MK:Resurrection (Updates will occur at least 3 days a week)
posted09/01/2008 05:53 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/08/2008 12:35 AM (UTC)

Taven in his armor, standing with his back to the camera

It has been two years since Armageddon. Two years since the realms faced the most dangerous time since their creation. camera shows the vicious battle of Armageddon

Many warriors died in that awful battle...The camera panned to Taven's face, only showing his left hand side, his eyes are closed

But some survived... he opens his eyes

shows some warriors escaping while others later emerge from the pile of dead bodies

My quest was meant to save the realms, but because of how fate turned out, the realms became even more unstable.

Old enemies once again threaten to rise up. Brief flashes of different characters. Reiko returning to Shao Kahn's Fortress, with Kahn's helmet in his possession, Noob Saibot turning an oni into a Shadow Demon, Kira sitting on a balcony with her daggers drawn, and Havik snapping the neck of a Seidan Guard

And new enemies prepare to take away the peace the realms have enjoyed for so long. Abraxis bursts through a brick wall and clotheslines two men, Anbar runs from a building in Seido, smirking, before it explodes, Vetalas is shown biting a young girls neck and Drake is looking into the air, roaring before he is surrounded in a feint red aura

A large group of warriors stand together. Sub-Zero stands in front of warriors, who include Li Mei, Sareena, Ermac, Elena, and Takako

But there are those who are willing to fight back to protect all that is good in the realms, allies, old and new...

short scenes of diffrent fights of Sub-Zero vs Noob Saibot, Li Mei vs Reiko, Sareena vs Denrei, Vetalas vs. Nitara, and Kaosu vs Takako

...who are willing to give their lives in order to stop those who would take away all they hold dear.

Shows Taven "powering up"; Brief flashes of Mercurus, Scorpion and Serrath are shown

Together we shall stand, and together we will fight!

The Ressurection... has begun...

flashes of lightning appear and shadows are given off from it; title screen with the MK Dragon logo appeared


Origin: Orderrealm

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Mercernary Assassin

Fighting Styles: Wing Chun, Hung Gar

Wing Chun: Wing Chun is a Southern Chinese martial art known for its hand-trapping techniques. It's a linear, close-ranged style that prefers softer techniques over harder ones and uses the principles of simplicity, directness, an economy of motion. This style believes in using the least amount of force needed in a fighting situation and uses a lot of trapping and fast striking techniques. Although the origins are often attributed to Ng Mui, a Shaolin nun, it is more likely that Wing Chun's origins are traced back to anit-Manchurian rebels.

Hung Gar: Hung Gar is a Southern Chinese martial art attributed to Hung Hei Gung and is the style that is often associated with the Chinese folk hero, Wong Fei Hung. This style was used by anti-Manchurian rebels during the Qing dynasty. Dairou uses the Tiger Crane style of Hung Gar, which combines the strength and ferocity of the tiger with the agility and gracefulness of the crane.

Special Moves

Tombstone Drop: Tombstone Drop is a pop-up special move that hits low and is unblockable. This move, when timed right, will avoid high and mid attacks.

Iron Palm: Iron Palm is a counter move hits high. Should the opponent use a physical attack against Dairou, he'll hit him/her with an open palm strike that knocks the opponent back. On counter hit, the opponent will get knocked down. This special requires proper timing to execute though when used in a non-counter way, it can do a bit of damage and push the opponent back a little bit.

Iron Shirt: Iron Shirt is a move that halves the damage of any high or mid physical type attack done to Dairou. This is a proper timing-based special.

Iron Leg: Iron Leg is a fast, linear projectile that hits high. He kicks a fiery-looking, triangular-shaped energy projectile.

Stealthy Shadows: Stealthy Shadows is his teleport move in which he switches positions with the opponent.


Arm Snapper: Arm Snapper is his throw from MKD and MKA where he grabs the opponent's arm, snaps it, then throws him far away.

Iron Head: Dairou grabs the opponent and hits the opponent's face with his head.

Overall Gameplay Style

Dairou will be a character that'll fight more in the closer-ranged. In Wing Chun, he'll be quite fast and fluid, using a lot of striking and trapping techniques. In Hung Gar, he'll be more powerful and a bit more aggressive than in Wing Chun. Mainly due to his special moves, as well as the trapping movements of Wing Chun, he'll be a bit more of an advanced fighter.

Mastery Level: 4


Painful Pull: This is his primary fatality from MKD in which he goes behind his opponent, grabs the opponent's arms, puts his foot on their lower back and knocks the opponent to the ground, pushing his foot while pulling the opponent's arms. He rips their arms off while breaking their waist. He then throws the arms at the opponent's dying body while he does his bow.

Head Snap: Dairou knocks the opponent down a bit, getting him/her on their knees. He steps behind the opponent and puts his arms around the neck, and the opponent tries to struggle a bit. But to no avail, Dairou snaps their neck and he walks away.

Primary Costume: Dairou's primary costume is inspired from the costume that Donnie Yen wore as Wong Kei Ying in the movie Iron Monkey. Basically, these clothes will be a bit looser, with a long-sleeved brown shirt and white pants. His footwear will be like those Kung Fu shoes in MKA's kreate-a-fighter.

Alternate Costume: Dairou's alternate costume will be a more armored look, one that shows something he wore during his time as a Seidan.

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is the one from MKD and MKA except that when he gets up, he pulls his arms to his chest, with his fists closing, then quickly does a double punch followed by him going back to his fighting stance. The idea is to thrown in a Wing Chun-like influence.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is the Shaolin victory pose from the MK games. I just think it would look cool for him and would go with his styles, which are associated with Shaolin.

Kombat Zone: Outworld Wastelands

Description: The Outworld Wastelands stage will take place in an area near the sea of blood, like in MKSM.

Stage Traps: n/a

Stage Fatality: The opponent is knocked into a sea of blood where the skeletal creatures drag the opponent down with them.


I was successful in getting the document Darrius needed, and with it, he begun taking over Seido. I was to kill Hotaru in order to stop him from assisting the other Seidan Guards in their fight. I found Hotaru scouting two men from Earthrealm, I attacked him while he was not looking. He was surprised, but fought back. I eventually defeated him, but before I could kill him, he told me something, something that was of interest to me. He informed me it was Darrius who sent the man to kill my family. He knew it, the government knew it, but they couldn’t do anything about it because there was no proof, and without proof, they can not arrest him. I had been nothing but his pawn since the day I killed the man who took everything from me. I allowed Hotaru to leave, and it is thanks to me that he was informed of what was happening. He got there in time to help the other Guards push back the rebel forces, but yet because of their laws, I am still a felon in my own realm.

Naturally, Darrius was furious at my apparent failure. He then learned that Hotaru would be going to Edenia to defeat a fire elemental which can grant god-like power. He ordered me, due to my failure in my last mission, to aid him in killing Hotaru in that battle and defeating Blaze. When the battle came however, I bid my time and waited for my chance to kill Darrius. The opportunity came when an explosion on top of the pyramid distracted everyone. I got my revenge on him, and since that day, I have been working as a mercenary throughout the realms. My most recent contract was from an Earthrealm woman in service of the Emperor of Outworld. She has been ordered to lure a woman to her capture by the Emperor's general. I am to get to the woman first and kill her.


Origin: Edenia

Alignment: Good

Status: Edenian Soldier

Fighting Styles: Fanziquan, Gungnir

Fanziquan: Fanziquan (Tumbling Fist) is a Northern Chinese martial art that is known for its speciality in tumbling and acrobatic techniques. This style is more linear and close-ranged, utilizing rapid fast strikes and Chin Na techniques. It was once known as Bashanfan (8 flash fist) and had been an influence in the creation of Ying Jow Pai (Eagle Claw). Elena learned Fanziquan from her friend and commander, Jade.

Gungnir: The Gungnir is a weapon created and used by Argus, the former Protector God of Edenia. It's a spear that was given to passed down to a family of healers and was passed down through the family until it was eventually passed on to her. Her fighting style takes on a more European spearfighting influence.

Special Moves

Gunge Lance: Gunge Lance is a projectile move in which she throws an energy spear like a javelin. This move travels at long-range and hits mid. There is a charge to this move, and the more she charges, the faster and stronger the move will be.

White Restoration: White Restoration is a healing move, and it also has a charge to it. The longer she charges, the more she'll be healed, but she'll also be more vulnerable.

Hexation: Hexation is a status effect move that temporarily cripples the opponent's speed and power.

Technical Punishment: Technical Punishment is a counter special. When the opponent does a physical attack, she does a command throw.

Envocation: Envocation is a close-ranged energy attack in which she puts her hands forward and creates a small, whirlwind-like sphere of energy. If the opponent is hit by it, he/she is lifted into the air


Over The Hill: Elena grabs the opponent's arm, does two punches to the gut, followed by an arm drag takedown.

Double Header: She turns her back to the opponent and raises her leg backwards, kicking them in the groin. As they begin to double over, she grabs them by the back of the neck, putting their jaw on her shoulder, and she then jumps forward. She lands on her back, they land on their face, and she would then roll to her side and get up as the opponent is still recovering.

Overall Gameplay Style

Her gameplay style is a bit more magic-oriented, so her special moves will likely be used a lot. In Fanziquan, she will be quite fast and linear, being better to use at closer ranges. In Gungnir, she'll be more powerful and have better range but will still be relatively linear. Overall, she's a relatively easy to master character.

Mastery Level: 2


Heaven's Fall: She throws the Gungnir into the air, and it goes into the clouds. The clouds then part, the sun shines down, and the Gungnir then drops from the Heavens onto the opponent, impaling him/her through the top of the head and going through the floor, kind of like a shish kabob.

Fated Circle: She does a hand gesture, and a glyph appears under the opponent. The glyph glows, making it bolder until it is just a circle of light under the opponent. The light shoots up into the sky, and you hear the opponent scream, but cannot see them due to the light, in which even Elena is blocking her eyes. When the light stops and fades, the opponent is gone

Primary Costume: She basically has auburn hair and a top with a black outline and purple and blue on the inside. Her pants are of the same color and have a silver-colored V on the sides of them, while her shoes are black and purple.

Alternate Costume: Her alternate costume is black-clad Amazonian look with armored bra and knee-high boots. Her hair will be black in this look.

Extra Costumes: She wears black wiccan robes with a red trim and a hood that with red patterns that she wears down. Her hair will be burgundy.

Get Up Animation: Elena takes her Gungnir, plants it to the ground, then gets up and spins upwards. She lands on the ground and takes her Gungnir, going into her fighting stance.

Victory Pose: Elena spins the Gungnir then does a stab and then pulls the Gungnir back to her to hold it by her side.

Kombat Zone: Edenian Gardens

Description: The Edenian Gardens is a garden known for its great beauty. Elena often comes here to have some moments of peace to herself.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: none


My name is Elena, and I am a soldier as well as a witch. I have practiced magic since I was young. The ability to use magic has always run in our family, my mother and her mother before her were healers in this great realm, before it was taken by Shao Kahn. I was born after he gained control of Edenia and lived in hiding for many years until Edenia was freed. It was then that I saw Edenia for the first time, it was more beautiful then I had ever expected it to be. I then decided that if there is another invasion of this realm, I would become a soldier to learn how to fight and to defend Edenia. No female in our family has ever been in the armed forces before, but my family and friends back me up. As a gift, I was given a family heirloom, a spear passed down to each generation. I completed the exercises with ease and was quite skilled at combat. I was born for this, something that Jade, my commander, tells me anyway.

Jade seemed a little uneasy recently. She told me that something is not right with Queen Sindel, that maybe she misses Kitana too much, now that she is away all the time. But, I do not believe that is the case, because on a few occasions, I have seen a man enter her throne room when no one was around. The other day, I saw him and a female go into the throne room for an audience with the queen. The next day, she had vanished without a trace! Jade said she would go and inform Kitana about this while I am to locate the Queen. I followed the two people who saw the queen to a building standing over the crater where Armageddon occurred. I will go there and under any mean
You. hack.

You flat out copied this from Sub_Zero_7th's thread. You know, I thought higher of you, man, but this just goes way too far.

I hope you get banned for this stupidity...
08/31/2008 12:30 PM (UTC)
rashaad1230 Wrote:

Why the hell are you trying to copy the work that DNOMYTE, Paragon, and I did? I hope you get banned for this.
08/31/2008 03:50 PM (UTC)
It's people like you who makes me and probably some other users to stop posting their work on this site if their work was to somehow face this terrible fate. Stealing someone's work and claiming it as their own is the lowest and crappiest thing one can do to someone else. Why do people need to submit their work when low-lives like you are willing to do something stupid as to steal one's work and claim is as their own? That's just stupid, and I agree with the other two users here who are hoping you get banned for doing this incredibly stupid move to one's work.
08/31/2008 04:53 PM (UTC)
Were you trying to get a “wtf” reaction?

First you steal the work, then you post it back where it originated from...


And besides that, you have a name close to this user An obvious clone?
08/31/2008 06:06 PM (UTC)
Where have I seen this before?
08/31/2008 06:14 PM (UTC)
Can someone please closed this.I just Pmed the original thread starter.Please closed this thread.Thank you.
About Me

"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

08/31/2008 06:46 PM (UTC)
and yet some of us get flamed for pointing out dumbasses like you. nothing but hate for pointing out your previous pathetic attempts, and now you steal stuff. awesome. anyone who ever said you were a moron should get dp's.
08/31/2008 06:57 PM (UTC)
rashaad1230 Wrote:
Can someone please closed this.I just Pmed the original thread starter.Please closed this thread.Thank you.

Why would you make this thread in the first place if your just gonna take someones work, post it in the exact same forum, then pm the original owner, and turn yourself in?

You are the worst plagiarist ever.
About Me


08/31/2008 07:48 PM (UTC)
Such an offense to such a gentlemansad
About Me
08/31/2008 08:58 PM (UTC)
Of course, now taht he's been confronted with the truth, he's running away by getting the thread locked. Dude, c'mon, this is a terrible thing to do.
Vash_15 Wrote:
Of course, now taht he's been confronted with the truth, he's running away by getting the thread locked. Dude, c'mon, this is a terrible thing to do.
Not like it can do anything. Even if it does get closed, a lifetime ban is an absolute certainty.

And to think I was gonna change my opinion on this shmuck...Hope you rot in Hell for this transgression...
08/31/2008 10:28 PM (UTC)
-Brad- Wrote:
Were you trying to get a “wtf” reaction?

First you steal the work, then you post it back where it originated from...


And besides that, you have a name close to this user An obvious clone?

You know, I was actually gonna comment on that, but it's not worth trying to prove anything about this person anymore. Because stealing one's work is the lowest someone can go on this site and what he's so far done to try to feel sorry that knowing what he did will automatically ban him off this site for good.

So yes, I really hope you do, indeed, get banned here because you plagerized something... and I can't stand that at all, so, bye-bye!
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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09/01/2008 05:53 AM (UTC)
Plagiarism = Banishment.

Clone Accounts also = Banishment.

Double whammy buddy...

bye bye
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