - One of Quan Chi's assassins and a fan favorite.

Noob Saibot - Come on... he can't REALLY be dead! He is a bad ass and one of Quan Chi's go getters.

Bo Rai Cho - mentioned quite a few times in MK9. With his finest student dead (Liu Kang) I'm sure he wants to help Earthrealm out.

Frost- Mentioned in Cyber Sub-Zero's heads-up display during story mode when he scans Kabal for known targets (or something like that). She's mentioned for a reason or just an easter egg. With the Lin Kuei most likely disbanded... she's going to fight Sektor for the right to the Grand Master Title. Maybe even help Cyber Sub-Zero regain his soul and former body? Cyrax is probably just going to leave the LK all together and join the Special Forces like in the past stories.

Havik - Mentioned in Noob Saibot's ending. Maybe the Netherrealm will use help from that realm?

Hotaru - If we have Chaos, why not Order? Perhaps Raiden turns to the Order Realm to help fight off the inevitable chaos brought upon Shinnok's war.

Mavado - because Kano is still out there, and Kabal is missing. Our other hooksword guy. If not him, then maybe just bring back Kabal from the Netherrealm / possible DLC? I still think Mavado has a very decent fan base and potential to be even better than he was in Deadly Alliance.

Kia and Jataaka - the two other assassins for Quan Chi. They are both not very well known but spark fan interest. They were only seen in MKM:SZ and MKA's konquest mode. It's about time we see their character potential.

Rain - With Sindel and Kitana gone... he has his chance to claim his throne of Edenia and defend it against the Netherrealm.

Kenshi - I can't find a justification for him now that Shang Tsung is dead. Maybe he goes to join the Special Forces to help out Sonya like in the past story line? Perhaps he wants to free Jax?

Skarlett - I can't find a justification for her since her master is gone.

Lady In Purple - who knows?

Lady in Green - from Jade's ending... who knows?

Tremor - Because fans have been crying for this guy for a while now. Maybe he will help out Kano fight off the Red Dragon? Or maybe his Lin Kuei roots will come in light?

Drahmin and Moloch - with the Netherrealm's forces attacking... why not our two favorite onis? It'd be nice to see them back. Goro will have his match when it comes to fighting Moloch.
AH yes, the pool of characters to have chosen from:

Taven and Daegon - have no real purpose in MK. Fuck Armageddon and everything it stands for.
Chameleon and Khameleon - no REAL potential here... the only potential Chameleon has is being a easter egg alternate costume for Reptile. I can't see them having their OWN UNIQUE move set.
Hsu Hao - Hsu Hao was just too god damn ugly and lame to bring back... a disgusting mistake.
Nitara... maybe she would be a nice DLC? Or not... what does she have to do with the Netherrealm's war? Nothing...
Li Mei - No purpose because she was only brought in through the Deadly Alliance's tournament. She's from Outworld who wanted to free her village.
Blaze - To hell with him.
Dairou, Darrius, Shujinko, Kobra, Ashrah, Kira, Onaga - I don't need to explain why any of them don't serve a purpose in MK10...
Jarek - Like I said, a complete Kano rip off. He wasn't even that impressive in MKA. We should pretend he never happened.
07/26/2011 10:18 PM (UTC)
Aren't the Arcade Mode endings unofficially part of the story?
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Sig Cred: UNdiscovered

07/26/2011 11:07 PM (UTC)
This is all well thought out and excellently presented. Good read and I hope that we get a cast very similar too, if not the one you have predicted.
07/27/2011 12:03 AM (UTC)
Very well thought-out and interesting thread.

Good work!
07/27/2011 01:30 AM (UTC)
AwesomeTaco Wrote:
Aren't the Arcade Mode endings unofficially part of the story?

... I guess. But it's not the first time the MK Team use SOME arcade ending elements in their story.
07/27/2011 11:46 AM (UTC)
The MKG Roster with some replacements
1) Sektor (He was Alive)
2) Cyrax (see Sektor)
3) Kitana (Will be prominate in Shinnok's army of the damned)
4) Mileena (Will join Outworld with Netherrealm)
5) Kung Lao (see Kitana)
6) Baraka (see Mileena)
7) Sonya (see Sektor)
8) Jax (see Kitana)
9) Liu Kang (Will either be the leader of the army of the damned or Shinnok's cock block against Quan Chi)
10) Johnny Cage (See Sektor)
11) Sub Zero ("Hyrbid Zero" as primary, full fat Sub Zero as secondary)
12) Reiko (Like Rain a pretty blank sheet to make pretty)
13) Kano (replacing Jarek, Hell he was supposed to be in MK4)
14) Raiden (See Sektor)
15) Tanya (People like Tanya. Kinda)
16) Scorpion (See Kitana)
17) Kai (He does bring capeoria to the table)
18) Reptile (Shinnok has a new minion)
19) Kenshi (replacing Shinnok, Got a feeling Shinnok will be rocking the unplayable boss character form this time)
20) Fujin (He'll be replacing Raiden as Earthrealm protector. Because I reckon Raiden will be cast down for fucking around with the time streams)
21) Quan Chi (No surprise, New Shang Tsung)
22) Noob Saibot (Will probably be looking to usurp someone)
Additional characters (I reckon they want to match up the roster with SSFIV:AE)
23) Smoke
24) Jade
25) Ermac (Probably lost and confused following Shao Kahn's defeat)
26) Rain (Probably join up with fellow Edenian Tanya)
27) Nightwolf
28) Stryker
29) Kabal
30) Skarlet (Like Ermac)
31) Sheeva (Will probably spearhead the Earthrealm/Shokan alliance)
32) Sareena (was meant to be in MK4 iirc)
33) Shang Tsung (Like Liu Kang, he might be Shinnok's trump card against Quan Chi's inevitable betrayal)
34) Sindel (Turns good at the end and hugs Kitana. d'awwwww)
35) Hotaru
36) Havik
37) Frost
38) Mavado
39) Ashrah

Hidden Fights:
Kia and Jataaka Endurance
Mecha Hitler

Motaro (No X-Rays, No Enhanced Moves, FINAL DESTINATION)

I mean I can probably assume that: Jade, Smoke, Sindel, Sheeva, Skarlet, Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung and a few others might not make it. But their models are done, they are still alive which would mean if they want to get rid of people they'll have to kill them off screen and no one likes that.

Plus lets remember that no one really liked most of the MK4 newbies until Deception/Armageddon. So another drastic change to another bunch of basically unknowns would be silly.

If we must learn anything from Raiden its this - we just need to learn from our mistakes. So Kai will probably not be horrifically melted with electric fire during the story mode.
07/27/2011 12:08 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
The MKG Roster with some replacements
1) Sektor (He was Alive)
2) Cyrax (see Sektor)
3) Kitana (Will be prominate in Shinnok's army of the damned)
4) Mileena (Will join Outworld with Netherrealm)
5) Kung Lao (see Kitana)
6) Baraka (see Mileena)
7) Sonya (see Sektor)
8) Jax (see Kitana)
9) Liu Kang (Will either be the leader of the army of the damned or Shinnok's cock block against Quan Chi)
10) Johnny Cage (See Sektor)
11) Sub Zero ("Hyrbid Zero" as primary, full fat Sub Zero as secondary)
12) Reiko (Like Rain a pretty blank sheet to make pretty)
13) Kano (replacing Jarek, Hell he was supposed to be in MK4)
14) Raiden (See Sektor)
15) Tanya (People like Tanya. Kinda)
16) Scorpion (See Kitana)
17) Kai (He does bring capeoria to the table)
18) Reptile (Shinnok has a new minion)
19) Kenshi (replacing Shinnok, Got a feeling Shinnok will be rocking the unplayable boss character form this time)
20) Fujin (He'll be replacing Raiden as Earthrealm protector. Because I reckon Raiden will be cast down for fucking around with the time streams)
21) Quan Chi (No surprise, New Shang Tsung)
22) Noob Saibot (Will probably be looking to usurp someone)
Additional characters (I reckon they want to match up the roster with SSFIV:AE)
23) Smoke
24) Jade
25) Ermac (Probably lost and confused following Shao Kahn's defeat)
26) Rain (Probably join up with fellow Edenian Tanya)
27) Nightwolf
28) Stryker
29) Kabal
30) Skarlet (Like Ermac)
31) Sheeva (Will probably spearhead the Earthrealm/Shokan alliance)
32) Sareena (was meant to be in MK4 iirc)
33) Shang Tsung (Like Liu Kang, he might be Shinnok's trump card against Quan Chi's inevitable betrayal)
34) Sindel (Turns good at the end and hugs Kitana. d'awwwww)
35) Hotaru
36) Havik
37) Frost
38) Mavado
39) Ashrah

Hidden Fights:
Kia and Jataaka Endurance
Mecha Hitler

Motaro (No X-Rays, No Enhanced Moves, FINAL DESTINATION)

I mean I can probably assume that: Jade, Smoke, Sindel, Sheeva, Skarlet, Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Shang Tsung and a few others might not make it. But their models are done, they are still alive which would mean if they want to get rid of people they'll have to kill them off screen and no one likes that.

Plus lets remember that no one really liked most of the MK4 newbies until Deception/Armageddon. So another drastic change to another bunch of basically unknowns would be silly.

If we must learn anything from Raiden its this - we just need to learn from our mistakes. So Kai will probably not be horrifically melted with electric fire during the story mode.

Now that you mention Ashrah, I guess I can see why she'd be involved. I totally forgot she was a former assassin for Quan Chi! To see her as a bad guy this time would be sweet... even if she does come back with her Kriss a bit earlier than Deception.

I just don't know why you'd bring back Motaro.

Mecha Hitler? Is that a joke? I hope it is...

Chameleon and Khameleon? I don't see how.... or even WHY.

I'm glad you mentioned Kai and capoeira. I've always wished that he would fight like that (without being a complete knock-off of Eddy Gordo). I'm glad to see some one else has the same thoughts about him.

I'd like to see more of a warrior-like design applied to him (for an alternate costume of course). Similar to this:

His main costume should be NOTHING like his MKA primary. More faithful to the MK4 design.
07/27/2011 12:45 PM (UTC)
Chameleon and Khameleon would only be there as hidden fights. No real story behind them at all.

Mecha Hitler was a joke to be honest. But a man can dream. Scorpion Vs Mecha Hitler...

Motaro is for completionist sake really.

To be honest, if they just kinda forgot him and the centaurs in the previous game all would be ok really. But they didn't he lies there... dead. As a giant cock tease of a hidden boss battle.

Kai is such a blank sheet really. He is pretty much like Smoke or Rain. They could do something with his back story. Just as long as he isn't "Couldn't give a shit about what to do next..." as he was in MK4.
07/27/2011 12:58 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Chameleon and Khameleon would only be there as hidden fights. No real story behind them at all.

Mecha Hitler was a joke to be honest. But a man can dream. Scorpion Vs Mecha Hitler...

Motaro is for completionist sake really.

To be honest, if they just kinda forgot him and the centaurs in the previous game all would be ok really. But they didn't he lies there... dead. As a giant cock tease of a hidden boss battle.

Kai is such a blank sheet really. He is pretty much like Smoke or Rain. They could do something with his back story. Just as long as he isn't "Couldn't give a shit about what to do next..." as he was in MK4.

Well Kai and Liu Kang were friends. He is an Ex-White-Lotus member. That means he had to have known Kung Lao. Both are dead... so Kai has his reasons of revenge and is probably our only hope of a new champion.

According to Kai's past MK4 bio, he's had MANY masters throughout Asia. So it can be concluded that he is very skillful and has the potential to actually fill in the shoes of a champion of mortal kombat. I'm sure Raiden and Fujin will be desperate enough to turn to Kai.

Kai might even have ties with Bo Rai Cho since it seems as if Bo aids Earthrealm so much by training its students. As long as Shujinko doesn't come back...
07/29/2011 08:35 PM (UTC)
Hi guys this is my first post since i'm new here ( joined today ).

As for the new roster i think that Shinnok will be the main boss in story mode, following MK2 ending but i believe we will see some surprises along the way.
As for other characters i would like to see the return of Mavado,Havik and Kobra.

But i would like see some new faces like the Hydro cyborg from MK legacy and other original characters.

What do you guys think of this?
About Me

07/30/2011 11:27 AM (UTC)
Wow this is a hell of a good post.

I think having FOUR of quan chi's assassins is overkill.

With that said, Ashrah should be part of the roster but not even as she was in MKD. Since shinnok is waging war it allows ashrah to escape the netherrealm and gives her a taste of freedom so she turns her back on quan chi to aid the gods (raiden and fujin) in exchange for her freedom.

Her ending should be that the elder gods deny her ascention into heaven despite raidens bargain with her. This leades her to find the kriss and kill her way out of the netherrealm.

I think Kia and Jataaka shouldnt be their own deep characters but instead something like cyberzero was.... I guess they would be like two extra costumes for sareena but I don't care for them. The only thing cool was jataaka's sword moves but we already have kenshi.

I would instead love to see the water, fire, and earth gods join fujin and raiden in the roster to fight shinnoks forces. Only thing is I want the earth god to be as tall as goro or kintaro but no bigger!!! I don't want him to be another blaze or dark khan like character.

Moloch and drahmin sound great! grin my two favorite oni!!!!
08/07/2011 02:33 PM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
Wow this is a hell of a good post.

I think having FOUR of quan chi's assassins is overkill.

With that said, Ashrah should be part of the roster but not even as she was in MKD. Since shinnok is waging war it allows ashrah to escape the netherrealm and gives her a taste of freedom so she turns her back on quan chi to aid the gods (raiden and fujin) in exchange for her freedom.

Her ending should be that the elder gods deny her ascention into heaven despite raidens bargain with her. This leades her to find the kriss and kill her way out of the netherrealm.

I think Kia and Jataaka shouldnt be their own deep characters but instead something like cyberzero was.... I guess they would be like two extra costumes for sareena but I don't care for them. The only thing cool was jataaka's sword moves but we already have kenshi.

I would instead love to see the water, fire, and earth gods join fujin and raiden in the roster to fight shinnoks forces. Only thing is I want the earth god to be as tall as goro or kintaro but no bigger!!! I don't want him to be another blaze or dark khan like character.

Moloch and drahmin sound great! grin my two favorite oni!!!!

Okay, I guess... yes, Kia was a pretty bland character. Now that you mention it, Jataaka's sword does resemble the glowing shit from Kenshi too.

About Me

Khameleon Wins! Credit to whoever made the Jade pic.

08/08/2011 04:06 AM (UTC)
People I want:
Li Mei

People I dont want:
Quan Chi
Sub Zero (Frost replaces him for this game)
Reptile(If hes not going to talk)
Baraka(Same as Rep)
Bo Rai Choke
Cyber SZ

People who i think will be in:
Bo Rai Cho
Quan Chi
Li Mei
Liu Kang
New Character
This is 25 people total.
08/09/2011 05:35 PM (UTC)
Actually liu kang might be in the game because he's one of the main characters. Who knows?confused
08/09/2011 09:56 PM (UTC)
I'll take my guesses just for fun here. As I've stated before I do believe the endings will play some role for a character's return in the next game.

Noob Saibot
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Kung Lao or Kabal
Bo Rai Cho
Quan Chi
Li Mei

and maybe Bellok
also might as well guess DLC:

Shang Tsung
New Character

These are just guesses and really hoping because I feel this roster would be the best in history. Also I hope for no cyber subz at all.
08/10/2011 02:13 AM (UTC)
bavvvv1 Wrote:
Actually liu kang might be in the game because he's one of the main characters. Who knows?confused

I don't really understand your reasoning, not that I'm against his return (quite the opposite, in fact). But the fact that he's a main character would not boost his chances, seeing as most of the main characters died in this game. But considering how his "death" was mostly just implied, it could be that he wasn't completely dead or he was shocked into a coma or something like that.

There's also the fact that Raiden was revealed to have healing powers in this games (Remember him healing Jax?) so depending on how powerful his abilities are, he could theoretically bring Liu Kang back from the verge of death.

Most of all though, you could look at the burns Liu Kang recieved, and compare them to the burns that Kabal suffered, you'll notice they're obviously much less severe. Also, Kabal was laying in the street for who knows how long, while Liu Kang was only there for the duration of one fight and with Sonya and Johnny Cage there to help him.

I'm not saying I expect to see him in the very next game, but if we do, I'm just saying there are more reasons than "He was a main character so he got resurrected"
08/10/2011 05:25 PM (UTC)
Well I did some more thinking and made some refinements...

Liu Kang - the person above me made a good point about Liu Kang not REALLY being killed. Just severely burned not even to the point of Kabal's injuries. So to say assume he's dead like the other characters can't be said anymore. So I added him to the list of playable characters. Perhaps he will be a rogue monk now untrusting of Raiden.

Goro - I decided to remove him because we really only need one sub-boss and his inclusion in MK4 wasn't really all that special to begin with. He can "come back for revenge" against Liu Kang some other time...

Sindel - I added her because of her involvement with Kitana and the rightful ruler of Edenia.

Smoke - I got rid of him because I can't see why he'd need to return for MK4.

Kia and Jataaka - Got rid of them because of the point saiZero made.

Sheeva - She's no real good here just like Goro.

Noob Saibot - I put him as a playable character who didn't die in MK9 because he just never REALLY died like most characters were seen being killed in MK9's story mode. We know he's a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, and this is his time to really shine.

I put the post MK4 characters all as DLC for the reason that they weren't introduced until after the events of MK4 but have tie-ins as I explained in my original post. This does not count for Drahmin or Moloch though.

Meat is not a REAL character in MK4 but was put in DLC because he made into a real character in MKA. He was seen in the temple/church stage of MK9 after all. He escaped now.

So that leaves my prediction to 24 selectable. 6 Hidden. The two (possibly) unselectable boss characters. 5 DLCs.
08/10/2011 06:34 PM (UTC)
This was an really awesome read and a well thought out thread/post. Good job dude! Doesn't Quan Chi bring Onaga back to life or something? confused
About Me
gamertag: jeeringjunk
08/10/2011 07:50 PM (UTC)





mileena - shinnok metioned taking over earth NAD outworld, she could align her realm with earth for the time being

baraka - see mileena

ermac - with kahn dead he probably has a mind of his own

tanya - actually with shinnok

sub-zero - noob could have wound up with the elder gods and possibly been revived as subby

sareena - subby could free her from hell

liu - could be revived by the elder gods



quan chi



kia and jataka (tag team)






cyber sub-zero


About Me

08/13/2011 10:10 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Well I did some more thinking and made some refinements...

Liu Kang - the person above me made a good point about Liu Kang not REALLY being killed. Just severely burned not even to the point of Kabal's injuries. So to say assume he's dead like the other characters can't be said anymore. So I added him to the list of playable characters. Perhaps he will be a rogue monk now untrusting of Raiden.

Goro - I decided to remove him because we really only need one sub-boss and his inclusion in MK4 wasn't really all that special to begin with. He can "come back for revenge" against Liu Kang some other time...

Sindel - I added her because of her involvement with Kitana and the rightful ruler of Edenia.

Smoke - I got rid of him because I can't see why he'd need to return for MK4.

Kia and Jataaka - Got rid of them because of the point saiZero made.

Sheeva - She's no real good here just like Goro.

Noob Saibot - I put him as a playable character who didn't die in MK9 because he just never REALLY died like most characters were seen being killed in MK9's story mode. We know he's a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, and this is his time to really shine.

I put the post MK4 characters all as DLC for the reason that they weren't introduced until after the events of MK4 but have tie-ins as I explained in my original post. This does not count for Drahmin or Moloch though.

Meat is not a REAL character in MK4 but was put in DLC because he made into a real character in MKA. He was seen in the temple/church stage of MK9 after all. He escaped now.

So that leaves my prediction to 24 selectable. 6 Hidden. The two (possibly) unselectable boss characters. 5 DLCs.

Much better and glad u took my quan chi assassin advice wink

I think ur DLC should be in the game tho... and the characters who were in the thetherrealm should be the DLC instead cuz they're DEAD. They won't have a big part in the story mode.
Arthur Zonatto
08/14/2011 03:22 AM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
Well I did some more thinking and made some refinements...

Liu Kang - the person above me made a good point about Liu Kang not REALLY being killed. Just severely burned not even to the point of Kabal's injuries. So to say assume he's dead like the other characters can't be said anymore. So I added him to the list of playable characters. Perhaps he will be a rogue monk now untrusting of Raiden.

Goro - I decided to remove him because we really only need one sub-boss and his inclusion in MK4 wasn't really all that special to begin with. He can "come back for revenge" against Liu Kang some other time...

Sindel - I added her because of her involvement with Kitana and the rightful ruler of Edenia.

Smoke - I got rid of him because I can't see why he'd need to return for MK4.

Kia and Jataaka - Got rid of them because of the point saiZero made.

Sheeva - She's no real good here just like Goro.

Noob Saibot - I put him as a playable character who didn't die in MK9 because he just never REALLY died like most characters were seen being killed in MK9's story mode. We know he's a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, and this is his time to really shine.

I put the post MK4 characters all as DLC for the reason that they weren't introduced until after the events of MK4 but have tie-ins as I explained in my original post. This does not count for Drahmin or Moloch though.

Meat is not a REAL character in MK4 but was put in DLC because he made into a real character in MKA. He was seen in the temple/church stage of MK9 after all. He escaped now.

So that leaves my prediction to 24 selectable. 6 Hidden. The two (possibly) unselectable boss characters. 5 DLCs.

Much better and glad u took my quan chi assassin advice wink

I think ur DLC should be in the game tho... and the characters who were in the thetherrealm should be the DLC instead cuz they're DEAD. They won't have a big part in the story mode.

I disagree. Both Quan Chi's assassins and the fallen earthrealm warriors might be crucial and play a BIG part in the story (fallen warriors)

As of the assassins, i made this scheme, considering BlackSaibot's playable character scheme:

If it doesn't show up full, click show image.

Considering MK(9)'s arcade ladder with Shang Tsung, Goro/Kintaro then Shao Kahn, MK2/4(10) could have an endurance system for both assassins or fallen warriors,then

Quan Chi- Arch-Sorceror for Shinnok or

Moloch- One of (if not) the best Oni warrior of the Netherrealm or

Motaro- Same as the fallen heroes; And he would be like MK3's version (immune to projectiles, absurd damaging X-Ray etc.)
08/14/2011 12:18 PM (UTC)
Shinnok619 Wrote:
I disagree. Both Quan Chi's assassins and the fallen earthrealm warriors might be crucial and play a BIG part in the story (fallen warriors)

As of the assassins, i made this scheme, considering BlackSaibot's playable character scheme:

Considering MK(9)'s arcade ladder with Shang Tsung, Goro/Kintaro then Shao Kahn, MK2/4(10) could have an endurance system for both assassins or fallen warriors,then

Quan Chi- Arch-Sorceror for Shinnok or

Moloch- One of (if not) the best Oni warrior of the Netherrealm or

Motaro- Same as the fallen heroes; And he would be like MK3's version (immune to projectiles, absurd damaging X-Ray etc.)

Dude, I'd love to see Endurance come back... that and a FUCKING SURVIVAL mode finally.
About Me

08/14/2011 02:34 PM (UTC)
Really good post, written with a lot of logic.

But - the next game is going to be Neatherealm's first opportunity to really develop new characters. A lot of new faces have not been seen since Deception - and I very much doubt they would make another game that is a hybrid of mk4/Armageddon. They will try to make a new title.

So I predict:
- Half the roster will be new characters.
- 1 quarter of the roster will be ones that appeared in MK2010. Characters that "died" and fight for Quan Chi might have complete design changes.
- 1 quarter of the roster will post MK4 characters.

Scorpion and Sub-zero will return.

There will be a version of human Sub-Zero. It will be ether a reformed Noob Saibot, a reincarnated Cyber-Sub Zero, or a mysterious new warrior taking up the mantel. I think they would have learnt their lesson in MK3 that not including both these characters effect sales and popularity (not so much among hardcore fans, but from the general public)
About Me
08/14/2011 04:46 PM (UTC)
No Li Mei?

Shinnok and Quan Chi are going after Outworld and Earthrealm, so Li Mei could be easily writtien in, even though she'd be much less experienced than in MKDA.

Maybe Bo'Rai Cho could train her.
Skarlett can be easily convinced that it was Quan Chi and even Shinnok who led to Kahn's ultimate downfall and she'd have some motivation to keep fighting.
Kenshi could be recruited by Raiden who offers to help free the souls of his ancestors in exchange for his aid in the fight against Shinnok.
As for Jarek and Kano, both could be in. Kano likes to be on the winning Team, so he'd join Shinnok and Jarek could take the other side. The two could have some confrontation and both Jarek and Kano somehow die.

Or they both fall off a cliff or something and Jarek repeats his MKA story and isn't seen again for a while and Kano then gets captured by the Special Forces or Red Dragon.
08/15/2011 04:06 AM (UTC)
I would like to the following characters to return to the next edition:

Scorpion (MK1 costume)
Sub-Zero (MK1 costume)
Reptile (in human form)
Shang Tsung
Shao Kahn (just the way he was in MK9)
Smoke (as palette swap from MK1 costume)
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage
Liu Kang
Kung Lao
Quan Chi
Kitana (as a princess)
Noob Saibot (although he could use a better moniker)

As for new characters I would like to see, there are series of characters I think would fit in the MK Universe and make great additions to be viable characters to last such as:

Black Widow
Black Mamba
Quai Leong
Bo Rai Cho
Fu Jin
Zhi Li Hong
Shen Hui
Joaquim Dentro
Michael Sconzo
Andrew Riddick
Red Virtue
Obsidian Blue
Poison Ivy
Sgt. Owens
and Lady Kira.

All if rendered correctly, would be viable characters to carry the MK franchise for years.
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