KREATE A KOMBATANT Should Return In The Next MK!
posted08/27/2009 02:09 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/25/2003 08:14 PM (UTC)
I am one who's always liked the create a character feature in any type of game; especially fighting's just really fun and gives you room to be creative and original. I did like the concept in Mortal Kombat (Armageddon). Although, I did think that MK's was incomplete, I think that it should most definitely make a return; if not in MK:9, in the next installment.

I understand that MK:9 is a cannon game, so they may not want to put randomness into this game. If they don't already have it planned, it's probably too late anyway. I do think that if it's done that it should be done with 3Xs [three times] the amount of variety, diversity, quantity, and quality that was in MK:A. It should be open and leave more room for originality and personality; that's what makes the create a character mode what it is. I wouldn't consider it far fetched to throw in all of the items from every wrestling game that was ever made to this day, every fighting game, every mythological, historical, fantasy/science fiction, and martial arts movie they can think of, (even throw some parody like items in like an Elvis Presley costume, etc...) and things we haven't seen before. Nothing is strange in a create a character mode.

I also think that there should be a voice over feature that would allow you to program your fighters' name/title into the game, where the computer would take your voice and convert it into the announcer's voice (Shou Khan or whoever that may be). Believe it or not, it could be done, if they are smart enough. This may sound a little far fetched, but that's what MK is about: EXTREME! And that's what it means to be creative... If you're going to do it, do it right!
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