11/23/2014 09:22 PM (UTC)
mklover1989 Wrote:
Name: Ashrah
Gender: Female
Origin: Netherrealm
Age: Eternal (yes, she is a goddess

Style: Light powers? (NOT lightning)
Status: Minor goddess


(I have no names for them) except for the fatalities
Blind (stunning move): Ashrah creates a light spark from her hands to blind her opponent for a small period of time. (EX: the opponent stays blinded for more time)

Projectile: Ashrah shoots a light ball that inflicts damage and paralyzes the opponent, who immediately falls to the ground (this is not a stunning move) The animation would be like Smoke's cloud, just with a different effect. (EX: Light beam)

Light flash (short rage): Ashrah illuminates herself to explode in a massive light energy, throwing the opponent into the air. Similar to Kung Lao's spin. (EX:

Teleport (EX: After Ashrah appears again, the light effect throws the opponent)

Light shield: Ashrah creates a shield that makes her immune to being knocked down like the "armor" effect in test your luck. (EX: The shield lasts more longer)

x-ray move she quickly takes out a voodoo doll & stabs it 3 times in the chest area with her kriss & if the foe is in range the stabs reflect on them breaking there ribs & piercing there organs then she puts the doll away then she runs towards her foe and charges a powerful lightning blast at there head burning and zapping there skull and brain then finally she slips behind them and wraps one of her ribbons around there throat and pulls back or twists hard enough to snap there neck.

other moves the same as in MKD.


Fatality 1: deadly light spark Ashrah creates a huge light spark from her hands, firstly blinding the victim and eventually making their eyes bleed. Then she finally creates a light beam to give the final strike, creating a hole through the opponent's chest.

Fatality 2: spirit vanish Ashrah takes the opponent with her hands (similar to Raiden's "shocker" power) and creates light from her hands. Light beams begin to come out from the opponent's insides, firstly from the eyes and mouth and then more light beams go out, crossing the skin. After several beams come out, it is impossible to distinguish the opponent, who vanishes completely out of existence.

Babality:Just in case they bring them back Baby Ashrah plays with a light spark, which grows bigger and then dissapears, blinding her (we can see her eyes like O_O) Then she begins to cry.

Kai 1st fatality his tribal tattoos start glowing & a a white dust cloud forms in the air & turns into as white lion & with 1 slash it demolishes half of the foes head with it's a claw splitting the.skull & brain in half then Kai reforms his tattoos.
2nd fatality he stabs & then slashes the foes gut with his ghurka knife from mk4 knocking them down then he uses his falling fireball move which blows there chest open splattering organs & ribs everywhere.

Fatality 1:

Freezes entire opponent, slides towards him and while still sliding grabs his head, rips it off and keeps sliding. Then slows down for a bit, turns around and charges back towards remaining body at full speed (while sliding) and hits the body with frozen head and entire thing shatters to pieces.

Fatality 2.

Grabs opponent's head, open his mouth and she opens hers. Then she starts freezing opponents insides. She freezes opponents insides. Then creates ice gauntlets and smashes opponent's head. She grabs ice tube in neck area and rips out frozen blood circulatory system.

Fatality 3.

She raises a huge structure (which looks like upside down L), then pierces opponent's insides with her fist. Takes out one end of the gut and freezes it into a huge boulder. Then with another hand she takes another end of opponent's guts and ties it around opponent's neck. She then throws ice boulder over structure and opponent gets hanged by his own guts.

Fatality 4.

Freezes opponent entirely. Does a back flip kick. Sends head flying. Waits for a bit and then jumps in the air and kicks the head towards frozen body. Everything shatters.

Fatality 5.

She bends her arm so her elbow is pointing towards opponent. She shoots out ice sickles and their get stuck in opponent's face. Opponent start screaming in pain, she then dashes and smacks with her claws in opponent's face and makes ice sickles go even deeper. She then grabs opponent and throws him over her and smashes opponent's head into the floor.

"Obey Me"- Quan Chi summons a sword and puts his opponent in the trance and controls their body. With the opponent struggling to break free, QC forces the to walk towards the sword. Impaling the opponent through their mouth. QC then summons a small portal on the opponents head and disappears. Leaving the opponents body to fall headless and then another portal appears above QC dropping the opponents head in QC's hand. (I liked how the original fatality started, but it ended so predictably, so i changed it up)

"The Summoner/Leg Beat"- QC summons a portal behind the opponent. Out comes multiple skeleton hands trying to drag the opponent in the portal. QC walks towards them grabbing their leg and ripping it off. QC then hits his opponent their legs several times before knocking off or ramming it through their face. The lifeless body is then dragged by the Netherrealm skeletons.

Puny Mortal: Goro trips the opponent, falling on their back. Goro grabs them by the leg & begins to slam them several times (Avenger's Style)
. With the opponent in massive pain they try to get up (either from their back or on all fours), Goro walks up to them and steps on their head completely smashing it with all the brains and blood shooting out. Removing his massive foot Goro lets out a vicious victory roar!
Shogun Punch: Sektor uses his right fist to sent it flying like a rocket and the fist blast through the opponent's chest. The fist causes a large bloody hole in the chest causing blood and gore to spill over the body. The opponent starts to lean over in the pain and the fist turns around the opponent's back as it fist flies back to Sektor. The fist quickly flies to the opponent's head and blast the head into bloody pieces. Sektor grabs his fist and puts back on his wrist.

For Kenshi

Say Aah: Kenshi uses his telekinesis with his left hand to open the opponent's mouth then he uses telekinesis with his right hand to shoves his katana down the opponent throat rapidly causing them to ooze blood out of their mouth. After he is shoving down the katana in the opponent's throat, the opponent starts coughing out blood and starts suffocating. Then Kenshi uses his telekinesis to quickly rip the katana out of the opponent's throat and blood beings to gush out everywhere from the rip wound. The opponent begins to fall dead on the ground laying in a puddle of blood.

Fatality #1 - Spawn covering himself with his cape and quickly disappears. Then he reappears behind the opponent and the opponent turns in front of Spawn with his large cape in front of them looking scared. Spawn uses his cape to grab the opponent by the legs, the cape snap the opponent's legs, breaking them off causing them to scream in pain. He then uses his chains to impales the opponent in the torso and his chains lifts him/her high. His chains vertically rip the opponent's body in half, leaving a bloody mess. The Camera turns at Spawn with the blood of his opponent covering most of his body and he turns his head around with his bright glowing green eyes.

Fatality #2 - Spawn uses his necro-plasm body to grown large spikes from his left hand. He uses his fist of spikes to smash the opponent head into bloody pieces. Then he uses his right arm to create an arm blade and drives it through the opponent chest, then he completely ripped the opponent in half with his two hands.

Fatality #3 - Spawn uses his right hands to create a green ball of energy and puts the ball of nerco energy inside the opponent's chest and turns away. Opponent starts to grow a green aura around them, they begin to scream in pain then explode into bloody pieces. Only leaving their legs on the floor.

Some character battle intros (just for fun):

Kotal Kahn: "Do you think you can kill a sun god?"
Spawn: "It's always fun trying to kill a god."

Ferra: "Those stupid chains and cape are no match against us!"
Spawn "Watch your mouth you brat!"

Raiden: "Join the Forces of Light and the Elder Gods will help you on your quest"
Spawn: "I refuse to work for the likes of you"

Cassie Cage: "What the hell are you?"
Spawn: "What am I? I'm your worst nightmare!"

Scorpion: "To hell with you!"
Spawn: "I'll already been to Hell and back!"

Spawn: "You disgusted me, you overgrown maggot!"
D'Vorah: "You offend this one!"

Quan Chi (I know he's not officially in game yet): "You will serve Lord Shinnok and the Brotherhood of Shadows in the Netherrealm."
Spawn: "I serve no one, not Heaven, not Malebolgia and not even the likes of you."

I couldn't think of a good battle quote for Spawn vs. Sub-Zero. I have some fatality ideas for Quan Chi, Kenshi and Sektor for MKX that I plan to post soon.

Belladonna (Thrill Kill): Shocking Vibrator - First, Belladonna walks up to the opponent in a sultry manner. Next, uses her cattle prod to shock him at the groin, making him bend over. Then, she goes behind the victim and shoves her cattle prod in his rectum. After that, she uses that cattle prod to electrocute him with full force until he gets all burned up and barbecued. Lastly, the burning victim falls to the ground as Belladonna moans with pleasure.

TREMOR: Earth based abilities

-Stomps on the ground, encasing/trapping the opponent in a rock only leaving their head out. Tremor forms a club like weapon around his arm and hits the opponent across the face twice. With the 3rd hit he smashes the club into their head splitting it open. The club is stuck in their head so Tremor removes his arm from the weapon and raises it in victory as a pool of blood flows down the trapped opponent.

-Knocking the opponent down on their back. Tremor traps their legs and arms to the ground. Forming spikes from the ground above the opponent, Tremor drops them on the opponent impaling them several times before Tremor jumps in the air and stomps on the opponents head.

Name: Rain
Gender: Male
Origin: Edenia
Age: Beyond 10,000
Alignment: Evil
Style: Zi Ran Men

1 Mind Control Orb He projects a light-blue sphere at his foe which shatters as it hits. A successful hit allows Rain to move his foes body in any direction for a brief time.

2 Shocking Bolt He raises his arm & summons a blue lightning bolt to strike his foe.

3 Super Roundhouse: He roundhouses his foe clear to the other side of the screen. Connecting with a 2nd Super Roundhouse immediately after the 1st will not send the foe back across the screen meaning an infinite Super Roundhouse combo is impossible despite rumors to the contrary. However if a punch is landed on the midair foe then the effects of the Roundhouse return allowing for an infinite combo all the same if timed correctly.

4 Water Blast He shoots a high-pressure stream of water at his foe.

5 Mystic Vapors He submerges himself in a small pool of water & emerges behind his foe.

6 Windy Feet he propels himself forward with a blast of water from behind kicking his foe in the chest with both feet.

Reigning Prince He shoots a high-pressure stream of water to the foes chest from behind. Then, he mystic vapors in front of them then does the mind control orb delivers an uppercut to there chin breaking there jaw then strikes them with shocking bolt electrocuting them & showing there skeleton similar to Stryker's x-ray move.


1) Purple Rain Shocking Bolt: He summons dark clouds to the sky as it rain purple. He charges his arm and summons vicious a blue lightning bolt getting the opponent electrocuted catching them on fire & burning them alive & frying them to a crisp.

2) When Lightning Strikes: Rain sends a bolt of lightning that strikes the foe over and over until they explode to pieces just like in MKT.

How many accounts do you have?

Also nice creativity for that last one with Rain.

Might as well contribute again.

Here's one for Kenshi

Kenshi takes out his sword, raises it above the opponent's head horizontally and starts spinning it like a helicopter, then it goes down on the opponent slicing them to bits
11/28/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
Here are few that I have came out with a while back for my kustom kharacters. I will just randomly change the kharacter name to the existing MK kharacter.

1) NItara(originally for my kustom kharacter by the name of Succubus)
Its suppertime, doggy style: D,F,F,F, 1+3(Nitara takes out her weapon, walk in close, and shreds the victim down to pieces, blood flies everywhere and a giant pool of blood drops to the ground. NItara then puts away her weapon, kneels down on all four like a dog and licks those blood off the ground clean.)

2) Tanya(Originally for my kustom kharacter by the name of Victoria)
Happy Birthday: F,U,U,D, 4(Tanya takes out a small birthday cake from nowhere, lights bunch of candles on it, blows the fire to the opponents' face. The victim then struggles as their face burns, then Tanya tosses the whole cake to the victims' body that catch fire and char down to the ground)

I have whole bunch more, but these are the only two I will share here.

Hope you like them.
11/29/2014 03:40 AM (UTC)

Grater: Kotal takes out his spiked paddle and grates his opponent to death.


Brutal Beatdown: She brutalizes her opponent with her baton continuously (if she has one)? Once on their knees, she jams her baton into their throat.


Steam Rolled n Shredded: Torr steam-rolls over his opponent continuously crunching their skeleton into bits. Ferra then walks up and shreds the opponent with her blades.


Phobia: She releases a horde of spiders which crawl to the opponent. The opponent is in fear while backing away. The horde of spiders jump and cover him or her, then bite them. The spiders then retreat and the opponent turns into a crusted scab.

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art by fear-sAs
11/29/2014 06:16 AM (UTC)
Smoke creates an ash cloud just like the one he uses in his normal move set but this one has a red or firey tinge. He throws it down at the opponent's feet and it erupts upwards sending a column of molten hot soot up their body, eating away at the skin and organs. When the soot settles, the person's skeleton is standing there, mummified in ash with the mid section and eye sockets still in flames.
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11/29/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)

punches a hole in the victim, then punches a hole inside the hole.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

11/29/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
Ferra/Torr: The wobbly opponent tries to throw a punch at Ferra, but an enraged Torr leaps at him and beats him down with his fists till he's a pancake.
01/18/2015 02:13 AM (UTC)
This concept might fit better with another fighter but I'll use Scorpion for now:

First Scorpion teleports behind his opponent and slices their Achilles in both feet. Leaving them still standing he quickly teleports in front of them but cross screen, he then throws his spear and gives a tug, slowly pulling their body from the rest of their feet. Once they seperate after a few good tugs he pulls their body over as they quickly bleed out and holds it up by the rope of the spear.
02/26/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Despite the fact that it won't space them out, there are two Fatalities in here. Reptile: Acid Trip

Reptile grabs the opponent by the head, lifts them off the ground, and quickly slices a hole at the bottom of the opponents neck, then spits acid into it, which then melts through from the top middle of the body to the bottom middle area, causing all of the internal organs to melt and slide out through the bottom of the opponents torso between the legs, grossly slopping into a green/red burning pile of barely recognizable organs with one trail of intestine leading back up to the body. Reptile then turns toward the screen with the skinny, empty body in triumph (similar in style to Sub-Zero's first fatality from MK9.) FATALITY tongue Sub-Zero: Shut Up. Sub-Zero grabs the opponent's lower jaw, freezes and rips it off, which leaves the opponent to gurlge and grasp where their jaw was while their tongue dangles down. Then he creates an ice spike that shoots up and pins the front of their head on it, leaving them stuck on the ice stalagmite. FATALITY
02/26/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
D'Vorah: "Maggot Meal"

D'Vorah "kisses" the opponent on the mouth. Maggot comes out of her mouth in the kiss sequence and eat the opponents tongue. Then bugs flies right into the opponents mouth, decoyed by pheromones from D'Vorahs kiss, and down the throat into the stomach. The stomach grows bigger as more and more bugs flying in. The stomach burst in a bloody mess reveals a swarm of bugs flying out. The opponent drops dead to his knees. FATALITY!

Ugh, that sounds utterly revolting. I like it.

Having the bugs crawl rather than fly out would probably have a more grotesque effect, though.
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I will rock you.

02/27/2015 12:16 AM (UTC)
Erron Black : 100 Bullets - He grabs a machine gun and shots you with it leaving a hundered holes in the opponent with blood splattering everywhere.
02/27/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Sketor: Smashes both fists down on the opponents shoulders bringing them to their knees then standing beside them grabs the top of their head. His hand starts to slowly turn. The opponent begins to grunt and writhe in pain as Sektor is turning their head to it's physical limit.

Then in an instant the neck snaps and Sketors hand starts spinning like a blender eventually twisting the head off now that all mucle and skin has been ripped away. He brings his arm into the air as his hand is still spinning like a drill palming the head until eventually it stops and the camera is now in a top down view of Sektor holding the head up to the camera.

Sektor: stands behind opponent slams hands into their chest and digs his fingers into their flesh, holds them up and rips their chest open.

Quan Chi: Rips the opponents leg off. The opponent screams and stumbles around as Quan Chi winds up and beats them twice in the face with their thigh and then winds up for a third and final hit and smacks their head clean off. (sound familiar ;)

Drahmin: Grabs the opponent and then rips off a piece of his flesh and shoves it into their mouth. The opponent stumbles back coughing, and clutching their stomach and wincing in pain and we then see maggots start to eat away and wriggle out of their stomach.
02/27/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
Sub zero ice sektor bomb he throws an ice bomb and it freezes opponents whole body plus surrounding and reroutes to put pieces back together as stand still torture fatality maybe implementing an ice sektor fatality where using ice as harboring a hanging prop.
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