who thinks u should have as much use out of a level as possble. In MK7 if you hit the ground ur body mark should be there.and if u get hit with a ice blast (maybe) the left over ice should be there till the next round.
I think maybe he means there was no pit fatality in it, even though there was one planned for it.
I would like to see levels more along the lines of the Lower Mines..with different areas to be knocked into and each area having a couple of death trap zones. One thing I would like to see is a little more creativity on the multi-tiered design. Especially when you played on Sky Temple/Tower. You got knocked from one level down to another that looked almost like a mirror image of what you fell out of. Granted there were two new danger zones, but that is about it. I would love to see something that looks a lot different, with different danger zones.
I hope MK7 levels have much more use in them. It would also be nice to see much more creativity in them. And I would also like to see Shang Tsung's palace back for MK7 with the same music from MKDA and the Soulnado as a death trap or stage fatality.