03/14/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."

They are.

So wait, you are telling we are all here to talk about the story and yet we shouldn't take the story seriously?

You make about as much sense as the NRS writing team does.
03/14/2015 11:41 PM (UTC)
As others have said, Cyborgs are already by definition part machine and part human...

And we've already seen plain as day in past games that they're still mostly human underneath their casings. Cyrax's Deadly Alliance/Armageddon alt costume, with his helmet and most of his armor removed shows he still has a human face, and bare human arms, despite having several metal parts/tubes and such still attached to him.

Furthermore we could see flesh, ears, eyeballs,and brains among other things underneath their armor in MK9, when it was cracked away. Furthermore we can see in X-Rays they still have organs, muscles and skeletal structures.

I don't know why the claim is being made it can't be explained. It's easily explained with, "Quan Chi stripped away much of his armor and cybernetics when resurrecting him and he was still a mostly intact human inside." Thus endeth the explanation.

And if he does have a metal spine for the duration of the game, it's at least a little nod to the fact he was once more robot than man.

Seriously we're nitpicking the fact that his blood used to be oil in a friggin' continuity where dead people can come back to life in the first place?

Quan Chi cleared the oil out. Quan Chi cleared the robotics off where he deemed it a good idea. With magic. Because he found him a better warrior as more human than robot.

That's all the freaking explanation needed.

It's fiction people. Just because the explanations wouldn't work in real world science doesn't mean they can't still be explained.
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Props to MINION
03/14/2015 11:47 PM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
As others have said, Cyborgs are already by definition part machine and part human...

And we've already seen plain as day in past games that they're still mostly human underneath their casings. Cyrax's Deadly Alliance/Armageddon alt costume, with his helmet and most of his armor removed shows he still has a human face, and bare human arms, despite having several metal parts/tubes and such still attached to him.

Furthemore we could see flesh, ears, eyeballs,and brains among other things underneath their armor in MK9, when it was cracked away. Furthermore we can see in X-Rays they still have organs, muscles and skeletal structures.

I don't know why the claim is being made it can't be explained. It's easily explained with, "Quan Chi stripped away much of his armor and cybernetics when resurrecting him and he was still a mostly intact human inside." Thus endeth the explanation.

And if he does have a metal spine for the duration of the game, it's at least a little nod to the fact he was once more robot than man.

Seriously we're nitpicking the fact that his blood used to be oil in a friggin' continuity where dead people can come back to life in the first place?

Quan Chi cleared the oil out. Quan Chi cleared the robotics off where he deemed it a good idea. With magic.

Thus endeth the freaking explanation needed.

It's fiction people. Just because the explanations wouldn't work in real world science doesn't mean they can't still be explained.

03/15/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
As others have said, Cyborgs are already by definition part machine and part human...

And we've already seen plain as day in past games that they're still mostly human underneath their casings. Cyrax's Deadly Alliance/Armageddon alt costume, with his helmet and most of his armor removed shows he still has a human face, and bare human arms, despite having several metal parts/tubes and such still attached to him.

Furthemore we could see flesh, ears, eyeballs,and brains among other things underneath their armor in MK9, when it was cracked away. Furthermore we can see in X-Rays they still have organs, muscles and skeletal structures.

I don't know why the claim is being made it can't be explained. It's easily explained with, "Quan Chi stripped away much of his armor and cybernetics when resurrecting him and he was still a mostly intact human inside." Thus endeth the explanation.

And if he does have a metal spine for the duration of the game, it's at least a little nod to the fact he was once more robot than man.

Seriously we're nitpicking the fact that his blood used to be oil in a friggin' continuity where dead people can come back to life in the first place?

Quan Chi cleared the oil out. Quan Chi cleared the robotics off where he deemed it a good idea. With magic. Because he found him a better warrior as more human than robot.

That's all the freaking explanation needed.

It's fiction people. Just because the explanations wouldn't work in real world science doesn't mean they can't still be explained.
/thread lol
03/15/2015 10:12 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."

They are.

So wait, you are telling we are all here to talk about the story and yet we shouldn't take the story seriously?

You make about as much sense as the NRS writing team does.

Of course not. Taking things seriously is the quickest way to suck the fun out it. It's better to say "that doesn't make sense lol" than "that doesn't make sense waawaawaa." You will have more fun laughing than crying guaranteed.

Saying things you like and don't like is a discussion; calling people stupid because you don't like things is basic bitching. It's a game, made for fun. If you don't find something for fun (like Sub-Zero being a cyborg for a bit to shake things up) fun, then that's fine let's talk about why it's not fun vs is fun. "The people who did this are morons" talk adds nothing to conversations.
03/15/2015 05:01 PM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."

They are.

So wait, you are telling we are all here to talk about the story and yet we shouldn't take the story seriously?

You make about as much sense as the NRS writing team does.

Of course not. Taking things seriously is the quickest way to suck the fun out it. It's better to say "that doesn't make sense lol" than "that doesn't make sense waawaawaa." You will have more fun laughing than crying guaranteed.

Saying things you like and don't like is a discussion; calling people stupid because you don't like things is basic bitching. It's a game, made for fun. If you don't find something for fun (like Sub-Zero being a cyborg for a bit to shake things up) fun, then that's fine let's talk about why it's not fun vs is fun. "The people who did this are morons" talk adds nothing to conversations.

I never called you stupid... O.o.

I also didn't mean that the story needs to be 100% serious. FFS there are gods and demons in it and I accept that.

I just want a bit of consistency, is that too much to ask?

Look at fantasy stories like Lord of the rings, They have magic and other stuff like that. But they are more consistent than MK. I'm not saying they don't have any problems in the story but not as big as MK does.

I'm not saying I want a serious 100% explanation for why Kuai is back to be fully human, I just want an explanation that goes with what we know in the game.

If Kuai can turn from a cyborg to full human then why can't Cyrax? That poor guy have wanted to be fully human again ever since MK Gold. What is their excuse for not letting Cyrax go back to human when Kuai did.

My problem with the writers of NRS is not that they do things for "fun", they do them for shock value. It's not fun it's stupid. Again NOT YOU, THEY.

They are no where near as smart as people seem to think they are.

Turning Subby into a Cyborg.

1. Was the dumbest idea on this planet that's called earth.
2. Mokap,Chameleon,Khameleon and meat were less of a joke than Cyber Subby was.
3. Was done only for shock value.
4. Was not fun, not even one bit. And that's coming from someone who actually likes Cyborg ninjas.
5. People that liked Cyber-Subby, they will never see him again, just like people who like Chameleon will never see him again.

So explain to me where is the fun in that?

Point is, I hate things that are only done for shock value. They are dumb and whoever relays on them to work is dumb.

My opinion.
About Me

03/15/2015 11:55 PM (UTC)
At least it would be more consistent. He was shown as a cyborg in the Netherrealm.
03/16/2015 01:54 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see an explanation from NRS about this subject, but honestly if they end up never addressing it and essentially carrying on this story mode as if Kuai Liang was NEVER a cyborg...oh well, not going to get upset over it.

Full disclosure: I never had a problem seeing Sub Zero become a cyborg. I don't think Sub Zero becoming a cyborg was really necessary to the story and it could've been avoided entirely (but possibly make a DLC skin for Sub Zero as a cyborg). Again though, I never had an issue seeing him becoming a cyborg, and I still think it was cool seeing him as one.

03/16/2015 08:39 AM (UTC)
@sharefrock (conversation to long to quote)

I know that you were never calling me stupid, I just like most of the things NRS do and don't think they deserve it.

I know where you are coming from, while I enjoyed MK9's story mode, I can recognize it's flaws. But, I don't think those flaws actually take away form it that much. It's in the grey area from awesome and mediocre. Your example of Tolkien's Lord of Rings is defiantly well in the awesome area (this coming from someone who finds LotR to be boring), however it is immensely complicated to the point Tolkien himself believed many people were going going to be to stupid to understand. Being on that level of storytelling is A+, and I would give NRS a C. That's not stupid, it's satisfactory. (also above practically every other fighting game ever.)

Cyber Sub-Zero wasn't shock value in my eyes. It was a way to show how Raiden's action were changing history in story, and way to add a new character to a roster that was already predetermined by concept alone. It also might have been one of the things that lead to the variation system due to NRS having to come up with two Sub-Zeros that were the same guy with a new style. Maybe some Sub-Zero fans who didn't like how he played tried Cyber-Subby, and found him to be more like how they preferred. Could MK9 have gone without him? Yes, defiantly. But, the choice of putting him in added a whole other playstyle and gave the retelling of MKTrilogy some shake up. If you are going to do the "message to your younger self" way of rebooting, then at least have some fun with it and make changes so your audience don't know the whole story going in.

As for MKX, if we go under the assumption they just ignore it completely, then it's the same as Scorpion's mask that somehow adds eyes, a nose, and other face muscles when he has it on. Or why Subby now has white zombie eyes when the other remnant returnees don't. Or how how Kitana grew up never seeing her twin sister's mouth once. Etc. etc. It isn't logical in the least, but NRS has never weighed logic too heavily in their artistic decisions. Again, they put fun first.

P. S. I also just want to say that I respect your opinion, and this isn't an aggressive argument. I just enjoy discussing things against people with different views. Sometimes, people think I'm attacking their opinion when I do this online, and I would like to make it clear I'm not.
What was wrong with Cyber Sub-Zero?
Dive Kick Death machine!

He was a nod to fanmade MUGEN character, but that one has Glacius melting teleport uppercut from KI.

I'm sure the cybernetics could be removed. For anyone who didn't play Mythologies, Netherrealm is very tech heavy. I don't understand the complaints...

Subby no cyborg?
Deus ex-machina...

03/16/2015 11:18 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
@sharefrock (conversation to long to quote)

I know that you were never calling me stupid, I just like most of the things NRS do and don't think they deserve it.

I know where you are coming from, while I enjoyed MK9's story mode, I can recognize it's flaws. But, I don't think those flaws actually take away form it that much. It's in the grey area from awesome and mediocre. Your example of Tolkien's Lord of Rings is defiantly well in the awesome area (this coming from someone who finds LotR to be boring), however it is immensely complicated to the point Tolkien himself believed many people were going going to be to stupid to understand. Being on that level of storytelling is A+, and I would give NRS a C. That's not stupid, it's satisfactory. (also above practically every other fighting game ever.)

Cyber Sub-Zero wasn't shock value in my eyes. It was a way to show how Raiden's action were changing history in story, and way to add a new character to a roster that was already predetermined by concept alone. It also might have been one of the things that lead to the variation system due to NRS having to come up with two Sub-Zeros that were the same guy with a new style. Maybe some Sub-Zero fans who didn't like how he played tried Cyber-Subby, and found him to be more like how they preferred. Could MK9 have gone without him? Yes, defiantly. But, the choice of putting him in added a whole other playstyle and gave the retelling of MKTrilogy some shake up. If you are going to do the "message to your younger self" way of rebooting, then at least have some fun with it and make changes so your audience don't know the whole story going in.

As for MKX, if we go under the assumption they just ignore it completely, then it's the same as Scorpion's mask that somehow adds eyes, a nose, and other face muscles when he has it on. Or why Subby now has white zombie eyes when the other remnant returnees don't. Or how how Kitana grew up never seeing her twin sister's mouth once. Etc. etc. It isn't logical in the least, but NRS has never weighed logic too heavily in their artistic decisions. Again, they put fun first.

P. S. I also just want to say that I respect your opinion, and this isn't an aggressive argument. I just enjoy discussing things against people with different views. Sometimes, people think I'm attacking their opinion when I do this online, and I would like to make it clear I'm not.

Oh believe me I know exactly what you mean, I know that you are not being aggressive and you are just having fun discussing MK, I'm having fun discussing it as well.

But back to the topic, I see that you made good points with why we shouldn't take the story of how Subby become full human again too seriously. I understand what you mean and yes true that MK Logic has never been the best logic ever and I understand they write the story for fun and over time it developed to be better and better.

It's also true that MK has the best story of any fighting game and the best modes of any fighting game and is probably the BEST fighting game.

But do you think we should really glance over consistency in the story just because the game is a tone of fun?

Some people might enjoy a story that's fun but isn't consistent, but I am a critical person, I like to give things a deeper look and I like for the story to be consistent with things. I'm not saying they shouldn't have fun but that they should stop with the shock value treatment for MK.

Maybe I am just looking at it from the wrong perspective, maybe you really are right. NRS might be doing those things because they think it's fun.

Maybe I'm just angry at Cyber Sub because I thought it was something that was supposed to surprising, and that NRS thought that all of us are stupid to the point where we'd believe Subby would stay that way.

I guess it's because Ed Boon said "Unexpected turn for a character" Or something along those lines, Which was 100% not a surprise because everybody knew about it ahead of time. Cause it's obvious, and yet he and the NRS team thought we are not smart enough to figure it out.

I don't know... You make good points but I still think a lot of the things they did in MK9 was only done for shock value.
03/16/2015 11:57 AM (UTC)
@sharefrock you still don't really know if they might explain Cyber-Subs sudden change in MKX. They probably will imo, it was a big deal to a lot of people in MK9 so a lot of casual fans would probably be like "Wasn't he turned into a cyborg?" or some shit like that. So they might actually address the issue, we don't know yet. :P
03/16/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
@sharefrock you still don't really know if they might explain Cyber-Subs sudden change in MKX. They probably will imo, it was a big deal to a lot of people in MK9 so a lot of casual fans would probably be like "Wasn't he turned into a cyborg?" or some shit like that. So they might actually address the issue, we don't know yet. :P

Yeah I know, I think I said above "Granted we still don't know if they'll explain it" Or something along those lines.

I'm sure I said that we still don't know if they'll explain it but I'm talking as in a "What if" scenario with my friend nightwolf :p.

I hope you are right and that they'll explain it, I'll be a lot less upset if they at least acknowledge what happened in MK9 with Subby and not just say, "Cyber Subby? Who's that?"

Or maybe, "Yeah that wasn't really canon" or something like that. I just want closure lol, I know it's a stupid thing to say when talking about a video game, but I really do want closure.

I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait to see what happens next :).
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03/16/2015 12:43 PM (UTC)
Tetra_Vega Wrote:
What was wrong with Cyber Sub-Zero?
Dive Kick Death machine!

He was a nod to fanmade MUGEN character, but that one has Glacius melting teleport uppercut from KI.

I'm sure the cybernetics could be removed. For anyone who didn't play Mythologies, Netherrealm is very tech heavy. I don't understand the complaints...

Subby no cyborg?
Deus ex-machina...


The German-goth festival tech-Netherrealm got retconned out bz MKDA and D. By Armageddon it is hellfire hell again. CAnnot decide which was worse, but Mythologies was fail.

03/16/2015 01:07 PM (UTC)
I thought of revenants as the souls of heroes who fell being enslaved by quan chi. I mean it was never shown that quan chi actually dragged their physical bodies to netherrealm. So souls, Sub-Zero's soul was never cyborg and maybe when they were reserected they were given entirely new bodies of themselves but this also arises the question that how is Jax's arms robotic again? Well he could be wearing those Mechanical sleeve arms from MKDA or if not this tjen idk what... Just my opinion though.

PS. It makes me sound incredibly nerdy to myself to say something as trivial as this.
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03/16/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."

They are.

So wait, you are telling we are all here to talk about the story and yet we shouldn't take the story seriously?

You make about as much sense as the NRS writing team does.

The problem with taking the story seriously is that the storytelling in Mortal Kombat has never been good and any one who thinks it ever was is wearing some serious nostalgia goggles. Its better to enjoy this universe for what it is rather than what we would like it to be
03/16/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."

They are.

So wait, you are telling we are all here to talk about the story and yet we shouldn't take the story seriously?

You make about as much sense as the NRS writing team does.

The problem with taking the story seriously is that the storytelling in Mortal Kombat has never been good and any one who thinks it ever was is wearing some serious nostalgia goggles. Its better to enjoy this universe for what it is rather than what we would like it to be

Well... you are right. The MK story and lore was never perfect but was always enjoyable. I guess I was just fooled by people calling it cinematic and other words like that, I had thought MK moved from illogical stuff and actually started caring about making a story that matters.

I'm glad people enjoy it for what it is, I can't say the same for myself, I like things that are consistent and make sense. But like I said, It's not NRS's fault it's mine for having high expectations.

With that said, I'm looking forward to MKX's story and I will try to look at it differently this time around.
I think Cyber Sub-Zero should have been in Chapter 1 as an undead Cyborg.
Would have made since and later explain how he became fully resurrected as a human Sub-Zero. But im glad Cyber Sub-Zero phase is gone! Its something that should have NEVER happen.
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