MK: Fall of the Elder Gods
posted01/06/2009 09:33 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/24/2008 05:19 PM (UTC)
My new concept Idea. Praise, Criticism and Improvements welcome.

MORTAL KOMBAT: Fall of the Elder Gods

A brief explanation of the Source:

The Source is a series of chambers and tunnels that lead to the centre of the universe. The Source shifts from realm to realm every thirteen hundred years and currently resides in Earthrealm. It is an infinite source of celestial energy that the Elder Gods draw their power from and is hidden at the Earth’s core, underneath a layer of magma and rock. Seemingly impenetrable. But that was about to change. When Armageddon occurred, the Source was housed beneath the wastelands of Edenia. Blaze’s death and the eruption of his essence caused such ethereal force that not only were many kombatants killed but the Source was destroyed. With no power, the Gods fell from grace and came to rest in Earthrealm. Those who survived the blast made their way back home. The Source however, can never truly be destroyed, for it is the foundation of the realms themselves. It has merely been stripped down to the last molecule and shifted to another realm: Earthrealm. From here, it must re-build itself until it becomes a whole entity once more. But this will surely cause an energy spike greater than that of Blaze’s death. Kombatants, old and new, will flock to Earthrealm, and fight for the power of the Gods. To tackle this problem, the demi-Gods (they still have a fraction of their abilities due to the single molecule that kept the Source alive.) have set up a new tournament, a tournament to protect the Source, a tournament that the Gods themselves will participate in. A calculated counter-offensive. Mortal Kombat has been brought to a whole new level.


Name: Lei Sheng
Age: 25
Origin: Earthrealm, China
Affiliation: Evil
Occupation: Professional Martial Artist

Fighting style:

Hei Hu Quan – Translates literally to “Black Tiger Fist”. Hei Hu Quan is a Northern Chinese art that utilises direct and powerful attacks and is said to be the most external of the Shaolin styles. Known for its extensive footwork and acrobatic kicks as well as its speciality in open handed techniques, Black Tiger Fist is relatively honest in its practices and outlines honour as one of the key principles in its practitioners.

Weapon Style:

Dao – The Chinese Sabre is quick in offence and defence which makes it perfect for “The Fierce Tiger”. It uses chopping and hacking techniques (similar to a Tiger’s claw) as well as winding and pushing techniques with the hilt of the blade. The Sabre represents hardness and powerfulness but in defence and evasion, suppleness is needed.

Chi Attacks:

Tiger’s Force – Using a palm thrusting motion with his hands the opponent is knocked back by an invisible force.

Tiger’s Flame – Lei Sheng’s chi is focused into a ball of fire. This linear projectile causes burn damage to the opponent and has a chance of causing an after-burn effect.

Tiger’s Flip – Lei Sheng flips sideways towards the opponent landing an axe kick to the top of his/her head. The chi (concentrated in the attacking foot) causes the opponent to bounce off of the ground giving Lei extra time to follow up with another attack.

Tiger’s Fury – Lei Sheng becomes enraged, letting out a tiger’s roar. His attacks become more powerful for a period of time.


Feral Pounce – Lei Sheng leaps at the opponent. They roll forward in a tumble-like effect until Sheng is on top. He scratches at the opponent’s face before getting back up.

Thrust Combo – Sheng grabs the opponent’s right arm, performs a palm thrust on his/her abdomen, steps behind them (twisting the arm he’s holding as he does so) and palm thrusts their back, causing them to fly across the arena. He is now on the other side of the screen.


Call of the Wild – Sheng roars ferociously causing his muscles to enlarge and his nails to grow long and black. He crushes the opponent’s knee cap with a thrust kick causing them to fall to their knees. He then claws at their upper body until he/she is a bloody mess.

Sabre Mutilation: Sheng closes his eyes and draws his sabre. When they open, he proceeds to hack the opponent’s arms and head off.


Outfit 1 – Lei Sheng’s first costume pays homage to his honourable and Chinese roots. He wears a black training Gi and his hair is tied back into a tight black pony tail. The Gi is frayed at the sides and has claw marks at the chest, revealing a tattoo of a black tiger. He is bare-footed.

Outfit 2 – Lei Sheng’s alternate costume is much more barbaric and symbolic of the tiger. He wears white karate bottoms and is topless. His face, chest and arms are painted with black stripes and his tattoo is white. He wears gold gauntlets with amber jewels embedded in them, signifying both the eye of the tiger and the animal’s royal status in the jungle (according to Chinese tradition).


My name is Lei Sheng and I live in a quiet fishing village near the Yangtze River. My father was a legendary martial artist and he taught me everything he knew. When he died, I was left alone, with no family to protect me, not that I needed it. I was overpowered by masked warriors and they brought me to a palace in Outworld. I was told that my village was chosen to be sacrificed. I had heard of such rituals in this realm. Apparently the sorcerer, Shang Tsung had taken over all of the larger villages in Outworld, which was why he set his sights on Earth. I was originally planned to be thrown in the soulnado along with the rest of my village but the sorcerer, Shang Tsung saw something in my soul. Black karma he called it. It was in him that I gained a new master. He taught me how to “focus my chi” which granted me limited special abilities. I heard that Tsung was killed by a blast in Edenia. I was planning on killing him myself and stealing the soul stone he wore around his neck but no matter. I had traversed the whole of China as well as the poorer districts of Tibet in search of a worthy adversary. It was when I met the warrior known as Kabal and defeated him in Mortal Kombat that a scroll was sent to me. It spoke of a new tournament that the Gods had set up. The victor will be granted God-like power. The scroll says that the tournament is in Earthrealm and will be held underneath “the purple sun”. Whatever that means. Either way, I will find it and when I do, I will prove myself to the world. I will defeat every kombatant that comes against me and once the Godly power transcends on me, I will become: The Champion of the Realms...

Name: Kaia
Age: 18
Origin: America, New York
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Occupation: Thief

Fighting Style:

Shéquán – Translates literally to “Snake Boxing”. Shéquán is a form of soft martial arts that utilises fluid movements for evasion or positioning so as to attack from unusual angles. Just like the snake, the practitioner uses quick, jabbing motions (usually to the vital areas) that can immobilise, paralyse or comatose the opponent. These specific attacks are known as “death touch” attacks and should only be used as a last resort.The Northern Snake style stresses that only enough energy to perform the attack should be used. For example, a jab to the face can be achieved using the middle finger and nothing else. This makes Shéquán an excellent art to use in a fight that won’t potentially be over in four or five moves.

Weapon Style:

Jian – The Chinese Straight Sword is a double-edged blade ranging from 45 to 80 centimetres and weighing between 1.5 and 2 pounds. The blade itself is highly flexible and its light weight makes it a quick and deadly weapon. The fluid movements involved in using the Jian makes it the perfect weapon for a Snake style practiotioner. As an added feature, a Jianpao is attached to the hilt of the blade. This tassel is used mainly for deception but has been known to ensnare the opponent’s wrist.

Chi Attacks:

Throwing Knife – As the name suggests, Kaia throws a small dagger at the opponent.

Thief’s Intuition – This is a counter throw. When the opponent attacks using a high punch, Kaia will side-step it and grab his/her wrist. She will then flip him and then get into stance on the other side of the screen.

Viper’s Agility – Kaia’s eyes flash green and she is quicker for a period of time.

Serpent’s Venom – Kaia performs a basic jab to the opponent’s neck. This jab paralyses him/her allowing Kaia a free hit.


Constriction – Kaia wraps her legs around the opponent’s waist and crushes his/her ribcage.

Slippery Descent – Kaia grabs the opponent by the shoulders and trips them with a hook-like sweep. With their body at a horizontal angle she brings her elbow down on his/her abdomen and they fall to the ground.


Death Touch – Kaia unleashes a barrage of jabs to various pressure points on the opponent’s body. On the last hit they go into rigor mortis and fall to the ground like a statue.

Concealed Weapon – Kaia reveals a blade hidden in the heel of her boot. With a swift roundhouse kick, the opponent’s throat is slit and they fall to the ground in a pool of blood.


Outift 1 – Kaia is dressed in black combat gear. She wears a tank top, pvc trousers and snake-skin high heels. Her hair is blonde and is pulled up in a ponytail

Outfit 2 – Kaia wears a traditional female Kung-fu shirt (green in colour). Her hair is in a Chinese braid and she has jade gauntlets . She wears Kung-fu trousers and snake-skin high heels.


My name is Kaia and I am a renowned thief living in New York. Since I was a small child I was taught by my Mother to steal from people in the streets and pick locks. My knowledge of the art has widened since then and I am now capable of deactivating laser defence systems and facing guards in unarmed combat. Despite all this, I was low on cash and had heard of an underground fighting tournament in the city. I won and was awarded $3000 as well as Information concerning another tournament: Mortal Kombat. I had never heard of such a tournament but there were rumours. Rumours of other worlds where magic and Gods roam free. My street senses told me it was a scam but something drew me to it. I had to investigate. And so I left for China, in the hopes of finding at least something worthy of stealing.
01/03/2009 03:13 PM (UTC)
Isn't the Nexus already a place? I mean, it's the floating round platform in the timeless void in Deception.

For your character, I think it belongs here:
01/03/2009 03:22 PM (UTC)
Your totally right. I must have sub-consciously taken the name. Never mind it's been edited now.
01/03/2009 03:37 PM (UTC)
Hey there mkdude123. It's good to see you starting up your fanfic. First, I'm going to start with the intro.

EDIT: I'm glad you changed the intro. When it comes to the Source, I don't think that it would be something that would reside in the realms. The foundation of the realms themselves is the One Being's consciousness. For the Elder Gods to enter into the realms would likely have them in danger.

Now onto the first two bios...

Lei Sheng

I really like the moves that you gave him. The Kung Fu-esque style to him gives him appeal to me.

For his costumes, I don't like that he's barefoot in his first costume. That sounds more karate-ish. I'd rather him wear some shoes or something.

Getting to his story, he doesn't feel like much of an evil character to me. Just when and how did he come into contact with Shang Tsung? What mystical stone are you referring to? Why does Lei Sheng want god-like power? What is his goal in trying to acquire it?


I'm glad you paired the Jian with Snake style Kung Fu as I too believe they go well together. Her special moves and grapples are pretty interesting.

I wish her fatalities had a bit more to them. For her Death Touch fatality, I'd like to have blood come out of the opponent's eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, sort of like in Kiss of the Dragon. For Concealed Weapon, it's too brief, imo. Maybe when Kaia finishes her roundhouse kick, she could slit the opponent's stomach.

Her looks are decent. I don't have a whole lot to say about them.

Now about her story, it talks about her being a renowned thief. What about her fighting skills and her attainment of the Jian? Did she learn the Snake style from her mother or someone else? I think that Kaia should be unaware of the existence of the gods. I mean, it's not like everyone in Earthrealm is aware of the supernatural, right? Granted, there was Shao Kahn's invasion of Earthrealm, but just how many humans remember what happened? I don't know...


Overall, I kind of dig the way you go about the moves and stuff for the characters, but I think their stories need a little bit more to them. I look forward to more of your story. Keep it up! glasses
01/05/2009 08:26 PM (UTC)
Next two characters... enjoy!

Name: Raiden
Age: Ageless
Origin: The Heavens
Affiliation: The Elder Gods
Occupation: (Current) Protector of the Source,
(Former) Protector of Earthrealm

Fighting Style:

Nánquán – Nánquán or Nan Chuan translates literally to “Southern Fist” and refers to all martial arts that were developed South of the Yangtze River. The art uses low, stable stances and very extensive hand techniques. Power is driven from the waist and speed is generated from quick stance transitions. There are very few kicks used in the style.

Weapon Style:

Bō – A long staff made of tapered wood such as white oak or bamboo, roughly 1.8 metres in length and 3cm thick. Bō techniques include blocks, strikes, sweeps and entrapment. In some cases the Bō has been known to sweep sand into the opponent’s eyes to allow a free hit. A common feature of the staff is its rotating capabilities. This gives the wielder the edge as it puts his opponent on the defensive.

Chi Attacks:

Rising Light – Raiden raises his arms into the air and a bolt of lightning fires from the ground and into the air. A further four bolts appear in a linear progression across the screen until it reaches the opponent causing a crumple-stun effect. This move can be easily side-stepped.

Thunder Clap – Raiden claps his hands together and the opponent is thrown backwards across the arena.

Fury of the Gods – Raiden glows blue and his attacks become unblockable for a short period of time.

Static Stun – Raiden releases a small voltage of electricty from his hand which connects with the opponents brain, making them dizzy and allowing a free hit.


High Voltage – Raiden grabs the opponent and pulls them in close. He then unleashes a rapid five-punch combo (Sparks of electricity flying off as the hit connects) and finishes with a palm thrust which sends them across the screen.

Bō Takedown – Raiden launches his opponent with a Bō uppercut. He then jumps up and smacks the opponent back down to the ground with an overhead smash. .


Lightning Orb – Raiden fires a small sphere of electricty into the opponent’s abdomen. They begin to scream as the orb expands until their entire body is eviscerated.

Electric Cage – The opponent is trapped in a cage of electric energy. When they try to escape, the energy slices through their body and they fall through the cage in pieces.


Outfit 1 – Typical Raiden outfit, reminiscent of his Shaolin Monks look, with very minor alterations. I.e. The blue in his robes is lighter and his body is larger, more muscular and more fear-inducing.

Outfit 2 – This outfit is Raiden’s shape but in a blue energy. There are no features and no distinguishable characteristics other than the electricity flowing around him. This outift is caused by the disruption in the Source.


I am Raiden, God of Thunder and Lightning, Former Protector of Earthrealm. We foresaw the events of Armageddon and tasked Argus with its solution. We did not however, foresee the catastrophic reprecussions that it would have. The Source was unintentionally destroyed and we were cast from the Heavens. We arrived in Earthrealm, unharmed, to discover that we still had some power left. Fujin explained that the Source could never be destroyed only weakened. Our powers grow stronger with every passing second as the Source attempts to reconstruct itself. I now make a stand against those I fought to protect for so many years. I am no longer an ally to the denizens of Earth. I am no longer their protector. I am the protector of the Source, my fellow Gods and the realms. Nothing will stop the Source’s return. Nothing...

Name: Fujin
Age: Ageless
Origin: The Heavens
Affiliation: The Elder Gods
Occupation: Protector of the Source

Fighting Style:

Dragon - The dragon stylist relies on a variety of fighting techniques that can be employed for a wide range of needs. The style uses techniques that can cripple or kill an opponent if the need arises or it can be used simply to control a minor street fighting situation. Lung Ying (Dragon form) focuses mainly on powerful, short range attacks, as is common among southern Chinese styles of kung fu. However, the styles' use of gripping and seizing techniques as well as the extensive use of the forearms both offensively and defensively are fairly unique to the art. The style was created as an aggressive combat art and operates under the basic assumption that you are trying to either disable your opponent to the point that they are no longer a threat in battle, or kill them, though these are not by any means the only options a Lung Ying player has. As such Lung Ying employs a large number of techniques to damage the opponent's joints either through joint manipulation or direct striking; nullify the opponent's defenses either through breaking their stance or compromising their guard, and thus their ability to defend; and others. Like most southern style kung fu, it has limited kicks and jumps and consisted mainly of fist, palm and clawing techniques. Power generated from the waist using soft hard jin. I chose this style as the Dragon is seen as the symbolic guardian of the Gods in Chinese culture.

Weapon Style:

Qiang – The Chinese Spear is a polearm commonly equipped with a leaf shaped blade and red horse-hair tassel. The tassel is used to blur the opponent’s vision when the spear is in motion or to stop the flow of blood from the head reaching the shaft
( which would make it slippery ). The Qiang is roughly 7m in length and is made from wax-wood (a strong but flexible wood that bends to absorb impact and therefore prevent breakages). The bending motion along with the tassel makes the tip very hard to follow and gives the wielder the upper hand.

Chi Attacks:

Arctic breeze – Fujin blasts the opponent with winds so cold that the opponent is encased in ice. This gives him the opportunity for a free hit.

Levitation – Fujin hovers above the ground for a period. This can be followed up with four different attacks:
Quake – Fujin drops from the air and causes the ground to shake.
Dive – Fujin Flies at the opponent, grabs them and punches them away.
Blast – Fujin spreads his arms and legs in a star shape as a sphere of air projects from his body. When it reaches the opponent it knocks them down.
Roll – Fujin mimicks Kano’s trademark move in the air.

Airborne Defense – Fujin is basked in a white glow and all projectiles are deflected back at the opponent for a short period of time.

Aerial Crush – Fujin flies up above the screen and comes back down, stomping on the opponent.


Pinball – The opponent is fired in eight different directions by a gust of wind before being slammed into the ground.

Tornado Throw – Fujin grabs the opponent and they spin 900° at which point he launches them away.


Extreme Pinball – This fatality is much like Fujin’s grapple other than the fact that it is much more aggressive. The winds are stronger which causes bones to break and bruises to appear as the opponent connects with his environment. As they plummet to the ground for the last time, they shatter upon impact, blood and gore flying everywhere.

Sandstorm – Fujin summons desert winds to his aid. The opponent is covered from head to toe, internally and externally in sand (coughing and choking can be heard). The opponent falls over and dies from suffocation.


Outfit 1 – Fujin wears silver plated armour making him seem more regimental and in charge. The armour is emblazoned with a wind emblem. His hair is in a Chinese braid and he wears leather boots.

Outfit 2 – This outfit is Fujin’s shape but in a grey energy. There are no features and no distinguishable characteristics other than the dust particles flowing around him. This outift is caused by the disruption in the Source.


I was there when it happened. I felt a disruption in the Source’s energy field as Blaze was defeated but I could do nothing to stop it. I teleported to the Edenian mountains and watched as many kombatants were lost to the firespawn’s essence. Not all, for there was a good number of those who survived the explosion. I saw them teleport and disappear back to their own realms. Once everyone had gone I made my way back to the huge crater. I tried to channel my energies into healing the Source but it had disappeared. Strange, it was not due to shift for another four hundred years. And then it hit me. The Source had dematerialised and is now re-forming itself in another realm. Just as I realised this, Raiden contacted me. He told me that the Heavens had fallen and now the Elder Gods were out in the open. He told me that he was rallying as many of the Gods as he could, even Shinnok, to aid in this predicament. At that a portal opened in front of me and I stepped inside, appearing on the high hills of Earthrealm with my brethren. I explained to Raiden that the Source had not been destroyed only weakened and that the problem at hand was the protection of the Gods. We came to the conclusion that a tournament be put in place. A new Mortal Kombat. One that will guarantee safety unless we meet on the battlefield. Until our powers reform it is now a fight. A fight between Gods and Mortals.
01/06/2009 09:33 PM (UTC)
Sorry that I didn't get to things sooner than I would have liked. First, I want to comment on the changes you made to Lei Sheng's and Kaia's bios.

I'm glad that you gave an idea as to when Lei Sheng met Shang Tsung. However, from what I understand, Shang Tsung was taking people from Sun Do (the village that Li Mei and her people live in) instead of getting people from Earthrealm. It's good that you mentioned a soul stone. I guess you're having it so that Shang Tsung has a miniaturized version. That's kind of clever. So although you make it known that Lei Sheng participates to win, what is his motivation? Is it the god-like power he desires or does he simply want to prove martial superiority?

For Kaia's bio, you gave it the touch it needed to sound more plausible. Other than that, I can't say much else.

Now about your next two bios...


I personally don't agree with the style choice you gave him. Then again, being a god, I'm sure he picked up all sorts of fighting styles. I just thing that something like a traditional Japanese martial art would be more fitting.

I like the special moves, but what happened to his Static Teleport and Torpedo moves? Those are basically staple moves for him...The grapples are cool, and I kind of like the fatalities. However, I don't think that electricity will "slice" least, if it does, it wouldn't as much as it would shock and burn someone....right?

About his first costume...could you be a bit more descriptive? I mean, is this outfit reminiscent of one his previous outfits such as his MKDA primary costume?

Lastly, we have his story, which I have some issues with. First off, Raiden and the other gods were not the ones that foresaw the events of Armageddon. It was Delia, the wife of Argus, who foresaw the events through her vision. What happened to Raiden being a freelance deity? Remember that he became dark and abandoned the heroes.

So with that said, he wouldn't be talking with Fujin. Shouldn't Raiden still be concerned with protecting Earthrealm but in a ruthless manner? It seems as if you've changed his character, which I don't understand.


I don't like the idea of him using Dragon style. To me, that is more suited for someone like Sub-Zero. I'm not sure about the idea of him using the Qiang, but I guess in a way, it's sort of fitting in the sense that it's somewhat parallel to Raiden's Bō.

Getting to his special moves, I like some of them. I'm not sure about the Arctic Breeze. I can kind of understand it, but..I don't know...I have to wonder about some of his other moves like the Wind Lift, Tornado Spin, etc. I understand and greatly appreciate you trying to give the returning characters new moves. However, I think it should be, and I don't think you should get rid of the older moves.

By the way, when it comes to those special power up type moves like Airborne Defense, what are the downsides to those moves?

About the grapples, I like the Tornado Throw better as Pinball sounds more like a special move. The fatalities are cool though.

Now about his story, it too has problems. I still have to wonder about Raiden. Last time I checked, he's a rogue deity who is ruthless in his approach to protect Earthrealm. Shinnok is still trapped in the Netherrealm, and he had placed his bet on Daegon's victory in order to escape and get back at the Elder Gods.

Another problem I have is that we don't get anything on Fujin's role as the Protector God of Earthrealm. He was appointed that job after Shinnok's defeat back in MK4, and I'd like to get an idea of his interaction with the remaining heroes.


I think that it will help if you add commentary at the end of each character's bio that you do. That way, we get an insight into your thoughts on the decisions you made when coming up with the story and things like that. I think that before you continue with more characters, you'll have to fix the issues that I brought up.
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