Midway Wasted their time making mk vs dc universe?
posted05/13/2010 05:43 AM (UTC)by
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05/03/2010 08:35 AM (UTC)
i think they did because mk is not mk without a lot of blood and the fatalites and heroic brutalities were just lame.

05/09/2010 07:17 PM (UTC)
mussi111 Wrote:
i think they did because mk is not mk without a lot of blood and the fatalites and heroic brutalities were just lame.

Too bad they didn't waste their time. They've been wanting to do a crossover game for a while. Not to mention, it was one of the best selling games so far.
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05/09/2010 08:11 PM (UTC)
im gonna LOSE IT if one more person calls that a bad game or a waste in any way. for F*** SAKES! just kidding.

lmao. In all realism though. That game is really good in terms of gameplay. The only exploits I really seen were with characters that they have enver made before. The MK side of things were perfect other than the gor and blood IMO.

If MK9 is MKDC with blood and gore, 12-15 more characters, secrets and a solid story, more combos and kombo challanges, just step back and watch at how good it is.
05/09/2010 08:12 PM (UTC)
Not to mention the best pure fighter since mk3
Adam Ronin
05/09/2010 11:09 PM (UTC)
And not to mention this topic has nothing to do with the thread theme. Put this in the MKvDC thread.
05/09/2010 11:59 PM (UTC)
I always looked at this game as MK's answer to Street Fighter vs. X-Men. The game was fun and it was a bit campy for my tastes but overall a fun game. I found myself picking the Joker and Batman for the most part. The only irks that I had about the game was that rage meter and system, it made me feel like everyone was on some serious roid rage in that game. Another thing that I wasn't too fond of was not having Cage, Kung Lao, Mileena and Reptile in the roster on the MK side, those characters are very iconic in the MK Universe and there was no mention of them at all.
05/10/2010 03:12 AM (UTC)
Mk vs Dc was one of my Favorites, I really enjoyed all the superheros/villains they picked, and the story was pretty good to. I honestly had no complaints with this title, and people definitely need to stop giving it a bad rep. My only regret is that I sold it for Soul Calibur 4. :/ I'll buy it back though...

05/10/2010 03:30 AM (UTC)
Shaggsta Wrote:
Mk vs Dc was one of my Favorites, I really enjoyed all the superheros/villains they picked, and the story was pretty good to. I honestly had no complaints with this title, and people definitely need to stop giving it a bad rep. My only regret is that I sold it for Soul Calibur 4. :/ I'll buy it back though...


Bad move. I definitly prefer mk vs dc over soul calibur 4.
05/10/2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
kingjolly Wrote:
Shaggsta Wrote:
Mk vs Dc was one of my Favorites, I really enjoyed all the superheros/villains they picked, and the story was pretty good to. I honestly had no complaints with this title, and people definitely need to stop giving it a bad rep. My only regret is that I sold it for Soul Calibur 4. :/ I'll buy it back though...


Bad move. I definitly prefer mk vs dc over soul calibur 4.

Eh, it's arguable.
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05/10/2010 03:00 PM (UTC)
The purpose of the game was to make money which the studio needed badly.

There is no stylistic background to this. They make MK for income, nothing else. Do not assume otherwise.
05/10/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't say they wasted their time, because they wanted to experiment with what they could do. From the little bit I played of MK vs. DC, it was fun, and there were some gameplay aspects that I liked. However, I think that MK still needs to step up and make a great game that will bring a renewed interest in the series.
05/10/2010 03:49 PM (UTC)
Come on: huge buzz, one of the best selling MK game and a relationship with WB, which made WB Games Chicago and MK9 possible.
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05/10/2010 05:21 PM (UTC)
I think the timing was bad and the idea itself not a very appealinjg one, at least for me. Was it a waste? HELL YES! Just IMHO, though.
05/10/2010 06:30 PM (UTC)
[quote]The purpose of the game was to make money which the studio needed badly.

There is no stylistic background to this. They make MK for income, nothing else. Do not assume otherwise[/quote]

[quote]Too bad they didn't waste their time. They've been wanting to do a crossover game for a while. Not to mention, it was one of the best selling games so far. [/quote]

Yes, yes, that's great. So all the gay little superman and batman fanboys got their fix, and ed boon made a ton of money and everyone was happy and dancing in the street, squealing and wetting their pants, except for the fans of mortal kombat, who got dumped on with no regard to their considerations. I'm a big soul calibur fan (Shaggsta you did the [i]right[/i] thing let me tell you), I've played since Soul Blade, just like I've played MK since the first, and I hate Namco for doing the same damn thing to that franchise with first Link, then Spawn, then f***ing STAR WARS. Seriously, WTF?

I don't begrudge a company the right to make money. Without it, there'd be no games, sure. But they've changed the entire premise of the game just to get a few more bucks. That, my friends, is the very definition of "selling out," and I think we can all agree that that's a [i]bad[/i] thing.

So what do we expect in the future? Well, Midway (or whateverTF they're calling themselves now) wants to make the BIG BUCKS right? So lets see, I hear the teletubbies are pretty popular. MK vs teletubbies? That would pull in the 5-10 year old demographic AND the MK fanbase! WIN WIN! Wait a second though, guys, wait... Guys, I just got the best idea... Guys listen to this. Guys... SANDRA BULLOCK as a playable character. She's super popular with the chick-flick watching crowd, she'll bring in tons of woman gamers, put her in and maybe Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston and you'll have the biggest selling game of all time!

Wait, what? That doesn't stay true to MK's concept? What? What are you on about you commie bastard? We're trying to make MONEY here! Who gives a crap about concept and theme and we SURE don't care what the MK fans think about it. They're small potatoes compared to the millions of Sex & the City fans. All that matters is the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. So are you listening Boon? You better be, cuz I'm just handing you this idea sure to make you a millionai... well, [i]more[/i] of a millionaire than you already are.

I look forward to a MK9 for the "casual" gamer, cuz that's where the money's at. Right?

tl;dr: The guys I quoted above, [b]GTFO[/b]
05/10/2010 07:35 PM (UTC)
unseenwombat Wrote:

I'm laughing at your entire rant... So what if they made a crossover game, they're making a mature rated Mortal Kombat game are they not? Get over the fact that they made one crossover game. This might be the only crossover game they'll be making for a long time. You're rant is hilarious though. grin
05/10/2010 10:03 PM (UTC)
Unseenwombat is a fuck nut. Not gonna bother pointing out why, just like you didnt bother to explain why mkdc was a waste
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05/11/2010 03:09 AM (UTC)
unseenwombat Wrote:

Tripe not fit to quote

Christ. Times like that, I almost wish I was still a mod here. Skull points would be necessary.

MKDC was far from a waste of time. It had a combat system very nicely polished up from MKDA/D/A's - which, granted, still needs a bit of work - a decent cast of fighters from the MK side expected to appear in a crossover game, and DC characters who finally got their long overdue chance to be in a decent fighter. Its downfalls were unnecessary in-battle minigames, and the lack of decent fatalities.

The only people crying and raging over it - see above - are those who play MK strictly for the gore, which is bewildering, as there's games out there that do blood and guts way better. MKDC was good times.
05/11/2010 11:51 AM (UTC)
unseenwombat Wrote:

lol grin

I can't help but be honest and say that I think MK "8" would have been an awesome game had DC been left out. That way all the violence could have been there. Less time would have been wasted consulting WB and more time could have been put into the game content and whatever else they needed to make it a real Mortal Kombat.

The first Next Gen MK game just had to be a damned crossover and let down a handful of fans. MKvsDC is the only MK game that I've played with only 2 characters. The only exception was story mode. I really don't care for the game to even play all the MK characters and learn the moves, do the fatalities, or anything. I think MKvsDC kind of killed the childhood fan in me.

I expect the MK team to redeem themselves with MK9 and MK10 (which I hope they call MKX - roman numeral)...
05/11/2010 02:38 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:

Says the person who has Sonya's ending picture from that game in the signature... Just saying.
05/11/2010 03:05 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:

Says the person who has Sonya's ending picture from that game in the signature... Just saying.

Yeah numb nuts, it's called google image searching my favorite character. Do you think I could give two flying shits where the image came from?
Just saying...

If you can't make a real point, then don't reply at all. But I'm sure now you have to defend your almighty forum glory and pull something out of your ass in your next reply.
05/11/2010 03:17 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:

Says the person who has Sonya's ending picture from that game in the signature... Just saying.

Yeah numb nuts, it's called google image searching my favorite character. Do you think I could give two flying shits where the image came from?
Just saying...

If you can't make a real point, then don't reply at all. But I'm sure now you have to defend your almighty forum glory and pull something out of your ass in your next reply.

No need to get testy, it was a fucking joke... I was just saying that I find it funny that you have something from MKDC despite you think it was a waste of a game. grin
05/11/2010 03:26 PM (UTC)
I find it incredible and amusing that there actually still are some resented and stubborn fans who insist that MKvsDC was a waste.

assasSINister Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
assasSINister Wrote:

Says the person who has Sonya's ending picture from that game in the signature... Just saying.

it's called google image searching my favorite character.

And what a fantastic signature picture that is! I thought you made it yourself, assasSINister. I love the artistic pink glow all over it. It's really really nice. And yeah, Sonya being in it makes it perfect. smile
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05/11/2010 03:32 PM (UTC)
Having only played MK vs DCU once, I can say it was pretty decent. Though it wasn't the MK game I expected, I view it as a testing ground for the next game. It's sort of as MKDA was to MKD where a new engine was designed and tested and then they expanded upon it in the next game. It's highly likely the next MK game will feature combat similar to MK vs DCU and if so, it will hopefully be greatly improved.
05/11/2010 03:33 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
I find it incredible and amusing that there actually still are some resented and stubborn fans who insist that MKvsDC was a waste.


What Shadaloo said was right... Those who are constantly bashing against this game, saying it was a waste or it sucked only said it because of the lack of gore...

But, for those saying that this game sucked, answer me this... Would the game be better if they did allow the fatalities to be like they are in the MK series in this game? The amount of gore that was featured in the previous games be featured in this one? To be honest, I think it would have made the game sucked. Yeah, it really would. "Oh I'm gonna finally decapitate Superman!" Yeah, makes perfect sense...
05/11/2010 03:38 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
No need to get testy, it was a fucking joke... I was just saying that I find it funny that you have something from MKDC despite you think it was a waste of a game. grin

My bad sad

queve Wrote:
And what a fantastic signature picture that is! I thought you made it yourself, assasSINister. I love the artistic pink glow all over it. It's really really nice. And yeah, Sonya being in it makes it perfect. smile

I did make it. I googled sonya, found her ending picture, used paintshoppro's "colored edges" thingy and tried to get rid of most of the green with the hue map.
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