MK PS3/360 - Start new series from scratch?
posted01/03/2008 09:25 AM (UTC)by
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10/08/2003 04:06 AM (UTC)
Assuming it'll be at least another year before we hear a peep out of the team as to how it's all going to go down, how would you feel about a true "fresh start" for the series? I'm not talking about just a different cast of fighters, but virtually severing ties with the whole damn canon as it is.

I've been here since the very beginning of the whole thing. From barley being able to see eye-to-monitor with the MK1 cabinet as an eight year old, to skipping class in middle school to catch Annihilation opening day, to calling into work sick to play Armageddon for days straight on end. I'm pretty much burned out of ninjas and monsters and alternate realms for the next 16 years and I know I'm not the only one.

I know the team loves the characters they've created over the years, but it's really time to put them to rest in their current incarnation. When Ed said that MK:A would be the end of the current story I was kinda sad, but interested to see what the team would have in store for the next gen... But I'm really afraid they're not really going to start over, rather just take one or two old characters and weave a bigger more convoluted story around Outworld and a bunch of newcomers. The problem is that it wouldn't FEEL any different from what we have going on now.

My suggestion to the MK team is this: Forget Outworld, the races, the ninjas, ect... Get your creativity flowing and see what you can come up with. Sure you can allude to the previous stories, but most importantly make everything feel and fresh and new again.

Take what made the characters work for the first few Mortal Kombat games and see how they translate to today. Example: Johnny Cage, movie star... That was pretty cool... feels pretty 90s, but what if you made up a character that was a rock star this time around instead? Hell, the concept artists could take one look at the emo styles of today and have a field day with that prospect.

Another example: What about Sub-Zero and Scorpion? Ed said they'd probably be coming back, but do they have to be the same people? Can't they return in name only? Twisted Metal did this with it's characters, maybe this time around Sub Zero could be... I dunno, like a scientist turned warrior who built something that freezes shit. Scorpion could be a time traveler from the future trying to save humanity... you get what I mean.

I'm interested in hearing what other people would think of this kind of a fresh start for the series. Hell, you could just say it takes place in a parallel universe and still not interfere with the old storyline, I just am starving for that first bite of something fresh and new that will make me fall in love with MK all over again.

01/02/2008 03:35 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero, Mr. Freeze? No thanks.
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<img src="" alt="kirbyr" border="0"><img src="" alt="kirbyl" border="0">

01/02/2008 03:59 PM (UTC)
oh come on, that was just an example. You get my point, no?
Adam Ronin
01/02/2008 05:15 PM (UTC)
I see what your saying and agree SLIGHTLY.

I however, still love the realms, still love the ninjas and would be satisfied with just a new story.

Sub and scorp maybe being different ninjas from the same respective clans though would be cool
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01/02/2008 05:16 PM (UTC)
I think they need to keep their universe in tact for the most part, new characters, new realms ect. inject newness into universe, but don't completely scrap it,. Fans love this franchise for its lore, not its game-play and Ed and Co know that. If they completely scrapped the universe the game wouldn't Mortal Kombat anymore.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/02/2008 09:01 PM (UTC)
Personally I too am sick of the majority of characters and such just because they've been played out. I want it to go back to that original MK1 feel. Deadly Alliance actually came pretty close. If they can replicate that old feeling with a majority of brand new and original characters and concepts that'd be a good thing.

The only thing I would beg the MK Team to do is to think about the FUTURES of the new characters you bring into the fold. Don't bother making copy-cats or disposable characters because they're a waste of everyone's time. Make a character that has a purpose and a direction, in other words allow them space to evolve.
Hmmm. . .Interesting, but slightly erroneous on the TM reference.

Though there are new drivers for the classic TM vehicles, there is always a (few) Cash cow character(s) that always stay. For example, Axel is always the same person for the most part. Sweet Tooth has had the same driver the whole time. In this respect, this is why some people always stay.

Sweet Tooth=Scorpion & Sub-Zero

Stars always return. Simple as that.
01/03/2008 02:01 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
Personally I too am sick of the majority of characters and such just because they've been played out. I want it to go back to that original MK1 feel. Deadly Alliance actually came pretty close. If they can replicate that old feeling with a majority of brand new and original characters and concepts that'd be a good thing.

The only thing I would beg the MK Team to do is to think about the FUTURES of the new characters you bring into the fold. Don't bother making copy-cats or disposable characters because they're a waste of everyone's time. Make a character that has a purpose and a direction, in other words allow them space to evolve.

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01/03/2008 09:25 AM (UTC)
I see what you're saying, but costume reinventions, a thorough revamp of the story, and a complete overall in the way environments look would accomplish the same effect.

You see, a benefit to not having done a very thorough job in the first place, is that there is still a tremendous amount of potential to create, or even reinvent from what's there.

I want All New Stuff too, but not in the way of throwing "Absolutely Everything" away. More in the way of innovation. Like New art direction, New story and psychological patterns for characters. Applying alot of those previous "impossible ideas" to the latest technology, and see how they work out since alot more of it is possible now. Much like what they did with MkDa.

Some short examples for you here:

1. Realms//Arenas:: If we consider landmarks, we've only seen a couple places in each existing realm. Explore more.... Everywhere on Earth, literally does not look the same. Now take that idea, and consider "when" in time it is on Earth, Edenia, OutWorld, NetherRealm, OrderRealm, and Chaos Realm.

There could be a utopia on NetherRealm that we don't know anything about for instance...."Heaven". Far fetched I know, but think of the irony in that..
There are cities and towns on Earth that characters like Kano, Sonya, Cage, and Stryker are from..We haven't seen Mortal Kombats interpretations of those.

Worlds are not only different from each other, landscapes//terrains within those worlds can be totally polar too. America vs Egypt vs China.

2. Characters Psyche::: All the one dimensional shit has to go. A character like Scorpion(the face of Mortal Kombat) should be deeper than to only be " hell-bent on revenge".
In my opinion, Scorpion should look alot like Kratos, from God of War.

Now, he should seek vengeance against someone(maybe even be upset with himself for any variation of reasons), AND he should probably have a delayed remorse for those who get in the way that he has to kill. BUT he should be compassionate, and sensitive to the issue of say women and children. Not to the point where he's incapacitated when it comes to any woman or child, but he could just be the symbol of "protection" for the ones that resemble his own widowed wife and child that he might run in-to....even if he never actually interacts with them. (they could be poor because they lost the man of the house to war some time ago...or something.)

Anyway, as someone who has spent time in hell, emotion should be considerably detached from character like Scorpion (of course), but nonetheless, we should see that in his personality. We should be able to sense this in his attitude even though we know he'l kill you in the slit of a second. It should be all over his story.....and it's not.

Instead, when I think of Scorpion, I think "yo-yo fucked".....which is ironic considering his spear move. lol

How complex a personality like that could get for a character, should span across the entire roster. Anyone self aware should have more layers of psycology to unsheathe. Well, unless they have that "dumb blonde" comlplex. lol

There's more.... but I got tired of typing.
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