MK 8 Gameplay Ideas Thread - Please Cast Yours
posted11/15/2006 10:36 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
Hey smile

1. Fighting on the ground - something like MMA - It's kinda like the wakeup game but this time with the two fighters on the ground.

2.FPF - First Person Fatality - an option to choose from few cameras when we are doing fatality - including the first person camera where we are looking tru the eyes of uor fighter.

If more people post their ideas it would be great.
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11/04/2006 09:24 PM (UTC)
There should be an official MK8 thread with ideas and conversation...
- Wake Up (I hope the wake-up is done really well... maybe even combos)
- Gravity (It should be realistic gravity)
- Combos (There should be lots and lots of possibilities of these)
- Signature Moves (There should be a lot... and they should be a lot harder to do)
- Gameplay (Gameplay should become really complex such as moves, combos, and maybe some new stuff)
- Blood, Sweat, and Tears should be realistic
- Smoke, Fog, and Light should be realistic
- Environmental Hazards (Should be realistic)
- Story (Really Important) - Deception's storyline was probably the best storyline of fighting games but then when MKA came out, a lot of what happened in Deception just didn't matter... (What happened with Onaga's kamidogu?) MKA was just about winning, and even the endings had to do with winning and that's not good...

- Dodging (If for PS3, maybe you can use the motion sensor to dodge or right analog stick or something)
- Every character having signature voices, moves, and animations
- KAK should stay with more possibilties
- Signature Fatalities.. (If we still have KAF, there should atleast be sig mini fatalities and way more possibilties)
- Everyone should have signature fighting styles (and they should have a reason or biography of how they learnt it)
- Rather than having a boss, they should fight their nemesis or maybe just another enemy and we shall see the outcome when we beat it
- FMV endings since there is going to be a few characters
- A decent minigame that could be in my Minigames Thread
- Etc
11/08/2006 02:56 AM (UTC)
My ideas (and hopes. lol):

1. More options in the wake-up game.
2. Shorter parry window
3. PLEASE get rid of dial-a-combo and use strings.
4. Throw escapes
5. Move properties
6. Frame advantage
7. Kreate-A-Fatality was just a one time thing since there were so many characters in MKA, so I would expect signature fatalities to come back.
8. FMV endings, or at the very least, slide pic endings.
9. Interaction with the enviornments in each stage.

Hmm. Think that's it....For grin

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11/08/2006 10:21 PM (UTC)
Very NICE!Kool to see some people care about the good gameplay.

Quick one:


Weapons may break durring combat.
There will be weapon durability bar like the run bar.It will drain when you fight with your weapon.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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11/10/2006 01:47 AM (UTC)
Thank you for this thread....I think a thread like this should be stickied over here. At least for now. Just so we don't have to keep re-making or re-finding threads like these that host all gameplay stuff//possibilities. Just my opinion though. Anyway....

fijikungfu Wrote:
There should be an official MK8 thread with ideas and conversation...
- Wake Up (I hope the wake-up is done really well... maybe even combos)
- Gravity (It should be realistic gravity)
- Combos (There should be lots and lots of possibilities of these)
- Signature Moves (There should be a lot... and they should be a lot harder to do)
- Gameplay (Gameplay should become really complex such as moves, combos, and maybe some new stuff)
- Blood, Sweat, and Tears should be realistic
- Smoke, Fog, and Light should be realistic
- Environmental Hazards (Should be realistic)
- Story (Really Important) - Deception's storyline was probably the best storyline of fighting games but then when MKA came out, a lot of what happened in Deception just didn't matter... (What happened with Onaga's kamidogu?) MKA was just about winning, and even the endings had to do with winning and that's not good...

- Dodging (If for PS3, maybe you can use the motion sensor to dodge or right analog stick or something)
- Every character having signature voices, moves, and animations
- KAK should stay with more possibilties
- Signature Fatalities.. (If we still have KAF, there should atleast be sig mini fatalities and way more possibilties)
- Everyone should have signature fighting styles (and they should have a reason or biography of how they learnt it)
- Rather than having a boss, they should fight their nemesis or maybe just another enemy and we shall see the outcome when we beat it
- FMV endings since there is going to be a few characters
- A decent minigame that could be in my Minigames Thread
- Etc

This is about as ellaborate as I could've have written.
I'll add my opinion based on his though.

1. Wake up game stuff. I would love to see alot more options the way of a wake up game cuz I understand it more now. I would even like to see small signature moves done from the ground. The thing about the wake up game I don't really like is that, if it is really well done with alot of options, that you could theoreticlly fight the whole match from the ground. That would get on my nervers to have someone fight me and never GET UP!. Lol!!

Therefor, I think the wake up game damage should deal less than any thing else (1-2-3 pnts of dmg at best). Kinda just be there for distraction or evasion purposes. *shrugs* at least that would make it unreasonable to stay on the ground. And then again, if it is possible to just stay on the ground the whole time, the options to get at a player like that should equal accordingly....

2. I disagree slightly on the gravity thing, I think gravity should just be "more" realistic. I am one who likes aerial combat but the feel of staying up there so long kinda bothers. I think we should be allowed less of a window for performance up in the air. I'd like to see faster combos in the air simply because garavity should matter//take a toll on your opportunities. Something notable about it could be a slight increase in damage dealt. Make it worth the the trip/give a reason to do air fighting in the first place...

Hp Lp Lk Hk Hk RoundHouse
3. Combos, I totally agree. But by way of MKT not like Tekken...I really don't like the way Tekken feels, but I give the respect to their system.

I also think within combos, a given characters specialty can be implimented more(depending on the character of course) Like MksMs' Liu, Scorp, and Sub with the ice or fire or whatever, but have them be effective consequences of that characters signatures. Subs' throw in MKA is an example, but imagine Hp, Lp(freezes something arm//leg), Lk(freezes something), Hk(freezes another limb), Hk(freezes another limb), RoundHouse(breaks all freezes and finishes combo)....See that?

Might be a little unreasonable in consept but, you get the drift..

4. Bodily fluids, hair, stuff like fog, rain, ect I totally, totally agree man. It's sooo about time for these things to look real . I think a way to put back the enjoyment in "seeing blood" is to let us see sweat or tears alot of the time. Maybe have a tooth fly every now and then..... Then, when the punch or kick or combo is powerful enough(blood should have to be triggered by more then just a simple puch), THEN we see blood, this could also play a part in the combo system... The reation would be "Damn!!..That got me Blood!!"

Hey what about "punch/kick dust"? Like in martial arts flicks? Know what I mean? Maybe have the option to turn more than blood on or off?
"Dust", Sweat, Blood? Just an idea I guess.

5. Enviornmental Hazards should be just that. Enviornmental hazards. Not just Death Traps although, one or two Death Traps is not a neusence.
Take the Living Forrest arena, I was always waiting for the day I would "trip" over a tree stump or something and be taken by the viens in the living forrest. Ever tripped over the base of a tree while playing in a yard somewhere? Well..Not so much the "stump" is what you trip over,but the extension, the stumps leg? Bah..

Anyway, if in said arena, such a hazard exist, you don't just get poped up into the stumble and fall into it. Or sprung into it by triggering a type of "Booboie trap". Something that makes more sense, although, I like some of the effects after being knocked into traps in MKA.

6. Story OMG Story...Thought provoking character and addicting storylines, deep and engaging both per character and overall. Cliff-hangers shouldn't even be warranted, and surprises should be relavant....somehow (like the Noob Saibot thing). Think that's too much to ask? ESRB rating M-17+

Some other ideas just off the top of my head:

1. Overall from next gen games I would like to see Mk go where it looked like it was going in the beginning....Us feeling like we were playing a really ancient Martial Arts type movie-but pure video game experience. Realistic graphics as far as the people, gorey/spooky/yet majestic arenas, at least 70% accurate martial arts, elemental powers, super human speed, stength, and agility. One or two should be able to fly/hover ect imaginate...

2. I want my secrets to feel nice, dark and secret. Like I'm doing something I have no business looking for, Y'know? Lol. Enough "unlocking everything. Now, I like to unlock things, so don't get me wrong, but the easiness and whereabouts in which you find current "unlockables" is nowhere near finding Reptile back in Mk1. Leave unlockables to an independent game of it's own....Mortal Kombat Konquest: The Story of blah blah blah....(in a minute) At least majorily. Put back in some "secret codes" like the blood code, but, here's another good idea I think: Let us start off with like the "Dust" I mentioned and put the Blood code back in there, but make it worth it. "Oil" and other different colored blood should be subject to the blood code.
All the buttons and possibilities? Come on...

Allow us to discover secrets to be found while in gameplay. Secret characters. I had an idea a while back about finding a reptilian type character by "snatching" him/"her" out of the background of say, the Living Forrest (again), much like Liu Kang did in the first MK movie. Simple. It would be opportunity based of course somehow, but it could work.

Large amounts of money for a kaKharacter. Huge amounts of money though, not just 2/3thousand coins. We should be finding stuff like moves used in the movie or fmvs' we watched..
(Sub Zeros' fatality in MK1 the movie or Raidens Lightning block or ground electricution, Quan Chis' Skull wall, or Shang Tsungs Fire Dragon Fatality. These ARE the secrets that we should be "finding" in the game. Worth it? I think so)

3. Mini game stuff:
I really can't stand the thought of a mini game attached to Mk unless it's relavant. The only one that really came close I think, was chess. "Kill your enemy through stategy." That was alright, but it had nothing to tie in with the story, or even just accent the fight part of the game. Nothing.

If there must be a mini-game, have one like a money getter for regular characters(practice mode could have rewards for consistancy or profitiency), and or a character builder for the KaKharacter portion of the game(do things for money, then take your character into practice mode for more rewards and to figure out where to tweek your character). See how that ties together? "Replay value" would be a non- issue cuz you would always use all of this no matter who/what your playing with/for.

Call it something like Test You Might: Shaolin Monk Challenges, and do the research. Shaolin Monks, real ones, go through some of the silliest, but toughest test imaginable.

a. break things on various levels

b. Toughen your skin by seeing how long you can "knife cut" buckets of pebbles with your hands. Speed can be a factor. Have a "Friction" bar and your hands will get hotter and hotter (symbolizing pain) until your characters hands quit or you reach the goal. "Friction" bar and a "Goal" bar, vs each other. Time vs Pain....Go!

c. Fight against the forces of nature: Run up a mountain during a snow storm. Variate. Hot/Cold/Wind/Sand/Plants/Animals. Have enviornmental hazards in there too. You could have to fend off against "creatures" of that realm or whatever. Don't die, make it to the top. Simple consept derived from games like "Galactica" or "Inteligent Qube"......classics. Re-play value anyone?

Gotta stop.
I'll have more later if this thread provokes others like it did me.

More Ideas Littered throughout this link.........

And this one too.....

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11/14/2006 08:31 AM (UTC)
Okay, I won't repeat what's already been said, except to say that I like the ideas about the wake up game (and I also think that characters should be able to attack downed opponents, I mean, that's been a staple in 3D fighting games since Virtua Fighter came out about 12 years ago), but here are my ideas:

1) Bridge the gap between special moves and regular moves: EVERY MK game has the basic notion that there are special moves and regular moves. In the 2D MK games, everyone had the standard high kick, roundhouse, uppercut etc etc. Then every character had their own unique (I guess) special moves. MK simply HAS to get rid of this idea that they unfortunately carried over into the 3D era, albeit in a somewhat disguised manner.

What we got in the last three games was special moves, and regular moves that were disguised as fighting styles, but the reality was that 95% of the moves in these "fighting styles" were stock animations for the same moves that every other character had. They might look slightly different, but they were all basically the same and they all served the purpose of being part of dial a combos or just being the same old boring standard moves. This MUST change.

Give characters their own unique move sets complete with athletic maneuvers like double jump kicks, flip kicks, etc. Moves that are unique to each character. A move like Jax's Gotcha Grab doesn't have to be a "special move," it could be a signature move. Every character should have a minimum of 30 signature moves that let the player know that the character has a unique style all their own, and that you can only use those specific moves when playing as that specific character.

2) Martial arts movie style fighting: I'd like to see an infinite counter system where attacks and throws are blocked, parried, escaped, countered etc with a real quickness that make the player feel that they're playing a martial arts movie. This has been my problem with every game to come out in the 3D era of fighting games. All of the animations feel slow, and all of the fighting seems to be in this very contrived state where it doesn't feel at all like two people are actually fighting. In that vain:

3) Realistic animations. If someone gets punched repeatedly in the nose, wouldn't that person bleed from the nose? Wouldn't the person that's bleeding stop during a break in the action to wipe the blood from his nose? Wouldn't the blood flow over his lips and down his chin if he doesn't wipe it off? Wouldn't the blood spit from his mouth when he yells if there's blood flowing over his lips? It's these little bits of animation that seperate this generation from the last one. It's seeing a black eye slowly form over the course of a battle, or clothes realistically shredding, scuffing or get dirty or dusty.

It's context sensitive things that show a characters' personality, like grunts, taunts, tears being wiped away, trying to shake the cobwebs loose, wiping dust from pants, etc etc etc that will show a player that this is the next generation before the graphics of the PS3, Wii and 360 advance to the point where the PS2, Xbox and GC look vastly inferior on sight alone. It's the small stuff.

4) Storyline: The MK team REALLY needs to start thinking outside the box as far as the story goes. First off, stop with the stupid "what if" endings. After 6 or 7 games, players are BEYOND sick of wondering what's the real ending and what's not. Give us a coherent story where every character's plotline has a definitive beginning and ending. Even if that character's plot goes into the next game, we don't have to see a "if they win" ending for each character.

In fact, I don't want to see "if they win" endings at all anymore. I want to see "where this character fits into the tournament" endings. These can come about in a variety of ways, and none of them should be drawn out and repititious like "Scorpion hates Sub Zero" or "Sonya is hunting Kano" were. How about a character gets attacked and knocked unconscious after they defeat an opponent by an unknown assailant, only to wake up in chains. Who did this to them? How will they escape? Tune in next time! Or better yet, you find out who knocked the character out, but why did they do it? Tun in next time!

Or how about this... The character that you are using loses. At some point in the middle of a match, the storyline simply ends. Your character gets killed, and that's how they perform in the MK tournament. Perhaps this leads into the next game where a new character seeks revenge for that character's death. Who knows.

My point is, despite these mediocre examples, the storylines don't all have to be these awful "what if" endings and they don't all have to follow this ladder up to the final boss philosophy. It gets at the whole point that I had about each character needing to be unique. Unique move sets, unique stories, unique movements.

Well, that's all for now. I agree, this thread should be stickied. It's started off well and you all know that we'll see about 1,000 more ideas for MK 8 threads. Maybe we have a thread for gameplay ideas, a thread for character concepts, a thread for storyline ideas and a thread for who should return for MK8? These all seem to come back over and over again. Just a thought.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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11/14/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
O.k. Let's keep this thing going right? Here we go:


I purely believe weapons should rarely be used, and when used, they shouldn't be something we can soley "depended" on as a stance. I think they should be a sort of "wow" factor in the game//part of a combo that simply "happens" to kinda show how aggressive your character can be. Like one of the highlights of playing with your character less than simply switching to that stance and staying there. Remember Scorpion in MKT? Probably why it's "remembered" is because it wasn't something you could just have. It was cool to see every now and again...

I think though, since the "weapon stance is here, it could be bested by giving us qiucker ways to pick up a weapon while fighting. Ever notice the slowness surrounded by picking up a weapon? That should be quicker and then you have to know what you're doing with the axe, or club, or sword, or gun or whatever. But mostly no weapon at all. You might do some sort of semi-cinematic "roll" on the ground to pick up the weapon, or quickly duck down and pick it up, or even in the event you fall down next to it, you can reach out in "desperation and get a weapon.

It'd also make it tougher to attain a weapon by having weapons be selective to the character trying to pick up the weapon in the first place.

Characters like Stryker, Jax, or Sonya should only be allowed to pick up certain axes and knives, and majorily be allowed to pick up more modern weapons like guns, bazookas, ect.. I think it would force you to get more effeicient in fighting without a weapon at all.

I don't really agree with the post above, in that, "weapons should get weaker or break" and so on. Partially beacause it's an old concept. I never particularly liked having a weapon break just because it never really crossed me as a weapons realistic a video game (irony, I know).
Not unless you had a wooden weapon or the metal weapon was an extremely weak one to begin with. Maybe in a stand alone "MK Conquest" type game would I make a quality like that a reallity for players. It could then give your character incentive to "upgrade" the weapon(s).


I think as far as blocking, small tweeks in "point of contact" will make it alot better.
That's because I don't know alot about the technical side of it. But I do see p.o.c. being violated quite frequently when I play. This overly goes for parries too.

As far as the looks of it, I think we should really get pass the looks of the sprites above. In real fights, or even in choreographed movie fight scenes, you'll see a person "truely^^ block" like that very rarely. They should look like a nervous flinch according to the fighting style the character has. One armed, two armed, or leg blocks. Elbow//body blocks, ect...

I know that in Tae Kwon Dao, the basic hp block is posoitioned slightly above the head but at a slant, Something like this. Click. That's a little low for what I'm saying but you get the gist.
That's what kind of "nervous flinch" type block should look like for someone who would use Tae Kwon Dao.... Every other style should follow their rules of course.

Another thing about that is, when you do effectively "block" an assault, there should be a more realistic visual result.....Like if the character doesn't wear arm gauntlets, but blocks, his/her shirt might tear. Or if he/she does wear them, we should see more than the perverbial *ting*. Especially against a weaponed assult vs arm gauntlets. Millions of ideas and options here, just putting it on the table.....


I think parries....True parries should be very limited to almost strictly happening through weapon-play only. The way it is now is extremely unrealistic and provokes many users to become plaugeued with this..... manuver, as a "back-up" plan. In some cases it's gets to the point where the fight isn't a fight....It turns into this "battle of the parries and blocks and breakers". I really hope this changes next go-round to be more condussive to fighting. Otherwise, what are you playing a "fighting game" for? Lol!

Breakes are pretty retarded imo unless you're using weapons. Parries and Breakers should probably be the same command and have two effects. It might even depend on if you're in the air or not. "Breaker" in the air, "Parry" on the ground with a weapon.. Tah......Dah. *shakes head*

The only other mechanism in the game for defending should be evade manuvers on the different skill levels of us players. I can think of no hand-to- hand martial arts dependant on this ridiculous "breaker or parry" system in video games.

It's most popular to use a sword of some sort to "Parry" or "Break". Exit being locked up with someone in a h-t-hand fight. In which case you "break!", regroup, then get back to it. Games that implement that whole process I always thought to have wasted space on it though. I would probably loathe the day MK did this.

That's all I got this go round. Tell me what ya think//other ideas///ect....
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11/15/2006 11:31 AM (UTC)
This one may sound weird, but bear with me.

What if, instead of MK8, we get an MK7.5? I don't mean redoing MKA (although that would hardly be a bad idea).

I mean something like MK: Tag Team.

Make a quick story about how on top of the mountain, Daegon and Tavin fought, both killed Blaze at the same time, and the god hood fell out in two halves, and suddenly everyone teams up to get at them.

The major benifit of this (outside of several dream teams being possible) is that since the game would be 100% non-canon, a what if dealy, they don't have to bother about the story. Instead, they can build the engine/graphics, get that working, and thus, when they do do MK8, they already have a solid base to start from.

But that's just an idea.
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11/15/2006 10:36 PM (UTC)
No need to say,but I'll say it: Predator your thoughts are preety awesome.

Don't sticky this thread.If theresa interest in it, it won't die.

Fatality idea :

When somebody perform the fatality combination, the camera will switch and we will be able to see whats happening from the victim's eyes.Tell me how kool is that?
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