MK Is Wasting New Characters!!!!!!
posted12/29/2005 04:35 AM (UTC)by
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

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08/08/2005 04:00 AM (UTC)
It just makes me angry to see the MK team creating so many new characters for a MK game but not using any of them in the very next game.Take MK4 for an example,all the new character's didn't make a return in DA.MOST of the new charcters from DA didn't make a return in Decption,so i'm worried That the MK team are just wasting characters. Yes you may say "well the new characters from MK4 and DA were lame".Well that's what you guys said when we found out that Ermac,Sindel,Kabal,Smoke and Noob from MK3 was all going to be in MKD.But when we saw all of their new designs and stories everybody thought they were cool .So what's wrong with them doing the same for the MK4 and DA character's? I was happy to see Tanya back with a new look and story.So guy's,they CAN make Jarek an actual character rather than a Kano rip-off,they CAN bring these characters back with success.We just need to stop wasting characters.I don't want to see a new MK character in MK7 becuse we already got enough NEW characters that haven't been touched.furious
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12/17/2005 07:16 PM (UTC)
Since when did Tanya have anew story?

And no, Midway officially dislikes most of the MK4 characters, especially Reiko and I can fully understand why. The problem here is an essentia literal question. Is it necessary to bring them back just for the sake of being there? The answer wil always -and should- be no.

I suggest the MK team to make thebest ou of the MKDA-MKD characters and expand them, they -and only they have been made ton have long term staying power. Save Fujin perhaps.
12/17/2005 07:19 PM (UTC)
You're right about Deadly Alliance. It looked like John Vogel decided to create a bunch of new characters to kill instead of killing some real characters. It was really dumb. Hsu Hao? Frost? Nitara? Mavado? All characters with a good potential but all killed(or get rid of) whitin the same game.

At least he didn't kill a lot of new characters in Deception.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

12/17/2005 07:28 PM (UTC)
They probably didn't like the MK4 CHARACTERS , BUT THEY CAN REVAMP THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/17/2005 07:42 PM (UTC)
I agree with you mainly about the MKDA newcomers, imo, that was the best new MK intake on the whole since MK2, and it's a shame many of them didn't come back. I hope MK7 does bring a lot of these guys, and other older ones we've not seen in a while back, and revamp them. This was one of the few things MKD did right, and it turned some of the MK "B Listers" into solid, worthwhile characters with a lot of potential. If I had my way, MK7 would bring back the following characters, give them another chance and develop them further.

Stryker- Stryker is THE most underrated man in MK, and with his modern weapons instead of ninja powers, a pretty unique fighter. Just give him a riot cop uniform this time.

Mavado- MKDA's most interesting newcomer, imo. Why build this guy, and the Red Dragon up so much in MKDA, only for the Red Dragon not to make the cut next game and Mavado to be quietly killed in Kabal's bio.

Nitara- They can't just leave the sexy vampire woman as a one hit wonder. Raiden's MKDA ending hinted she was involved with Onaga, and they should do more with her vampire powers.

Sareena- Very well developed for someone who's only appeared in spinoffs. She badly needs to come into a mainstream MK.

Frost- Badly needs her own unique special moves. I like the idea of Sub Zero having a student, and she had a cool look, but she was too similar to Subby.

Kai- Storyline needs work, but his caperoia with a kung fu style could work very well in the 3 style system.

Drahmin- I'd be interested to see them go into his background, and give him a look more like his 2nd outfit, but with a better looking mask.

Fujin- Boring in MK4/MKG, but a character with wind powers has lots of potential, and with Raiden going crazy, he'd have an important role as the good god.

Sheeva- I honestly think she has potential as a fighter. MKD really lacked a powerhouse, and Sheeva could fill this role. Why should Goro be the only returning Shokan?

Sektor- Not really keen on him, or cyborgs in general. But he is, imo, the best of the cyborgs, and I'd like to see the Tekunin given a shot.

Unfortunately, there are some characters, particularly in MKD's weak lineup of newbies, that should be left in the past for good. What was the point of Dairou and Kobra exactly? Reiko has brought nothing but negative controversy, and even Midway hate him. Boon himself admitted he didn't really like Kintaro, and there is, apparently a jumbled message in MKD's Konquest that says something like Hsu Hao will never return.
12/17/2005 08:09 PM (UTC)
I actually disagree. The new MKDA characters were very awesome. Mavado looks like he has the brightest future. In a battle with Kabal would be the best idea for MK7. Nitara had a good story in DA, I watn her back in MK7, but MK will have to think extra hard for an idea for her. Frost should come back and want to kill Sub-Zero, probably team up with Noob. Li Mei, Bo Rai Cho and Kenshi need to sit out one or two gamnes. and Hsu Hao, and Drahmin and Molach sucked ass.

In agree with MK4. Quan Chi and Tanya were the only good characters.
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I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/17/2005 10:24 PM (UTC)
i have no choice but to agree. Midway is using charcters from one game and that's it. But they might use all of the new people from MK4 to put in the next one. you never know.
12/17/2005 11:40 PM (UTC)
While ordinarily I would agree that MK churns out WAY too many one-shot characters and doesn't do nearly enough character development, you have to remember that these battles ARE supposed to be to the death. And they use the tired, old "ressurection" storyline way too much as it is. Having mass amounts of violent bodily destruction is kind of counter-productive to long-running characters. So the only way to really subvert that is to create a load of "kombat fodder" from game to game for the "popular" characters to butcher. Think of the new characters as the nameless minions from every other game or movie ever made.
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12/18/2005 12:32 AM (UTC)
if that were the case, then wouldn't we know who killed them all? If they were using them for fodder for the more established characters to kill them, then why did Sheeva kill motaro, why don't we know what happened to Stryker, Rain, Reiko, etc.

While I agree that in some ways the resurrection angle is overplayed, they have done it while a few times. Sub-zero being Noob Siabot seems to be a very popular idea. Scorpion having returned is cool, but now we just want a good stroyline. I think that in a fighting game, resurrections can be fine as long as they are played off correctly, like with Shinnok raising the dead for his own army, since he is the overlord of the netherrealm and all.grin
12/18/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Since when did Tanya have anew story?

And no, Midway officially dislikes most of the MK4 characters, especially Reiko and I can fully understand why. The problem here is an essentia literal question. Is it necessary to bring them back just for the sake of being there? The answer wil always -and should- be no.

I suggest the MK team to make thebest ou of the MKDA-MKD characters and expand them, they -and only they have been made ton have long term staying power. Save Fujin perhaps.

Why should the MK team not bring back any of the MK4 characters, yet go and bring back the MKDA characters and MKD characters? If most of those characters are there solely as filler and can't be integrated into the story, then they should be dumped too. Characters come and go in fighters for no real reason whatsoever, and fighting games tend to have more filler characters than ones of importance anyway.

You could argue that the MK4 characters are retarded or lame but I don't find Kai or Reiko any more idiotic than a pointless character like Nitara.
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12/18/2005 07:57 AM (UTC)
Wow, I never thought I'd see a thread like this. Usually I read posts from people complaining about how bad the new characters are, and how they wish the MK team would only add a few new characters, if any, to each new game. I personally think that all of the new characters since MK2 have been hit or miss. I liked Kabal and Sektor, but I've never been into Sindel or Nightwolf. I liked Kai, Quan Chi and Fujin, but I didn't like Tanya, Shinnok or Reiko. I liked Drahmin and Mavado, but I wasn't really in to Bo Rai Cho or Frost. I liked Kira, Ashrah and Havik but disliked Dairou, Kobra and Hotaru. When I say I liked characters, I'd say that at the least I saw/see potential in them.

You could argue about the overall quality of new characters for each game, I'd say that MK5 was the best post MK2 game for new characters. MK6, to me is probably the worst. Regardless, I think that the MK team tries to listen to fans and give them the characters they want. People wanted to see some classic characters return for MK6, and they delivered. Personally, I would've liked to have found out what happened to Drahmin if his ending happened instead of seeing Nightwolf again, but that's just me. Alot of people want to have a large group of classic characters. Until that changes, I think we'll be seeing the same core of characters in every game. Many of the MK1/MK2 characters have become symbols of the series. You only need to look at the left side of your screen to see that idea in action. Not one of the six site themes comes from a character that originally came into MK later than MK2. I have no problem with that, I like nearly all of the old MK characters, but I'd still like to see some new faces get chances to entrench themselves in the series like the old characters have.
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12/18/2005 10:35 AM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Since when did Tanya have anew story?

And no, Midway officially dislikes most of the MK4 characters, especially Reiko and I can fully understand why. The problem here is an essentia literal question. Is it necessary to bring them back just for the sake of being there? The answer wil always -and should- be no.

I suggest the MK team to make thebest ou of the MKDA-MKD characters and expand them, they -and only they have been made ton have long term staying power. Save Fujin perhaps.

Why should the MK team not bring back any of the MK4 characters, yet go and bring back the MKDA characters and MKD characters? If most of those characters are there solely as filler and can't be integrated into the story, then they should be dumped too. Characters come and go in fighters for no real reason whatsoever, and fighting games tend to have more filler characters than ones of importance anyway.

You could argue that the MK4 characters are retarded or lame but I don't find Kai or Reiko any more idiotic than a pointless character like Nitara.

Becouse they are uninspired and blatantly one sided. No need to argue that, that is fact. if they bring them back, or whatever, they at least need to use them on MKDA's level, becouse MK4 is constructionally horrible as a plot.

you may like Reiko becouse he is oh-so mysterious, and creepy looking (please...) but whatever you say, Reiko's plotline is completely butchered, oh sorry, i forgot he has none to begin with.
12/18/2005 02:14 PM (UTC)
I still don’t understand why so many people cant see the true reasons behind MKDs cast.

MKD was always ment to be a huge upgrade of MKDA (lets not focus on the gameplay part so no arguments can start about that), it was a great game that brought new features that hyped everyone, manipulating people to buy the game. MKDA was very successful, they needed a sequel…and fast.

The truth is that MKD was never supposed to be MKDA in their terms. What do I mean? They had plans to make a rushed game that was never supposed to be “The wonderâ€? of Mk. Sure they expected and wanted (and needed) the success, but the game seems like a tease of “whats to come nextâ€?.

They NEEDED a game like MKD, it was the perfect game to bring back the old cast of characters everyone hated or ignored, after MKDA, the success was practically guaranteed, so there were no risks in creating a cast of old classics leaving out the favorites.

Everyone thought the new characters introduced in MKDA were going to return, but the surprise came when MKD brought back the underrated Sindel, Tanya, Nightwolf, Kabal, etc. The plan was to have a game that would do justice to these underrated characters, at the same time, introducing more new comers that they could use whenever they pleased.

We already have a huge cast of new comers with MKDA and MKD together, that haven’t been used in more then 1 game, and thanks to MKD, there are other classic characters that now have a lot of more chances to return, now that the main underrated are out of the way, Kai, Fujin, Reiko, etc have a chance to shine.

If Mk7 is NOT another MKD (another “upgradeâ€? in my words), it will be “the gameâ€? (that’s what they are planning anyway), and it will be very different from MKDA and MKD, they will now have the chance to bring the characters they knew were a success in MKDA and MKD, along side the main originals that missed the last game, and the old classics that have been forgotten.

They are not using characters for a reason, I was very pissed when excellent characters (IMO) like Nitara didn’t return, but I guess they had to make room for the underrated classics and new comers.

I do agree however, that the story is messed up. Killing new characters is a waste…..ESPECIALLY since they are coming back anyways. Look at Mavados bio in MKDA, he killed Kabal, but it turns out he never really died and is now evil, now in Kabals ending, he killed Mavado…but how much do you want to bet he never died?

The problem is that they want to create a suspense that isn’t working very well, for it only looks stupid. Now days no one wonders like in the good old times, about what happened to him, or what will happen to that, etc. It all seems predictable. Someone will just write another resurrection, say X character never died, and kill another one they plan to return.

Im not saying kill a character and never bring him back, for once, Im just saying stop the resurrections. I actually like the bio twists (Kabal being believed to be death…etc), but its being done badly.

A good one is Frost for example, people are betting their life she is dead…but think again, Sub-Zeros bio NEVER really stated she died, only that he buried her (hinting us she is dead), but the same hints have been given to us for Goro, Kabal, Kano, etc. and they all ended up being alive.

MKD was just a rushed game that looks pretty.
12/18/2005 04:57 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Becouse they are uninspired and blatantly one sided. No need to argue that, that is fact. if they bring them back, or whatever, they at least need to use them on MKDA's level, becouse MK4 is constructionally horrible as a plot.

you may like Reiko becouse he is oh-so mysterious, and creepy looking (please...) but whatever you say, Reiko's plotline is completely butchered, oh sorry, i forgot he has none to begin with.

I'm going to assume you're pulling stuff out of your ass purely because you don't like the cast. Uninspired? Yeah maybe. But what the hell does does "one-sided" mean?

I don't like Reiko, but a lot of people do. I don't think he's any worse a character than Ermac or Rain or Noob Saibot originally were. Ermac in particular was absolutely terrible but look how they managed to turn him around when they brought him back for Deception. It's not as if they couldn't do the same for Reiko, or Kai, or even Jarek. None of those characters are any more uninspired or pointless than Kenshi, Nitara, Darrius, Kobra, and a host of other new characters introduced in Deadly Alliance and Deception.

If they can bring them back and (somehow) have enough competence to make them interesting or to make their inclusion seem logical in the story, why not go for it?
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12/18/2005 05:11 PM (UTC)
Essentially yes, but wether there's a need to comeback, thats the question, not what they can do with him or her.

Thats one of the greatest weaknesses of MK, using certain characters over and over without backthought. Why force a character there if there is no need for him to be there (Scorpion, mos of the old ones...).

But this is just a video game, and most of the people realy don't care abo-ut subtleties. And essentially yes, I am biased, because those little frag-ments were the only thing that kept me with the series. Thus not only because I dislike Reiko should he not be in MK7 but because he is completely bland (read something about deconstructionalism and then have the guts to say Reiko has anything for himself).

Btw, I stopped caring about it, people here will justify anything with far-fet-ched "professional" viewpoints. Wether that matters or not you decide, I won't care about MK anymore.
12/18/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)
Well, I'm more playing Devil's Advocate. I don't necessarily CARE if any MK4 characters come back but obviously, some people do. And if Vogel or the rest of the MK team can bring them back in ways that make them relevant to the plot and expand upon their characters to make them more interesting, I wouldn't complain.

Granted I should probably worry more about the gameplay itself than the characters and story but seeing as I have aspirations to eventually get into writing comics (and like to write anyway), this kind of stuff tends to stand out more to me.
12/18/2005 09:38 PM (UTC)
I don't care what anyone sais. Reiko was awesome! Aswesome I tells ya!!

I dont care if I get a million flames. I still think Reiko is awesome. How can you not like a mysterious person that throws ninja stars and has a weird fetish for wearing the emperors's mask???furiousfurious
12/18/2005 10:30 PM (UTC)
As far as a character's personality and storyline go, anyone can be made compelling. Whether any fans appreciate that or not is another thing entirely. The fact of the matter is that Reiko and the other one-shots don't sell games. Although they do make excellent premises for fan fiction, because Midway spend so little time extrapolating their characters that we can do it instead and never be contradicted by canon. People writing a Reiko or a Sheeva vs. Motaro story will never finish up only to be contradicted by the next MK game.

Any half-decent writer can make a good character from the numerous interesting premises suggested, Reiko, Rain and Jarek, for example could all be excellent if you worked them properly. But these games aren't only about plot, they are also about game play. They'd have to handle properly in-game to become mainstays. And by properly I mean "not like Dairou".
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12/19/2005 01:44 PM (UTC)
Ermac has become popular enough from deception i think that he has a good chance of being in more games. The same could be said for any of the other "one shot" characters. I personally liked mk 3 and 4's one shots (though most of 3 are no longer one shots...) but they don't need to be added to every game. SIndel's actions have all been explained through the different games leading up to mk 6, but she was only in 3 and 6. Why don't they at least attempt to do that for some of the other characters? Sindel, Ermac and kabal are the only three that come to mind that they have done this for. There was nothing about Nightwolf anywhere, and we still have no idea what he was doing inbetween the two games. If they decide to not put the characters in the games, the least they could do is find a way to tie at least their where-abouts into the game through other characters.
12/19/2005 01:56 PM (UTC)
Good point there actually. But at least we know where Nightwolf is. One major question for all to consider is: "What the heck happened to Rain?" He just disappeared after MKT and was never mentioned again.
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12/19/2005 03:27 PM (UTC)
or Khameleon, Chameleon, Reiko, or Kia. I think that since most of the "one shot wonders" from 3 got into 6, I hope that 7 will include a lot of 4's.
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12/19/2005 05:30 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi anyone? I do recall him being in Deadly Alliance, and having a rather important role. Imagine that. And I would rather most of the new character from Deception not return. Half of them sucked anyway.
12/19/2005 09:27 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi's a complete weasely bastard, what kind of appeal does a character like that hold? Except maybe the whole shaved head thing, since smoothness is attractive, but that just makes him look like Shinnok's pet golfball. I kind of wish Scorpion had gutted him like a trout when he had the chance. Likewise, I wish half the endings in MKDA had come true and he'd been pulled apart, stabbed, magicked, etc. Instead he was reduced to a red stain, which I suppose will do. Personally I am not that interested in him coming back. Shang Tsung maybe, but not Quan Chi. I suspect Midway will bring him back though, he seems to have a bizarrely large fanbase.
12/19/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
Weskerian Wrote:
Quan Chi's a complete weasely bastard, what kind of appeal does a character like that hold? Except maybe the whole shaved head thing, since smoothness is attractive, but that just makes him look like Shinnok's pet golfball. I kind of wish Scorpion had gutted him like a trout when he had the chance. Likewise, I wish half the endings in MKDA had come true and he'd been pulled apart, stabbed, magicked, etc. Instead he was reduced to a red stain, which I suppose will do. Personally I am not that interested in him coming back. Shang Tsung maybe, but not Quan Chi. I suspect Midway will bring him back though, he seems to have a bizarrely large fanbase.

Well, Quan Chi is important to the storyline whether you like it or not, but I guess maybe you haven't played MKM: SZ.
12/19/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
I know the whole storyline, and yes, he was important to THAT storyline, but what about the one at present? MKD dealt with him being dead in the first five minutes pretty well, and there's nothing about the coming game that suggests he will be very important there either. He could stay dead and the story would progress without him without a hitch depending on how they do it.
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