Mk 7 is awhile off, but theres always ideas
posted12/01/2005 04:50 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/30/2005 09:16 PM (UTC)
I think that Mortal Kombat 7 should be a free, interactive world. It should be like Shaolin Monks but with your favorite character and no specific order to do the game. Heres the trick, when you fight someone it zooms into and scene like Dark allaince or deception. That way you can have both adventure, yet with a "one-on-one" syle. This could be a huge hit because Mortal Kombat is all about a characters life and style. If it really good, it might be able to go online.
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11/30/2005 09:25 PM (UTC)
"I think that Mortal Kombat 7 should be a free, interactive world. It should be like Shaolin Monks but with your favorite character and no specific order to do the game. It should even be online. You could play with a limited number of friends and play an adventure together."

-this is an online RPG. Midway can't make them.

"This could be a huge hit because Mortal Kombat is all about a characters life and style. They could also get a new character, a Ninja who discovers his powers with water. More of a stealthy character than others."

-and completely boring and unispired. We already have Sub-Zero why make a complete ripoff of him again in the game (ever heard about the comics character Hydro?), and the already brain addled Rain.

"He could be in the middle of Scorpion & Sub-Zero. This might bring a new favorite causing a better game thn expected."

-two character who are already beginning to wear off their wecome. besides the greatest rpoblem is that we alerady have at least 7 ninjas, why make another lackluster character?

My advice is to get back to Earth, and view MK as it is, a good atmospheric game what is a near-comlete failure gameplay-wise.
11/30/2005 09:45 PM (UTC)
no, no, and no.

When I used to play MK2, when I was a young boy (maybe just turning into a teenager at 13 years old), I thought the new concept of one on one fighting was very good.

While there is a time and place for everything, and we may always see action/adventure games, I think I speak for most of us when I say I am thirsty for a good one-on-one fighting games.

There is no other joy than testing youre skills against another character, and being faced with magical projectiles...nothing beats that! God bless MK!
12/01/2005 04:50 PM (UTC)
a big world like gta grin
would be cool
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