mk has a long way to go..
posted09/21/2005 04:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/02/2003 09:18 PM (UTC)
i just bought tekken 5 today..n holy shit this game puts mkdeception to shame...the mk staff really has to step their game up n be more creative wit the next mk..or else mk will just die away like street fighter....n boon when ur makin a game dont just focus on wat the hardcore mk fans want..focus on wat the everyday player wants too!!
09/16/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
I agree Tekken 5 is amazing, and has better depictions of fighting styles. But MK's characters and storyline is so interesting that I think it will keep the game alive for a very long time. Plus MK is still tons of fun to play.
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09/16/2005 06:25 PM (UTC)
Yeah tekken is really kool game and MK should learn from it.Theyr gameplay,graphics,fmvs etc are amazing.I believe MK would turn on the best fighting game in the world (including china,japan etc).
btw i havent played Tekken 5 "konquest mode" can ya tell me about it ?
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09/16/2005 07:35 PM (UTC)
The_Taiji_Master Wrote:
I agree Tekken 5 is amazing, and has better depictions of fighting styles

Not quite. Infact, despite the fact that Tekken has it's styles now actually resembling the ones in real life, almost half of it's roster has flawed moves, especialy concering the Mishima characters.

Same with MK, however, it has some elements stunningly close to real life styles (Dairous footwork for example is 100% fitting). So saying Tekken has moved closer to real styles is nonsense. It has more consistent moves, yes, but simply becouse of the roster and the not so divergent styles from each other.
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art by fear-sAs
09/16/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
I tend to think that Tekken is much more developed. MK really needs to be more fluient. I think it's MK who doesn't have enough styles that are divergant from each other. With only a handful of useful moves, every character plays the same with slight variations in animations. Where as Tekken has much more recognizable and more varied type of game play. true the Mishima character basically play the same, but that's because they study the same style, and even there, we see differences in how each character handles. I believe Tekken does a better job at seperating the styles and giving each character a different feel, from king's Lucha Libre wrestling style, to Raven's Ninjitsu, to Bryan Fury's Kick Boxing. Each character really has a better sense of identity in Tekken.
09/16/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
How are any of the posts in this thread worth one even Dragon Point?

We all know Deception needs improvement, there have been multitudes of threads arguing almost all its aspects, if not all its aspects. Have you even looked at the stickied threads, with page after page of arguements and criticisms?

With 2000+ visits behind you, you're either rather slow or very ignorant. This is another overused topic among many, and needs to be closed.
09/16/2005 11:46 PM (UTC)
MajinDrag0n Wrote:
How are any of the posts in this thread worth one even Dragon Point?

We all know Deception needs improvement, there have been multitudes of threads arguing almost all its aspects, if not all its aspects. Have you even looked at the stickied threads, with page after page of arguements and criticisms?

With 2000+ visits behind you, you're either rather slow or very ignorant. This is another overused topic among many, and needs to be closed.

y is there always an asshole every 5 - 6 post??...get over it if u dont like it ..stop takin shit so seriously n get a life..
09/17/2005 12:16 AM (UTC)
Yes, MK needs lots of work on its fighting engine.

Regarding the styles, the styles in MKDA and MKD aren't quite that inaccurate though the way the styles are in MKDA is more accurate than they are in MKD. Tekken does a great job with the accuracy of the styles for the most part....Raven's Ninjutsu (not Ninjitsu) style doesn't seem quite that accurate to me except for only a few moves like F + 1. Yoshimitsu's Ninjutsu style is still not really that accurate unless the Ninjutsu styles they put for the two ninja characters are from an unknown (and possibly not authentic) style or they just wanted to do what they can to have unique movesets.

Either way, yes, MK has quite a way to go though this has already been known...
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09/18/2005 12:04 PM (UTC)
simple responce... make mortal kombat like teken or doa and u will be killing wat it has become known for..

09/18/2005 01:53 PM (UTC)
I hope to God that MK7 is a direct rip off of Tekken 4.
With blood.
09/18/2005 05:43 PM (UTC)
::::: Wrote:
I hope to God that MK7 is a direct rip off of Tekken 4.
With blood.

Tekken 4? Hell no.

Listen. I don't want MK to be a rip off of other fighting games, but in terms of the fighting system, it needs the essentials of a good 3D fighter that games like Tekken and Virtua Fighter have like a wake up game, throw cancels, etc. MK can have those essentials and still be differently from other fighters and have a simple, easy to get into feeling.
09/20/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
I've always liked Tekken better for martial arts, but MK better for the sheer fun factor of it.

I think the styles in MK6 are kind of hit and miss. The Karate styles are pathetic, never in my whole life of doing Karate have I seen somebody stupid enough to chamber one hand and hold the other in a gedan berai style block position for a gaurd. It looks silly and offers hardly any protection. And the stereotypical over head karate chop... Why? Inside and outside shuto's (knife hand) to the jaw look cooler, and a hammerfist to the head always looks more painful than a chop.

You look at Jin from T5 though, it actually does remind me alot of what it's meant to be. Probably because his motion capture guy does Kyokushin and I do GKR (both are comprised of Shotokan and Goju, so they're very similar). What Jin does is traditional karate (short punches, lunging and reverse punches, knife and ridge hand strikes, all the standard kicks, etc), the karate in MK looks much more sloppy (in terms of technique) and less authentic.

Another good example is Jax's Muay Thai compared to Bruce's, I look at Jax fight and it reminds me a tiny bit of Muay Thai. Then I watch Bruce fight, and I feel like I'm watching Ong Bak (that's a cool movie, good fights).

Anyways, all that aside, I still enjoy MK more then Tekken, I just think the martial arts aren't all that great in parts. Although I must admit, Baraka's Hung Gar for the most part looks pretty good (tiger claw strikes and pulls/tears, duel hand strikes, solid and not overly fancy kicks, etc), I have to give them that one atleast smile
09/20/2005 10:33 AM (UTC)
Digital_Assassin Wrote:
y is there always an asshole every 5 - 6 post??...get over it if u dont like it ..stop takin shit so seriously n get a life..

Idiot. tongue
09/21/2005 02:55 AM (UTC)
asshole every 5-6 post example^^^^ on.. i dont even think its the styles thats wrong its just how they move..their so stiff...they dont have much freedom wit the doesnt feel like they flow wit the fighting like in other fighting games...they need to make them feel more alive n move more fluid
09/21/2005 03:57 AM (UTC)
Well, yes, fluidity is an issue, but the techniques and sometimes the stances themselves aren't quite what they should be.

Snake in MKDA was quite good accuracy wise, but the jabs had crap recovery time which doesn't make any sense. They should come out really quickly and recover very quickly but be weak and close ranged. Snake in MKD felt different and if you look at the crouching stance, looks like the Tai Chi crouching stance and has the same moves as in the Tai Chi crouching stance which doesn't make sense to me there too.

I also don't like some of the style choices for some of the characters. One good example is Kano. I can kind of see why Xing Yi would be chosen for him since it's direct and aggressive though it is an internal martial art that uses the whole body's movements to generate great power which doesn't sound Kano-like to me. More so, Aikido, a defensive, non-violent martial art doesn't suit Kano at all. And the way he used the Butterfly Knives doesn't seem too believable to me. Kano should be very brawling-like with brutal, hard hitting, aggressive attacks.
Basically, MK's game play is missing logic.

That results in pretty much all the problems in the game play and other things.

Tekken 5 is my favorite fighting game, but it still has logical problems. For example, some moves cause way too much damage, you can stop a jump kick with a weak attack.

Every game has things that can be made better.
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