MK Fighters That Need To Be Improved The Most.
posted03/06/2010 07:59 PM (UTC)by
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07/05/2008 04:16 PM (UTC)
What mk fighters do you think needs to be improved the most? why? what? and how would YOU improve them??

*Categories to Improve*
4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

The first fighter that I think needs be improved is Liu Kang because he is(was) the mk champion,an important role, but, he gets very lame ideas and story lines. like the stupid zombie story line. it made kang look very stupid and zombies dont fit in mk universe as fighters. kang is the hero, and they treat him like hes a zero. they could made up a better story than a zombie.


So after the mka story line he is supposed to be protector of earth realm after defeating raiden in an epic clash. so liu kang is basically a god now. if they stick with that story line that would be fine. liu has served in the spotlight as a champion now it is time for him to be the mentor. he could be on a journey to find the next the next mk champion(kia maybe?). OR if they keep the dark raiden/ enforcer story, just make sure he does not look like zombie, because i like that story.


As a god liu kang hair should be silky, jet black with a grey strand with. his eyes could made of fire, hence fire dragon god. liu should look older(40's) not like a yound 20's year old guy. he should gain muscle mass but not too bulky. liu out fit would not be the same, more like an offical god wardrobe, colored back,red and gold. instead of a hat he should wear a crown with dragon symbols. he would wear gold/black dragon gaunlets and brass knuckle gloves on his arms and hands. if they continue with the dark story, dont make him look like a zombie, make him look bad ass and cool. example:anakin dark side look in sw3.


His personality would be cool and calm, but strict. he would not be mean or ruthless or a good hearted push over. he would often say wise quotes that he had learned through his young years. kang would be a pursuasive mentor through warnings. liu would not be shouting gibberish in a asian tone any more. it would be calculated and specific when he does certain moves, but not over the top annoying. and his voice would be deeper.

4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

Kang's fighting style should be similar to law's from tk6. a mix of bruce lee kung fu, but he would make it his own style. kang can keep all of his specials but he needs new and fresh ones. here is some ideas-

1.kang does a flying kick, with legs on fire, hits foe two times.
2.kang rapidly kicks foe in face then in air
3.kang covers body in fire and flys at foe.
4.kang charges up fire ball and sends out huge fire dragon
5.kang does a fire dragon punch into air. not like ryu and ken.
6.kang dives out air like cannonball, on fire
7.kang double uppercut foe on fire
02/28/2010 12:53 AM (UTC)
Tanya needs to look like a girl.
02/28/2010 12:57 AM (UTC)
As far as story and role go, I think Baraka needs to be really heavily improved. The same goes for Sonya, Jax, Kung Lao and even Liu Kang. Oh, and definitely Scorpion.
02/28/2010 04:39 PM (UTC)
Categories to Improve*
4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

Jax- jax has been in mostly every mk since his arrival in mk 2. the problem is jax is basically the same every time. He is always teamed up with sonya, and they save the usa from a threat.

Alright jax mka ending has him turning into a complete cyborg. then he defeats sektor for leader ship of a cyborg clan i dont think needs to be a full cyborg, it would not fit him. jax needs to be a HUMAN who uses the advanced tecnology. jax NEEDS to get away from sonya, as hard as it seems to do. jax has been the "side kick" for too long. a rival with sonya would be nice, but i think it would end to soon. on good terms and they would go back to being friends. i think they should let him lead his own unit of special force soldiers(introducing new fighters)

Jax needs to get rid of the red hat and green pants. i actually liked his mkvs dc outfit, except for the green pants. lol just make them black. now i did not like how his cyber arms looked. they looked round and sloppy rather than like cutting edge neat technology. i liked how his arms looked in the mka movie. they could also make them like bionic commando arms, with wires sticking out. jax should be brown skin like in mk2 not real dark like in mkvsdc. the mk team should make his face look close to john parish from mk2, i dont like the other ones that much.

Jax personality should be wild and fun like cole train from gears of war. i kinda liked how he was portrayed in the movie mka too. He does not have to seem dumb and crazy though.when its time to fight jax would be serious. Jax should be a mix of street smarts and technical smarts. his voice from mk4 is the one I like most, just make it more serious and raspier.

4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities
Jax fighting style should be a mix boxing and grappling moves. something like dragnuv from tk6 or goh from vf5. jax special moves should revovle around him using his cyber arms and advanced tech. his should be able to transform his arms into to different weapons. he needs to get rid of the machine gun. his old specials like gotcha grab and ground pound could stay . new ideas:

1.transform arm into gatling gun
2.transforms both arms into chain saw blades.
3.shoots missle from arm(old, just see missle coming out of cyber arm)
4.tosses electric shock grenade.
5.gotcha grab(anti air)can grab foe out of air, then punches and slams them
6.transforms arm into flamthrower
7.double ground pound that lauches foe into air
8.grab foe by the leg and slams them 5 times
9.advanced force field shield
10.teleport dash punch using portal

Fatality ideas

jax grabs opponent head and then grabs the camera filming the fight. he then bashes the enemy head into the camera. you see the opponent head(face) up close and personal on your screen. your screen breaks with cracks in them and it is cover in then cuts off.

He grabs the opponent then starts to punch them with his fist. then he beats them to the ground until they are on their knees. then he reaches down with two hands and force his opponent mouth to open wide. then he transforms his arm into a gatling gun and shoots down their mouth.he throw gasoline on them then lights and cigar. he takes one puff and flicks it on the oppeonent, burning them up. then he says "KING KONG AINT GOT SH#T ON ME!!!!" lol

Jax- Shows off his huge, sharp, metallic p9#!$. Then the opponent screams and shits himself/herself to death.(from Sadistic_Freak)

03/01/2010 01:51 AM (UTC)
I think MK vs. DC Jax is a good concept to run with. Image is not really a problem with Jax. He just needs to stop being on the same side as Sonya. One of them is redundant, and Sonya being a main focus of the series does not make it easy for Jax to get out of her shadow.
03/01/2010 02:20 AM (UTC)
yeah jax really does needs to get away from sonya. i dont understand how he is a higher rank than sonya, but it seems like she runs everything. and even though the rival sounds good, its still includes SONYA. thats why i kinda want him to the leader of an all new team and have a new rival by himself.
03/01/2010 02:57 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
yeah jax really does needs to get away from sonya. i dont understand how he is a higher rank than sonya, but it seems like she runs everything. and even though the rival sounds good, its still includes SONYA. thats why i kinda want him to the leader of an all new team and have a new rival by himself.

I think Jax wanting to kill Sonya, for whatever reason, will lead to development for Sonya that will make it all worthwhile. Plus, it is a change for Jax. It'd fresh him up entirely by himself. I don't want to see it go past one or two games, and then it is time to have one win, one lose, and the survivor get a new opponent -- but for now it would work, I feel.

Groups and clans and such are concepts which I think the MK universe should move away from a little bit. They're just a bit much at times.
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03/01/2010 06:38 AM (UTC)
I really believe Kano Needs to be put in the spotlight a little more. hes such a badass. I feel as if hes been ignored since mk2
03/01/2010 07:14 AM (UTC)
I actually love Kano. I think there is something charismatic about the character. He just hasn't had development or anything. I would have liked to have seem him with Jarke's MK4 story in MK3 -- joining forces with Sonya and Jax reluctantly to fight against Shao Kahn. Instead they just had him join the Outworld guys because he himself is a bad dude. Maybe he could have ended up joining Shao Kahn towards the end, and given Sonya more of a reason to want to kill him in MK4.

Kano beating Sonya would have also have been fine with me. The more of a bad-ass Kano is the better. We know the guy can fight, but he loses so much that sometimes it's easy to forget. I guess his goal is to survive, and there is something in that, but it gets to the point where Kano can "escape death" only so many times before you think of him as "weak," when he really should be the opposite.

I mean, MK3 has to be my favourite story for him, even despite me thinking they blew their load with it. Kano is a human being, but he manages to not only convince Shao Kahn to spare his life, but to actually find a use for him as a General in Shao Kahn's armies. Some may make excuses, saying it was "by default," but come on. Anyone scheming their way into that is fucking brilliant. He also managed to do alright in the position, managing to keep both himself and a weakened Shao Kahn alive from attacking Shokan and Edenian forces. Keep in mind that Edenians live for such a long time, hence experience over Kano; and Shokans are giant beasts with four arms. And yet Kano was leading armies against them.

A character that I think offers some comparisons to Kano, as well, is O-Ren Ishii from Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill. The Japanese have so much honour, and it's hard to imagine Kano, as a gaijin, regardless of whether he is half-American or Australian, being so accepted within the Black Dragon. Can anyone else imagine a scene like the introductory one for Coppermouth, where instead of slicing off some dude's head, Kano rips their heart out?

It'd be good to know what really drives Kano, too. We've seen him consumed by greed, sure -- but we don't know why Kano has these motivators. And all that really needs to be done with him is to make him a winner and give him some backstory.

03/01/2010 08:41 PM (UTC)
*Categories to Improve*
4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

Scorpion is probably the most iconic fighter for the mk universe. He has been in every mk series of games. However scorpion has seemed to have gotten stale over the past few years. His first story mainly revovles around him and sub zero. Then he his story starts focusing on quan-chi, the evil mastermind. After that he becomes the elder gods champion.


In scorpion's mka ending the elder gods revive his clan to human form, then quan chi pops up and takes his son!!! Thats where it needs to stop. Scorpion has already had a main story with quan chi, so i think that's a bit to redundant and not very exciting. I mean if quan takes his son and turns him against his clan that might be interesting. I would rather scorpion not be an elder gods champion either, its too nice for scorpion. scorpion should be a souless killer who does what he wants, when he wants. scorpion should have his own agenda, and it should be all for his benefit. he should be focusing on getting people in his clan for his big plan, to take over outworld. The rivalry with subzero is classic but it could be different. they could have honorary fight every time they see each other, but not to the death. the clans would still be rivals but only is "who's got the best trained warriors " instead of revenge over a clan member.


Scorpion's should appear as a ninja spectre even if he do becomes human again. the spectre look just gives him a creepy, scary and dangerous look. His eyes should stay all white, add a lil fire maybe. I liked his concept art from Vincent Proce. It gives him the perfect spectre look from the shadows, waiting to kill. the color of his outfit should be gold, better than the plain yellow. i like the swords in on his back too.


Scorpions personality and voice should stay the same."GET OVER HERE" is classic. A souless killer that glides through the shadows.

4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

Scorpion's fighting style should be the same from mkda(hapkido).BUT HIS stance should be from mkt, thats the best stance for scorpion. his spear move is a classic that should be kept. also his take down,teleport punch, backflip kick,air throw could stay. new ideas:

1.scorp drags foe out of air with spear, slams to ground.
2.scorp shoots spear, and it attacks the foe's legs, scorps drags foe to him on the ground, then stomps him.
3.shoots cross handed fire ball.
4.teleports and spears foe in neck from behind.
5.mid body dash slash with ninja sword
6.summons hell hand that grabs foe from back and slam them sending them into air.(slam looks like dairo tombstone drop)
7.throws sword like a boomerang in horizontal motion
8.teleports into air,dives kick to face,flips off, and sends spear at foe in mid air,and pulls himself to him and fire punch him.


hell hand grabs foe, takes him down and sends him back up high into the air burned with broken bones.

scorpion grabs foe by neck, lifts him up into air, and shoots spear through foe's face.

rips off foe's head, then kicks it into air.then he catches the head with his spear and bring it into his hands. then he squeezes it and it explodes.
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03/01/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
What mk fighters do you think needs to be improved the most? why? what? and how would YOU improve them??

*Categories to Improve*
4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

I'll do this in sort of "Top 10 Worst-of" list fashion for each category, because I really think that there are characters from beginning to end that jump out in some ways but not in others. For example, Havik has an awesome look, but I think that his moves are horrifically bad.

So I'll give a brief reason why and how I'd correct the mistake.

1. Story/Role

10. Kai
WHY: He's just bland. He's an assist character because he's just "another White Lotus" like Kung Lao and he's always just been a wanderer or sorts.
FIX: Make him the new champion, but make him a reluctant champion.

9. Sonya
WHY: Most would agree the Special Forces/OIA has been stale for a while now.
FIX: I'd make her a lone wolf. A spy or Blackwater style mercenary. Her story would make you want to find out why she broke with the Special Forces and I'd make that a rather tragic story of loss.

8. Kobra
WHY: Kobra doesn't really have a story per se. He's just a martial artist that developed this bloodlust and he joined the Black Dragon. Bland.
FIX: He needs to destroy the Black Dragon. Either by killing the other members, killing the leader and taking over, or being some sort of plant sent in by another organization to destroy them from within.

7. Kano
WHY: He suffers from the same issue as Sonya. He's always hunted by the special forces. He's higher on the list because he's a proverbial henchmen as well.
FIX: He needs to progress and become an individual force. Killing a character like Jax, Kabal or even Sonya would be a start but he needs to be his own man again. He needs new motivation as well.

6. Jax
WHY: He's basically a male version of Sonya. Same tired plot, only he's a complete and utter assist character that does nothing but rescue her. He killed Hsu Hao, but that's not a big accomplishment by any means.
FIX: First off, get rid of the metal arms. They're dumb. Yes, they can fit in given that cyber ninjas exist, but they're still horribly lame. Then, completely separate him from the military, from Sonya and give him a new story. Maybe a sort of "out of retirement" angle could work.

5. Johnny Cage
WHY: Umm, he died. Plus, he only seems to ever want to make movies about MK. Oh yeah, and he DIED.
FIX: Well, the whole death and return thing really just makes his past stories bad. If they can get away from even mentioning him dying and returning, that's a start. I'd give him more of a love story with Sonya where he's kind of douchy but he likes her and she doesn't like him at first. He has to break down her barriers and find out why she's become this ice cold assassin.

4. Nightwolf
WHY: I'll be honest, I've never liked any of his stories. They always seem to be self contained and they're never canon. He didn't defeat Shao Khan and establish his own Native country in the U.S. He didn't defeat the Dragon King using the sins he ate from his clansmen.
FIX: First and foremost, he needs to do SOMETHING that actually happens in the story. Have his tribe get wiped out or have him lose a an arm in a fight or kill another character in Armageddon... Something to give him a starting point for where his character could move to going forward.

3. Reiko
WHY: He was a general in Shinnok's armies way back in the day. In both of his endings in MK, he takes Shao Khan's mask. That's it. He does nothing else and his story basically begins and ends there.
FIX: Here's a crazy idea, how about having him actually succeed at this, and see where his story goes from there? Have him kill Shao Khan and assume the role of Emperor of Outworld. Will he do this by sneaking in to the role? Or maybe everyone knows. What kid of emperor will he be?

2. Liu Kang
WHY: He had a decent story before. The Bruce Lee character. The Chosen One. He loved Kitana etc. Then they killed him, which is fine. Then, in the worst twist in the history of Mortal Kombat, they brought him back as a zombie and made his spirt form battle with his body. Wow. So bad.
FIX: What do you do with a chosen one other then have him win? I'd give him some residual evil from reunification. Not real "evil" but the idea that he might have come back together "wrong." He sees Earth differently. This will allow him to assist Rayden in its destruction. Earths warriors need to make him see the error of his ways before it's too late.

1. Jarek
WHY: Oh geez, this one's EASILY the worst. First, he's basically a Kano rip off in terms of, well, everything. Then, they bring him back, leaving off from his MK4 story, which is good. I like cohesion. But now he's searching the world for the best fatality? W...T...F?
FIX: I'd change his story completely. If he came back, I'd kill off all members of both the Red Dragon and the Black Dragon. I'd have him be hired in by as shadow wing of the military to infiltrate the next MK tournament. Either he gathers intel for them or maybe tracks Sonya. But he's on her side, sort of, even if she doesn't know it.

2. Appearance/Outfit

WHY: Blah. Just plain Blah.
FIX: If he's the son of Gods, I'd make him much more regal or much more war-God shiny, armor plated etc. Something unique.

9. Reiko
WHY: He looks like a ninja in MK4, then looks like a doofus in MKA.
FIX: I'd give him Khan's mask, but an outfit that's more Reiko + Emperor, as opposed to Khan's former outfit which was mainly, I dunno, bondage slave?

8. Daegon
WHY: Same reason as Taven. His outfit is the same stock MK outfit, only instead of "stock martial artist" he's "stock Shao Khan clone."
FIX: Get rid of the stupid shoulder pads and the S&M gear. He's the leader of a terrorist organization, his face should be at least partially covered (not masked, but covered). He should have a coat similar to Mavado's if he's in the Red Dragon, only it should be more grand, as he's the leader.

7. Smoke (in MKD)
WHY: What the hell did they do to Smoke? For as cool as Ermac's makeover was, Smoke's is probably as bad or worse in the opposite direction. What is he, incorporeal?
FIX: Get rid of smoke monster and robot Smoke entirely. Give him a ninja look but update. I'd give him more of an Arabian look. with a white scarf covering the lower half of his face instead of a mask. His clothes would also be much more ninja/robe like instead of ninja suit, if that makes any sense.

6. Stryker
WHY: Poor Stryker. It's tough to make a riot cop look cool in terms of MK. Even his Armageddon look was pretty weak.
FIX: This one's easy. Get rid of the glasses and the large knife things on his back. He needs to look WAY more S.W.A.T. Think mask with helmet, Black kevlar with dark blue underneath. Just google the word SWAT and you'll get an idea. Or, think of a solder in the modern Call of Duty games, then put in him more blacks and blues.

5. Nightwolf
WHY: He's like MK's answer to a stereotypical "native" character. They want him to look cool, but it doesn't work at all. Plus his MK:D alt looks like a blatant rip off of Chief Thunder from Killer Instinct. Not sure if that was intended or what.
FIX: Here's a crazy idea, make him look like a fighter that's native american, and not a native american fighter. That alone would go a LONG way. His ethnicty could be part of his background, but it doesn't have to be his "angle." Give him normal, long black hair. Maybe give him a dream catcher necklace, but everything else should scream "normal fighter." He should be dressed in black and he should be a bad ass.

4. Sindel
WHY: Never been a fan of the bride of frankenstein.
FIX: Choose a hair color. I'd recommend black. Also, can we get rid of the lingerie outfits for the women? Why the hell would the queen of a freakin realm be walking around with ho boots and panty straps? She's royalty, give her something that's slightly sexy, but mainly something befitting a queen. I'd suggest something slightly renaissance, but with a corset.

3. Dairou
WHY: Talk about a blown opportunity. There were some cool Dairou concepts and the MK team picked the most butt ugly ones of the group.
FIX: I'd give him something a bit more understated. Maybe a samurai look, only without the armor. Oh, and I'd shave his head, because that back of the head hair looks awful. I'd also change the color of the mark on his forehead so that it doesn't look so much like an unfortunate birth mark. I'd also replace the bland color palette with reds or blues instead of brown.

2. Jax
WHY: Metal arms + Purple pants + Stereotypical "bling" = Extremely lame
FIX: Has he ever really had a good "look?" I suppose his MKvsDC look is decent, but still, the less tech on him, the better. I'd suggest something along the lines of army special forces. Cross a ninja with camo and you're half way there.

1. Hsu Hao
WHY: If you took Kano and crossed him with the Village People, well, you get the idea.
FIX: Get rid of the stupid cyber heart. Take the silly hat while you're at it. Since it's now known that he's a Red Dragon member, he should dress accordingly. I'd also give him hair, as the bald + soul patch look is weak. Other than that, I'm at a bit of a loss.

3. Personality/Voice

WHY: The whole "homey" vibe they gave him in MK:DA was awful.
FIX: He should be more military, less "aww yeah..."

9. Sheeva
WHY: She nearly made my 10 worst stories just for being another Shokan that doesn't do all that much. But her personality is rather bland because of that.
FIX: If they gave her more to do, she might not seem like such a dull character.

8. Kira
WHYI like that she's a badass, but there's no cause or reason behind it. Again, it's another example of MK's characters being bad simply becaus they're bad.
FIX: Give us more background, then her actions, and subsequently her, might seem more interesting.

7. Kai
WHY: He's just too wishy washy to actually DO anything in MK. He always simply seems to want to leave and find himself. He's the emo character of MK.
FIX: Give him a direction. Put him on a path and take out the stupid "journey" stuff. It'll make him seem alot better personality-wise.

6. Hsu Hao
WHY: He's a not just a henchmen, he's a blind follower.
FIX: Give him his own set of motives and reasons instead of simply ending him in MK:DA running off like a good dog. Give him a better background and his own ideas for why he's doing what he's doing. Flesh him out a bit.

5. Rain
WHY: Well, he started off as a Prince song, so right there he's got one strike against him. But mainly it's because he seems to have three different personalities. On one hand, he's an assist character for Shao Khan. Then he's an Edenian fighting for the forces of good, then by Armageddon, he's the power hungry son of a God.
FIX: That's easy, just pick one. I'd rather the events of Armageddon never happened, so I'd go with Outworld fighter trying to atone for his past sins now that his true identity has been revealed to him.

4. Bo Rai Cho:
WHY: Mainly because he has two things that run totally counter to one another. On one hand, he's the game's "Master" character, he's also a leader and a freedom fighter. That's fine, but then they name him boracho, which means "drunk" and he's puking and farting. He's normally a games most serious type of character, mixed with a complete joke.
FIX: Easy. Just remove the farts, the puke and the fatty moves and make him a well rounded character that's not a punch line because he's, you know, well rounded.

3. Baraka
WHY: He's one of the two super-henchmen. He lives to serve, serves to live. He's big and dumb and both he and his armies serve only as a plot device for the big evil in each game.
FIX: He needs to be his own man and stop being such a follower. He needs to take on the role as leader of the Tarkatans and develop his personality from that. Either that or eliminate his armies and develop his personality from whatever results from losing his people.

2. Jade
WHY: The other super-henchmen. She an Edenian that serves Kitana and Sindel. That's basically her entire story. Yes, she had the whole thing with Tanya, but in the end, Jade is a hopeless support character with very little in the way of her own personality.
FIX: She needs a love interest. She needs another character that can show that she has depth to her beyond serving others. Otherwise, I see no real reason why I'd want to pay attention to her story since she's so flat out bland.

1. Jarek
WHY: Do you even need to ask? He started off as a cool idea. An evil Black Dragon member who decides to work for the side of good toward a commonly held goal. Then in Armageddon? Consumed with anger and looking for the right fatality? Soooo... His goal in life is searching for the best way to kill someone? Lame.
FIX: I don't mind a good revenge angle, but finding the best way to kill someone is horrible. He's a terrorist, not a bloodthirsty man-beast. His revenge should be cold and calculating, not savage and grotesque.

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03/01/2010 09:33 PM (UTC)
4. Fighting Style/ Special Moves/ Fatality

10.Li Mei
WHY: LiMeina stole Mileena's sais. That alone earns her a spot on this list. I like her kick moves but her flying punch attack (or the yelping turkey with fists) is horrifically bad.
-Nova Blast projectile
-Dobule Nova Blast (pro move)
-Carnival Spin
-Double Carnival Spin (pro move)
-Flipping heel kick
-Nova Flash (close range projectile that blinds enemy for a moment)
-Legs to shoulders (she flips toward opponent and lands with her legs on his shoulders)
--From Legs to Shoulders
------Face punches
---------Jump to feet on shoulders/flipkick to face
---------Swing around to back of the head
--------------Falling down leg lock sleeper
---------Smash face with weapon (pro move)

9. Drahmin
WHY: I think that he has a lot of unrealized potential. His propeller clock is terribly lame and the rest of his moves, while decent, don't really get a lot done in terms of his character. They're a start though.

-Ball of Flies
-Double Ball of Flies (pro move)
-Super Uppercut
------Midair knock down (pro move)
-Ground Smash
-Face Grinder (Drahmin grabs opponents face and grinds it against the spikes on his club)
------Face punch (A strong club punch done after the Face Grinder, knocks enemy across the arena)
------Face Devour (Drahmin rips off his mask and takes a bite off of the enemy's face, must be done during Face Grinder. Tap button repeatedly for three more err...chomps?)
-Capture Flies (A different looking group of flies that stop on the enemy and attack the enemy, stunning them for moments while giving Drahmin an easy hit).

8. Ashrah
WHY: She has a move that looks a lot like Rayden's torpedo, a move that looks like his electricity and a move that's basically Kung Lao's Whirlwind spin. In other words, she needs new moves.
-Heavenly Light projectile
-Whirlwind Counter (basically like the whirlwind spin, only you can't do it an unlimited amount of time and when someone touches her while she's spinning, it's an automatic grab and throw counter)
-Heavenly teleport A white light envelops her and then she appears on the other side of the screen with some glowing white dust falling form her.
-Heavenly Fake: (Pro move: Glowing white dust appears on the other side of the screen after white light but Ashrah remains where she is.)
-Evil Suck: She points the sword at an enemy and draws an evil essence ouf of them that makes her attacks stronger for a moment.
-Hat smack: She takes her hat off and smacks opponent with it, stunning them briefly. Only works in close quarters.
-Double Hat smack (pro move)
-Double jump kick (it's what it sounds like)
------Kriss throw (performed during double jump kick)
-----------Kriss return (performed during Kriss throw): Draws evil essence.
------Hat throw (performed during double jump kick)

7. Frost
WHY: She basically has alot going against her to start off with due to the fact that she's a female Sub Zero. The fact that they gave her one of Sub Zero's moves, the ground freeze, doesn't help matters.
-Teleporting uppercut
-Freeze touch (slow): She touches opponent and they move very slowly as their body slowly freezes.
-Ice lance: She creates an ice lance out of thin air.
-----Lance swing
-----Lance swing reatedly (pro move)
-----Lance stab
-----Lance throw
-----Lance pogo kick (she puts the lance in to the ground and uses it to flip toward her opponent and kick them)
-Ice Shield counter (She holds up her arm and a small ice shield quickly grows on top of it. If the enemy strikes at this time, they hurt themselves, but don't leave them open to attack, it's neutral)
-Ice Kick freeze (can be charged for longer distance: her leg glows and she kicks ice in the general direction of the the opponent, if it touches them and they're not blocking, they're frozen).
-Ice Field: She creats a large field around her and the opponent is frozen if they don't block. Think Sub Zero's final move in the first MK movie.

6. Hotaru
WHY: His moves aren't bad per se. He just doesn't have many and the ones that he does have look too much like Liu Kang's bicycle kick and Sub Zero's ground freeze.
-Naginata Stab (he Stabs the opponent through the gut with his Naginata, pushes it toward opponent and they fly off of the weapon)
------Naginata Flip (pro move: He pulls them up in to the air and slams them down on the other side of him)
------Naginata pull (he pulls opponent toward him
-------------Naginata Jump kick
-Ground fireball (take out Sub Zero's animation, he simply holds his hand back and a fireball comes up from the ground
-Double Ground fireball (pro move)
-Naginata Fire (He Yells and thrusts Naginata into the air, it glows red and takes off more damage for a short period of time)
-Naginata uppercut
-Double jump kick (Flip off of opponent after initial jump kick lands and kick them again)
-Triple Jump kick (pro move)

5. Kobra
WHY: His move aren't bad, they're just rather bland. He has a fireball, a fire kick that pops his enemy up in the air. A teleport punch. You know, nothing that really screams "unique fighter."
-Windmill kick
-Windimill kick capture (maniacal laugh and catches enemy's neck in the crook of his knee)
-------Face punches (up to 4)
-------Falling kick uppercut (releases windmill kick, swings other leg's heel up to opponents chin while falling backwards.
-------Face Smash (jumps in the air with kick capture still held, slams opponents face to the ground)
-Chi blast
-Double chi blast (pro move)
-Low chi blast
-Cheating Chi blast (maniacal laugh and shoots chi blast backwards and hits opponent from behind)
-Crane style
-------Crane power kick (can be charged: knocks opponent across arena)
-------Hand clap stun (Slaps ears of opponent)
-------Hand clap stunner (pro move throw, slaps ears, but holds on, spins around, jump in the air with opponent's chin on his shoulder
-------Crane jump kick (just like Daniel-son, only it pops enemy up in to the air)

4. Mavado
WHY: TALK about unrealized potential! His moves could've been so cool and instead they were flat out weak. Plus he stole Kabal's hook swords. No more hook swords. I'd give him large collapsable knives that pop out from gauntlets on his hands. I'd also replace his expando hooks with chains that have hooks on the ends.
-Knife swing (close range swipe with hand)
-Knife throw (they just spit out of his gauntlets toward opponent
-Both hands knife throw (pro move)
-----Jump to the ground
-----Face stab (holds hand out by face and knife pops out and stabs opponent)
-----Three face stab (pro move)
-----Pull back and punch (pulls opponent back up by their neck and punches in the face)
-Chain pull (grapples away from opponent)
-Chain pull foward (grapples toward opponent)
-Chain swing (spins around and chains spin out from him)
-Chain grab (wraps chain around opponent)
-----Chain pull (pull opponent toward him)
-----Chain spin (pulls chain and opponent spins around and gets dizzy)

3. Jarek
WHY: Do you even have to ask? His moves were Kano's! He got a lasso in MKA, but that's not a huge amount of improvement.
-Lasso Snatch
-Tricky Switch
-Double tricky switch (pro move)
-Flying legs
-Midair Flying legs
-Flying blade (his MK4 projectile)
-Double flying blade (pro move)
-Aerial flying blade (hits incoming opponents)
-Cleaver Counter (He holds his arms out like he's going to catch a punch or a kick, but he's also got his cleaver out and opponent hits it and, well, it hurts)
-Cleaver extension (Splits cleaver portion from handle portion, it becomes a chain)
------Cleaver toss (he throws cleaver at opponent and pulls it back with chain)
------Cleaver circle (swings cleaver in a circle
-------------Cleaver toss (from cleaver circle)
------Cleaver swing (swings cleaver in a circle over his head)
-------------Cleaver toss (from cleaver swing)

2. Havik
WHY: I know that others might disagree with me, but I think that Havik has some of the worst moves for a character in MK. From his silly projectile to his spinning attack. His move are just flat out lame to me.
-Slithering Dragon Projectile (A small flying green dragon slips from his robe and breaths fire as it heads toward enemy, repeatedly pressing button makes fire bigger and more painful even if blocked).
-Mace Swing (he spins and swings his mace)
-Double mace swing (pro move, second hit is low and can sweep opponent)
-Mace throw
-Mace uppercut
-Disintegrating teleport (he explodes in to small black birds who dissipate)
--------Fall from the sky (dives down from above)
------------------Fall from the sky neck snap
------------------Falls from the sky DDT
------------------Falls from the sky with kick
--------Appear behind opponent
------------------Appear behind and uppercut
------------------Appear behind and make both you and opponent disappear
--------------------------Repeatedly mash buttons to give opponent small amount of damage
------------------Appear behind opponent spin kick
------------------Appear behind opponent mace attack
--------Reappear back to where you started
--------Hold down button to remain invisible
-Portal Creation: (unpredictable move. Either Havik is sucked in to it, takes damage and is kicked out, opponent is sucked in, takes damage and is kicked out or multi colored projectiles and weapons spill out of portal toward opponent before closing).

1. Kira
WHY: Easy answer... She has no original moves.
-Swinging bulldog throw
--------Throws opponent's face in to ground afterwards (pro move)
-Counter Leg (Stabs leg with knife, then leg whips opponent)
-Counter Arm (Stabs arm with knife then judo throws opponent over shoulder)
-Double knife throw
-Double double knife throw (pro move)
-Poison knife throw (kisses pink dust on to knives, they glow pink and take off more power if they hit)
---------to Jump kick
---------to jumping punch
--------------to two punches (pro move)
---------to lariat
-Projectile deflection
-Feet stab (she plants her knives in opponents feet, planting them to the ground, opponent can block and punch, but they can't move)
-----Taunt (she sexily walks around opponent and laughs)
-----Fake Taunt (she walks half way around opponent, then gives them a swift elbow to the face, knocking them back as blood splatters from their feet)
-----Russian leg sweep
-----Flip neck breaker (she flips over opponent and does a neck breaker on them)
03/01/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
nice quality stuff man. you went all out. lol
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03/01/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
Ha ha, yeah I don't quite know how that ballooned up so much! I started out at 8am and just kinda wrote some, went away, came back, wrote some, just had the window open all day. By the time I was done... Yikes.
03/02/2010 03:23 AM (UTC)
Nice work, Baraka. Obviously there is some stuff in there I don't quite agree with, but there is a lot I do. Good job.
03/02/2010 05:31 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
4. Sindel
Choose a hair color. I'd recommend black.

Sindel's hair is naturally white. The black streak is from her resurrection/corruption.

Just FYI.
03/02/2010 08:49 AM (UTC)
Evidently Edenia is a paradise for everything except hair-dye supplies.
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03/02/2010 03:21 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
4. Sindel
Choose a hair color. I'd recommend black.

Sindel's hair is naturally white. The black streak is from her resurrection/corruption.

Just FYI.

Yeah, I know that her hair is naturally white. Her hair is completely white in her MK3 ending. I wasn't aware that her corruption is what turned her hair black (Corrupted Hair: Reason number 746 why I think that MK3 is the worst game in the series).

I just figured that most people wouldn't want to play as skanky grandma grin

03/02/2010 03:25 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I just figured that most people wouldn't want to play as skanky grandma grin

I don't think Sindel looks that old. I mean, Lia Montelongo was 19 years old when she played the character. She just has white hair.
Does she look like a grandma?

Edenia is another dimension after all. For all we know, blue is a natural hair color there.
03/02/2010 04:30 PM (UTC)
So that's why I was oddly attracted to Sindel...she was 19...
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03/02/2010 04:44 PM (UTC)
I was basing that more on what she looks like in her ending of MK3. Maybe it's just the grainyness (is that a word?) of the picture, but she just looks kinda, well, older and not overly attractive in that picture.

Not that you'd need a link, but I thought I'd save you a second or two and show you exactly what I'm talking about:
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New sig on the way
03/02/2010 07:33 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

7. Smoke (in MKD)
WHY: What the hell did they do to Smoke? For as cool as Ermac's makeover was, Smoke's is probably as bad or worse in the opposite direction. What is he, incorporeal?
FIX: Get rid of smoke monster and robot Smoke entirely. Give him a ninja look but update. I'd give him more of an Arabian look. with a white scarf covering the lower half of his face instead of a mask. His clothes would also be much more ninja/robe like instead of ninja suit, if that makes any sense.

Yeah, they fucked Smoke in his nano-particle ass. Maybe that's why he's wearing gimp pants.

I agree that the look has got to change. Now that I've seen his Shoalin Monks model, I sort of see what they were going for, but the red eyes, insect-looking face, and unnatural lack of clothing spoiled the whole formula. And even his SM look wasn't without problems. There was hardly any gray or silver on his vestments, and he had some sort of rhino horn thing going on his forehead.

As for his cybernetic nature, I'm open to possibilities but removing it would be difficult at this point in the series. There are many logical ways to make him human, but I can't think of any that wouldn't feel contrived. I think Razor proposed the idea Smoke mastering his nano-technology and having control over his appearance. That seems like the best route to me because it's works with his current story, it isn't a step backwards, and he could take a more classic appearance again.

Ultimately, two things MUST change for Smoke: He needs to get his consciousness back permanently, and he needs to get closure with Subzero. If they can't even do that, then they simply haven't been paying attention to his fanbase for the last 10 years.

People wouldn't know it now, but Smoke use to have a massive fan base. It's amazing how much damage Deception did.
03/02/2010 08:22 PM (UTC)
1) Nitara's fatalities also needs to be improved. She needs to show more lust than just biting off a neck. She should really get nasty like Rayne from Bloodrayne.

2) Kira needs her own moves. Something with her knives would be cool. Baraka407 did a good job showing those moves.

3) Li Mei also needs better moves. She should have a move where she rushes to the opponent and does her brutality punches on the enemy then uppercutting the victim in the end. (She should run up to her foe like what Taven does.)

4) Tanya should use her Kobu Jutsu to slice and dismember her victims like what Rayne does in Bloodrayne. And again, she needs to look like a woman and not a man. She should also sound more like a woman and not like a man. Bring her MK4 look back but with undead eyes if the creators prefer the eyes.

5) Jade needs to use her staff to shove into her victims' intimate parts.

6) Mileena should start eating up her foes in more elaborate ways. She should eat her victim's from between the legs while he's laying on the ground and eating him up to his neck as she eats the intestines and other organs in the process.

7) Kitana needs more fatalities than just a kiss of death and her fan decapitation. Her fan toss fatality in MKvsDC was not enough too.

8) Sindel needs to start using her hair for her special moves.

9) Shang Tsung should have his morph back and should transform into other mysterious creatures during Kombat and not just as other characters in the games.

10) Bring back Motaro's 4 legs!!!
03/02/2010 09:35 PM (UTC)
*Categories to Improve*
4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities

Reptile because they made him look fuckin stupid and the same story every game.

In every game reptile is always trying to ressurect his race. he is always lookin for a master. in mka he finally gets his race revived. just give him another story that does not invovle his race.or maybe his and scorpion can be in a battle over control over outworld. but reptile just strikes me as a guy that just want live in peace and be left alone with his maybe someone can become a threat to his race and he fights.

REPTILE NEEDS TO LOOK LIKE A NINJA. stop with all the stupid alligator looks. it makes him look so lame. have him in his humanoid form but make him look off. like you would be able to see that he is really not human, if you looked close up.

Reptile personality needs to change from quiet loyal servant to leader. his voice should stay how it was in mk4.

4.Fighting style/Special Moves/Fatalities
Reptile fighting style should be his own style mixed with martial arts. reptile should have unorthodox approach to fighting. he could keep the mk3 fighting stance.he needs to get rid of the copy cat moves from sub and mileena. reptile could keep his acid spit,super crawl,force ball,invisible.
new ideas:

1.multiple acid spits in an arching movement (like johnny cage fire balls)
2.climbs up on wall:dash attack,dash and neck bite,crawls on ceiling
3.super pounce and eats face
4.tounge latches on to foes legs and he slams him
5.dissapears and foes looks around then reptile attacks from behind
6.slides then does rising shoulder charge that knocks foe into wall.
03/04/2010 07:15 PM (UTC)
Here's the characters who really need improvement:

1) Kira

Story: I'd want her to somehow become neutral and would have an internal conflict of whether she should become good or evil. It'd be interesting for her to join the good side later on. If she's going to remain evil, she should have a major role in leadership. She could be commanding new black dreagon members and also commanding Kobra. She could also become, Kabal's woman and have both of them lead the Black Dragon Clan. That would be awesome.

Appearance: Just have an upgraded version of her leather chaps (primary outfit in MKA/MKD) for the first costume with a ponytail. Then in the second costume, she should have some kind of miniskirt with a sexy midriff shirt. Her hairstyle in this costume should be pigtails and she should wear thigh-high stockings with matching heels (I got that idea from the prostitutes of the Grand Theft Auto series).

Fighting Style: Her MKD fighting stances were pretty good but in MKA... her fighting style sucks and it does not match her at all. Her fighting style in MKA is the reason why I couldn't play as her. She needs to go have her MKD style back or at least have a new style of her own that would not be so hard to use.

Weapons: Her knives are cool and I think they need to improve with the gameplay. There could be better moves that could be done with them.

Voice: Can remain the same but should be a little more sexier.

Moves: She should lose that ring toss projectile of Sonya but Kira can keep the Kiss of Death move, just to stun the enemy, and that Cannon Ball from Kano. Her Aussie Bulldog can also be kept because that is the original move she had. Besides that, she should have more moves based on her knife attacks.
1) Knife Throw
2) Double Knife Throw (Pro Move)
3) Foot Impale (She throws a knife at the enemy's foot, impaling him and not letting him move for the rest of the fight until she hits him out.)
4) She'd jump up and land behind the enemy while grabbing him with a headlock and can do 1 of these 3 things: 1) She can crack the opponent's neck. 2) She can use her knife to stab the enemy at the neck. 3) She can stab his back (while stabbing the back, the buttons can be repeatedly pressed depending on how many times she'd want to stab her foe and stabbing him multiple times is a pro move).
There can be more added to all that too.

Fatalities: She should keep her recent fatalities but should have more. I mean there is so much that can be done with knives. One fatality that I imagine her doing is for her to sit on top of the guy and to stab him multiple times like what Sharon Stone did in Basic Insticts. Then, she can rip out his organs after.

2) Mavado

Story: Should be bitten by Nitara and should turn into a vampire. He really deserves a chance because we didn't see very much of him yet.

Appearance: He should keep his black and red color scheme but with a more vampire look. His pants should be low-waisted and not the high waisted ones from MKD. He should definitely also have the cape.

Fighting Style: I don't care.

Voice: I don't care.

Weapons: HE SHOULD LOSE THE HOOKSWORDS and should have his own original weapon. I'd prefer him to have dual swords of his own. Swords that are similar to the ones Cervantes uses in Soul Calibur.

Moves: He can keep the ropes that he uses to move towards the enemy but I'd also prefer him to have vampire-like moves and also have moves based on his new weapon. He can be throwing small blades as his projectile.

Fatalities:He should add more than what he did in MKDA. I mean it's good that his sharp shoes got chunks of meat out of the victim but there should be more than just that of course. He should also have fatalities involving his weapons and his vampire personality if he becomes one.

3) Jade

Story: She can be reported missing after Armageddon but eventually returns in MK9 (as a hidden/secret character would be awesome). She should have a major role in the next MK. Jade should also have a sexy male love interest too (Kung Lao or Taven).

Appearance: 1) Her first outfit should be her stealthy ninja attire similar to her alternate outfit in MKA/MKD but this time she should have her hair in a bun again. 2) Her second outfit should be a revealing mini battledress that exposes her entire back and cleavage. There should alo be armor on the dress and on her long boots as well. Her gloves should be covering most of her arms and they should have some kind of protection. Jade's hair in this outfit should be in a long ponytail with sexy bangs on one side or with her hair completely down. The color of the armor should be gold. 3) Something very Asian. A sexy gold and green kimono would be nice.

Voice: It should be she same as it was in MKD but a little more sexier and seductive.

Weapons: Her Bojutsu and Razorang are just one of the best. However, she should also have her gold fans back from MK2 and a crossbow (which was shown In Kitana's MKvsDC ending where Jade was holding the bow). All her weapons, except the bow, should be color gold.

Fighting Stance: Her fighting stance in MKA is fine with me. She just needs more moves to do a variety of combos with it. And I do not want her to be so hard to play as like what they did with her in UMK3. In that game she was too hard to play as so I hope she's easy to play as like in MKA or even easier.

Moves: She should keep her previous moves and have her razorang toss go back at the opponent right after she throws it forward. She should also shoot arrows with her bow, use her golden fans as a weapon move, and even start using her staff to perform special moves.

Fatalities: Again, I've said this a million times and I'll say it again until they do this so Jade should use her staff to impale guys at their intimate parts. Besides that, she should also use her other weapons such as her Razorang, Bow, and Fans for fatalities as well.

4) Nitara

Story: She should either have a male vampire by her side or should turn Mavado into a vampire instead. There should be more information about her realm and what affect will it make to the other realms and characters.

Appearance: 1) Her primary outfit should be an upgraded version of her MKA/MKDA primary outfitand this time, she should stop exposing her wings and just open the wings when she needs to use them. Not have them open all the time.. 2) She should wear a sexy dress similar to what Rayne wore in Bloodrayne 2.

Voice: Something sexy.

Weapons: She should keep the kama or have some kind of sword.

Fighting Stance: It should remain the same or something a little better.

Moves: She should take out her wings only when she needs to use them. She can keep her moves but she needs to use her wings more and even her claws for slashing.

Fatalities: 1) She should jump on the opponent and chew on his neck first. Then, she climbs up at the top of his head and does a frankensteiner on him, which makes his head rip off the body. 2) She should also use her Kama or what ever weapon she'll have in this game if she ever makes it. A fatality I can see her doing with the Kama is that she'd slice her foe from the groin to the belly and then rip out the intestines and wrap it around his neck. 3) Overall, she should do more than just chewing on the neck of her victims.
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