Kotal Kahns background story!
posted01/24/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/24/2015 11:15 AM (UTC)
He all, I’m new and I’m really a big fan of Mortal Kombat and especially the new characters Kotal/Ferra and D’vorah!
So I made up this little background story for Kotal that I really wish comes true! It’s mostly about his background and about how he recruited his allies.

Tell me what you think if you make it through this huge walls of texts :-p (I really tried hard, so I would appreciate any form of help)

Many, many centuries ago, when Shao Kahn was still an advisor and slave-taker for Onaga, he traveled to earthrealm to capture some slaves for his lord in South America. The amazons proved to be difficult to capture, but eventually Shao Kahn and his few Shokan and Tarkatan warriors succeeded in capturing and enslaving a lot of them.
On their way to outworld however, Shao Kahn fell in love with a beautiful and fierce amazon-woman named Mayara, and while she didn’t love him, she was still intelligent enough to play along in this game of love to get close to her new “lord” to slice his throat in the night.
One night, Mayara thought she killed Kahn in his sleep and sneaked out to free a lot of her amazon sisters, they were spotted by Tarkatans however and many of the fierce warrior women died in battle, Mayara however escaped and made it back to earthrealm eventually. Shao Kahn survived his wounds.

Back on earth, she and her remaining sisters created a new secret village in the jungle, where she eventually gave birth to a son, she later named him Kotal.
When Kotal was born, she first wanted to end his life by drowning him, as she never wanted a son from that monster Khan, but in the end she couldn’t kill the baby and even left her sisters for him because they didn’t want to raise a boy as it was against their nature.
On her travels she almost got killed by a dire jaguar but was eventually saved by an Aztec warrior named Ahuit with whom she fell in love the moment he saved her.
Kotal was raised and trained as an Aztec Warrior by his newfound family, he proved to be a fierce but gentle soldier for their armies and won many battles with rival clans.

When his mother died after many years however, she no longer wanted to lie to him, and told him the truth about his tyrant father Shao Kahn, who by then had already taken over the throne from Onaga. Something snapped inside Kotal that day as his mother was cremated he pledged his soul to vengeance against his father.

Kotal left the Aztec warriors and found his way into outworld and into the armies of Khan, where he learned many things about Kahn and found many allies in Kahns enemies.

It wouldn’t take long before Kotal befriended and recruited the vampires to his side, also victims of Shao Kahn they saw something in Kotal they hadn’t seen in others, and they thought this could be the one that saved their realm from Shao Kahns tyranny.

The pygmies proved harder as their Matriarch Ferra had the mind of a young child, with a present however, in the form of a large, brutal and almost beastly gladiator champion, he bought her over. Ferra named her new “toy pet” Torr and was Kotal forever grateful, she said that when the time was there she would help Kotal against the emperor.

Another race that was recently victimized by Kahn were the insect-like Kytinn, while their current Queen C’teda was afraid and rather hostile towards Kotal and even said she would reveal his treachery to his father, a young Kytinn warrior and daughter of C’teda brutally backstabbed her own mother to keep Kotal’s secret safe. Like the Vampires before her, D’vorah saw potential in this warrior and she also found him attractive. She became the new hive queen of her insect race and also pledged her allegiance to Kotal when the time was right, she even became his right hand and lover.

The Tigrar Shokans wanted alliance with Kotal as well, but only if Kotal would help in destroying their Draco cousins which he refused, resulting in Kotal killing the current Tigrar Leader to keep his secret safe so an unknowing Kintaro could rise as their champion.

Many years passed after that, with Kotal recruiting more and more allies and learning more about his powerful father, he became as legendary as a god, and was seen as a powerful God by many of Shao Kahns secret enemies, Shao Kahn was still left in the dark en clueless even after a couple of failed assaults on him.

A couple of decades ago when Kotal was already back on earth by faking his death in battle to fool Shao Kahn so he could ready his battle strategies against him, Kotal bought all the earthrealm slaves from the outworld market in secret and he trained them to be fierce warriors to fight by his side against the tyrant that captured them. While most of them died in training and a lot of them turned out to be great warriors, only Shalazar got Kotals attention. Shalazar was only a young teenager but his potential with the bow was legendary, and he never missed a target.
After many years the silent, but extremly deadly Shalazar became Kotal’s new general and right hand, all to D’vorah’s annoyance who held that role previously. (which make some great side-stories for another time)

With so many allied races ready to fight by his side the time was almost near to start an assault on his father and his tarkatan, shokan and centaur armies.
Kotal’s last allies however came in the form of a weakened sorcerer and his loyal reptilian lackey, that told Kotal Kahn that Shao Kahn just died by the hands of the Thundergod Raiden so Kotal’s entire plan for vengeance against his father would have been for nothing, all those years were for nothing.
However, Shang Tsung (the weakened sorcerer) told Kotal that a new warlord had replaced Shao Kahn on the throne, his former general and stand-in Reiko had taken the heart of his daughter Mileena and together (well Reiko manipulated and puppeteers Mileena in doing his wishes) they ruled Outworld now.

Enraged with fury Kotal now directs all his hate and vengeance toward his half-sister and Reiko who now command the armies of tarkatans and centaurs, but while it could have been an easy victory for Kotal he made the serious mistake to contact and buy weapons from the underground crime boss and narcissistic brother of Bo Rai Cho named Ron Tan’ Cho, this selfish mad criminal sees a good outcome for himself and contacts Reiko and Mileena and sells them Kotals war-plans, both of them not knowing that Ron Tan will then attack their weakened armies himself to clain the throne.

How the good-guys fit into this all? I don’t know yet, I have to learn the story first, this is more about Kotal’s background.
Hope you liked my Kotal-story and I really hope it turns a lot like this in the real storyline!
Leave your thoughts and comments please! So I can learn from them and maybe we can share ideas about this!
01/24/2015 12:07 PM (UTC)
I hope Kotal Kahn isn't evil like his father Shao Kahn.

I hope Kotal Kahn is a neutral character that does what he think is good but still act out of reasons for many others (under which all the goodguys).

He can be reasoned with however, but D'vorah's poisonous advice and thought can come in the way, she's more like the destructive and take-over-all-the-realms kinda person.
About Me
01/24/2015 01:12 PM (UTC)
Mobody is going to read that shit homie grin Hellcome grin
01/24/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Mobody is going to read that shit homie grin Hellcome grin

Well that is their loss :-p
01/24/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
I hope Kotal Kahn isn't evil like his father Shao Kahn.

They aren't blood-related. Kotal took Kahn's surname as new Emperor of Outworld.

Also, see MKX #4-6 for real sekret origin.
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