Mileena / Kitanas future! PLEAse read!
posted05/23/2005 01:38 PM (UTC)by
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Member Since
06/18/2004 10:57 PM (UTC)
Hey everyone! I wrote this lil thingy about what i think wud be cool for future stories for Mileena and Kitana (sorta) The begining is like what happened in deception and then what COULD happen and how cool it would be! I really hope u like it and yur opinions and ideas are ALWAYS welcome ok, smile
Enjoy, and i hope all u MILEENA and Kitana fans LIKE IT!

Mileena had always been a loyal and powerful assassin. She did what her masters told her to do, but why wasn't she ever rewarded? Couldn't she atleast be queen of Edenia? Now that she was posing as her clone,Princess Kitana and leading one of the most powerful armies in out world and Edenia, it was her perfect, if not only chance to get what she wanted. She was deceiving everyone except Baraka since he knew the truth about her charade. She lead her armies against Baraka's and was going to hunt him down so that no one will ever know about her deception. Baraka got furious about what Mileena had done to him and he knew she was after him. Baraka knew that Mileena was a powerful warrior so Baraka sent another Tarkata to fight her. Mileena met with the Tarkata in the Ancient Beetle Lair, but the Tarkata was no match for Mileena. Mileena killed the Tarkata thinking it was Baraka, and returned calmly to the Edenian Throne. Baraka knew about Mileena's victory and he was called by Onaga. Onaga asked why Mileena was not doing as she was suppose to (send the army the wrong direction) but Baraka had no answer. Onaga then ordered to kill Mileena for being a traitor and to bring her dead corpse to him as proof. Baraka had no problem with it. When Baraka arrived in Edenia, he found Mileena sitting in the throne. They both had a violent argument about the passed, present and future. They both fought inside the palace, but Mileena was the winner. She however didn't kill him. She instead tied him up in a prison where no one would ever find him. She still had feelings for him. Mileena found out that Kitana was out of Onaga's control and Kitana, Sindel and Jade were on their way back to Edenia. Mileena's "dead corpse" also hadn't been taken to Onaga. She had two problems to worry about. What was she going to do when they find out about her deception, and will Onaga personally come looking for her? She had the perfect plan that would let her rule Edenia and get her revenge on Kitana. Mileena ordered warriors to surround the throne room. When Kitana, Jade and Sindel arrived to Edenia, they were shocked to see Mileena alive and to see how disrupted Edenia was. Mileena ordered the warriors to tie up Sindel and Jade on top of a pit of spikes and she challenged Kitana in Mortal Kombat! Mileena's fury and anger against Kitana lead her towards a victory. Kitana also had the disadvantage because she didn't really know what was going on. Mileena got the beginning of her revenge against Kitana by stabbing two sais on her stomach. Sindel and jade were devastated to see Kitana dead on the floor, but they couldn't do anything because if they did, they would fall into the pit of spikes. Mileena then dressed up Kitana in her own purple costume and put a viel on her. She ordered a tarkata to take her dead corpse to Onaga. Onaga was convinced that Kitana's dead body was Mileena, so he immediately burned the body up where it would never be retreived. Kitana's soul then drifted away. Mileena's destiny was finally achieved. Kitana was dead, Sindel and Jade were soon to die, Onaga didn't know Mileena was alive and she was ruler.......dictator........tyrant........Queen of Edenia. She would transform Edenia into a horrible place and it would never be beautiful again!!!!

Some time passed or something that can be going on in MK7, along with stuff on top....

Edenia was a horrible realm! People were dying, buildings were destroyed. It was just how it was when Shao Kahn invaded it! Mileena was a bad leader and she was furious because someone rescued Sindel and Jade from the pit of spikes. Mileena had no idea where they were at. Kitana's soul also wasn't gone forever and there was a new ruler. Shao Kahn had returned and taking Edenia was on the top of his list. Mileena's formal ally Shao Kahn was now her enemy. There was a new threat so Mileena had to make a new army. Her army fought against Shao Kahn's and some Earth Realm armies but the Edenian Army suffered many casualties. Baraka also escaped from his prison and was now working for Shao Kahn. Her army was doing horrible so she had to retreat. She tried to escape from Edenia and hide, but she was attacked by Sindel, and worst of all, next to Sindel was Kitana's ghost. During her fight against Sindel, Shao Kahn and Baraka appeared. Shao Kahn took Mileena, and Baraka took Sindel. Sindel was left, but Mileena was suffering at the hand of Shao Kahn. Mileena begged for mercy and she asked Baraka for help, but there was no hope. Shao Kahn challenged Mileena in a fair battle, but Mileena was humilated and killed at the hand of her "step father" Shao Kahn. Mileena's dead corpse was left lying on the ground. Since Mileena WAS a clone of Kitana, Kitana was able to use that body as her own. Ktiana's body was gone/burned forever, so Kitana took Mileena's dead corpse. Now Kitana was "alive" but in Mileena's former body. Now Kitana will have the face Mileena had, and will suffer what Mileena did all those years. However Kitana had to proove to others that she is not Mileena, and she still had to get her realm back the way it was!!!!!
11/09/2004 05:54 AM (UTC)
...........................n e thots........i feel so stupid.............
About Me

11/09/2004 11:32 AM (UTC)
dont feel stupid!! its really good!
I enjoyed reading it!!!!

but I wish Mileena AND Kitana will always be both alive in MK...
I love their storys
11/09/2004 01:55 PM (UTC)
its really a very creative and nice story...but I do hope it wont come true...seeing kitana with that ugly facesad
11/10/2004 12:14 AM (UTC)
yea thanx for yur suggestions, and personally i wud also hate to see mileena gone, BUT the reason that i liked it was because Mileena died with her revenge fulfilled.....Kitana wud be alive, but her realm is messed up, and her face is UGLY! So Kitana got that as payback......and now we have Kitana still in the game and memories of Mileena with Kitanas new face....get it? So it all works out! ( i love Kitana and Mileena, and i think seeing Kitana ugly wud be a cool twist and will really emotionally hurt her)
11/10/2004 02:45 AM (UTC)
u did a great jod loved it, just the part where meelina dies is something i wont want to happen, its ok for kitana to die i never really liked her, people should make more threads like this also with other characters
but i really like the characters meelina and baraka so u got me hooked on ur gonna read it againgrin
11/10/2004 02:55 AM (UTC)
Yeah, GRREAT JOB EdenianNinja... Takes a lot of creative juices, and patience, to write such a story.... Tru tho, I don't want the 2 to die, that would be tragic. Write more!!! smile
11/10/2004 03:28 AM (UTC)
OMG! thanx so much yur replies mean a lot to me (sniff sniff) but yea, I really DONT want Mileena to die (shes my FAVORITE chacter) i was just doin it like that assuming that mk7 wud be the last fighting game, but i definately love mileena more than kitana.........i wasnt goin to make mileena die, but then i thot of how kitana wud suffer, and i liked it....and in a way, mileena will still be there, haunting Kitana everyday she woke up.....kinda like the green goblin...sorta......

and i like it becuz it creates tension with Kitana....maybe her formal allies wont believe that shes kitana and they think shes mileena, so thats going to create another problem.........kitana will probably be left an out cast.......and suffer wat mileena suffer so many years....get it??
11/10/2004 12:57 PM (UTC)
I wonder if someone with so much evil in her, can suffer in a way some of you think mileena suffered..she is evil, always has been...evil guys like shao kahn and shinnok and quan chi don't suffer emotionally like good people do...they dont feel mercy nor remorse...they dont have a why should I feel sorry for mileena?she hates kitana, wants to kill her lover and ruins realms...Kitana has had her part as well..I would like to see kitana happy next time
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-Prepare for the Next Generation of Mortal Kombat

11/10/2004 03:00 PM (UTC)
haha, not bad... i liked the ending a lot but i think the process on how it happened could have been better...

yeah and i agree i hope neither of them die but it would be quite cool if what you made up came throught

all in all, great job, dude!
11/10/2004 07:06 PM (UTC)

Im not lying. I thought it was pretty creative like someone said. It was entertaining to read.

I liked how you killed Kitana grin, but I was sad to see Mileena die at the end. sad But I have to congratulate you for such a great ending!

I liked the idea of Kitana suffering all that Mileena suffered because of her face, and now, she has to go through the same hell and understand Mileena for the first time.

Good job.

11/11/2004 12:59 AM (UTC)
thanx for all the nice things, and no problem...i like hearing yur replies (even if they are negative) but so far ive been super happy........

and i think mileena has suffered emotionally, i know shes evil but i can tell she has an emotional side......thats one reason she hates Kitana, because she is jealous...she even said that in her MK gold ending (i want your status bla bla bla) and like wen kitana went against kahn in MK2, how do u think mileena felt? She probably felt like they had stabbed her because all those years she had wanted wat Kitana had, and then all of a sudden, kitana turns mileena has a lot of anger towards kitana.....and i think some of it is emotionally.........

if u guys have any ideas of how the story can be better, go ahead and post yur way!
11/11/2004 01:18 AM (UTC)
I lost track on MK story as MK3 came out.
11/11/2004 07:46 PM (UTC)
Well, the ghost part was probably the only thing I didnt like. Too many resurrections, too much like Liu Kang ghost...
About Me

Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

05/19/2005 09:34 PM (UTC)
Kitana just needs to kill Mileena and Edenia will live happly ever after the end! (probley Edenia will still be attacked by Shao Kahn)
05/23/2005 01:38 PM (UTC)
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