Konquest Mode in MK9??
posted04/21/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)by
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03/21/2004 08:51 PM (UTC)
I think that Konquest mode was probably one of the best parts of MKD. It showed you an in depth view of the characters in the game. I would love for MK9 to have this mode. Imagine what it would be like on the PS3!

Do you think it will be in the game? Thoughts?
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04/20/2010 11:25 PM (UTC)
I think Konquest mode is best suited as DLC, maybe at a $9.99 retail price. I didn't hate the previous Konquests, but at the end of the day, I think there's better uses for the energy in all departments.
04/20/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
Ehhhh...Konquest should be like a standalone game if they wanna go that route. Maybe a spin-off
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04/21/2010 12:33 AM (UTC)
Im with Temp.

Maybe include a redeemable code for a free download with the Kollectors Edition of MK9. And have a $9.99 price on it about a month after release. I would also think it would be amazing to have Character packs of 4 playable characters available. I would literally pay $9.99 for a pair of characters, times however many packs they bring out. They could easily rob me of $50 and double their proceeds.

I feel A Character Specific Story mode is in order that shows the main story based on your own/chosen characters perspective. This makes us play as every character to get the full story and maybe a Final FMV. This would leave our Arcade completion for an unlocked ending and 1st Alternate Costume. Then Kombo Challanges to unlock a 2nd Alternate.

I'd buy 2 copies just to sleep with one of them safely under my pillow.
04/21/2010 12:37 AM (UTC)
I would love for MK9 to have an enhanced version of MKD's Konquest. Something free-roaming and exploration and training based as opposed to the linear beat-em-up that was MKA's Konquest. Konquest is not just a neat way to hide secrets (though it is that). Konquest is a way for players to interact with the story, to learn more about the characters they love in the game by playing the story instead of just reading it. Konquest is also a wonderful avenue for training, as MKD showed us.
I think the best route to go with MK9 is to have an expanded version of the free roaming, multiple realms version of MKD. Instead of one character that could "morph" into many, make it so any character can be played in Konquest at any time. As far as exploration, there could be some areas that only certain characters can access, and other areas characters can't/won't go to. This also opens up the options for training. Each character could either have a master to train with, or just someone to spar with/ beat up on to learn combos and practice moves.
Konquest is also a great place to put challenges and acheivements. I loved some of the insanely hard challenges that MKD had (Shang Tsung's bleeding one was killer). The only downside to those was that most of the time you only won koins. This time around, they could not only offer unlockable stuff in the game for beating the challenges, but also use challenges as a way to earn achievements.
Playing the story in MKD's free roaming Konquest was great fun, but I think there is also a lot of untapped potential for a Konquest mode of that style that could heavily enhance the overall life of the game itself.
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04/21/2010 02:21 AM (UTC)
nah, I say no more gimmicks. I want them to focus on the fighting element of the game. Save conquest as an adventure series.
04/21/2010 02:55 AM (UTC)
I would rather have conquest turn into its own adventure game. I would like to see MK just be MK, like it was before Deadly Alliance.
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04/21/2010 07:49 AM (UTC)
Definitely YES please.

The Gameplay element has the Arcade mode, and so should the Story element have the Konquest mode. They're the two biggest things motivating each game so, I think they both should be primary focuses of each game.

I think it was the best improvement they have made to the game to date. Allowing us to be able to play through the story instead of simply waiting for bios and so on is a much more interesting and exciting way to experience the game to me (if i may be so bold as to suggest that bios, profiles, and such should be competent additions to the game...if not more of those juicy "secrets" we like to find so much.). I want it to stay a part of the game from here on out, and I hope they put good energy into that part of the game if it is there.

I'd like to see them provide us with the tools to make our own character, and actually become one of those obscure characters in the actual Mortal Kombat contest. Kinda like Art Lean in the first MK movie before Goro killed him. What a way to grow your character, learn about not just one character (like Shujinko in MKD), but also other characters, and the games overall plot and scheme. Do all kinds of stuff with that sort of set up...

Hell yea, bring it back d00dz.
04/21/2010 08:16 AM (UTC)
As much as I loved all three Konquest modes, I would must rather they focus their energy on the main game. Unless it was for pure and simple training with a little bit of story thrown in like MKDA, that wouldn't be too bad since it would at least flesh out what happened since the last game.
04/21/2010 09:45 AM (UTC)
I completely agree with Praetorian, Konquest mode is a great addition, and to me it's the best way to experience the story of the game. I've always been a fan of the MK games, but the days of fighting a bunch of people and getting a short "what if" story is a bit dated. With the great storytelling that is done in games today, I want more from my MK games than just your basic fighter.

If MK isn't evolving and improving as time goes on, then it's not really accomplishing much. If I wanted to play an MK game purely for the fighting, I'd play MK II, UMK3, or MK Trilogy. Part of the appeal of MK to me, is it's awesome story and characters. That's why I loved all 3 Konquest modes, as well as MK:SM.

Let's face it, the gameplay in MK9 is gonna be the same as MKvsDC. This is not a bad thing, as it got great reviews on it. Now, take that engine, polish it and change a few things and subtract the RAGE and add in this and that, and you will have MK9's engine. Thus, they will of course add in some extra features etc., and their best bet is a well made story mode.

I have to be honest, just the fighting gets old after a while. Most games these days have so much added value in multiplayer etc. that can amount to many many hours worth of replay value, but MK only lasts for so long nowadays. That's coming from a diehard fan of MK's style of gameplay. I still go back and play UMK3 with friends more than I go back to MKvsDC, MK:A, MK:D, and MK:DA combined.

MK needs more than just an Arcade and Versus mode. It just doesn't quite cut it anymore. The MK games come off as a bit lazy IMO on the kontent they include with it. I know they are on a limited schedule, about 2 years, but there are plenty of other game creators that pack much more kontent and features in a game than what we get in each MK game. I know I can't possibly be the only one that every 2 years follows the game for months and when I finally get my hands on it, it only lasts a couple of weeks, with maybe a few times where I come back to it and play it again for a couple of days. With games such as Fallout 3, Halo, COD 4, Battlefield etc. that contain months to years of replay value, an MK fighter just seems kinda empty. You beat it with every fighter, you play online for a week or two, you face your friends...and then what?

It just doesn't have that great competitive fighting feel to it that the classics do. I know I can't be the only one who feels this way. I know everytime I get the new MK, and play it with a couple of my friends as well as my older brother, who all love the old MK's and still try the new ones, they always prefer the old.

Now I am in no way bashing the MK games or the MK team, as I stated above how much I love the games and still buy each one to this day, but my point is...is that they can't just keep playing the same cards every two years. It's the same reason Tekken, Soul Caliber, and Virtua Fighter all seemed to die down after a while...they just relied too much on the same classic fighting mechanics that just wasn't as good as the originals. Not to say they aren't good games, but they lack anything to spark a new wave of interest in them. MK needs to break the mold and offer up something greater than just good gameplay in the fighting, it needs to offer a story mode and a reason to keep playing for months and years to come.

Konquest won't solve everything, but it at least offers another 6-10 hours or so of gameplay, as well as a fantastic storymode that can make the whole price feel worth it if done well enough. Throw in a lot of unlockables(MK:A shot itself in the foot by having nearly everyone unlocked from the start, and MKvsDC lacked horribly on unlockables altogether) and you have yourself a step closer to making the game last longer, and an actual decent extra mode that you want to keep playing(MK Chess was dull if one player was better than the other when it comes to the actual fighting, MK Puzzle Fighter was decent, and MK Karts was pretty lack luster compared to Mario Kart), and you have a great game. Kreate a Fighter was a nice addition that I would like to see return with better options and editable features such as in a Wrestling game. Throw in Kreate a Fatality and you make a lot of fan's dreams come true.

It's not hard when you think about it, but they always seem to take away more from each game instead of finding something that works, and building up to a masterpiece from there. It seems like you often look at each game and think of a shining quality from each, and just wish they were all put together into one game.

MK1 - Test your Might
MK2 - Stage Fatalities
UMK3 - 2 Fatalities, Friendships, Animalities, Brutalities, Babalities (So much variety)
MK4 - Weapons
MK:DA - Storytelling
MK:D - Konquest
MK:A - Kreate-A-Fighter
MKvsDC - Gameplay

Those obviously aren't the only good things about those games, it's just a personal list of favorites that I wish were all combined into 1 game. Add in 2 Alternate Costumes, 22 Complete Characters(Half as Unlockable/Secret), and an extra fun game mode that's just for kicks(MK Amaerican Gladiators anyone?) but is actually enjoyable and addictive...and eventual DLC characters....and you have yourself the best 3D MK yet. Is it a lot? Of course, but if they actually combined what they already had previously made into one game, it wouldn't take more than 2-3 years. Obviously as they move to a new engine they have to essentially reprogram and create it all, but even when they had multiple games on the same system(MK:DA, MK:D, and MK:A) they still refused to put everything into one game as the ultimate game. They always took out what they added before, no matter if people loved it or not.
04/21/2010 10:11 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I think Konquest mode is best suited as DLC, maybe at a $9.99 retail price. I didn't hate the previous Konquests, but at the end of the day, I think there's better uses for the energy in all departments.

I second this opinion or put the energy in another Mythologies for story exploring. Imagine a God Of War in MK Universe :)
04/21/2010 12:16 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I would rather have conquest turn into its own adventure game. I would like to see MK just be MK, like it was before Deadly Alliance.

I agree...let it get back to being justa fighting game with focus on the stories, characters and graphics. I find myself playing Konquest modes way too much to find hidden stages and characters and training to fight with kombatants that I rarely ever use, drastically taking away from the time spent fighting 1-on-1 and enjoying the core of the game. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the konquest modes and the story (especially in armageddon), BUT, as stated, I think they'd make for their own stand-alone games...Maybe start doing the Konquests as the new "Mythologies" series!!! That would be cool!
04/21/2010 12:47 PM (UTC)
Konquest to me is essential to discuss the reboot and get us acquanted with the new status quo of MK. I'll be pissed if there isn't a Konquest.
04/21/2010 02:04 PM (UTC)
Aside from my personal opinions, I feel that they may add Konquest because it's something still new that they're trying to evolve on. The conquest in Armageddon was pretty tight, but I'm sure there's more they'd like to do with something like that...
04/21/2010 02:33 PM (UTC)
I think they will add ONLINE functionality to a free-roaming Konquest mode.

They probably only have enough time to make like one Realm to start with, but there will be LOCKED PORTALS that will grant access to future Realms as the MK team has time to make them.

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04/21/2010 03:02 PM (UTC)
I'd love a fully interactive online Konquest world. My only stipulation is that it does not introduce yet ANOTHER never-before-seen hero who's all-important to the plot.
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04/21/2010 03:30 PM (UTC)
Agreed Shadaloo. Taven was a good character down the run but when i first seen MKA i was speechless. I heard Boon refer to Shuji as the "Next gen Liu Kang". So I figured wed have a 4-game run with him. Nope, although interesting, hes not in the background.

I think the best thing if it were to be online. Is have you able to create your character. Him not directly interfere with the universe. And have the Canon story happening all around by NPC/MK team. When they decide to have soemthing Canon Happen, it will happen on the Online world via their actions.

An infinate and scripted list of their actions to forever be accessable via a menu So we can look back and understand, maybe even relive the moment. From what I understand, the Matrix Online was kind of like this. And people I know who were fans said the game was amazing.

again, just throwing ideas out there.
04/21/2010 06:47 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind Konquest mode making a return. It was my favorite mode in both, MKD and MKA, didn't like it as much in MKDA.

If it does return, then I'd like it to be a mixture of MKSM and MKA's Konquest, meaning I'd like to be able to revisit areas that I already went through like in MKSM (which wasn't possible in MKA's Konquest) and I'd like the battles against other characters to be like in MKA's Konquest (classic style).

Also, as the story goes through the Konquest and as your character travels and runs into other characters, I'd like there to be a 2 versus 2 battle as well, maybe even 1 versus 2 later on, just to mix it up a bit and make it harder.

I think Konquest is a good mode to tell the story, maybe each character could have their own Konquest adventure. I don't think that would be hard to do, especially if most of the characters would travel through the same realms (because of the main story theme), but only do different things.

I definitely do not want to see the story mode done as it was in MKvsDC where you have no freedom at all, it's just cutscene-fight-cutcene-fight...
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04/21/2010 07:18 PM (UTC)
The problem with konquest mode for me is two-fold:

1) How much of the team that's devoted specifically to the konquest mode could've instead have been applied to the main game? In other words... Do we lose anything from the main gameplay experience by having a part of the team concentrating on this mode.

Is it worth it?

2) Can the MK team make this mode properly? I think that alot of MK fans see the idea of this mode and get wide eyes with the endless possibilities. But I'll be honest... MK:D's konquest mode was one of the worst executions of good video game concepts I played last generation.

I know that sounds harsh, but the graphics were horrendous (even when the game came out), the level of interactivity with the environment was on par with a Super Nintendo or Genesis RPG, the dialog was flat out awful and many secrets were impossible to find without the aid of a guide.

So... I have to go to this exact point in a given realm and be there at this specific time? Oh sure, that's a really easy way to unlock stuff. I mean... Who WOULDN'T think to be on grid point A-16 at exactly 12:15 AM in the Netherealm so that they can fight Havik or whatever.

All of the nonexistent clues made it seem so obvious!

So yeah, to say that slogging through MK:D's konquest mode was not what I'd consider an enjoyable MK experience, I'm somewhat cynical that the MK team can come through with a dedicated story experience along the lines of our idealized visions of konquest.

I like the idea of it, without a doubt... But anyone thinking that it can be some super epic adventure with graphics and gameplay on par with some of the best that THAT genre has to offer, well... I wouldn't hold your breath.

I agree that there needs to be things that keep me playing, but for fighting games, the adventure mode almost always feels like a tacked on piece of garbage(Tekken Force Mode, I'm looking at you too here).

So what can keep me playing?

1. A great story mode (not a full on adventure mode, but a mode that allows me to beat the game with every character for an ending). For this mode, I'd want an intro (not just a bio), a middle and and an ending for each character.

2. Secret characters and oufits to unlock: This should be accomplishment based. In other words, beat the game with all characters, get this next character. Or beat survival mode etc. It shouldn't be code based or context based like "find Sub Zero at 7:42pm in the graveyard in konquest mode" or whatever.

3. Kreate a kharacter: This always keeps me playing a fighting game. The more special moves, clothing options etc to unlock, the better.

4. Great Vs Modes (both online and off): Tag mode, Tournament Mode, Winner Stays, Survival, Team Battle, Endurance Mode, Time Attack Mode, Kombo Challenge...

Notice how all of those are FIGHTING related. No more test your whatever crap.

5. Kreate a tournament: This goes along with kreate a fighter. I've peddled this idea on these boards for years now, but I think it would be cool to provide the player with templates to create bios and endings for their created characters, you could make your own select screen and the style of the ladder etc.

In other words, you create your own story, set in the MK universe and then you get to post all of this online for others to get to play through. Of course, there would have to be some sort of sensor or viewing of the game by a mod or something so you don't have a story where someone's a *$&*(a trying to *#&a @($&((& all over @(&(!#()** or something like that.

Of course, in order to get all of the clothing items, the special moves, the fighting styles, hair styles, cool bio templates, ending templates, victory poses, select screen backgrounds etc etc etc... You'd have to earn kurrency and you do that by playing the single player and vs player modes and by wagering koins online.

To me, you add all that up and that's a LOT of gameplay. So yeah, I think that you can do a robust story mode without having to tack on a lame adventure mode that's half broken to begin with.

Of course, if they could actually nail down a GOOD action mode, I'd probably be in favor of it. But could they?
04/21/2010 11:12 PM (UTC)

For the record I'd like to see MK9's Konquest be sort of like MKDA's, with 21 individual storylines, but with you playing them out instead of reading them.

So you'd get to play as just the characters you wanted for Konquest, and would play maybe a 15-30 minute level for each character (depending on how fast you were) explaining their story in the game and their place.
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