02/10/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote: I mean, seriously, look at the new Kitana in comparison to her previous iterations, she looks pale and sickly, it's almost hard to believe that she can fight the way she does, she is clearly NOT in peak physical condition in MKX. What happened? Did she contract some kind of disease while in the Netherrealm? She looks like a cancer sufferer. I wonder why she decided to cover up all of a sudden, Is she afraid someone is going to notice her anorexia? Don't want her ribcage and sagging skin to show? Too much cellulite?

You do remember that she did die in MK9 story-mode right? They wanted to make her a little undead looking and that is probably why she looks pale and skinnier. In my view, she looks fine.
02/10/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
Funny thing : on neigaf forums the general audience complained about the lack of sexy attires in mkx.
Mkonline, on the other hand, hated those "almost naked" costumes mk9 had.

So, I wonder : will Ed Boon hear neogaf or Mkonline?
02/10/2015 03:15 PM (UTC)
I'm a big fan of the MK9 Female costumes...

sadly Ed probably listens to mkonline instead of neogaf sad

I thought NRS would laugh at the people who complained about Sonya's MK9 costume...but apparently now NRS are scared shitless and so we have:

Mortal Eunuch Nun Kombat sad

then one day ppl will complain about the violence for a change and will have the return of:

Moral Kombat confused

hopefully enough people will complain then your porn industry will be taken down, and all tv shows will be censored....

have a nice day!
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/10/2015 03:55 PM (UTC)
Captain_Chivalry Wrote:
bigger microphones and better Nazi-styled tactics
it will KILL the series
obviously lacks a spine and any real integrity

02/10/2015 04:03 PM (UTC)
Somebody is trolling.
Or just pathetic dickwielder.
Which is not surprising.
02/10/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Yeah it's pretty sad how people bend over backwards to accommodate their bullshit. I don't think mk or nrs is knee deep in it but it's only a matter of time. Many other developers are boarding that sinking boat of feels.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
02/10/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Just use your imagination and fap harder.

Or go play Dead Or Alive.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/10/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
I am sure there will be more revealing outfits for some of the females if it fits their tone. Probably Mileena and maybe Kitana. I do not think Cassie will for sure. Probably fan-service. I would not worry too much although it is being toned down from MK9 which I agree because MKX's aesthetic is different from MK9's. It is a darker and more "realistic" then the more comic book feel of MK9.

The females looks so far to be using the same model though. It looks like a departure from MK9 where the males and females were about the same height. In MKX the females are shorter and slimmer. I think it is okay. I do not expect females to be the same height as males or have the same musculature.

My biggest gripe with the models is Scorpion and Sub-Zero have arms that are bigger than the females's thighs. It looks awkward on the character select screen like they do not know what to do with their arms. I get it that they are supposed to be buff but not that much. They are ninjas not bodybuilders. I would tone them down a little. Everything else is good.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/10/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)

I don't know what's worse - the trolling or that people out there would agree with the trolling.
02/10/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I don't know what's worse - the trolling or that people out there would agree with the trolling.

Definitely the Latter.
02/10/2015 04:57 PM (UTC)
I think they look fine, but I noticed in the last stream that Kitana and D'vorah are really small lol it doesn't bother me but they are very short on the character select screen.
02/10/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I think they look fine, but I noticed in the last stream that Kitana and D'vorah are really small lol it doesn't bother me but they are very short on the character select screen.

I noticed this too, I wonder how big Goro is going to look compared to them. lol
02/10/2015 05:04 PM (UTC)
Lol@denialists. Sure OP exaggerates but he's not entirely wrong either. If you write it off as just a troll then you are ignorant.
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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/10/2015 05:16 PM (UTC)
Lol@denialists. Sure OP exaggerates but he's not entirely wrong either. If you write it off as just a troll then you are ignorant.

Or perhaps you could better frame the issue as one where sensible developers are making an actual effort to design characters that can be taken seriously and are moderately realistic.

Also, please no one start screaming "Thought Police!" Warner Brothers directs decisions based on how much money they will make, not to cow to some shrill minority. In which case, sorry to those people whose cultural values are being minoritized.
02/10/2015 05:18 PM (UTC)
Yes, I do like female characters to have a little class and self respect before I rip their heads off. There is nothing more annoying than 3rd wave feminism and the scam artists who profit on it.
02/10/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
It was complaints among some fans that the females were dressed like strippers with man faces, now when the females are fully dressed with female faces its a problem now? Lol wow
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/10/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
While I do think political correctness can go too far, I can't stand it when people scream political correctness when they dont even if that was the aim. Please tell me where it was stated that nrs gave in to political correctness.

I like sexy and I'm a very pro nudity person, but I also like variety. I don't care if they're are wearing string or they are dressed like a nun. As long as the design looks cool.

As a comic book fan I have to hear these political correction accusations all the time, now that we have a female Thor, black Captain America, and a muslim super hero. Either people are acusing the company of political correctness or people are putting them on a pedalstood just because of their minority status. Can't we just just focus on the characterization, design, and story? Ya know the stuff that matters.

Gonna ignore the comments about feminism this time.
02/10/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
This is Kitana's best look yet...the fuck you talking about?
02/10/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

Can't believe this many people are getting trolled by such obvious bait.

It is certainly trolling, but it also vocalizes an actual 'political' position adopted by more than a few people, who verbalize this opinion quite loudly. As others here pointed out, some do agree with the OP, for better or for worse.

Yes, I do like female characters to have a little class and self respect before I rip their heads off. There is nothing more annoying than 3rd wave feminism and the scam artists who profit on it.

Are you suggesting that NRS writes a check to some shady feminist organization with sinister machinations, the amount of which is calculated by a formula, something like a dollar per every square inch of fabric that covers a woman's body? If so, that's a great scam, and those people deserve every cent they get. Sign me up for that body-covering man-hating money.
02/10/2015 06:26 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:* Lots of Good stuff*

This. Forget political correctness, Feminism, or anything else. Just think about the sheer fucking retarded-ness of what these Female Kombatants (Who were fighting to the death) were wearing. Sonya, Dressed like this, was an ACTUAL Lieutenant in the Special Forces. Lol

The new Costumes are SO much better.
02/10/2015 06:27 PM (UTC)
No, I think Mkx designs look good but the double standard exists and it's not some shady organization, it's out in the open. The body covering and man hating is perfectly acceptable but female characters have specific standards.

Example: being a damsel is sexist, every female must be strong and independent, only males can be goofy idiots because females should show grace and leadership at all times, showing clevage is sexist objectification so all females must be properly covered. Because no females show clevage in real life, that's unrealistic. The bullshit is endless and their ideas don't deserve any attention let alone currency.
02/10/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Wow, 98% of newbies open the most bullshit threads imaginable, I tell you.
02/10/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
No, I think Mkx designs look good but the double standard exists and it's not some shady organization, it's out in the open. The body covering and man hating is perfectly acceptable but female characters have specific standards.

Example: being a damsel is sexist, every female must be strong and independent, only males can be goofy idiots because females should show grace and leadership at all times, showing clevage is sexist objectification so all females must be properly covered. Because no females show clevage in real life, that's unrealistic. The bullshit is endless and their ideas don't deserve any attention let alone currency.

I think you do a grand job summarizing the arguments against Anita Sarkeesian's position, but I also think it's a little kooky that one must blame the influence of Feminist Frequency for Kitana appearing without a bikini.

Like, it's cool! It's slutever, you know? I like reading posts that defend paranoid thinking in general, it's a little amusing, a little titillating. I need some paranoia to go about my day, too. If your paranoia takes the form of "feminism wants my video game characters to wear burkas" and you need that to go about your day, proceed onward brave soldier!
02/10/2015 06:42 PM (UTC)
This thread. Oh lawd.

Side note: Im actually psyched that all of the women in MKX arent 6'2. You dont have to be built like She-Hulk to be a threat. Especially someone like Kitana who is an assassin, not a brawler. It actually makes sense for her to be more lithe. Plus she's Edenian. She may have super-human enderance/strength naturally.

Sonya can be a larger, scrappy brawler tho. She's human and definitely has to work hard to stay a threat to all these other creatures/gods. I want to see a variety of female sizes and builds. They dont all have to look like Wonder Woman.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

02/10/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Wow, 98% of newbies open the most bullshit threads imaginable, I tell you.

OP is not a newbie. OP has been here sporadically posting since the reveal of MKX.

In fact, OP made similar comments about the females if not as extreme in a much older thread. less then a month after MKX had been announced.
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