MK:SM type future game
posted01/07/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/06/2007 07:35 PM (UTC)
Miday should make an adventure verion of one of the MK3 games. Include common enemies as playable secret characters, KAK with certain wardrobe features involved in special attackes (machine gun, bionic eye, dual ninja swords, dual knifes, dual pistol, samurai sword, kabal helmet, tarkatan gloves, cyborg face, cybernetic enhancements and implants etc.), lots of weapon choices to assign to your KAK ( swords, axes, knifes, daggers, spear type weapons like the kwan do, zanbatou or that weapon the demon generals use, staffs, joke weapons like canoe oars, variuos types of sickles, tarkatan blades, variuos projectile weapons[stars, boomerangs, throwing kinfe, various other types of projectile weapons]), starting a relation ship with another character coulld cause a plot twist/hole or influence the story in some other way also add creater commentary, a making of feature, unlockable MK3/UMK3/MK Trilogy, all characters from MK:SM are playable from the start, all UMK3/MK trilogy characters playable, etc.

sorry this is so long but i have alot of ideas i'd like to make known.
i'm also working on a story set in the MK universe.
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01/07/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)
it is not necessary to have two of the same threads touching eachother...
Boon said himself that he likes the action adventure genre so there probably will be a future MKSM-type game
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