MK is f*cked
posted01/07/2006 03:15 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/23/2005 10:33 AM (UTC)
Mortal kombat is now just crape
the story is the badest of games I played
I just by because Scorpion and Sub-zero are cool characters
They always go in past we never heard of Onaga for DA
And the vampiresconfused why did they bring on them
They just don't know what the do
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I've gone back to my original forum as the ban messages have drove me insane...empty as hell though. FILL IT UP! Tetra_Vega, get on your myspace...

12/31/2005 11:05 PM (UTC)
Oh for christs sake MK is Doing great from there profits they sold over 1,000,000 copies of deception in the first week supplying the midway team enough to make more and more games so quit being so negative characters are always introduced new in MK without pause or recollection.
01/01/2006 01:03 AM (UTC)
fromhell Wrote:
Mortal kombat is now just crape
the story is the badest of games I played
I just by because Scorpion and Sub-zero are cool characters
They always go in past we never heard of Onaga for DA
And the vampiresconfused why did they bring on them
They just don't know what the do

Maybe you don't like the story, because you don't understand it.

MK's problem really lies within its gameplay, namely the fighting system although given some story elements in some of the games and MKSM's crappy ass storyline, MK's story has its flaws though overall, it's far better than the storylines of other fighting games, imo.
01/01/2006 01:47 AM (UTC)
You see, for every one complainer there are at least 10 satisfied fans.

You're not in the majority, and you never will be. You will be drowned out by most of the fans who think it is a decent game.

Boon will never listen to the 1 disgruntled fan, he will just think of how to please the satisfied fans.

So stop complaining, and good ridence.
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01/01/2006 02:14 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
You see, for every one complainer there are at least 10 satisfied fans.

Not to mention the fact he still bought the game.
You vote with your wallet, people.

Not that I agree.
If all potential plot threads were written into the first game, then it's going to get pretty bland and predictable. As disappointing as the Dragon King may have been, at least it took the game forward.
01/01/2006 02:18 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
You see, for every one complainer there are at least 10 satisfied fans.

Not to mention the fact he still bought the game.
You vote with your wallet, people.

Not that I agree.
If all potential plot threads were written into the first game, then it's going to get pretty bland and predictable. As disappointing as the Dragon King may have been, at least it took the game forward.

True. With MK news coming in 2 months, lets see if Shinnok will change the whole dragon king thingy...
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What do you like? Hit the Toasty thumbs up on articles and forum posts for a quick response!
01/01/2006 03:28 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:

True. With MK news coming in 2 months, lets see if Shinnok will change the whole dragon king thingy...

Yessir! MK moving forward! grin
01/01/2006 03:22 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Maybe you don't like the story, because you don't understand it.

Well, it IS kind of hard to understand the story when it's so poorly written. wink
01/02/2006 12:00 AM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Maybe you don't like the story, because you don't understand it.

Well, it IS kind of hard to understand the story when it's so poorly written. wink

I kind of agree.

The story of Mk has always been amazing, though MKD really messed up big time.

Of all the Mk games, Mk1 and MKDA probably have the best
storylines...very deep.

Mk2 was kind of a let down (the worst storline IMO, even though the characters had amazing plots), I loved Mk3s plot, even though some of the characters didnt have interesting storylines. Mk4 was the start of what you would call a "complex" storyline, it was ok (not better then Mk3, but better then Mk2 IMO), however, MKDA was amazing, deep and complex, just as great as Mk1, and maybe even more.

MKD was the new let was poorly written like you said, the only good thing about this was the ONE BEING plot, other then that....the story was not as deep and beautiful as MKDA.
01/02/2006 02:53 AM (UTC)
I think MKD, despite its flaws, had some really good stories in it like Raiden's new persona, Sub-Zero's heritage discovery, Noob Saibot being revealed in Noob-Smoke's ending as the Original Sub-Zero, etc.

MKDA had some really good story elements, but it really fucked up Scorpion's storyline extremely easily with his primary bio saying that he had believed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. This is saying that Scorpion thinks there has only been one Sub-Zero. Not only does this take depth out of Scorpion's story, but if and when Scorpion learns of Noob Saibot's true identity, there's going to be a big confusion in him and at the end of the day, Scorpion is going to feel like an idiot.

MKDA not only did poorly with Scorpion's story, but Johnny Cage's story was horrendous and had no character development whatsoever. There wasn't really much of anything special going on for Sonya and Jax's storylines although the Sonya/Frost mutual hatred thing is interesting and Jax at least did something by killing Hsu Hao.

So, what I'm getting at here is that MKDA's storyline wasn't all too superior, but it had a lot of great stories in it. I just felt that it really screwed up on some things. So you see, almost all of the MK's have their flaws in the story.

queve, I disagree with you about MK2's storyline, because the MK3/UMK3/MKT storylines reveal there was more to Shao Kahn's tournament than met the eye so I think that brings in more depth. Also, I liked the darker tone of the game and ambience itself.
Yeah i definatley will say i think Mk2 definatley didnt fail in the story telling department. Especially even though it took a dramatic turn events that even i wasnt expecting after Mk1 it still moved the story forward. It brought new characters in back then that we didnt know would still play part in the story today and definatley made me realize at that point that wheever a new MK came out, there was gonna be some sort of "big" twist that i wouldnt expect, Just like Mk2 did for me after Mk1. Even Mk3, i doubt anyone knew back then Shao Khan would end up "winning" the 2nd tournament and briefly crossed and took over earth. But thats all just IMOgrin
01/02/2006 03:52 AM (UTC)
CaptainSpaldingXL Wrote:
Yeah i definatley will say i think Mk2 definatley didnt fail in the story telling department. Especially even though it took a dramatic turn events that even i wasnt expecting after Mk1 it still moved the story forward. It brought new characters in back then that we didnt know would still play part in the story today and definatley made me realize at that point that wheever a new MK came out, there was gonna be some sort of "big" twist that i wouldnt expect, Just like Mk2 did for me after Mk1. Even Mk3, i doubt anyone knew back then Shao Khan would end up "winning" the 2nd tournament and briefly crossed and took over earth. But thats all just IMOgrin

Shao Kahn wasn't the winner in MK2. Liu Kang defeated him, but Shao Kahn unleashed his backup plan (Sindel) and sent extermination squads to kill Liu Kang and his allies.
Yeah your right but i really didnt mean him "winning" the tournment but but he was victorious in the way the he did crossover and temporarily took over Earth. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
01/02/2006 05:46 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
fromhell Wrote:
Mortal kombat is now just crape
the story is the badest of games I played
I just by because Scorpion and Sub-zero are cool characters
They always go in past we never heard of Onaga for DA
And the vampiresconfused why did they bring on them
They just don't know what the do

Maybe you don't like the story, because you don't understand it.

MK's problem really lies within its gameplay, namely the fighting system although given some story elements in some of the games and MKSM's crappy ass storyline, MK's story has its flaws though overall, it's far better than the storylines of other fighting games, imo.
i agree, buck up and suck in your gut if you dont like the game dont play it and if you dont like mk get the frik out of mko
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01/03/2006 02:09 PM (UTC)
Have you played any other fighting games? What are you measuring MK's story against? If you're comparing MK to Final Fantasy or something like that, then yeah, MK falls short, but compare MK's storyline throught all six games main games (the good and the bad) with:

Street Fighter: The world warriors fight one another, and Sheng Long must be defeated in order for you to stand a chance. Okay...Big story.

Virtua Fighter: Akira likes seafood and Shun Di gets drunk. Excuse me while I bask in the plotness of it all.

Tekken: Probably one of the best fighting games story-wise, but still a bit more out there than I'd prefer. It's still fighters that are fighting to become champion, but some plots like the one involving Jin/Kazuya/Jun/Heihachi are a bit on the convaluted side, what with the whole devil thing and all. Also, Tekken has more than it's share of nothing storylines. Compare Paul's storyline's from the first three Tekken's to Cage's. Hey, at least Cage died and came back.

Soul Calibur: Welcome back to the stage of repeated history. I bet the guy with the nunchucks dies. Seriously though, everyone's chasing an evil sword, and while some characters have interesting backgrounds, most of them haven't actually done much of anything in the last three games. I'm not positive though, as I haven't played SC3 enough to judge. I can only really go on the first two games. SC3 looks alot like more of the same, although they seem to have taken a page out of the "MK Guide to Lame Extra Modes" with that strategy game. Oh well, at least Voldo still looks like he should be Marilyn Manson's dad.

Dead or Alive: Oh this one is easily the best (sarcasm) Let's see, Kasumi is a ninja who betrayed her clan somehow, Ayane doesn't like her for some reason, and oh yeah, her DOA4 ending involved her having a nightmare about being a mermaid that got stuck in a fishing net...And she's one of the MAIN characters!!! DOA4 has been better than past games about revealing plot, but I still have no idea what's going on. DOATEC, Donovan, Helena, and ninjas all seem to fit together, but not well enough to merit consideration for the moniker of good storytelling. Oh, then you have Tina's dad who wants her to be a wrestler, not a model or an actress or a rock star. Yep...Big plot points there. On a side note, Kokoro is the most boring character I've ever used in a fighting game...Period.

So yeah, again, not sure what you're comparing MK's storyline to, but i'll take the MK series over any of these games any day of the week, month, year, decade and century.

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01/03/2006 05:21 PM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
You see, for every one complainer there are at least 10 satisfied fans.

Not to mention the fact he still bought the game.
You vote with your wallet, people.

Not that I agree.
If all potential plot threads were written into the first game, then it's going to get pretty bland and predictable. As disappointing as the Dragon King may have been, at least it took the game forward.

True. With MK news coming in 2 months, lets see if Shinnok will change the whole dragon king thingy...

How do you know that we will be getting news for the new MK in only two months? And how do you know that Shinnok will have something to do in this game. I mean, I really hope that Shinnok is in this game, but I would just like an explanation behind your theory.
01/03/2006 06:42 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think MKD, despite its flaws, had some really good stories in it like Raiden's new persona, Sub-Zero's heritage discovery, Noob Saibot being revealed in Noob-Smoke's ending as the Original Sub-Zero, etc.

Raiden, far as I'm concerned, should've been one of the few constants in MK. You have people who can change allegiance at the drop of a hat and yet, here's Raiden. The one constant. He's always good, always pure, always looking out for Earthrealm. Yes, he's still looking out for Earthrealm but was it necessary to make him "dark"?

Sub-Zero discovering his heritage was just plain pointless and completely derailed the fact it seemed they were grooming him to be the hero.

Noob... we'll see. It could be good but I have a feeling they're just going to make it really, really stupid.

MKDA had some really good story elements, but it really fucked up Scorpion's storyline extremely easily with his primary bio saying that he had believed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. This is saying that Scorpion thinks there has only been one Sub-Zero. Not only does this take depth out of Scorpion's story, but if and when Scorpion learns of Noob Saibot's true identity, there's going to be a big confusion in him and at the end of the day, Scorpion is going to feel like an idiot.

Not to mention it contradicts the fact that in MK2, he KNEW it wasn't the same Sub-Zero...

And I'm going to assume that Baraka has never bothered to even read up on the Street Fighter story.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/03/2006 09:02 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Have you played any other fighting games? What are you measuring MK's story against? If you're comparing MK to Final Fantasy or something like that, then yeah, MK falls short, but compare MK's storyline throught all six games main games (the good and the bad) with:

Street Fighter: The world warriors fight one another, and Sheng Long must be defeated in order for you to stand a chance. Okay...Big story.

Virtua Fighter: Akira likes seafood and Shun Di gets drunk. Excuse me while I bask in the plotness of it all.

Tekken: Probably one of the best fighting games story-wise, but still a bit more out there than I'd prefer. It's still fighters that are fighting to become champion, but some plots like the one involving Jin/Kazuya/Jun/Heihachi are a bit on the convaluted side, what with the whole devil thing and all. Also, Tekken has more than it's share of nothing storylines. Compare Paul's storyline's from the first three Tekken's to Cage's. Hey, at least Cage died and came back.

Soul Calibur: Welcome back to the stage of repeated history. I bet the guy with the nunchucks dies. Seriously though, everyone's chasing an evil sword, and while some characters have interesting backgrounds, most of them haven't actually done much of anything in the last three games. I'm not positive though, as I haven't played SC3 enough to judge. I can only really go on the first two games. SC3 looks alot like more of the same, although they seem to have taken a page out of the "MK Guide to Lame Extra Modes" with that strategy game. Oh well, at least Voldo still looks like he should be Marilyn Manson's dad.

Dead or Alive: Oh this one is easily the best (sarcasm) Let's see, Kasumi is a ninja who betrayed her clan somehow, Ayane doesn't like her for some reason, and oh yeah, her DOA4 ending involved her having a nightmare about being a mermaid that got stuck in a fishing net...And she's one of the MAIN characters!!! DOA4 has been better than past games about revealing plot, but I still have no idea what's going on. DOATEC, Donovan, Helena, and ninjas all seem to fit together, but not well enough to merit consideration for the moniker of good storytelling. Oh, then you have Tina's dad who wants her to be a wrestler, not a model or an actress or a rock star. Yep...Big plot points there. On a side note, Kokoro is the most boring character I've ever used in a fighting game...Period.

So yeah, again, not sure what you're comparing MK's storyline to, but i'll take the MK series over any of these games any day of the week, month, year, decade and century.

Wow, way to over generalize to make MK sound better than it is.
01/03/2006 09:33 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think MKD, despite its flaws, had some really good stories in it like Raiden's new persona, Sub-Zero's heritage discovery, Noob Saibot being revealed in Noob-Smoke's ending as the Original Sub-Zero, etc.

Raiden, far as I'm concerned, should've been one of the few constants in MK. You have people who can change allegiance at the drop of a hat and yet, here's Raiden. The one constant. He's always good, always pure, always looking out for Earthrealm. Yes, he's still looking out for Earthrealm but was it necessary to make him "dark"?

Sub-Zero discovering his heritage was just plain pointless and completely derailed the fact it seemed they were grooming him to be the hero.

Noob... we'll see. It could be good but I have a feeling they're just going to make it really, really stupid.

MKDA had some really good story elements, but it really fucked up Scorpion's storyline extremely easily with his primary bio saying that he had believed for many years that Sub-Zero killed his family and clan. This is saying that Scorpion thinks there has only been one Sub-Zero. Not only does this take depth out of Scorpion's story, but if and when Scorpion learns of Noob Saibot's true identity, there's going to be a big confusion in him and at the end of the day, Scorpion is going to feel like an idiot.

Not to mention it contradicts the fact that in MK2, he KNEW it wasn't the same Sub-Zero...

And I'm going to assume that Baraka has never bothered to even read up on the Street Fighter story.

I have to say yes about Raiden. Even though I like him, I've always found his story to be kind of boring. I think his new persona creates for something more interesting.

I have to disagree with you about Sub-Zero's heritage discovery being pointless. It explains how he comes from a line of people who have a natural ability to manipulate the cold. It opens up to other questions and I don't think they're trying to make Sub-Zero the main hero or anything if that's what you mean.

As for Noob Saibot, yeah, they could fuck it up, but I'm hoping that they can do some good with it. At least he's had some development in MKD unlike in the past MK games.

Regarding Scorpion, it really seemed like he knew it was the younger Sub-Zero back in MK2 and then made that vow to protect him. However, Tobias did say something to disregard the vow despite it being carried on over to UMK3/MKT and also being in the official MK2 comic book. Now, the stuff in MK4 could've been explained better with Scorpion accusing the younger Sub-Zero of killing his family and clan when Quan Chi framed the older Sub-Zero, but MKDA fucked Scorpion's story up. Not only did MKDA fuck up there, but like I said before, Sonya's, Jax's and Johnny Cage's (ESPECIALLY Johnny Cage's) stories were less than mediocre.

I get the impression that some here seem to praise MKDA's story fully but don't seem to realize or at least remember its flaws.
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01/05/2006 12:33 PM (UTC)
It would be interesting to see Raiden just sit out one game, but you know that it won't happen. Even though, more than likely, they are going to bring Fujin back, they will still include Raiden, but probably bring him back to his old, nicer self. I think his new persona in MKD was more or like just a gimmick. It's hard to develop his story more, but I wish they would just go back to him being the leader of this whole "resistance" against Kahn and Onaga and Shinnok and all of them, and do everything for Earthrealm and all of that.

As for Noob Saibot, I can only hope to God that they keep going with this. Sub-Zero needs a new story. Now this is an interesting twist to his, and Noob Saibot's storyline. Boon and company though does have tendency to screw things up pretty badly, but I don't think they will mess this up, but they could. And even though I like the whole tag-team thing, I don't want him and Smoke to be together again, cause Smoke was Noob Saibot's bitch.

I guess they are going to go in a new direction with Scorpion's story, other than trying to kill Quan Chi. I just hope they don't drop that story all together, and pretend like it never happened or something stupid like that. Although, I do totally disagree with Scorpion being the Elder Gods chosen one to save Earthrealm. I hope that shows to be non-cannon.

I feel as if there will be, not really a new storyline to it, but some kind of struggle between Quan Chi, Shinnok, and Scorpion in the new game. We shall see though. I'm curious to see what they will show though next month. Remember the first video for MKD? Everyone trying to see who all of the characters were. I can only imagine the MK team will do the same thing this time around too.
01/05/2006 07:39 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

I have to disagree with you about Sub-Zero's heritage discovery being pointless. It explains how he comes from a line of people who have a natural ability to manipulate the cold. It opens up to other questions and I don't think they're trying to make Sub-Zero the main hero or anything if that's what you mean.

Who said Raiden was SUPPOSED to be the most interesting character around. Not every character can be interesting. But that doesn't necessarily mean they're not good. Raiden had his little niche: The wise, benevolent guardian of Earthrealm. No matter what else changed around him, Raiden himself never swayed. That was Raiden's role and that's how he works best. Turning him "dark" reeks of something out of a bad mid-'90s comic. "Oh look, Raiden has white skin, dark clothes, and a tattered cape. He ain't taken no shit no mo'!" You could have Raiden be serious and "take no shit" while not having to resort to something so cliched as to make him "dark".

It explains how he comes from a line of people who can manipulate the cold and it raises other questions? The only question it raises is: Why? Why was this done? What does this add to his character? The answer is, of course, that it adds absolutely nothing. This doesn't progress his character any. Sub-Zero going back and regaining leadership of the clan that had marked him for death expands his character. Sub-Zero using the clan to help others, instead of for mercenary purposes progresses his character and gets him a few steps closer to taking on the role of the hero (or at the very least, a very important ally). He progressed from living in his brother's shadow, out to finish what his brother started to becoming a leader and teacher. Character progression.

Now compare his history BEFORE Deception to this crap about him finding armor and his lineage. What does it do to expand his character? What does it do to help him grow and become a more interesting, complex character? Nothing. It does absolutely nothing. It was a pointless, arbitrary addition and nothing more.
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01/05/2006 08:13 PM (UTC)
summary: extension =/= progress

who knows what they have in mind for Sub-Zero in the future. Though the armor WAS forced. It could have been assemblied with the Amulet.
01/06/2006 07:12 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

queve, I disagree with you about MK2's storyline, because the MK3/UMK3/MKT storylines reveal there was more to Shao Kahn's tournament than met the eye so I think that brings in more depth. Also, I liked the darker tone of the game and ambience itself.

The Mk3 series storyline help the Mk2 storyline feel interesting, thats how I see it. While I loved the darkness of the game, and the awesome stories of each character involved in Mk2, the main storyline of the game (the "tournament") was just kind of silly and uninspired. Something that seemed rushed IMO.

Mk3 went further, revealing treachery, a dangerous complot, an invasion, an evil resurrection and world apocalypse. While Mk2 is the reason this happened, the story of the game alone back in those days is just simple, uninspired. Besides, the "complot" ideas of Sindels resurrection and world invasion were never developed for Mk2, the ideas were done later for Mk3. Thats why I think Mk3 adds depth to Mk2, not the other way around.
Also Sub-Zero7th as you said before, I don't like that they made the founder of Aikido, the founder of the Black Dragon.

MK1's story is fairly simple, they need to at least elaborate on the events that happened through a Konquest.

MK2 had a deeper story that MK:SM failed to properly adapt.

MK3 has a great little story with all the characters and how it all works and there are defining character moments everywhere and minus the Shinnok plot, it could've made a nice little epic finale to MK3's story if it were to be the last game.

MK4 wasn't the most thought out, but MKM helped with the backstory to make it more interesting.

MK:DA had a really deep story, but it was flawed.

MK:D's story wasn't as deep as Deception, but it had some good moments.
01/06/2006 07:28 PM (UTC)
Grimm...Every person I ran into that knows anything about MK reasured me that MK7 news will come in February.

Ask DarqueBishop if he told me that.

Ask Crow if he told me that.

everybody didfurious
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