Lets talk DLC skins!
posted03/08/2015 09:12 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
Regardless of what you thought of INJUSTICE, NetherRealm really utilized the option of DLC skins well. I'd assume they'd do something similar for Mortal Kombat X, even though they've less of a grand universe to work with.

I have no doubt we're going to get some "classic design" packs for some of the characters; how they appeared in the original MK 1-3. I'd argue this is a bit of a given. So lets move on to packs that are less likely, but we'd love to have.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want a Deception Skin pack. I'm a Shred-Zero fan, and not ashamed of it. I'd be willing to spend good money for a Deception pack with Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Raiden.

So, what skins would you like to see?
Shred-Zero, and
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
an iced over version where Kuai Liang starts out in his default outfit, but freezes himself over like Ice Man, and busts out of it into an ice version of the Deception armor.

Some MK2/3 Outfits for people who aren't Ninjas this time would be cool.

MK1 Liu if he's in. Funny enough the other day I thought Raiden never had an MK1 callback and then we got the story trailer, but that's already in the game.

Some parent styled outfits for the next gen characters would be neat.
03/08/2015 10:34 AM (UTC)
Ermac's UMK3 or deception look. Anything more ninja looking.

Bald Kano. And with even more scars and damage and tattoos, the man is a goddamn survivor, show it!

If Rain makes it in, something much more MK9 looking. I hate his MKA look and I'm not really feeling his MKX appearance either. I Hate the hair, it looks like something Kitana would have. I like the royalty aspect of his costume though.

Shinnok looked awesome, but if they wanna give him a crazy MKA/MK4 colored alternate, that would be really cool too. Always thought the bright colors were such a great contrast for his overall character and just made him seem all the more evil and unique.
Edit: Not sure how I wound up repeating that post but this can be deleted
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03/08/2015 11:25 AM (UTC)
Big Trouble un Little china Skin Pack:

-Jack Burton Skin forma Johnny Cage
-Storm skin for Raiden
-Lo Pan sin forma Shang Tsung

Klassic skins forma the most iconic characters like the ninjas , Jhonny Café (I would love to see the MK1 skin again, the "Bloodsport" one.
Also I would love the most to have The MKDA skin for Kenshi, I think the new design look great, but you just cant top that design
03/08/2015 11:28 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I want a Deception Skin pack. I'm a Shred-Zero fan, and not ashamed of it.

It's my fave Subby look too and would love to see that costume as DLC.

Speaking of Deception, Ermac's primary, my favorite design in the entire series, is my #1 on the wishlist.

Also, alt costumes for DLC characters is a must this time!
03/08/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
I'd love to see Sub-Zero's Deception outfit too, as well as his Shaolin Monks one.
03/08/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
Fuck klassic skin packs, I hope they don't do them this time. Enough with the nostalgia. Deadly Alliance/Deception skins are acceptable though since this covers the near same time period as the Original Timeline , they would be cool.

But really I hope they move on! Do new and exciting skin packs, brand new costumes with and without themes like the whole Feudal Japan pack, that sounds like a good starting point. They don't ALL need to be canon or following a specific theme though, a couple of actual character based alts would be nice too.

Some interesting costume pack ideas just for fun:

Alt costume pack 1 (Seriously designed alt costumes)
Alt costume pack 2 (Seriously designed alt costumes)
Alt costume pack 3 (Seriously designed alt costumes)
Ancient Egypt pack (Everything below just for fun)
Ancient Rome pack
Superhero pack ( this would be really fun, Sub-Zero with a Z on his chest and a frozen cape lol)
Pirate pack
Western pack
Fairytale pack
Halloween Pack
Movie Pack
Easter Bunny Pack
03/08/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:St. Patricks day pack

03/08/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:Why.

I got rid of it because that's before the game's release date... But I had it on there because I imagined a Reptile costume with a green top hat, red beard coming out from under his mask and a a nice new green suit.

I may be drunk. grin
03/08/2015 01:46 PM (UTC)
They have to know Deception's Sub-Zero will sell well, so I hope they release it.

I think there is already a "feudal Japan" pack announced/leaked (we even saw what looks like Kenshi's feudal japan skin on the mobile trailer as the samurai-like guy has just 1 sword in his back like Kenshi), maybe they will come out in themes. I've heard you could buy Injustice ones separately or in packs (not sure here) so I don't know if all skins will have to follow the same theme as others (for example, pack of deception skins for Sub-Zero armor?) or we would see some of them individually.

To be honest, that armor is the only skin I really can think about my skins wishlists, they already have what I consider is the best looking Sub-Zero "ninja" outfit ever, and his maskless MK3-like costume is really cool too with the beard. The armor would be the icing on the cake.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

03/08/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Everyone needs a swimsuit alt. Or an alt where everyone is wearing Johnny Cage's sunglasses. That would be so based.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

03/08/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
Yeah I'm of the mindset that the DLC skins should probably go in new directions; possibly with themes. That said I wouldnt mind classic skins either.
Adam Ronin
03/08/2015 03:48 PM (UTC)
Honestly wouldn't mind seeing movie skins for Subz and Scorpz or maybe skins of their Legacy looks And YESSSS to a Shred Zero skin.
03/08/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
I am a sucker for the klassic costumes so any MK1-3 costume packs are always welcome in my book.

Now even though I don't really want it, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Legacy Skin Pack.

I also think there will be a revenant skin pack, or a revenant code similar to Injustice's zombie mode, the characters will probably just look like Kitana and Sindel did in the trailer.

Scorpion has to have his Injustice costume, idk if it will be sold individually or come free with an update like the MOS Zod skin but I think that will be in too.

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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/08/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Definitely muh Shred-Zero and Scorpion's MKDA alt. I'll exclude the "klassics" from this list. Even though I see that I'm already getting the biggie I wanted. (MK1 Raiden)

If they're in -

Noob's MKD Main or Alt
Baraka's MKD Main
Tanya's MKD Main

That's about it, really. Oh, aaaand.....

Nephrite Wrote:
Also, alt costumes for DLC characters is a must this time!

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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/08/2015 04:27 PM (UTC)
MKDA/MKD pack, esp Raiden's Samurai alt and Kenshi

Shaolin Monks pack- these are my favorite designs for everyone!

Ninja pack- I think it would be neat if there was a ninja-inspired skin for everybody. Raiden would look pretty natural, but imagine the special forces crew, they'd all get a SnakeEyes type Makeover.

MK4 pack- for Reptile and QuanChi, and if any others make the cut (Reiko, Tanya, Fujin, Shinnok)

03/08/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
Dark Raiden alternate is another id enjoy having.

03/08/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
I really want mk3 alts for the ninja

A deception pack would be nice with kenshi Mileena and sub

And please for gods sake just give the dlc some alternate love! Honestly for the price they charge for dlc they should at least come with one alternate
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/08/2015 05:57 PM (UTC)
I would love to see a "10 years of MK" skin pack for the original 7 featuring every costume those characters ever had. ESPECIALLY Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Must haves/see:
-MK1 Johnny Cage (Bloodsport)
-MK1 Liu Kang (also a Chong Li skin for the lulz)
-MK2&3 Jax
-MK3 Sonya Blade (Even if they did this one for Cassie it would be awesome)
-MK3 Kano
-UMK3 Ermac (for the love of God please!)
-MK4 Shinnok
-MK4 Quan Chi
-MKDA Scorpion (one of my favorite looks for him)
-MKD Sub-Zero (Shredder!)
-MKD Mileena
-Dark Raiden (reimagined)
-MKSM Sub-Zero
MK9 skin pack perhaps?

That's all I have for now. Great thread btw

03/08/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
Everyone needs to keep in mind that every skin pack only has costumes for three characters. You want source? Go look through Shaun Himmerick's twitter feed or go google, you lazy ass.

I would love a Deception pack because Sub-Zero and Mileena had awesome outfits in that game and I would love to see them revamped in HD. I guess Raiden would be the third since Dark Raiden will always be cool.
03/08/2015 06:06 PM (UTC)
MK4-MKD outfits.

I want my Sub Zero Deception outfit ;~;
03/08/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
I would love to see some Characters switch costumes.I would love to see Chi/Havik/Shinnok wear a nice suit n tie.I would like to see J.Cage/Jax/Sub in a nasty set of armor like Chi's or Shinnok(maybe minus the hat)
03/08/2015 08:05 PM (UTC)
I just want an MK3 pack for the cyborgs which I assume will come with dlc
About Me
03/08/2015 08:14 PM (UTC)
Bruce Lee Kang
MKDA Sonya primary
MK4 Alternate Liu Kang
MKDA Alternate Kitana
Tattered GI Kenshi
MK1 Kano
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