Lets discuss Scorpion...
posted08/14/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)by
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11/10/2002 01:53 PM (UTC)
I thought it would be nice to have a thread discussing just Scorpion and his character in MKX, and our ideas and theories about him. So let's go!

My input:

- Story:
We don't know the story yet, but we get a few glimpses here and there through the fight intros. So far I have only heard his banter with Sub-Zero, and it seems like they are back to hating one another. So is Scorpion back to square one?

I hope Scorpion will finally find peace in this game. We know from previous games that it was Quan Chi who's been manipulating the events of the past all along, so hopefully Scorpion will finally get his revenge on him and move past the whole revenge thing. It's been his main point since the first game and I'd love to see him evolve as a character, but it means he needs to get a new main point.

Honestly, I have little faith in NRS actually doing so, because alot of people seem to like the whole revenge thing and don't want him to evolve past that point. But personally, I'd like to see Scorpion get some new goals in his unlife. Since MKX's story is spanning over 25 years, there's plenty of time for that to happen.

- Appearance:
I liked how Scorpion's outfits in MKDA looked, as they seemed to represent his two persons, the main representing him as a Shirai Ryu ninja, and his alt representing him as a hellspawn spectre. But the outfits in the games after MKDA slowly turned him into looking like some kind of cartoonish and overly detailed plastic superhero of some sort. And his MK9 appearance was ridiculous as hell (pun intended).

His appearance in MKX is going back to his Shirai Ryu roots though. He looks ALOT better in MKX. He looks like an actual ninja (ignoring the obvious yellow, of course) with some demonic and dark, almost gothic touch to it. I really like his new outfit alot! Even the yellow in his clothes which is alot dirtier and less shiny than the gold-theme he showed in past costumes.

MKX seems to overall have that grittier look, and I quite like it.

- Gameplay:
I was a bit skeptical about the whole Variations feature at first, mainly because I prefer to have ALL the moves available for my character at once, but I have warmed up to and I can see the potential in it, giving the characters somehing different to work with.

Scorpion's three Variations are Ninjutsu, Hellfire and Inferno. Ninjutsu is all about the swords. Hellfire is all about the fire. And Inferno adds something new to Scorpion, giving him demonic minions to summon, attacking the opponent in different points of the stage. To me, it seems like they took what made Noob unique and gave it to Scorpion which I think is a bad move by NRS. If Noob isn't in the game, then people who like Noob's type of gameplay can choose the Inferno variation with Scorpion, so from a gameplay point of view, I can see why it would make sense. But in the end, it just makes Noob less unique now, because the thing that made him unique is now shared with someone else.

However, it could also be a point in Scorpion's story-development! Scorpion now having the power to control demonic minions COULD mean that he's gotten a new interesting point in his storyline which has yet to be revealed. It kinda reminds me of how he had his clan raised into undeath in MKA, something I found interesting and had alot of potential.

Anyways, Scorpion's other two Variations seem rather standard. Swords and Fire. Not very original, in my opinion, but I am a fan of dualwielding, so Ninjutsu would be the Variation for me if I had to pick one.


Please share your opinions, ideas and theories. ^^
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06/19/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is and always will be the top dog in mortal Kombat because of one thing he is immortal.furious
06/19/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
I do like Scorpion's look in this game, and I think that he'll be fun to play as for the most part. I think his weapon-centered style should have been called "Bikenjutsu" (Secret Sword Art/Skill) since he's using twin ninjato. I don't like that we're seemingly getting back to Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero, because I honestly want Scorpion's character and story to go in a new and exciting direction, kind of like what his story was like in MK: Deception before it got messed up in MK: Armageddon.
06/19/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
One of the best Scorpion looks in a long time. I enjoyed MK9's Scorpion when he came out, but it's just so busy. Scorpion might be the most ornate figure in the entire game, which is really kind of strange if you think about it. This is a major improvement. He actually has the vibe of a ninja rather than an action figure, and yet he still seems ghostly. I'm really pleased with it.
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06/19/2014 07:37 PM (UTC)
I agree with you almost 100%. I really like the look they chose for him. It's a little of a 'less is more' approach which really suits a ninja. I like that he uses two spears some of the time.. Not sure how I feel about him throwing fireballs now though.. I mean out of all the characters, HIM using fire makes the most sense, but I'm not sure it was a needed addition to his specials.

One thing I am not gung-ho about though, is what appears to be his story (yes I know we haven't seen much or any of it) But from the announcement trailer, and game play we have seen, it seems he is still fighting with Sub-Zero.. I would reallllly like this story to finally be wrapped up.. I'd really like some growth as a character or something new so they can move on... Let him be the Eldergods Champion, Let him Partner with Sub-zero instead of being enemies, let him kill Quan Chi and finally get peace for his family/clan.... Something needs to change in my opinion.

06/19/2014 07:48 PM (UTC)

lol Sorry I had to. Anyhoo, I very much doubt he would evolve anytime soon. He could easily just get the fuck over it, but the developers (i.e. fucking Boon) won't let him. I'm very much hoping he becomes something greater this time around.

As usual, his fighting styles don't really appeal to me. It's usually the same: fast punches, fiery kicks, and at least one sword. I wouldn't mind Scorpion having an element other than fire, or at least in addition to it. However, it'll always be there for the sake of contrasting with Sub-Zero.

A real shame indeed.
06/19/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
I would really like this character.

If it wasn't Boon's favorite...

I hope he has something original going on, I like his fighting styles but I do not like the fire/hell clones that help in his abilities, that is more for Noob Saibot.

I hope the vengeance between Sub and Scorp is laid to rest and that Scorpion is one of the Good-Guys again.

06/19/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I would really like this character.

If it wasn't Boon's favorite...

I would really like your opinion. If it had basis in logic...
06/19/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
No flaming, please.
06/19/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I would really like this character.

If it wasn't Boon's favorite...

I would really like your opinion. If it had basis in logic...

Again, did I attack you in any form? Did I go Tanya on you? No, so leave my (maybe alien to you) opinion about Scorpion alone.

I don't like characters that are overused, always in the spotlight and which make other characters appear as they aren't important.

I do like his design, his moves and his fatalities.
06/19/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
And that's fine, but what the hell does that have to do with Ed Boon. I don't care if you like Scorpion or not. It's pointing at the dude who is largely responsible for this great franchise and saying HE DID IT that is insane to me. It's almost like you're reveling in how absurd you sound.
06/19/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
I would really like this character.

If it wasn't Boon's favorite...

I would really like your opinion. If it had basis in logic...

Again, did I attack you in any form? Did I go Tanya on you? No, so leave my (maybe alien to you) opinion about Scorpion alone.

I don't like characters that are overused, always in the spotlight and which make other characters appear as they aren't important.

I do like his design, his moves and his fatalities.

ahem... hipster.
06/19/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
11 posts, and people are already at eachother's throats.
PLEASE stay on topic and keep the unnecessary flaming out of this thread.
06/19/2014 08:43 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
And that's fine, but what the hell does that have to do with Ed Boon. I don't care if you like Scorpion or not. It's pointing at the dude who is largely responsible for this great franchise and saying HE DID IT that is insane to me. It's almost like you're reveling in how absurd you sound.

Lol, even his own employees said it.

They asked a question to a guy working on MK X and asked him why Sub-Zero always dies in the Trailers against Scorpion.

Then the guy said Ed Boon was probably responsible for that cuz Scorpion was his love child.
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06/19/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
.....Sigh... and here goes another thread into pointless arguing... can we please just cut it off now and just accept not every will agree, and not everyone has to agree...
06/19/2014 08:46 PM (UTC)
In an effort to get back on topic, I think the new Scorpion looks excellent. Loving the toned down ninja garb, and his variations look like they're gonna be at least fun to try out.

Also, like everyone else, hoping his story goes beyond "revenge".

As much flak as he gets for being overused, Scorpion is in reality a likeable character. I always liked that he was more neutral than evil too. grin
06/19/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
And that's fine, but what the hell does that have to do with Ed Boon. I don't care if you like Scorpion or not. It's pointing at the dude who is largely responsible for this great franchise and saying HE DID IT that is insane to me. It's almost like you're reveling in how absurd you sound.

Um, that's actually, um... the point.

The fact that Scorpion is Ed Boon's favorite character is the prime reason for his longevity, and is also the most likely reason for his lack of story development.

Ed Boon cradles Scorpion like a two month-old baby, refusing to let him grow up. Honestly, I do think that if Scorpion wasn't Boon's favorite, he would either be in a much different position of development, or he would have descended after MK2.

So, yeah. He did it.
06/19/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
If you think Scorpion's place in the series is based on just one man, then you're insanely naive.
06/19/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
Let's Disuss Scorpion:

He sucks.

That is all grin
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06/19/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
*Looks at previous posts*
Well Scorpion's the most polarizing character, I'll give him that. And I have to agree, please for the love of God just kill Quan Chi once and for all. I hope it's early in the game too so that he can move on like he did in Deception. I feel like the end of MKDA/MKD had him steering in the right direction, and hopefully this game brings him back to that path.
06/19/2014 10:22 PM (UTC)
Looks: Scorpion looks awesome in MKX. Best look by far.

Gameplay: Looks fun and the variations are pretty diverse.

Story: Just kill Quan Chi already. Asshole has had it coming for years.
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06/19/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
Oh good, another thread in which people who assume to know what goes on at NRS pass wild theories and opinions as facts.

In an effort to at least try to be constructive, I'll provide my thoughts. Have to give Jaded-Raven credit for attempting to foster civil discussion, even though it hasn't worked thus far. Anyway, I digress.

Story - We don't know what his or anyone else's story is just yet. Let's wait and see what the team comes up with for him. What everyone who likes to yell "HURR DURR REVENGE" fails to understand or acknowledge is that the people he's wanted to even the score with over the years are people who have or who he has believed to have dicked him over. Those who would rather have him get over it clearly don't get that it's not Scorpion's nature to do that. Other characters, maybe, but not him. It's not like Scorpion has anything to lose by being so vengeful, anyway. He's already dead, his clan's been resurrected as hellspawns too, and we've seen in-story that whenever Scorpion isn't doing anything he's in the Netherrealm, whether by his own accord or not. Stop trying to change a character who isn't as bland and undeveloped as you (non-specific) think he is.

Appearance - This is certainly one of his best outfits to date. I agree with J-R that it appears that Scorpion is going back to his roots as opposed to the flashier, more adorned costumes he's worn in the past. I'm a big fan of the more minimalist approach and I'm really digging the hood, since it looks like it's a bit looser-fitting.

Gameplay - I'm not big on the variation system because I'd rather have everything at my disposal, but it is what it is. I do like that there's a weapon-based one in there and Hellfire sounds like it'll be more focused on special moves and flashy combos. The third one though, that I don't like. Scorpion's never been about minions outside of that one fatality he had in UMK3, where all the clones appeared. Think about the style of play that suits him, too. Scorpion has always been awful at turtling, he's never had the tools to do it effectively. Now NRS is potentially turning him into that type of character? Color me skeptical.

I'm going to key on one particular thing I saw here before I wrap this up.

Riyakou Wrote:
Anyhoo, I very much doubt he would evolve anytime soon. He could easily just get the fuck over it, but the developers (i.e. fucking Boon) won't let him. I'm very much hoping he becomes something greater this time around.

I see this opinion thrown around all the time but almost never with anything substantial in terms of how it can be "fixed" or something along those lines. Most of the time there isn't even a suggestion for what Scorpion should "evolve" into. They already tried this with UMK3, MK4 and MKD. In those games, Scorpion didn't have anyone to get revenge on at the start, and ended wanting revenge in two out of the three. In both cases, it was significant character development. In the former, he learns that he had been chasing the wrong man all along. In the latter, he decides he wants to try to bring down the Elder Gods. Dimensions were added to his character, whether you want to accept it or not.

Long story short, bring more to the table besides the usual "Scorpion's motivations should be scrapped because I don't like them" business. Post exactly what you would do to allegedly improve him. Put some effort in. If you've already done so elsewhere, link it and I'd be happy to take a look.
06/19/2014 11:30 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

Long story short, bring more to the table besides the usual "Scorpion's motivations should be scrapped because I don't like them" business. Post exactly what you would do to allegedly improve him. Put some effort in. If you've already done so elsewhere, link it and I'd be happy to take a look.

My personal thought, and probably the most logical option, had always been for Scorpion to exact vengeance and rest peacefully, but we know Ed Boon would never let that happen.

That is my biggest gripe with Scorpion, actually, that the wisest choice is the one that will never come. However, since there must be something else, I've also had an idea of Scorpion being an angel.

It would be nice if Scorpion became a soldier for the gods (not the Elder Gods, fuck them). In Scorpion's greatest moment of despair, Nightwolf could help him gain peace of mind, and Raiden could recruit him to serve the remaining gods as their enforcer.

He could be a being of light instead of fire. His colors shift from black and yellow to gold and white.

Scorpion wouldn't associate with the Forces of Light, but move as a single agent, handling missions on the gods' behalf. Who the mission comes from could lead to an interesting turnout, especially if there is a difference of opinion among the gods.

By the way, I've had this idea for many years, since around high school.

Should you ever decided to complain about something, you better have a solution, lest you be one hell of a hypocrite.
06/19/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)
Can you imagine how much people would freak out if Scorpion turned into an angel, changed his colors, and lost his hell fire moves, including his spear and catchphrase move??

I would take cover if that were to happen, haha.
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06/20/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
I disagree that people should have to state "their idea" for what Scorpions story should be... every one is entitled to their opinion and an opinion cant be wrong or right.. One opinion cant be more right than another... People have every right to be tired of Scorpions story, it hasn't changed much in 20 years.. I love Scorpion, but I'm bored of the Sub/Scorpion feud and would really just like scorpion to find the truth and kill Quan Chi... They have been dragging it out in one way or another since MK4..

So no, I don't have an idea for where his story can go from here, I'm just really bored with where they have gone with him and I know a lot of other people feel the same way... Netherrealm is getting paid to make this game, they are paid to think up story for characters... I've loved and supported MK since the beginning, and I don't mind paying for it, I would just be happier if they didn't continue to spoon feed us the same basic character story over and over..
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