MK vs SF seems more propable now, proof inside
posted03/04/2012 03:53 AM (UTC)by
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04/28/2003 02:49 AM (UTC)
It seems as though Capcom has been using the Unreal Engine 3 graphics engine to develop the game Asura's Wrath, an action game like God of War that has a DLC segment coming up where you are in a classic match with Ryu from Street Fighter.

This is not a cut and paste from taking Asura's model and placing him into the Street Fighter realm, but rather taking Ryu and incorporating him into the UE3 to make this possible. This is the screenshot:

Now that is Ryu in UE3. Mortal Kombat 9 was created using the same engine. So do you think that Capcom is expirementing putting Street Fighter characters to use with the engine to crossover with Mortal Kombat? I believe this will support the rumors of it coming about. Also Ed has hinted via twitter that he's had meetings with Capcom's Seth Killian.
03/03/2012 12:46 AM (UTC)
I hope so, many people have been waiting for an MK vs. SF crossover fighting game for a long time. I would like to see it happen too.
03/03/2012 01:50 AM (UTC)
This crossover needs to happen. It is literally the most requested fighting game crossover of all time. Let this happen so I can die happy.
03/03/2012 08:57 AM (UTC)
I think I am the only one who doesn't want that crossover. Really,what's so crazy about it? I get that these two games were equally popular during 90s,but they have nothing in common. Unless they want to do it M rated and therefore Sub-Zero can't rip Ryu's spine,I am not interested.
03/03/2012 11:35 AM (UTC)

I'm not too interested either. Yeah, the fatalities are one of my concern. But whatever they do with this game, if all the chars introduced are only the ones that were created during the early years of the 2 franchises, this is a big disapointment.

DLC could end up providing good news but i'm not getting my hopes high for any crossover thing even this one. A great surprise could then impress me. I think a couple of the youngsters i loved from SF are not even mentioned as DLC for TekkenXSF so.
03/03/2012 07:56 PM (UTC)
the reason for me why i would like to see this happen. is the improvements it can bring MK. also have i always wanted to see MK in an Anime style. as SF is kinda anime styled, it could end up very awesome. better is if NRS and capcom mix their art styles.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/04/2012 03:53 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
I think I am the only one who doesn't want that crossover. Really,what's so crazy about it? I get that these two games were equally popular during 90s,but they have nothing in common. Unless they want to do it M rated and therefore Sub-Zero can't rip Ryu's spine,I am not interested.

Im with ya.

Honestly i think you may be reading too much into the situation. Capcom using middleware isnt necessarily a sign of a crossover, its just more of a sign of the times than anything. I honestly dont see it happening.
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