Kotal Kahn - RESTORER of Realms?!
posted01/29/2015 10:47 AM (UTC)by
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01/15/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
I think it's odd who have all fallen into his allegiance that we know so far...

Erron Black has little to no news about him, but as for the others, think about it. Reptile is one of the last of his race trying to be restored to Zaterran glory. Similarly, I believe Ferra/Torr has a similar storyline where Ferra wants her race restored as well (hinted in Raiden's intro match dialogue). And for all we know, D'vorah could even be in a similar boat with not much of her race going for her either, but we don't really know that just yet.

What if his opposition to Mileena's rule and rise to power is on the premise that he will restore much of what Shao Kahn destroyed and merged with Outworld? Kind of an anti-Shao Kahn? Hence the new races emerging out of nowhere and why he could be far more diplomatic with Sonya in the comic. He hasn't crossed me just yet like a truly bad guy.
01/28/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
You might be onto something. It seems like NRS are trying their damned hardest to separate this guy as much from Shao as they can, and I applaud them for that.

Kotal can became the most interesting villain in the entire series so far if they play their cards right. Already he seems like a very just, intelligent, diplomatic person if chapter 4 of the comic is anything to go by.
01/28/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
That got me thinking about Kotal Kahn. I mean just because he's the new emperor of Outworld doesn't necessarily make him evil does it? Maybe he actually wants to rule outworld fairly and just not like that egotistical tyrant Shao Kahn (who i love).
01/28/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
The fact that he allowed himself to be imprisoned in earthrealm by the special forces says a lot about his character. At this point in the comics at least, he is definately not driven by his own ego. Shao would NEVER voluntarily be imprisoned. Looks like Kotal genuinely has Outworld's intrest at heart.
01/28/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
I kind of agree, he doesn't really seem truly evil to me. He came to Earthrealm to form an alliance, he told Sonya Earthrealm would suffer Outworld's fate if they did not aid them, then when things got heated, he even said "Please colonel. We must form an alliance...The fate of our worlds depend on it!"

Idk he doesn't give off the same evil conqueror vibe that Shao did, not to mention he said please, how evil can he be wink I also like the idea of him trying to help those whose race and/or realms have been destroyed too.

Maybe he has good intentions, eventually gets desperate, resorts to using the Kamidogu daggers, which lead to his rise, but they mess him up and eventually lead to his fall in the future as well

lol who knows but I cant wait to find out.
01/28/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Kotal Kahn seems awesome I just want to say! I mean when I first saw him introduced I liked him he is a very different character and then seeing him in the comic gave us a bit more insight into but not much! Needless to say he is probably the most interesting character to me at the moment and can't wait to see his story fleshed out. All the new outworld characters interest me Dvorah, ferra torr and even Erron Blck from what little we have seen of him they are a pleasant change to the usual suspects of Baraka, sheeeva, Shang, reptile and mileena
01/28/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
I do hope he's not like Shao Kahn.

I'm better off seeing him neutral.
01/28/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
Am I the only one who saw him as neutral from the beginning? His very appearance suggests a neutral nature. NRS is usually very blatant at making "evil" looking characters, whether it be their motif or just a constant sneer, Kotal Kahn has never looked like a Shao Kahn 2.0. I for one am glad that he's at least attempting to maintain some semblance of order in Outworld. He should make an interesting character throughout the rest of the MK series.
01/28/2015 04:52 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Am I the only one who saw him as neutral from the beginning? His very appearance suggests a neutral nature. NRS is usually very blatant at making "evil" looking characters, whether it be their motif or just a constant sneer, Kotal Kahn has never looked like a Shao Kahn 2.0. I for one am glad that he's at least attempting to maintain some semblance of order in Outworld. He should make an interesting character throughout the rest of the MK series.

He always came off that way to me as well, but the comic confirmed it.
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01/28/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
i think he'll be a good guy(for outworld), unless in the next 10 years bad things happen to him.
01/28/2015 05:10 AM (UTC)
Alsovar Wrote:
I think it's odd who have all fallen into his allegiance that we know so far...

Erron Black has little to no news about him, but as for the others, think about it. Reptile is one of the last of his race trying to be restored to Zaterran glory. Similarly, I believe Ferra/Torr has a similar storyline where Ferra wants her race restored as well (hinted in Raiden's intro match dialogue). And for all we know, D'vorah could even be in a similar boat with not much of her race going for her either, but we don't really know that just yet.

What if his opposition to Mileena's rule and rise to power is on the premise that he will restore much of what Shao Kahn destroyed and merged with Outworld? Kind of an anti-Shao Kahn? Hence the new races emerging out of nowhere and why he could be far more diplomatic with Sonya in the comic. He hasn't crossed me just yet like a truly bad guy.

Ive saying something like this from the Get Go about Kotal Kahn, that he might not be a TRUE BAD Guy. Ill admit your theory is alot more detaied then mine but we're on the same page! NICE!!!!!
01/28/2015 06:03 AM (UTC)
I don't think it'll be that simple. Kotal actively restoring and helping realms unmerge with outworld would be.. Too good, it's make him more of a hero than a villain, which I don't think will happen. I'm sure he will work with outworlds best interests at heart, but whatever he is doing, I feel it'll be something the protagonists of the game won't agree with. Making him an antagonist.
01/28/2015 06:10 AM (UTC)
i dunno but i think kotal is the most interesting new character so far. he's nothing like what i thought when i first saw him lol. that comic did a 180.
01/28/2015 06:22 AM (UTC)
Ya know, storywise and including the comic, Kotal MIGHT be the most interesting character we've seen. Scorpion could be a close second as well with his controling the Specter and training Takeda.

A new character and Scorpion could have the best stories in a MK game.

01/28/2015 06:24 AM (UTC)
Yea my thoughts are that he is not an "evil" character , at least not yet. He is basically trying to take up the mantle as ruler of out world for the purpose of restoring order.

In fact the comic made Sonya seem like a real bitch. You have a guy that's basically trying to stop a mutual enemy, and stop out world from being the go to home for all things evil, and she's all "fuck off"

01/28/2015 06:34 AM (UTC)
I'm more excited about Kotal Kahn than any other character in this game.
01/28/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
So Kotal is a god. And I still have a feeling that he is Outworld's protector god, who wants to restore protect his own realm and not destroy others...so he decided to take over the throne before Mileena could. Something like that.

But he is going to fall in the game's story, we already know that. It makes me think that we'll see either Mileena or Quan Chi as the "big bads" in the final round. Maybe Goro or Raiden? Hmmm...
01/28/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
I hope Shao Khan is the surprise boss.
01/28/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
People seem to be buying him being potentially good a bit too easily. He may want to change things for the better, but that doesn't mean his means of achieving his goals won't be questionable. Some crazy people can sound rational.

His power may also go to his head, and then it'll be about nothing but power, and weak rationalizations to justify what he's doing. In short, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It's also possible that his fall is meant to be tragic, and that's one reason we already know about it.
01/28/2015 02:42 PM (UTC)
Kotal is definitely one of the most interesting new faces we've seen outside of the Trilogy era and I applaud the shit out of them for coming up with him. Not only is his look amazing but just the fact that this man, this possible god, is trying to seemingly restore order in Outworld after Shao Kahn ruled it with complete tyranny is MILES more interesting than another ruthless Emperor coming in with an evil agenda.
01/28/2015 03:04 PM (UTC)
Kotal is definitely the most interesting so far, really can't wait for his comic issue and of course his story in the game. I've no idea what his true motives are...

Is he good? Is he bad? A bit of both?

It's possible he really wants to make Outworld a better place but what if he's just using Shao Kahn's reign and downfall to his advantage? Kotal is definitely smarter than his predecessor, What if he's purposefully going to resurrect the the realms that Shao Kahn destroyed to gain new allies that Shao Kahn should have had if he wasn't so brutish.

Instead of killing off these races he should have had used them. Kotal realises this and resurrects the fallen species and gains each of them as an ally who are forever in his debt. This way Kotal would have the Tarkatan, Shokan, Centaur and Outworld armies at his side as well as the newly resurrected Saurian, Bee-people (D'vorah), Vampire and Fairy/little people? (Ferra). Pretty unstoppable army I'd say.

Looking forward to finding out more about him.
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01/28/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
I still think Kotal Kahn really isn't evil and is just misunderstood. Instead of actually trying to destroy realms he is trying to expand them. He doesn't really want the world to die because he would not have anything left to rule. So there you go folks not evil at all. He is just a badass leader.grin
It seems like he's a really neutral type and wishes to restore the realms and/or races, as his dialogue intro with Ferra/Torr says "I only wish to restore you!". But I think something might happen to him that makes him kinda bad. Maybe the kamigodus' curse drives him nuts?

He does have something against Raiden, or at least Raiden is trying to stop something Kotal is making. "You have no chance, Thunder God."
01/29/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
It seems like he's a really neutral type and wishes to restore the realms and/or races, as his dialogue intro with Ferra/Torr says "I only wish to restore you!". But I think something might happen to him that makes him kinda bad. Maybe the kamigodus' curse drives him nuts?

He does have something against Raiden, or at least Raiden is trying to stop something Kotal is making. "You have no chance, Thunder God."

I think perhaps that might not be a direct conflict with Raiden but one of the intro dialogues for any character. It DOES seem fitting to have Earthrealm's protector fighting a threatening ruler of Outworld, but I'm sure all characters would seem like they have a quarrel with each other when fighting on the arcade ladder.

He might just go power hungry and become another different kind of Shao Kahn, but I'm just hoping for the opposite for the sake of an interesting mix up in storyline. I don't think Outworld or its ruler should constantly have to be the next big bad guy in MK.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Kotal ruled Outworld as a peaceful ruler and Liu Kang came back tainted (much like Raiden in MKD) and killed Raiden to become its protector, putting Earthrealm in more of a darkened state and making the tables turned on how things were before?

What a twist!! =P
01/29/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
Kotal is a fucking champ. Screw Raiden and SCREW Sonya. Kotal is the true hero for MKX.
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