MK Game Feature: Limb Damage
posted12/01/2008 04:27 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/04/2008 09:09 AM (UTC)
I was sitting here watching some of the MK vs DC footage. And
an idea popped into my head. in Klose Kombat, you have people
getting their arms snapped or broken at the elbow, or getting hit
with devastating blows to the cranium. In Future installments of
MK, I think it would be nice to replace the classic health gauge
with a body meter, or something along the lines of what we've
seen in Smackdown vs Raw games. Your winning the match
would all depend on how much damage you can inflict on your
opponent. You'd be able to aim for and weaken certain limbs
until they are of no further use, and when this happens, the
player's fighter loses function of that said limb, which could
result in such in game things as limping, holding ones arm,
among other things. The parts of your body suffering the most
damage or that are inactive flash red. Once your entire body
meter is in the red zone, your fighter starts to get woozy, this
signals that you are in danger of losing the match as opposed
to the chime that use to ring when you were about to be beat.

What do you guys think of this feature. Would it be something
you'd be interested to see in future MK titles? Any new features
that you would like to see put into action? please share them.
11/15/2008 12:13 PM (UTC)
Hey I like that idea because it would seem realistic due to the amount of damage the body can actually take. However, my questions to you, would it be a Round 1, 2, etc.? I ask because if you beat a fighter up until the fighter's limbs or portions of the body becomes useless to them during the fight, at what point would the match end? And if there is going to be a Round 1, 2, etc., wouldn't it be kind of unfair to have a fighter arm or leg broken in Round 1, then in Round 2 they're limping or struggling to fight while they're getting smashed by the other fighter throughout that entire round depending on how well the opponent knows the moves and control of the game? It would seem to me, if they added this feature, that there wouldn't be a point for any rounds because both fighters will be beating and chopping each other up until one of the fighers are dazzing. At that point, the finishing portion should take place. What do you think?
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11/15/2008 03:44 PM (UTC)
Good and all but...

...if we have, let's say moves to break, dislocate, maim, cripple an appendage of the enemy fighter, then we logically should have the same for the head. So, if I go out of the notion that you can have a leg break move, why should not I have a neck break move?

And that leads us into mid-game excutions. Not that I am against such ideas, I promote dificult, highly rewarding instant kills in fighting games (but not the flashy supermoves...).

Midway did gameplay affecting maiming in Bio FREAKS. The minotaur could only attack with his Stalin organ once you ripped it's arms off.
11/15/2008 08:24 PM (UTC)
3DArts Wrote:
Hey I like that idea because it would seem realistic due to the amount of damage the body can actually take. However, my questions to you, would it be a Round 1, 2, etc.? I ask because if you beat a fighter up until the fighter's limbs or portions of the body becomes useless to them during the fight, at what point would the match end? And if there is going to be a Round 1, 2, etc., wouldn't it be kind of unfair to have a fighter arm or leg broken in Round 1, then in Round 2 they're limping or struggling to fight while they're getting smashed by the other fighter throughout that entire round depending on how well the opponent knows the moves and control of the game? It would seem to me, if they added this feature, that there wouldn't be a point for any rounds because both fighters will be beating and chopping each other up until one of the fighers are dazzing. At that point, the finishing portion should take place. What do you think?

Yes that's what I was thinking! No rounds as there usually are. More of
a battle to the death. Realistically there wouldn't be any rounds in such
a Tournament like Mortal Kombat. People are fighting to survive and your
surviving the match and taking little to no limb damage depends on your
evading skill and how you utilize the block button lol. And yes also, when
your opponent is too weak to continue to the fight, FINISH HIM will
automatically be activated and you can proceed to perform a fatality.
Chrome Wrote:
Good and all but...

...if we have, let's say moves to break, dislocate, maim, cripple an appendage of the enemy fighter, then we logically should have the same for the head. So, if I go out of the notion that you can have a leg break move, why should not I have a neck break move?

And that leads us into mid-game excutions. Not that I am against such ideas, I promote dificult, highly rewarding instant kills in fighting games (but not the flashy supermoves...).

Midway did gameplay affecting maiming in Bio FREAKS. The minotaur could only attack with his Stalin organ once you ripped it's arms off.
And let us not forget it's predecessor, Bloodstorm, which did have a head smashing technique, as well as a move that tears off your lower body, yet still keeping you alive to fight.

It sounds cool, but then people would get cheap, always aiming to tear pieces off. It would need an assload of balanceing to work.
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11/16/2008 07:43 PM (UTC)
This could also provide more rewarding and graphic fatalities due to increased damage.
For example, Sub-Zero is about to do his spine rip fataliity. If all body sections are in the red, then it ends up a full skeleton rip, as in MK:DA.
OrEvery character could have Like 3-5 standard general fatalities that involve ripping or breaking body parts and 1-2 special fatalities only to them.
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11/17/2008 07:06 AM (UTC)
MindreaK Wrote:

For example, Sub-Zero is about to do his spine rip fataliity. If all body sections are in the red, then it ends up a full skeleton rip, as in MK:DA.

That should be avoided. No more comic reliefs or exaggerations to the point where it looses sensibility.
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

11/18/2008 09:31 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MindreaK Wrote:

For example, Sub-Zero is about to do his spine rip fataliity. If all body sections are in the red, then it ends up a full skeleton rip, as in MK:DA.

That should be avoided. No more comic reliefs or exaggerations to the point where it looses sensibility.

I agree, the spine rip was good, but the skeleton rip was just absurd. Both highly unrealistic, but with some stretch of the imagination, the spine rip actually seems possible.
11/18/2008 10:34 PM (UTC)
I like this idea, but I think it is too exploitable. It seems like the fighter who starts to win will continue to win at an accelerated rate, due to the opponent's lack of ability to defend as well. While this is realistic, I think it takes away from the fun. On top of this, there is the previously mentioned issue of head damage. Sure it would be cool to attack arms and legs, but if the head becomes part of that equation it will be the first thing I, not to mention just about everyone else, aim for.
11/25/2008 06:50 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of limb sounds like a good idea, what I would like to see a change in the next mk game would be instead of fight two rounds it's just one round and you have to beat your opponet senceless before you can finish him. It would work with the whole limb takin damage idea. BTW I'm new here hi been spectating this site for past year n a half
11/25/2008 07:51 AM (UTC)
Supapupa Wrote:
I like this idea, but I think it is too exploitable. It seems like the fighter who starts to win will continue to win at an accelerated rate, due to the opponent's lack of ability to defend as well. While this is realistic, I think it takes away from the fun. On top of this, there is the previously mentioned issue of head damage. Sure it would be cool to attack arms and legs, but if the head becomes part of that equation it will be the first thing I, not to mention just about everyone else, aim for.

I don't think it can be exploited. My idea is that the entire body can be
damaged, including the head, however, your entire body meter must
be flashing red before you can lose the match. And also there would
be no rounds, only a fight to the death. Also blocking and defending
yourself against attacks does not ad to your limb damage meter. But
if you do take hits, it will count to that said limb. You'd still be able to
defend yourself even with inactive limbs, the idea was more of that
you wouldn't be able to attack with that said limb, but defending yes.
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"I will not hide my tastes or aversions...If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your companions; I will seek my own." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

12/01/2008 03:45 AM (UTC)
it'd be cool to see some dismemberments ala biofreaks. but it didn't work too well in that game, so i dunno. cuts and bruises and clothing damage are just fine.
12/01/2008 04:27 AM (UTC)
Seems like an interesting idea. If combined with some sort of stamina system that could balance out the inherent dominance of the person that gains an early lead, it would seem to work out.

One thing, though, is that when used in wrestling games, there's multiple ways to finish off the opponent, and only one of those ways is completely reliant on beating the opponent into a coma. And that way ussually takes a terrible amount of time. >_>

Instead of completely replacing a health bar, maybe limb damage could be a supplement to the current system. Such as damage to body parts weaken certain moves or attributes only. Kind of like how tearing your opponent apart in BioFreaks would hinder them from performing at peak, but IIRC it still required you to deplete a health bar.
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