MK Team, MKO users...please read!
posted12/17/2005 06:36 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2004 04:42 PM (UTC)
This is not a rant. Dont get me wrong, I love Midway and I enjoy every MK game that has been released yet. I dont pick apart the game element by element like others do, I play the game and love every minute of it. So dont get me wrong. This is a plea, a plea for the MK game I have been dreaming about, the game where worlds collide, the darkness of MK to finally show since the dawn of everyones favorite MK2. I thought this would be true with Deception but I found out very shortly that it was only half true. So that means the MK team did a half ass job. Quite frankly, Im sick of Midways MK team giving the fans a half ass job. Look at every current -Gen game, you can pick out lazyness. Blaze and Mokap in DA, secret characters with no fatalities and a few moves. MKD, no secret characters and a heavily gratified Konquest Mode...which was intended to be a RPG take on MK, it turned out to be a non Cannon, contraidcterial, peice of half ass work. Half the things Konquest was suppose to be failed. I remember watching a video interview where they said Shujinko would learn the fighting styles and moves of all the characters blah blah, and he was customizable, well what it ended up being was you found a few moves, a couple fates, and those ones were unlocked for him....what happened there? Characters in MKD were half assed also... KIRA? come on! Kobra? Paaaalease! Shujinko? Spare me. Lets be creative. If you want some good characters about giving the fans a little appreciation and have a fanfic contest in which we give you guys character ideas? That might be fun. Or how about you all sit down and work out a REAL CANNON story line. Instead of giving us a thousand different stories from a thousand different characters, give us twenty perspectives on one story....THAT WOULD BE UBER-Cannon! Oh and have you ever head the saying dont fix what aint broken? Well MK aint Broken but every once in a while you gotta work a few bugs out, its called a TUNE UP. Bring back some good characters thats the FANS have longed for, instead of taunting us with images of them at E3, then having them not show up. You did a good job at bringing back some kick ass characters from previous MK's in MKD, but you could of made 10 more characters, FMV endings, Super Unlockables, a Few more modes, if you would have just left out that long and broing Konquest...and that long and broing story line of that un-original character Blow-Jinko. Bring back some more things that used to make fans happy, i mean fans were happy when MK2 and UMK3 came out. What made those games good? Fighting, Tourniments with friends, Lots of Characters(UMK3), each character was developing, storyline twists, New characters made sense for MK, Dark...basicly back then you did your research, now you guys seem to be just throwing new things out there to cover up empty space on the Game Disk. Personly I would have traded Konquest mode for...Sektor, Shao Kahn, Goro, Cyrax, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung...I know you gotta make a story line to fit those guys but you could of even made more new characters. Better new characters. If we want an adventure MK game we will ask for one, most of us liked MKSM, well I think we did, but MK has always been about fighting and fighting aint a party boys. To sum this baby up all i ask is please poll the fans or something... MORE DEVELOPED CHARACTERS or a NON CANNON HALF ASSED KONQUEST MODE...which would we rather see take up space on the disk.
11/30/2005 01:40 AM (UTC)
Wow that is a long rant, lol.

Heres what I really think though. Every once in a while someone really critcizes MK. That just shows how much the fans care about the mortal kombat games and as a franchise itself. Nowhere else do a small percentage of fans complain endlessly on this site. That shows that Ed Boon really has created something bigger than himself...wink
11/30/2005 02:04 AM (UTC)
I say shorten the roster. Seriously most of the characters I could care less about . Darius, Kira, Kobra, the other two from different relms.. Granted they had to tie into the konquest mode...

I would rather have 15 playable fighters and 5 hidden that have to be unlocked somehow, then 30 bajillion that have no significant baring on the story.

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11/30/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
*Yawns* Gee where have I read all these complaints before... oh, here! Several times! On the other hand, how many of these "OMG MK TEAM PLZ READ THIS!" threads do the MK Team actually read? Probably zero.
11/30/2005 03:20 AM (UTC)
Ekule Wrote:
This is not a rant. Dont get me wrong, I love Midway and I enjoy every MK game that has been released yet. I dont pick apart the game element by element like others do, I play the game and love every minute of it. So dont get me wrong. This is a plea, a plea for the MK game I have been dreaming about, the game where worlds collide, the darkness of MK to finally show since the dawn of everyones favorite MK2. I thought this would be true with Deception but I found out very shortly that it was only half true. So that means the MK team did a half ass job. Quite frankly, Im sick of Midways MK team giving the fans a half ass job. Look at every current -Gen game, you can pick out lazyness. Blaze and Mokap in DA, secret characters with no fatalities and a few moves. MKD, no secret characters and a heavily gratified Konquest Mode...which was intended to be a RPG take on MK, it turned out to be a non Cannon, contraidcterial, peice of half ass work. Half the things Konquest was suppose to be failed. I remember watching a video interview where they said Shujinko would learn the fighting styles and moves of all the characters blah blah, and he was customizable, well what it ended up being was you found a few moves, a couple fates, and those ones were unlocked for him....what happened there? Characters in MKD were half assed also... KIRA? come on! Kobra? Paaaalease! Shujinko? Spare me. Lets be creative. If you want some good characters about giving the fans a little appreciation and have a fanfic contest in which we give you guys character ideas? That might be fun. Or how about you all sit down and work out a REAL CANNON story line. Instead of giving us a thousand different stories from a thousand different characters, give us twenty perspectives on one story....THAT WOULD BE UBER-Cannon! Oh and have you ever head the saying dont fix what aint broken? Well MK aint Broken but every once in a while you gotta work a few bugs out, its called a TUNE UP. Bring back some good characters thats the FANS have longed for, instead of taunting us with images of them at E3, then having them not show up. You did a good job at bringing back some kick ass characters from previous MK's in MKD, but you could of made 10 more characters, FMV endings, Super Unlockables, a Few more modes, if you would have just left out that long and broing Konquest...and that long and broing story line of that un-original character Blow-Jinko. Bring back some more things that used to make fans happy, i mean fans were happy when MK2 and UMK3 came out. What made those games good? Fighting, Tourniments with friends, Lots of Characters(UMK3), each character was developing, storyline twists, New characters made sense for MK, Dark...basicly back then you did your research, now you guys seem to be just throwing new things out there to cover up empty space on the Game Disk. Personly I would have traded Konquest mode for...Sektor, Shao Kahn, Goro, Cyrax, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung...I know you gotta make a story line to fit those guys but you could of even made more new characters. Better new characters. If we want an adventure MK game we will ask for one, most of us liked MKSM, well I think we did, but MK has always been about fighting and fighting aint a party boys. To sum this baby up all i ask is please poll the fans or something... MORE DEVELOPED CHARACTERS or a NON CANNON HALF ASSED KONQUEST MODE...which would we rather see take up space on the disk.

Why does every one hate Shujinko! Okay he has a stupid story and is a ripoff basicly, but he's still fun to use in the game. Don't get me wrong, I still think they could of made the game way better if Konquest wasn't there, but use what you got. Shujinko was one of my best characters.
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MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

11/30/2005 06:13 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Wow that is a long rant, lol.

Heres what I really think though. Every once in a while someone really critcizes MK. That just shows how much the fans care about the mortal kombat games and as a franchise itself. Nowhere else do a small percentage of fans complain endlessly on this site. That shows that Ed Boon really has created something bigger than himself...wink

I nevcer thought of it that way... I think I should do, seeing all of the critics MK is getting here.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/30/2005 07:53 PM (UTC)
I heard them al lbefore but you rounded up all the most important things there so well done. MK do need to take notice of what evrebody is saying and we need to just prey that they are going to make Armageddon the best MK game yet!!!
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12/01/2005 05:12 AM (UTC)
Good speech man. I've been complaining about the same things for a while now along with alot of others, but you summed up alot of what many fans are frustrated about.

Honestly, I wish that the MK team had some intern that could search these MK sites for consensus. Have the pimply faced kid look for patterns in what people want. I'm not saying that we should get everything we want, it's the MK team's game, and you're never going to please everyone. But if so many people are saying "no more konquest mode" or "make the fighting engine better" or "we want quality over quantity," you'd think the MK team would listen to some of that. Oh well, time will tell.

I've been a huge fan of MK since the first one came out, but MK:D was so far from what I wanted in an MK game, that I simply haven't been able to just shrug it off and like the game for what it is. The Konquest mode was awful. At best it turned "secrets" into various boring fetch quests so you could get a little more dough to open up the streamlined "secrets" room AKA the Krypt. Streamlined secrets? Does that sound like fun? Hmm... No. At worst, the Krypt was an absolute waste of time where the player lost twice. One time because we had to play it, and again because you just know that they could've spent more time on the characters, real hidden secrets, moves, single player modes and other things that you really wanted/expected to be in MK:D. For me, the same can be said about the party games. I don't need that crap in my fighting game. I never played Tekken Force or Tekken Ball. At least DOA made Volleyball it's own game, because you know fans of that series would've screamed bloody murder if Team Ninja took out 80% of the modes so that you could play a lame volleyball game/buy sun glasses for uncomfortably young girls mode.

As I said, I'm definitely a fan of the MK series, and I know I'll play MK Armageddon whether it's good or not, I just wish that they'd give us a game that didn't make me want to rush to this website and whine like a little beyatch.
12/01/2005 07:00 AM (UTC)
Two things:

Ekule Wrote:
This is a plea, a plea for the MK game I have been dreaming about, the game where worlds collide, the darkness of MK to finally show since the dawn of everyones favorite MK2. I thought this would be true with Deception but I found out very shortly that it was only half true. So that means the MK team did a half ass job.

No, it doesn't, it just means you don't like it. If you don't like an artists artwork, that doesn't mean they didn't try, it just means you aren't the center of the universe and they didn't create that piece specifically to please you. I don't like Opera. Does that mean Opera singers don't try? I'm sure they try very hard, but I still don't like it. The same applies here. You don't like Midways artistic direction. That doesn't mean they aren't "trying," or that they're doing a "half ass job," it just means you don't like it.

Ekule Wrote:
Oh and have you ever head the saying dont fix what aint broken? Well MK aint Broken but every once in a while you gotta work a few bugs out, its called a TUNE UP.

MKD was plagued with well over 20 infinite combo's. If that doesn't say "broken," nothing does. MK is beyond broken, MK is fucked.
12/06/2005 03:38 PM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Ekule Wrote:
This is not a rant. Dont get me wrong, I love Midway and I enjoy every MK game that has been released yet. I dont pick apart the game element by element like others do, I play the game and love every minute of it. So dont get me wrong. This is a plea, a plea for the MK game I have been dreaming about, the game where worlds collide, the darkness of MK to finally show since the dawn of everyones favorite MK2. I thought this would be true with Deception but I found out very shortly that it was only half true. So that means the MK team did a half ass job. Quite frankly, Im sick of Midways MK team giving the fans a half ass job. Look at every current -Gen game, you can pick out lazyness. Blaze and Mokap in DA, secret characters with no fatalities and a few moves. MKD, no secret characters and a heavily gratified Konquest Mode...which was intended to be a RPG take on MK, it turned out to be a non Cannon, contraidcterial, peice of half ass work. Half the things Konquest was suppose to be failed. I remember watching a video interview where they said Shujinko would learn the fighting styles and moves of all the characters blah blah, and he was customizable, well what it ended up being was you found a few moves, a couple fates, and those ones were unlocked for him....what happened there? Characters in MKD were half assed also... KIRA? come on! Kobra? Paaaalease! Shujinko? Spare me. Lets be creative. If you want some good characters about giving the fans a little appreciation and have a fanfic contest in which we give you guys character ideas? That might be fun. Or how about you all sit down and work out a REAL CANNON story line. Instead of giving us a thousand different stories from a thousand different characters, give us twenty perspectives on one story....THAT WOULD BE UBER-Cannon! Oh and have you ever head the saying dont fix what aint broken? Well MK aint Broken but every once in a while you gotta work a few bugs out, its called a TUNE UP. Bring back some good characters thats the FANS have longed for, instead of taunting us with images of them at E3, then having them not show up. You did a good job at bringing back some kick ass characters from previous MK's in MKD, but you could of made 10 more characters, FMV endings, Super Unlockables, a Few more modes, if you would have just left out that long and broing Konquest...and that long and broing story line of that un-original character Blow-Jinko. Bring back some more things that used to make fans happy, i mean fans were happy when MK2 and UMK3 came out. What made those games good? Fighting, Tourniments with friends, Lots of Characters(UMK3), each character was developing, storyline twists, New characters made sense for MK, Dark...basicly back then you did your research, now you guys seem to be just throwing new things out there to cover up empty space on the Game Disk. Personly I would have traded Konquest mode for...Sektor, Shao Kahn, Goro, Cyrax, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung...I know you gotta make a story line to fit those guys but you could of even made more new characters. Better new characters. If we want an adventure MK game we will ask for one, most of us liked MKSM, well I think we did, but MK has always been about fighting and fighting aint a party boys. To sum this baby up all i ask is please poll the fans or something... MORE DEVELOPED CHARACTERS or a NON CANNON HALF ASSED KONQUEST MODE...which would we rather see take up space on the disk.

Why does every one hate Shujinko! Okay he has a stupid story and is a ripoff basicly, but he's still fun to use in the game. Don't get me wrong, I still think they could of made the game way better if Konquest wasn't there, but use what you got. Shujinko was one of my best characters.

I used to hate all the new mk deception characters, (in order of the best) but now some of them are in my good books and they are Havik, Darrius and shujinko,and Kobra is nearly there and so is Dairou. but I hate hotaru and Kira is going to far.
12/17/2005 06:29 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
Ekule Wrote:
This is not a rant. Dont get me wrong, I love Midway and I enjoy every MK game that has been released yet. I dont pick apart the game element by element like others do, I play the game and love every minute of it. So dont get me wrong. This is a plea, a plea for the MK game I have been dreaming about, the game where worlds collide, the darkness of MK to finally show since the dawn of everyones favorite MK2. I thought this would be true with Deception but I found out very shortly that it was only half true. So that means the MK team did a half ass job. Quite frankly, Im sick of Midways MK team giving the fans a half ass job. Look at every current -Gen game, you can pick out lazyness. Blaze and Mokap in DA, secret characters with no fatalities and a few moves. MKD, no secret characters and a heavily gratified Konquest Mode...which was intended to be a RPG take on MK, it turned out to be a non Cannon, contraidcterial, peice of half ass work. Half the things Konquest was suppose to be failed. I remember watching a video interview where they said Shujinko would learn the fighting styles and moves of all the characters blah blah, and he was customizable, well what it ended up being was you found a few moves, a couple fates, and those ones were unlocked for him....what happened there? Characters in MKD were half assed also... KIRA? come on! Kobra? Paaaalease! Shujinko? Spare me. Lets be creative. If you want some good characters about giving the fans a little appreciation and have a fanfic contest in which we give you guys character ideas? That might be fun. Or how about you all sit down and work out a REAL CANNON story line. Instead of giving us a thousand different stories from a thousand different characters, give us twenty perspectives on one story....THAT WOULD BE UBER-Cannon! Oh and have you ever head the saying dont fix what aint broken? Well MK aint Broken but every once in a while you gotta work a few bugs out, its called a TUNE UP. Bring back some good characters thats the FANS have longed for, instead of taunting us with images of them at E3, then having them not show up. You did a good job at bringing back some kick ass characters from previous MK's in MKD, but you could of made 10 more characters, FMV endings, Super Unlockables, a Few more modes, if you would have just left out that long and broing Konquest...and that long and broing story line of that un-original character Blow-Jinko. Bring back some more things that used to make fans happy, i mean fans were happy when MK2 and UMK3 came out. What made those games good? Fighting, Tourniments with friends, Lots of Characters(UMK3), each character was developing, storyline twists, New characters made sense for MK, Dark...basicly back then you did your research, now you guys seem to be just throwing new things out there to cover up empty space on the Game Disk. Personly I would have traded Konquest mode for...Sektor, Shao Kahn, Goro, Cyrax, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung...I know you gotta make a story line to fit those guys but you could of even made more new characters. Better new characters. If we want an adventure MK game we will ask for one, most of us liked MKSM, well I think we did, but MK has always been about fighting and fighting aint a party boys. To sum this baby up all i ask is please poll the fans or something... MORE DEVELOPED CHARACTERS or a NON CANNON HALF ASSED KONQUEST MODE...which would we rather see take up space on the disk.

Why does every one hate Shujinko! Okay he has a stupid story and is a ripoff basicly, but he's still fun to use in the game. Don't get me wrong, I still think they could of made the game way better if Konquest wasn't there, but use what you got. Shujinko was one of my best characters.
shujinko wasted his life trying to destroy earth without even knowing it hes a goddang morron and im glad raiden killed him
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12/17/2005 08:03 AM (UTC)
they tried something new. It didn't quite work out. Oh well.
Here is something that I think a lot of you miss. During your rants, you assume that Midway's main concern is making you guys happy. Unfortuanitly, the majority of you guys are going to buy the game anyways, so they really don't need to pander to your whims. They are trying to attract people who either A. have not played an MK game, or B. Those who stopped playing them. What can they do to gain those non-loyal fans? Hook them with something new. Give them a reason to give MK a second change. A fan of rpgs who has a friend that plays MK might buy the game for the Konquest mode. Fans who bought DA but were not planning on buying D because it was just the same game with different characters might have come back because of the new Chess mode or puzzle kombat.
I'm not saying that they don't care about the fans, but changes are we will all buy the new game anyways, because we are on this site and that shows our love of MK.

And I really liked Chess mode.tongue
12/17/2005 11:03 AM (UTC)
Iamnick Wrote:

And I really liked Chess mode.tongue

so did i, as well as puzzle mode, it was very well done.

12/17/2005 06:36 PM (UTC)
Think about it for a moment. How many of you went out and picked up MKD for the Puzzle and or Chess mode rather then the amount of characters that were returning or the idea of two fatalities per character? Get real. Think about what MK could have done if they would have paid attention to the fighting engine, modes that actually involved fighting(ie tournament modes, Pit fighter Mode...Ill explain pit fighter mode later) Think about returning characters and FMV endings and such. We have been asking for FMV endings for a very long time now, we never asked for a half assed botched story telling RPG that truns everything we thought was true into a complete and udder "WTF"?!?... Shujinko, was and is a half thought out, not what he was suppose to be character that woulod have been good if we could have learned every move in the game and then choose certain moves to use with him, like MK TEAM would be a feature.

Without Puzzle, Chess(
So i guess it all comes doen to what you want...

More modes that take away from the fighting?
A story telling botch of a mode?
More complete characters both returning and new?
Better fighting engine?
Real MK secrets or some lame Krypt where you have to unlock keys by playing the lame story telling botch of a mode?

Great MK, you put it in there and make us play it?
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