Make your voice heard: A new MK versus game, MK with bonus characters or neither?
posted02/15/2009 02:18 PM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
In the January issue of Gamepro, Ed Boon essentially stated in an interview that he thought MK Vs could be its own stand alone series. Though he said that we haven't seen the last of the M rated MK games, he'd love to see MK vs Street Fighter, MK vs Tekken etc.

But would the MK fans buying these games prefer to see these games over what they have traditionally known?

I mean, Marvel vs Street Fighter was novel in its day, but one could easily argue that those games almost killed the SF franchise by delaying the release of SF3 to the point where no one really cared about the series anymore by the time it was finally released in arcades.

Maybe there's a middle ground.

Soul Calibur brought in bonus characters from outside the series in SC 4. Yoda, Darth Vader and the Apprentice appeared in SC4, as opposed to an entire Soul Calibur Versus Star Wars game.

Could MK follow in those footsteps and please MK fans while drawing in non MK fans? For example, no MK vs Killer Instinct, but maybe MK gets Jago, Orchid, Kim Wu and T.J. Combo for a game.

Would you rather have a versus game, we'll say, every other year, with regular MK games every other year as well?

Or would you rather scrap the whole versus idea and go with a more middle ground approach of having bonus characters that are written into the MK storyline?

Or would you rather not have ANY outside bonus characters or ANY versus games and simply go back to the way things were before?

I have no idea if anyone on the MK team reads these boards, but ya never know. Why not throw your 2 cents out there about this issue and let them see where you, as the consumer stand on the next MK game?
02/03/2009 04:12 PM (UTC)
Neither, I would rather have MK be the same game it's always been for the last 16 years.

Bonus characters are not that great, even if they have. Besides, I don't understand how they would somehow be apart of the story line either.

And... no more crossovers.
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02/03/2009 04:44 PM (UTC)
Oh no Icebaby, as dumb as it sounds, I'd be talking about integrating the bonus characters into the MK storyline. If you've played Soul Calibur 4, than you know what I'm talking about.

If not, well, Yoda and Darth Vader essentially travel to Earth (never mind the whole "long time ago" portion of the first words that appear on the screen in the movies) in search of Soul Edge and Soul Calibur, one to control the galaxy, the other to turn the tide in favor of the rebellion. Well, I think that's the story anyways. Haven't played it in a while.

But yeah, any bonus characters would, at least in my opinion, benefit from integration into the story. I think that it would be alot easier to bring a few outside characters into a main story than it would be to write a story about two worlds colliding (GAAHH THE RAAAAAGE!! lol, sorry, it's so lame I have to laugh).

Anyways, I think that all three sides have valid opinions on it, so while it's pretty obvious which way I lean, I'm curious to see what the rest of the MK community has to say.

Did MK vs DC show people that this type of series has potential and should become a new separate entity? Or would people rather see MK with a few cool outside bonus characters or would you rather just go back to the way MK was before and continue the storyline/make a new storyline in that universe alone?

Though I doubt it would happen, I'd love to see some members of the MK team check this out and really see what MK fans think now that MK vs DC has been on store shelves for a while and MK fans can now give final impressions not just on the game itself, but the idea of a MK vs series and the future of the MK franchise.

As I said in the title: Make your voices heard!!
02/03/2009 10:22 PM (UTC)
I'm going have to say no more crossovers or any "bonus" characters in the next MK game, because most people just want a good, pure, and true MK game. Not to say that MK vs DC was bad, because I actually kinda enjoyed it a little bit, it's just not what needs to happen next as of right now.
Ideally, I'd either prefer a full merge (If Midway bought out something) or no guests.

But if everyone is so desperate for a crossover, I'd best ask for a few guest stars.

Even more funny, MK vs MK. Gen 1 faces Gen 2.
02/04/2009 04:50 AM (UTC)
I'd rather just see MK games for now.

Leave the versus' games to Capcom, because they actually do it well.

02/05/2009 04:20 PM (UTC)
mk vs mk for now. but i like the idea for bonus characters to appear in mk. heres what i'd like to see as maybe characters if brought into mk9. akuma or blanka from street fighter with fatalitys, voldo, or inferno from sc series, a war gods character, bio freaks character, and killer instinct character.

why i picked blanka is maybe have a battle with raiden to see who haves
beter lightning moves. why i picked akuma is because he is a great bad guy to put up againgt kahn. why i picked voldo is for his unique moves and appearance that could be brought to the table. why i picked inferno is to see blaze go against inferno in a firey battle. war gods i like, bio freaks i like, killer instinct.

also on a side note, the last three titles i listed all have gore.
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02/05/2009 08:04 PM (UTC)
No more Versus games. Just MK thanks.
02/05/2009 11:29 PM (UTC)
I would love bonus characters, just maybe not console exclusives... I already feel cheated that the Wii got Khameleon in MK:A (I like her). But any added character(s) would have to fit MK's "feel." Like what about Dante from "Devil May Cry," Kratos from "God of War," or maybe even Drizzt Do'Urden from "Forgotten Realms"? Y'know, to name a few.
02/06/2009 03:21 AM (UTC)
I only want a mk game. No bonus characters unless it is SF characters. Now if Midway wants to have 2 teams at work, one on a vs game and one on mk only game then I am fine with that. The only thing that I don't want is the vs game to take away from development of the one true mk series.

Also Baraka407 I don't think that mk vs Capcom almost killed Street Fighter 3. What delayed SF3 was Capcom pumping out 3 or different upgrades to SF2. Not to mention SFA and SFA2 all of which came out before Sf3. SF vs Capcom was a new game entirely and was really fun. I don't know anyone that doesn't like that game.

Also SF3 took out a lot of the original cast of characters and didn't improve as much on the original engine. SF3 came out too late to really make as big of an impact as mk2 or 3 did. Those were the reasons it wasn't as well received I think. The arcade and fighting game scene was also starting to decline at the time SF3 came out. So I don't think you could actually easily argue that at all.
02/07/2009 02:04 PM (UTC)
No more crossovers ...and no stupid useless bonuse character .

MKvsDCU though was a great game .It is killing the series with many people ,sites calling it unworthy of holding MK name .

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02/09/2009 06:02 AM (UTC)
Thrawn, I agree with you about the arcade scene's demise having a huge effect on SF3. My point though, was that all of the versus games that came out as well as the spin offs (as you pointed out: the Alpha series and the various upgrades to SF2)delaying SF3 had a negative impact on SF3. Not simply because the timing turned out to be very bad for SF3 in terms of coming to arcades, I mean really, I seriously doubt Capcom saw the death of US arcades coming.

But think about it, if the MK team just spat out spin off games, upgrades and versus games instead of creating the next true Mortal Kombat sequel, you don't think that after, I dunno five to ten years or so, that would have a negative impact on the actual MK franchise as a whole?

That's all I was saying. I really enjoyed the versus games. I loved X Men in the arcade, as well as Marvel vs Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom and I absolutely loved Marvel vs Capcom 2. But the thing is, by the time SF3 actually came out, it was barely a blip on the radar for me. I simply didn't care about Street Fighter anymore because the actual stand alone brand had been out of the public eye for so long. It just became irrelavant.

You might disagree with me, but I think that about 80% of the appeal of Street Fighter 4 is nostalgia. Yeah, it looks great and I'm guessing that it'll play great as well. But I think that people are more psyched about it because it plays in 2D, it has all of the old favorite characters doing all of their old favorite moves and outside of a coat of paint, it essentially seems to be a modernized version of the old classic that people new and loved back in the day.

Personally, I never want MK to get to that point where it's riding nostalgia (some might argue it already has) and a new MK sequel is more of a novelty than a valid sequel to a still relevant franchise.

On that note, yeah, after Armageddon (Super Mortal Kombat Trilogy Hyper Champion Edition EX + Alpha) and now a versus game, I'd REALLY like to see a new MK game that's a sequel and not a compilation game or a versus game. So there, that's my vote lol grin
02/09/2009 07:09 AM (UTC)
No i agree 100% with you on SF4 Baraka407. It is all about nostalgia. It is the old game but with slicker graphics and 2d environments. I don't think that that is necessarily a bad thing either. It does have new characters but I think they are in the minority. I'm not sure about that though so don't quote me on it.

I also agree that the next game should absolutely be a true mk sequel. I was never really a fan of mk vs dc even though I really enjoyed it.

I just feel that they should really concentrate on the look of the game. I don't mean just graphics either. Concentrate on the game engine, fatalities, and the modes. I think that they should only throw in 3-4 new characters and concentrate on really getting them right. Then really flesh out the returning characters.

I don't want the mk team to stretch themselves too thin and over reach. Keep it simple.
02/11/2009 10:28 PM (UTC)
You already know where I'm a go...

This is the most anticipated crossover game in all world history!!!
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02/12/2009 06:11 AM (UTC)
No more crossovers...please.

My only acception would be for the only relative, common sense choice.

The 90's competition between Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter.

There were actual fist fights over this argument. As well as there still being a nicely backed debate from both sides on why each one is better than the other. So, I feel it's the only one that's appropriate. That's the only one I've been waiting for them to do, and I'll wait until they do that one to whole heartily accept any MK crossover.

Until then? I'm not interested in purchasing these sorts of things from MK.

I feel that the energy they'd be wasting on some of these other prospects could be better put to use solving internal issues with the game. I'd rather see them put more energy into making MK "next gen and beyond", rather than these other ridiculous crossover prospects. Y'know, bang out an awesome online experience instead of another crossover....make it a point to be known for exceptional Story Telling and the first fighting game that feels like we're playing through a life threatening nightmare...Or something! haha..

If they're gonna go for a series of things, build up the characters in the games. A couple of them are already propped up to accept series' anyway. They just need a little more intimate attention paid to them.

To tell you the truth, Mortal Kombat should be banking big time on the element of Terror right-now. I mean RIGHT NOW. lol

Seriously though, aren't we able to see the selling points of games like RE5? CoD4 & World @ War? and the like? It's terror, isn't it? Wait a minute, CoD: WaW has zombies IN IT for no apparent reason whatsoever. hahaha..

But, doesn't MK have wide shoulders in this area based on the mere premise of its consistent selling point? Finish Him? Fatality?

wth is going on? Why ask for, or expect anything less?
02/12/2009 11:39 AM (UTC)
We really do not have a say in the matter when it comes to this but if there were to be characters from other games than I would just go the SC4 route otherwise just make it an option in create a fighter or even DLC. But if it was my choice I would not have characters from any other game. glasses
02/15/2009 02:18 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind another crossover, but its not what the series needs right now. Give us MK8 first. If Midway (or whoever may pick up the franchise, given the company's current condition) makes another "MK vs" game, they should wait a few years, or at least hand it to a separate team and keep the normal MK games in production. Release MK8 and possibly 9 before making another crossover please.

That being said, of all the crossover fighters, MK vs Street Fighter is by far the best choice. Street Fighter II was one of Capcom's crowning achievements and obviously MK's biggest rival in the fighting game genre. With SF4 Capcom has finally dug this franchise out of the shit hole that it was buried in. Seriously, how many times can u remake the same game? There are 6, yes 6, different versions of SF2 and 3 SF3's, 3 SF Alpha's, not to mention a plethora of rehashed Marvel vs Capcom and Capcom vs SNK games. Ryu has had the exact same sprite since 1991 for god's sake (in this age he shouldn't be a sprite AT ALL!) For all the complaining I've seen about MK on these forums, Street Fighter fans have had it much worse.... whew. sorry about the rant. As much as I love MK i'm also a big Street Fighter fan. Anyway, yeah, Mortal Kombat vs. Street Fighter. Enough said.
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