MK: Armaggedon (Update: Liu Kang Biography Cont.)
posted10/14/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/21/2004 03:23 PM (UTC)
Okay, I know there is news of the new MK being called Armageddon, but still I like my title.

Onaga still lived. The Earthrealmers had failed once more. He still had control of Outworld. And he still had the Komidogu. But hope remained for the forces of good. The Dragon Kind still needed an incredible power source to join the Komidogu into one piece. They needed allies though, for many of their former companions were under control by Onaga. They had to seek into the darkest corners of every realm to find help.

However, the Dragon King did not know where to find such an incredible magnitude of power. Time was running out for him. Time was running out for everyone.

Many battalions were being formed throughout the realms. Bo' Rai Cho and the combined forces of Edenia and Outworld grew day by day. Darrius, who had succeed in his revolution in Seido, drew more and more into an army of choas. Oni and zombies of the Netherrealm fought continously. The people of the Choasrealm were mutinous over the death of their leader, Havik. The tribes now fought over who would become ruler supreme. Even the races from far-off realms emerge to seek freedom, and the Komidogu. Vampires, shape-shifters, demons. The long lost warrior Reiko had appeared to claim Outworld, with the help of the Centaurs. And the might Shao Kahn wanted revenge, and his throne, back. He would stop at nothing to get it.

And as these incoherent races confronted one another, an even more immense and nefarious evil was lurking in the shadows of some unknown realm. Sent to this shrouded realm by the Elder Gods so long ago, he watched and waited for the right time to strike. And that time was now. He had to escape this accursed realm and get to Onaga before the Komidogu switched hands. The person that could unwittingly let him escape was already on the way to him. He would kill Onaga. He would kill Kahn. He would kill the Elder Gods. Then he would merge the Komidogu and be ruler supreme of the realms. The One Being had returned...

The Main Cast

Liu Kang - Brought back from the dead, Liu Kang must now go on a
mission to unite the realms. With the combined forces of the
array of races, their combined might be able to annihilate the
approaching nemesis known as the One Being. This was Liu's
chance to prove he was worthy of the Champion title and to save

Ermac - Ermac is Liu Kang's only way to lead him to the One Being. The
reason Ermac can telepathically communicate with this entity is
unknown. Perhaps a clue to this mystery will be revealed to the
warrior demon during his quest to save reality. Maybe Ermac holds
a great secret within that will prove useful in the oncoming doom.

Bo' Rai Cho - Bo' Rai Cho proved worthy during Onaga's first onslaught his
resourcefulness led to the combining of the Edenian and
Outworld forces. He then successfully demolished nearly all
of Onaga's forces. Bo' Rai Cho's only one true wish is to hunt
down the leader of the mutant people, Baraka. But something
is stirring up within the brigade. Li Mei is growing more and
more intolerable by the minute. She may be no longer
trust-worthy to the Earthrealm forces...

Sub-Zero - Sub-Zero was nearly killed in the last battle with Onaga, when
he was subdued by Hotaru. The Lin Keui warrior barely
managed to escape from Onaga's palace, as Tarkatan hordes
hunted him down. Sub-Zero also met up with the demon Noob
Saibot, who turned out to be his brother. He would have surely
parished if not for the help of Ashrah. The Lin Keui warrior
fled the scene with Smoke, malfunctioning. When he arrived
back at headquarters, he sensed treachery brewing. Many new
faces appeared - Sareena, Cyrax. He did not know who he
could trust. The mystery of his Dragon Medallion still remains.
There may be some other hidden use of the Medallion
however, and it may be a key to unlock some conundrum.

Raiden - The Thunder God had returned from the dead, and his
disposition had changed for the worse. No longer is he the
adviser that once helped the Earthrealmers win Mortal Kombat
many years ago. The stricter, less tolerable Raiden has little
patience for insolent people - as demonstrated by the destruction
of Shujinko. Nobody nows how much longer the Thunder God can
be trusted. The assisstance of Fuijin is needed to keep on eye
on Raiden, but he is not pleased with this annoyance. How long
will it be before an altercation occurs between the two gods?

Komar - Komar is the leader of the Vampiric race, known as the
Vladiryas that has long been seperated from the other realms.
They were driven into hiding after Shao Kahn sent a legion of
vampire hunters after them. So long has Komar wanted to taste
the blood of a real human, instead of the littlely unsatisfying blood
of the creatures in his realm. He has dreamt of a realm where
Vampires rule, and humans are slaves use for feeding on. With
the Komidogu, he can complete his quest, along with his second
in command, Nitara.

Scorpion - As appointed by the Elder Gods, he continues his quest to
destroy Onaga. However they informed Scorpion that there was
another way to completely get rid of the Komidogu. The one that
was controlling Onaga was accessible through a secret portal
known only to the Elders. The passage to the unknown realm
was located in a disclosed cave in Outworld. The cave was a Lin
Kuei burial tomb, and the enter to the portal was a medallion.
Scorpion knew what medallion it was. Sub-Zero currently
accquired the thing he needed to complete his assignment. That
meant he needed to hunt down his old "friend" and abduct the
Dragon Medallion. But then the Elders told him that only a Lin
Kuei could properly use the Medallion and open the portal. The
Spectre now had to form an alliance with the Lin Kuei, and
venture into the dark realm with his worst enemy.

Drahmin - Drahmin and Moloch chased down Quan Chi after he had
betrayed his offer. But when they battled him, the sorcerer
summoned a spell and sent both of them plummeting back to
the Netherrealm. They had gone back to the place they had been
so longing to be freed from. Drahmin wanted to taste human
flesh again. The other oni wanted flesh. It was time for the oni
rebellion to begin, but not within out eleminating the zombie and
Netherrealm guards that kept them in this Hellish realm.

Well, I've done alot of writing and thinking right now. So I'm gonna take a break and continue tomorrow. I would like for you others you help me along with my story, so if you could think up some names for a couple of new characters - I have a few:

Shape-shifting warrior.
Zombie warrior.
Netherrealm guard.
Centuar warrior.

If you have any new characters that might fight in, please feel free to offer them. Please post your opinions and story ideas too. I'm am willing open to ideas/comments.

About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
10/07/2005 01:01 AM (UTC)
This is an interesting story concept.

Some things to note are:

Ermac is not a demon.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are not enemies any longer. Scorpions story is also somewhat weird. I do not think the One Being exists in any realm. I also not sure if Scorpion would actually know about the Dragon Medallion at all. You might want to check the back story to see if that works.

Sareena was apparently allowed into the Lin Kuei by Sub-Zero himself.

Cyrax's whereabouts is unknown at present, so I suppose ou can get away with what you've done with him.

Ermac could only sense the One being. It was never saif that he could communicate with it. Gievn that you've opned that, you must think about what would be stopping the One Being from taking knowledge from Ermac. Ermac would therefore be endangering everyone else if he knew of their plans as the One being could be a step ahead every time.

As for the One Being, you said that it had returned. this cannot be the case as the Kamidogou (it's spelt Kamidogou) have not been fused in yor story. the One Being can only return if this has happened, otherwise it exists as a dormant consciousness.

Interesting work so far and be sure to check your spellings.
10/07/2005 01:51 AM (UTC)
I thank God that Scorpion and Sub Zero arent enemies anymore, they would make an unbeatable pair. I love them so much. I love all my ninjas ^_^!!!

I like your story, I would send you all my fan fiction series I am trying to finish but you cannot trust too many people on the net.

Basically we have Kasai (a ninja in orange who has pyrokinetic powers and Torcane a ninja in white who is really a rotting corpse underneath whom is made of the evil souls Kasai has defeated. Kasai is a good guy)

I think they are kick ass characters to include.grin
10/08/2005 12:35 AM (UTC)
Get over it It called MK Armageddon

and I almost buy your storyline
10/09/2005 03:46 PM (UTC)
This is an interesting story concept.

Some things to note are:

Ermac is not a demon.

I thought he was - isn't that why Ashrah was chasing him down in Konquest Mode?

Scorpion and Sub-Zero are not enemies any longer. Scorpions story is also somewhat weird. I do not think the One Being exists in any realm. I also not sure if Scorpion would actually know about the Dragon Medallion at all. You might want to check the back story to see if that works.

Well, I know they aren't really enemies, but they sure as hell ain't friends. Scorpion was told about the Dragon Medallion by the Elder Gods, which I'm sure known everything.

Sareena was apparently allowed into the Lin Kuei by Sub-Zero himself.

Yes, in Tournament Edition, wasn't it?

Cyrax's whereabouts is unknown at present, so I suppose ou can get away with what you've done with him.

With Sonya and Jax dead, and Kenshi missing, he'd mine-as-well leave the Special Forces.

Ermac could only sense the One being. It was never saif that he could communicate with it. Gievn that you've opned that, you must think about what would be stopping the One Being from taking knowledge from Ermac. Ermac would therefore be endangering everyone else if he knew of their plans as the One being could be a step ahead every time.


As for the One Being, you said that it had returned. this cannot be the case as the Kamidogou (it's spelt Kamidogou) have not been fused in yor story. the One Being can only return if this has happened, otherwise it exists as a dormant consciousness.

Well, he hasn't actually returned. The One Being exists in this secret realm, which actually isn't a real realm, only sort of an unconscious realm - if you get what I mean. He is also over-cofident that Onaga will join the Komidogu, and already considers himself free.


Origin: Earthrealm
Age: 33
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 164 lbs.
Alignment: Good
Affiliation: White Lotus Society
Allies: Kai, Ermac, Raiden, Fujin
Enemies: The One Being, Onaga, Shao Kahn, Reiko, Goro, Sculacious,
Nemesis: The One Being

Biography Part 1:

"My body and soul have again been reunited with each other, thanks to the likes of Raiden. As I was about to show my gratitude to the Thunder God, I realized he was not the same man knew before my untimely demise. He was changed - darker than before. Raiden explained that when Onaga had attacked him and the Deadly Alliance, the blast he created in order to stop the Dragon King did not do anything but destroy himself. He was reincarnated in this corrupt form. By this point, I concluded how bad things had gotten - and it would only get worse from here. Even as I spoke, armies from every realm were forming. They wanted the Kamidogou for themselves, to make a perfect realm for their own race of people. A conflict more immense than anything imaginable would soon take place here in Outworld. It dawned upon me that my mission was now to convince these realms to come together and destroy the Komidogou. If not, they would surely cause the collapse of reality. My mission would not be an easy one, though. Assisstance would be acquired to complete this almost unthinkable task, and Raiden knew just where to find it."

Biography Part 2:

"Raiden informed me on the location of Kai, a former White Lotus Society Member I had not seen in many years. After the defeat of Shinnok, he went on a spiritual journey across the realms. When the Deadly Alliance came to power, Raiden implored for Kai to help in their defeat. But he claimed he was not ready enough to take on such powerful foes. Would Kai be ready enough this time around? Could I depend on the his support? There was only one way to tell. Kai was infact here in Outworld already. Raiden led the way to his hidden sanctuary deep in the mountains. I we progressed there, I could already see signs of panick. People were reinforcing their homes, packing to leave this area before it was obliterated in the onslaught. Hours passed as we scaled the mountainsides. A dark cave finally appeared before us. As we went in, light flickered off the walls. Suddenly, I was kicked from behind and went sailing toward the fire. Raiden stopped the attack. Kai apologized for his mistake and questioned who I was. When the Thunder God revealed to him the truth, he was in disbelief. The three of us had a long discussion about our plan of action. Kai was still hesistant about his skills, but Raiden did not like his answer. He shot out a lightning bolt that sent Kai soaring into the cave wall. This was all the convincing he needed. Raiden told us where our quest began. Ermac, the spectral warrior was needed from this very realm, was needed. I had last parted from him as he went to free my comrades from the confines of Onaga's grip. It would be a long and treacherous journey to the Dragon King's palace, but the fate of the realms rested on our shoulders."

Biography Part 3:

"The lands of Outworld were filled with a variety dispicable creatures. One of the most sinister and vicious of races was the Centaurs. Long has they been at war with the Shokan a race of four-armed, half-human-half-dragon barbarians. Already had the battle for the Komidogou begun in Outworld. As we passed through the cliffs and boulders of he plains of this realm, Kai and I witnessed many skirmishes between these two rivals. The ground had been soaked in blood and bodies of fallen warriors. It was horrible how much damage had already been dealt and the worst part had not even begun yet. However, I luck ran out when we were surrounded by a group of Centuars. It was a one-and-a-million chance to fight them all off, so Kai and I surrendered ourselves peacfully. We were lead away to a fortress located in the wastelands of Outworld. It turned out that the leader of the Centuars was in fact Reiko, a former general of Shinnok and Shao Kahn's armies. Many thought he had died in battle. However, just as thousands of years ago, Reiko rose up from the darkness to fight once more. But the Centuars weren't the only minions of his. He also cheif of the Brotherhood of the Shadows, an necromantic group of underworldly people. One of their most feared members was Noob Saibot, a fierce and sadistic warrior with no feelings what-so-ever. He played a crucial part in the downfall of the Edenian army - the attempted assassination of Prince Goro. But, this worked both against us and them. Goro was taken in by Shao Kahn, which helped neither side. Reiko claimed the only reason he kept us alive was to rescue Ermac, who was captured by the Shokan during the invasion of Onaga's Palace. Ermac not only could sense the One Being, but now could communicate telepathically with the entity. Shao Kahn was using him to stay one step ahead of everybody, which made two threats to focus on."

Biography Part 4:

"Finding the former master of Outworld was not hard. Shao Kahn did not make himself concealed. He wanted to know that this realm would be his once more - every realm would be his. Or so he thought. If I had anything to do with it, the Komidogou would be destroyed and all the powers, Kahn, Onaga, Reiko, gone. To get to Kahn's fortress we had to travel to the portals. It was an indescribable place, defying all laws of reality known to man. Enormous boulders flew through the air, platforms floating unintelligebly. It was similar to a nightmare. It was a nightmare. But we had to press the evil images out of our minds and proceed. The only other beings in this nefarious location were Shao Kahn's floating monks. They intently guarded the portals that came in and out of here. All of them were highly trained and dangerous. Avoiding them was not an easy job. Kai and I creeped along to his floating citadel. We reached the front door without much problem. Inside the main hall was a congregation of monks. Thankfully most of them were praying and in a devoid state. Slipping behind pillars, Kai and I were spotted by one of them. All of them then turned around and pointed at us, beginning to chant. This situation was not a good one. We needed to find Ermac, and escape this death-trap fast. The prison was bound to be on the lower of levels of the structure. Around every turn, the monks manaical prayers grew louder. Through a set of double doors was a rounded chamber with cells lining the walls. Scouting out the red garments the spectre dressed in, we finally spotted him. He was tied to the wall, dazed and confused. Our attacks could not break the bars of the cell, due to magic, and we were running out of time. The monks burst in through the doors and shot a ball of energy at us. Dodging out of the way, the flaming ball hit the cell. Luckily, the monks powers overrided the magic conjured on the cell. Rushing in and untying Ermac, we quickly evacuate the palace, defending off monks. Through the carnage we managed to escape. We couldn't bring Ermac to Reiko, though. He was too big of an asset to lose. The spectre started to stir. As he opened his eyes, he attacked us. Some sort of spell was cast in him. It was probably made for Ermac to tell Kahn what he knew about the One Being. This dark curse needed to be removed in order to proceed with the plans. One person could get rid of Shao Kahn's manipulation over Ermac. The shaman Nightwolf."

Biography Part 5:

"The desert wind whipped harshly across our faces as we struggled with Ermac. Nightwolf's clan could not be far from this point. Trudging through the sand, I looked up at the dark horizon. A small flicker of fire danced in the night sky. I told Kai to quicken the pace. It had to be Nightwolf's encampment. As we approached, a tribesman appeared and halted us. He said that Nightwolf and the other members of his clan were performing a spell to keep the evil out of their land. We stood and watched them speak in native tounge. As I stared at the fire, a trance set upon me. Dazed and confused, Ermac took the chance to escape. His manuevers outwitted us in our state of mind and he began to run into the distance. However, an axe flew through the air and struck him in the back. The spectre was knocked over, and did not rise again. Nightwolf strode over and picked his weapon up off the ground. The shaman told us not to worry, he was not dead. But Nightwolf questioned what was wrong with Ermac. Kai and I explained that Shao Kahn currently had control over his mind. We asked Nightwolf if he could rid of the curse. The shaman could; however, it would be difficult and painful. The procedure then began. Ermac was tied to the ground. The other members of the clan chanted. The spectre then awoke, enraged. Nightwolf payed no attention to his mediocre threats. He spoke and his eyes started to roll back in his head. As this happened, Ermac screamed like Lucifer himself. Steam emitted from his body as he twisted and contorted. Before long it was over. Nightwolf collapsed on the ground, as his comrades lifted him to his tent. Ermac lay motionless. With all his might, the shaman spoke to us. Weakly, he told us that the spectre must stay here and recouperate for a while - in fact it was best he stay here until the One Being was obliterated. Ermac's mind was not safe from prying evils. The spell protecting their land would keep him safe. As for Nightwolf, he claimed he had to go to the Netherrealm and place an omen there for Onaga. The Dragon King's soul would be trapped in Hell for enternity, with no way for him to revive. Tomorrow at day break, he would escort them back to the Outworld portal and begin his journey."
10/14/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)
Sorry for the delay. Been busy with school. I'll probably be only posting one part of a biography a day, and not all of them will be as long as Liu Kang's (it's because he is the main character and deserves the most attention) stay tuned tomorrow for Liu Kang's Biography Part 6 of 10. Hope you all enjoy my ideas.
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