Kuai Liang still partly Cyborg?
posted03/17/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/29/2011 06:32 PM (UTC)
Seeng him in the Kombat cast it seems he still has at least a Cyborg spine... And I could have sworn there was even some cyborg noises.

So do you think he still is parly a Cyborg or after being resurrected will be full human?

I hope their will be an explanation for this... Cuz even in this form it is strange how Quan Chi and Co were able to make him human looking...
03/14/2015 02:38 PM (UTC)
I noticed the same things.
03/14/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
If you look at his main costume there seems to be a hump on the middle of his back that is covering the metal spine. And i have thought since the beginning that his mask looks blatantly cyborg-esc.

So who knows.. you could be right.
03/14/2015 02:50 PM (UTC)
The moment Liang died he technically ceased being a cyborg. Living rules don't apply to the undead.
03/14/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
The moment Liang died he technically ceased being a cyborg. Living rules don't apply to the undead.

While I agree with you, he showed up in MK9 as a cyborg revenant behind Quan Chi with the other killed characters. Doesn't mean it will mean anything in MKX. I personally don't want or like cyborg SZ but it was their decision to do it and I don't feel they can simply pretend it didn't happen.
03/14/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
Smart move. Revenant CSZ could just as easily be reprogrammed if Sonya knew how.
03/14/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
If you look at his armguards, it's just metal adorns with shape of bones and spikes all over that costume. His older self is clearly 100% human, no metal spine or anything like that.
03/14/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
But if you look at his MK3 skin you see no cyborg spine... So either he lost it later in the story or dunno.

I just hope there will be an explanation for this all
03/14/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
03/14/2015 03:18 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn is gone, you are free!

03/14/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
Come feel his presence!

03/14/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
I just love that people are still trying to explain something unexplainable, It's pretty obvious and simple actually. He is fully human. You can see that in the comics and in the story trailer.

On the kombat kast he was fully human, he didn't sound cyborg. he sounded weird because he is an undead. For those like me who were hoping for an explanation won't get one, Because it's unexplainable.

You can't turn someone from a cyborg to a human just like that, unless you give him a new body. His body was filled with oil and most of it was metal and other stuff like that. You can't just turn around and say, he is not cyborg any more because he died and was resurrected. The body is the problem not the soul.

I like Subby, I just hate that they are going to bullshit their way out of this and basically say "You were hoping for an explanation? Well here is your explanation, Fuck you."

It's a fighting game, doesn't matter how much they pretend the story matters or that they work hard on it, they don't and it doesn't matter.

Why is Kuai Liang human again? Because the stupid writing team obviously made a mistake turning him into a cyborg in the first place and now they have to unfuck shit. MKX will be the same as MK9. We will have shock value moments for the sake of shock value. Only this time nobody will be shocked because we already know their bullshit.

Nobody will matter in the story mode, you won't feel any emotion while playing through it. The only thing you'll be feeling is laughter when a character dies and it's supposed to be an emotional moment.
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03/14/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
But in the new terminator movie the good terminator ages so does SZ's terminator version.
03/14/2015 04:15 PM (UTC)
There is a chance he is some sort of android.
03/14/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
Why does Scorpion go from skull head to flesh and muscle by putting on a mask? Why does Jax decide to fight otherworldly monsters with robot arms instead of a laser gun or something? How come Smoke's robot body suddenly became a cloud body? Why does Reptile's appearance never seem the same as before? Why does Stryker not kill people when he shoot's them in the head until God's voice says "Finish him." Why do people always get knocked out on their feet and wobble after they get beat up enough? How come we never heard about the Red Dragon before MKDA? Why did a mummy, a prince, a lizard, 2 brothers, and the guy trying to kill them, all wear the same outfit? Why did all the women suddenly lose 3 cups sizes? Why does punching robots and other beings without sexual organs in the crotch hut them? Why is Raiden playable when he isn't allowed to compete in the tournament unless challenged? If The Great Kung Lao beat Shang Tsung, and Goro beat The Great Kung Lao, then shouldn't Goro be stronger and therefore the boss? Bo Rai Cho is a drunken master then why do none of his many students learn his strongest style? How do Johnny's sunglasses never fall off? Why doesn't Kenshi get two Kano laser eyes? Why can an actor project green stuff? Why can a historian, otherworldly bodyguard, and another otherworldly emperor project the same green stuff? How can you hide monster teeth from your twin sister for your whole upbringing? Why doesn't Noob have his ice powers? How do you have 2 mortal kombat tournaments, an Outworld invasion, a Netherealm invasion, an Outworld/Nethrealm alliance invasion, an Outworld invasion by the former emperor, and Armageddon all within a couple decades?

Guys... I'm starting to think this is a video game made entirely for funsies...
03/14/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view
03/14/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
Party still a cyborg?

You either are or you aren't. If he has some mechanical attributes that makes him a cyborg.

Anyway. It woudl be nice but from what we have seen No they have completely undone what was done to him in the previous game. Likely with the flimsy excuse that Quan Chi just created a new body for him. Or they stripped him of his implants.

Man wouldn't it be a piss off if for the lolz, and because NRS clearly caved due to the backlash. That if Quan Chi simply stripped Kuai Liang of his implants, oh man. Lol what if he again for the lolz, slapped them onto Smoke and made him a diesel cyber demon similar to the ones we saw in Mythologies.
03/14/2015 05:38 PM (UTC)
I'm thinking Subby will be getting his own chapter at some point in the game and show (flash backs maybe?) how he was freed from the NetherRealm and resurrected as fully human again. In the first story trailer we see him as the full fledged grandmaster of the Lin Kuei talking to Cassie and I'm guessing that scene is 20-25 years after his fight with Johnny Cage after the helicopter crash. I don't know if his cyborg back to human transformation will be explained (he is a revenent after all) but if I were a betting man I'd bank on NRS showing how the second most popular character in the franchise was restored and wound up running the Lin Kuei.
03/14/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
All this can be explianed by one statement:

- NRS messed up in MK9 by turning Kuai into a cyber Seubzero (One of the least used characters from the game).

They wanted to retcon somehow so they said lets just ignore it, he is human now because he dies and let's just forget we already showed him as a cyborg revenant in the mk9 story mode..
03/14/2015 05:50 PM (UTC)
strugler Wrote:
All this can be explianed by one statement:

- NRS messed up in MK9 by turning Kuai into a cyber Seubzero (One of the least used characters from the game).

They wanted to retcon somehow so they said lets just ignore it, he is human now because he dies and let's just forget we already showed him as a cyborg revenant in the mk9 story mode..

Yep, you got your explanation guys. It's basically.

We screwed up, forgive us.
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03/14/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
This is the be all, end all explanation to why Kawaii Liang once again is Sub-Zero
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Props to MINION
03/14/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
Kuai died as a cyborg, then was brought back as a revenant,

why would he be a cyborg? He doesnt have his old body, hes more of a ghost/wraith.

Then when the netherrealm war is over, the elder gods restore some earthrealm chars to a healthy living state. Healthy as in non cyborg.

Boom and yes i know they showed him as cyber sub in mk9 as a revenant, but thats cus they are lazy and was just showing it to show which sub it was, you can ignore that feature and all makes sense.
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03/14/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Party still a cyborg?

You either are or you aren't. If he has some mechanical attributes that makes him a cyborg.

Anyway. It woudl be nice but from what we have seen No they have completely undone what was done to him in the previous game. Likely with the flimsy excuse that Quan Chi just created a new body for him. Or they stripped him of his implants.

Man wouldn't it be a piss off if for the lolz, and because NRS clearly caved due to the backlash. That if Quan Chi simply stripped Kuai Liang of his implants, oh man. Lol what if he again for the lolz, slapped them onto Smoke and made him a diesel cyber demon similar to the ones we saw in Mythologies.

Well that is true. Cyborg=part machine, part organic. Either by sorcery or by cloning technology organic parts be renewed.
03/14/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
The easiest way to explain it is some sort of soul transfer. Maybe revenant Cyber SZ's metal body becomes damaged beyond repair, and Qaun Chi was like "No use in letting a perfectly good puppet slave go to waste." and used some sort of weird magic to transfer Sub's soul into another body.

03/14/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
Yeah why talk about story stuff in MK... You know the stand out argument of MK in the fighting genre.

Half of the threads can be closed with that view

That was for the people who are saying NRS messed up because they didn't explain something they did for the fun of it. Talking about it is fun and why we are all here, but I'm seeing people take it way too seriously. I'm just getting frustrated at the people saying "Sub-Zero isn't a cyborg anymore because NRS are dumb."
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