martial arts styles in mk 8
posted04/17/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/22/2006 04:23 PM (UTC)
here is something that has seriously pissed me off in mk's since mk:da; most of the moves of the fighting styles are made up or misplaced. even some martial arts were made up. for instance: ermac had choy lay fut in deception, while noob saibot had monkey, havik/shang tsung had snake, shujinko mantis etc. when actually choy lay fut is the five style kung fu consisting of the five animal styles including monkey etc. liu kang in deception had jun fan. JUN FAN!!! that's the real name of bruce lee. for fu*k's sake! wing chun utilised kicks when wing chun is a martial art EXPLICITLY and ONLY utilising hands. escrima is a filipino martial art that uses sticks, but you can see dairou and quan chi throwing knees and sh*t like anyone. there's more stuff like this but... i think you get the point.

i played tekken 5. dont get me wrong - i LOATHED tekken before. but once i played the 5th sequel it blew me away. why? not because of the story or the characters - the characters suck btw(with the exception of kazuya and new feng wei), but because it was all valid martial art. excellently implemented, looking powerful and strong like it should.

i played mk since i was a little twerp and that was mk 1, and it seriously bummed me out to see my all time favorite game with the greatest and most powerful characters ever made, pushed aside by this anime crap because of this one reason: martial arts and their validity (and aesthetics of course). oh and dont get me wrong. i loved mk da and mkd, armagedon sucked but thats another story. they're all highly playable and enjoyable.

to sum it all up (this is the most ive written on any board in my whole life in one message so i hope someone reads it and replies), i really think they should work on the fighting styles and mocap. really one fighting style per character is more than enough (not including weapons) if they're valid and accurate.

ps sorry if this kind of thread already exists. opinions?

03/28/2008 03:28 AM (UTC)
Sounds to me like you need to play Tekken more and leave MK alone.
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03/28/2008 08:49 AM (UTC)
Retainer Wrote:
liu kang in deception had jun fan. JUN FAN!!! that's the real name of bruce lee.

And he also named the collective system he devised as Jun Fan gong fu.

And Choy Li Fut has much more elements than the five basic shaolin animals. And it is a southern style as I recall, not having much to do with the long styles of the north. Like shaolin. Example: White Crane has nothing to do with the five animal patterns Tibetan Lion has nothing to do with tiger or panther styles. Wing Tsun uses feet, and legs. Wing Tsun is not hand exclusive. All weapon styles incorporate unarmed combat in their repertoire. The samurai had jujutsu, the knights had kampfringen, the phillipino have escrima. Escrima and Silat are universal names given to a defined art of fighting with one common denominator. And that is not the weapon exclusiveness.
03/28/2008 03:36 PM (UTC)
I'll try to clear some things up. Some of what I'll be saying is stuff that Chrome already brought up, but I'm going to repeat and slightly elaborate as well.

I'd say that amongst MKDA, MKD, and MKA, MKDA does the best job in terms of martial arts accuracy. There were styles that had the basic jist of it done right (e.g. Snake, Pi Gua), but there are faults of the fighting system that stopped it from being more accurate (movements could have been more fluid). There were some styles that were done horribly (e.g. Baji Quan, Shuai Chiao, Sambo).

Choy Lay Fut is not the "five style" Kung Fu, but it does contain the five animals as well as Luohan Chi Kung. I don't think that Monkey is one of those five animals, but I might be wrong. Then again, you might be thinking about Fut Gar since it uses Monkey instead of Dragon. Choy Lay Fut is a Southern Chinese martial art that is derived from two Southern styles (Choy Gar and Li Gar) and one Northern style (Fut Gar), so it has both a Southern and a Northern influence.

As Chrome stated, Bruce Lee had created a style called Jun Fan, which is in actuality his expression of Wing Chun while drawing influences from other martial arts styles. Speaking of Wing Chun, you're mistaken when you said that it's all about using the hands. That's not true. It does use kicks, but Wing Chun's specialty is with hand-trapping techniques, that's all.

Escrima/Eskrima can refer to MANY Filipino systems of combat. It's pretty much a blanket term like Karate, Silat, and Jujutsu. As Chrome put it, there is a common demoninator with the different Karate styles or with the different Jujutsu styles. It's an interesting way for him to put it, and I more or less agree with it. There are Filipino styles that do contain unarmed combat (e.g. Pekiti Tirsia Kali).

Getting into Tekken, it's actually a favorite fighting game series of mine. I like several of the characters, but I don't really pay much attention to the story. About the martial arts in Tekken, it's not 100% accurate.

For example, the "Manji Ninjutsu" style that Yoshimitsu and Kunimitsu use is made up. For a Shinobi Mono to go into a battle doing high spinning kicks would be extremely stupid and illogical.

Another example is with Jin Kazama. In his Tekken 4 story, he discards the Mishima style of Karate and adopted traditional Karate as his style (which, if I'm not mistaken, is referring to Okinawan Karate). First off, there's no specifics as to whether they're talking about Shorin Ryu, Goju Ryu, or another Okinawan style. Secondly, his fighting stance is exactly the same as it has been since his debut in Tekken 3. And lastly, from what I understand, his new style is still based off of Kyokushin, a Japanese style of Karate.

Also, there are certain absurdities such as Feng Wei's style being "Chinese Kenpo" while Law's style is "Martial Arts". Then we have Bruce Irvin, whose style is clearly Muay Thai, but yet they simply refer to it as "Kickboxing".

But overall, Tekken does do a better job with the martial arts accuracy than MK does. The most prominent example is with Tae Kwon Do, which Hwoarang and his teacher, Baek Doo San, use. Their TKD is far better captured than Sonya's is. If we take a look at the Judo techniques that are part of Paul Phoenix's style, they are much better than the Judo techniques used in MK.

I love the fact that MK uses martial arts styles, and I'd like to see the usage of them return. So despite the errors you made in your post, your overall point is more or less valid, because I'd like to see many more moves per style and much better fluidity and accuracy in them.
03/28/2008 06:37 PM (UTC)
well i guess i did made some errors in my post... but anyway subzero 7th got the point.

as for outworld 222, i guess you missed the part in my post where i praised mk, but anyway i'm gonna repeat it: mk is my favorite game franchise ever.

but back on subject, yes feng has chinese kenpo, it is somewhat absurd since lei has the five style kung fu. but i just checked for that now cause before it seemed so plausible that i didnt have the need to check. my major point is that a lot of fighting styles in mk seem alike, clumsy, some of them are inaccurate or wrongly spelled (valE tudo). i just wanted to point out that i'd like midway to pay special attention to this in the future. agreed? that's all thanks for the general info. cheers
03/28/2008 07:00 PM (UTC)
What i find hilarious is how in the MKDA making of video they say they really wanted to focus and get the martial arts as authentic as possible. I love MK (manily the early games and story), but the current crop of developers are a fucking joke. Boon either lost his touch or never had one and once Tobais left he was hopeless.
03/28/2008 09:37 PM (UTC)
Retainer Wrote:
well i guess i did made some errors in my post... but anyway subzero 7th got the point.

as for outworld 222, i guess you missed the part in my post where i praised mk, but anyway i'm gonna repeat it: mk is my favorite game franchise ever.

but back on subject, yes feng has chinese kenpo, it is somewhat absurd since lei has the five style kung fu. but i just checked for that now cause before it seemed so plausible that i didnt have the need to check. my major point is that a lot of fighting styles in mk seem alike, clumsy, some of them are inaccurate or wrongly spelled (valE tudo). i just wanted to point out that i'd like midway to pay special attention to this in the future. agreed? that's all thanks for the general info. cheers

I'm sorry that I didn't elaborate on the Chinese Kenpo thing. The reason why I mentioned that as an absurdity is because Chinese Kenpo is one of the many, many, many broad terms to refer to Chinese martial arts. It doesn't tell us which Chinese martial art he's using. I mean...his fighting stance and some move of his moves sort of like Bajiquan, but then there are some other moves that are probably Shaolin-influenced (which Shaolin styles it may come from).

With Lei Wulong, he uses the 5 animals and a bit of Drunken Fist. You brought a good point about some of the styles in MK being spelled wrong. That's a bit of an issue for me as well. Another one that's misspelled is Ninjutsu. They spell it with "jitsu", which is wrong, and it's strange that they used that spelling considering they spelled Jujutsu correctly.

Carlos Pesina is the main guy that does the motion capturing, and he is a martial artist. He said that he has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, but it's kind of strange that the accuracy isn't as good as it could be. I hope this can be fixed with later MK games.
03/28/2008 10:44 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Carlos Pesina is the main guy that does the motion capturing, and he is a martial artist. He said that he has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, but it's kind of strange that the accuracy isn't as good as it could be. I hope this can be fixed with later MK games.

He sure has the figure of a martial artist dosen't he. And the Chinese Kempo thing with Feng Wei got on my nerves too. I don't know quite as much as say you and Chrome, but even my novice martial arts mind noticed that, its like when someone says i practice Kung Fu, i always wonder which kind, Kung Fu is such a broad term.

But as for the styles in MK8 and beyond, I personally think they need to up their technology on motion capturing and even their actors. Games like Tekken don't have flawless mo-cap, but its light years ahead of MK's robotic look.

Personally I think the major setbacks for the last couple MK games were, the childish graphics, and horrible fighting engine (I'm including the Mo-Cap in this). It's got a story and cool characters, fix the graphics and the engine and I think you've got a hit.
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03/29/2008 12:48 PM (UTC)
Pesinas martial art is mostly Five Pattern animals I guess. Probably they improvise certain style elements, as functionl things interlap in all martial arts. An arm lock is an arm lock in accurate historical wrestling and in judo.
03/29/2008 03:10 PM (UTC)
Desolate_One Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Carlos Pesina is the main guy that does the motion capturing, and he is a martial artist. He said that he has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years, but it's kind of strange that the accuracy isn't as good as it could be. I hope this can be fixed with later MK games.

He sure has the figure of a martial artist dosen't he. And the Chinese Kempo thing with Feng Wei got on my nerves too. I don't know quite as much as say you and Chrome, but even my novice martial arts mind noticed that, its like when someone says i practice Kung Fu, i always wonder which kind, Kung Fu is such a broad term.

But as for the styles in MK8 and beyond, I personally think they need to up their technology on motion capturing and even their actors. Games like Tekken don't have flawless mo-cap, but its light years ahead of MK's robotic look.

Personally I think the major setbacks for the last couple MK games were, the childish graphics, and horrible fighting engine (I'm including the Mo-Cap in this). It's got a story and cool characters, fix the graphics and the engine and I think you've got a hit.

my thought's exactly the same.

btw sub zero 7th - damn.... i thought i knew a lot about martial arts wow
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04/01/2008 11:52 PM (UTC)
According to the story mode of Tekken 5, the type of chinese kenpo that feng wei uses is the 'God fist' style, however if you complete story mode with him the scroll he is after says in his ending that it contains the secrets of 'Dragon fist' style depite what it says in his prologue.

Is this 'God fist' a real style or is it made up, I also have some knowledge of martial arts but I don't know whether this is a real style or not. It would help if someone like Crome or Sub-zero 7th could clarify this,
04/02/2008 12:57 AM (UTC)
Rajsingh Wrote:
According to the story mode of Tekken 5, the type of chinese kenpo that feng wei uses is the 'God fist' style, however if you complete story mode with him the scroll he is after says in his ending that it contains the secrets of 'Dragon fist' style depite what it says in his prologue.

Is this 'God fist' a real style or is it made up, I also have some knowledge of martial arts but I don't know whether this is a real style or not. It would help if someone like Crome or Sub-zero 7th could clarify this,

Oh right. That is what it says. I've never heard of the "God Fist" style. Chances are that it's a made-up style and that they drew influence from real Chinese martial arts styles into its creation.
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04/03/2008 05:49 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Rajsingh Wrote:
According to the story mode of Tekken 5, the type of chinese kenpo that feng wei uses is the 'God fist' style, however if you complete story mode with him the scroll he is after says in his ending that it contains the secrets of 'Dragon fist' style depite what it says in his prologue.

Is this 'God fist' a real style or is it made up, I also have some knowledge of martial arts but I don't know whether this is a real style or not. It would help if someone like Crome or Sub-zero 7th could clarify this,

Oh right. That is what it says. I've never heard of the "God Fist" style. Chances are that it's a made-up style and that they drew influence from real Chinese martial arts styles into its creation.

Just like Mishima style karate. What essentially is not bad at all in the Tekken universe overall.
04/03/2008 01:53 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Rajsingh Wrote:
According to the story mode of Tekken 5, the type of chinese kenpo that feng wei uses is the 'God fist' style, however if you complete story mode with him the scroll he is after says in his ending that it contains the secrets of 'Dragon fist' style depite what it says in his prologue.

Is this 'God fist' a real style or is it made up, I also have some knowledge of martial arts but I don't know whether this is a real style or not. It would help if someone like Crome or Sub-zero 7th could clarify this,

Oh right. That is what it says. I've never heard of the "God Fist" style. Chances are that it's a made-up style and that they drew influence from real Chinese martial arts styles into its creation.

Just like Mishima style karate. What essentially is not bad at all in the Tekken universe overall.

Right. I don't mind that either. I do kind of mind the "Manji Ninjutsu" style thought. They could have at least based it off of Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu or Togakure Ryu, sort of like how Mishima Ryu Karate is influenced by Kyokushin.
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04/04/2008 04:56 PM (UTC)
Cheers guys yeah I agree the mishima style karate looks pretty cool in the Tekken universe. Yoshi's style looks abit ridiculous though, they have changed his moveset for T6 he can now use 2 swords and his fists.

Another one that looks completely ridiculous and doesn't even try to look realistc is Lill's style. I don't know it that well but from what I've seen it looks pretty weird. It's only a game and at the end of day so its not so much of a big deal.
04/09/2008 10:31 PM (UTC)
the style I would love is coperia
04/09/2008 11:35 PM (UTC)
MK should be inspired by Tekken as much as possible.
04/10/2008 09:16 PM (UTC)
I did notice while playing MKDA (for the first time, so many years ago, that)

Quanchi's so called Tang Soo Do barely resembles anything from Tang Soo Do MA (which fyi i used to study about 10 years ago).

Sub Zero's Shotokan is quite distant from Shotokan aswell, they have some of the stuff correct like the force and strength but apart from that i see nothing similar (again i used to study this MA)

And as said Sambo in MK, is nothing like Sambo either :)

Wing Chun (which Dairou uses) i think is relatively close to what it resembles - i have never really looked too far into it, but the stance seems fairly right.

Recently i have been researching a bit about Shaolin Martial arts, my intention is to study in China for a few years once i finnish my degree. So i havn't studied it yet but from what i gather.

Xingyiquan is the Chinese Martial arts that deals with forms and such (translation is something related). And this includes 10 animals - which does include monkey) and also 5 element forms (metal etc).

To be honest i really need to buzz through the game quickly so i can tell you guys which resemble the actual art and which don't., but i know this has been bought up quite alot in the past on other forums. Unfourtunately my xblock is broken so i wont be able too mention any others.

04/16/2008 04:15 PM (UTC)
i think they shoul make the fighting engine similar to the movie "flashpoint" with Donnie yen.
in that movie were used a mix of MMa,Judo,jeet Kune Do,Karate and similar

i don't think thata characer needs a specific fighting style when he can mix it up:look at jason bourne he mixed FMA and JKD...
04/17/2008 06:00 PM (UTC)
nah the whole point of having tons of different MA is so the players get a different feel with each player.

Strength / Speed / Grapples / Combos/ Defence Etc

If all the characters used the same range of MA it would be a very bland game.

They just need to get each of the arts right.
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