08/04/2016 08:51 AM (UTC)
Realistically we could get a KP3, but I doubt it will make a lot of people happy since Fujin, Baraka nor Rain will make it.

It would like something like this:
1. Sareena
2. Noob Saibot
3. Michael Myers (another boring horror movie guy with a knife, how exciting...)
4. Some ridiculous movie character

Sound good?

My wish list, though it would never come true:
1. Li Mei
2. Nightwolf / Smoke / Kabal
3. Baraka
4. Fujin

By the way, Shao Kahn and Shang Tsung are pretty much a given for next game so will not appear now.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/19/2016 11:50 PM (UTC)
Posted by Boon today...

09/21/2016 02:14 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Posted by Boon today...


Don't know if that's a confirm or a de-confirm
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/22/2016 12:38 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Posted by Boon today...


So I'm assuming that's a no. I'd have more respect for him if he simply flat out said "No, there will be no Kombat Pack 3 or any additional characters". But I guess this will be as close to a confirmation we'll get with this dope.

Would've been nice to get one last Kombat Pack with actual MK characters but I keep forgetting ,that won't ever happen. Guests is the only thing keeping this franchise alive apparently. A kombat pack with only MK characters as DLC? Might as well start digging the grave.

About Me

Why couldn't this ending have happened?

09/23/2016 09:55 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Posted by Boon today...


So I'm assuming that's a no. I'd have more respect for him if he simply flat out said "No, there will be no Kombat Pack 3 or any additional characters". But I guess this will be as close to a confirmation we'll get with this dope.

Would've been nice to get one last Kombat Pack with actual MK characters but I keep forgetting ,that won't ever happen. Guests is the only thing keeping this franchise alive apparently. A kombat pack with only MK characters as DLC? Might as well start digging the grave.

He should just come out and say it if there isn't going to be a KP3. His trolling caused so much backlash this game that he needs to start mending fences for the next games.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

09/23/2016 11:15 PM (UTC)
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
His trolling caused so much backlash this game that he needs to start mending fences for the next games.

That seems like what he's trying to do. I think the comic is pretty clear cut. They're trying to shift the focus to Injustice 2, and I'm sure the team is feeling like we just want more more more. Which, perhaps they don't mind giving us more, except that it would be setting a steep precedent. KP2 was a long shot in itself, and they still had to do two guest characters to help sell the pack. Who else is left? Are we really about to have 5+ guests in ONE game? What about the next game? Who will we have left to use as a wow factor? Fujin is fersure going to be hype in MK11, why waste that opportunity so late in this game's life when his presence and relevance will still be zilch? Same goes for our other KP3 prospects.
09/24/2016 07:19 PM (UTC)
The trouble with them actually trying to do a KP3 now is that they would need to get the voice actors back together.

I mean there is probably a large crossover of MKX and Injustice VAs and the mocap team would be the same.

After all that would we even get who we'd want. With Baraka, Tanya, Rain, Smoke and Sindel appearing in the main game story as a character you'd fight: Only Tanya appeared as DLC and KP2 gave us Triborg (who had Smoke) Tarkatan!Alien (Which I admit, I do love) and Bo Rai Cho.

Nothing will ever beat Tremor walking towards us in the KP trailer. Admit it.

I would love a KP3, I would also love closure. I want Ed or someone to outright say "No more DLC for MKX(L). Thank you for your support, we will take your comments into consideration in development of future MKs."

Might as well throw up my revised wish list for a Kombat Pack 3 though.
Robert Enguland voiced Freddy
Shao Kahn
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/24/2016 08:57 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:

I would love a KP3, I would also love closure. I want Ed or someone to outright say "No more DLC for MKX(L). Thank you for your support, we will take your comments into consideration in development of future MKs."

This. I am probably one of the very few that enjoys the man's trolling, but if this is truly the end, just cut the cord and let's go full steam ahead to Injustice 2.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/25/2016 12:03 AM (UTC)
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Posted by Boon today...


So I'm assuming that's a no. I'd have more respect for him if he simply flat out said "No, there will be no Kombat Pack 3 or any additional characters". But I guess this will be as close to a confirmation we'll get with this dope.

Would've been nice to get one last Kombat Pack with actual MK characters but I keep forgetting ,that won't ever happen. Guests is the only thing keeping this franchise alive apparently. A kombat pack with only MK characters as DLC? Might as well start digging the grave.

He should just come out and say it if there isn't going to be a KP3. His trolling caused so much backlash this game that he needs to start mending fences for the next games.

The best part about every new Mortal Kombat game is the HYPE, the excitement, the fun and honestly all of the circle jerking they did through MKX's development until now has truly ruined any excitement I may have for the next game. I enjoy coming to MKO and spending almost a year straight having intense debates and partaking in the glorious hype- but the way they handled MKX as a whole really has soured me. I wont fall for the same thing again for MK11.

The casuals are eating MK up these days, but us diehards are getting shifted to the side. It should never get to the point where you can't release a damn pack WITHOUT being forced to include two guests. That's really sad.

I'd like one more pack- just go ahead and add in Rain/Fujin/Sindel/Li Mei (Maybe Baraka although his chances were pretty much ruined thanks to Alien) since they really should've been playable from jump and just end it. You can save the really big heavy hitting returnees for MK11.

Wishful thinking, blah.
09/25/2016 02:13 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
His trolling caused so much backlash this game that he needs to start mending fences for the next games.

That seems like what he's trying to do. I think the comic is pretty clear cut. They're trying to shift the focus to Injustice 2, and I'm sure the team is feeling like we just want more more more. Which, perhaps they don't mind giving us more, except that it would be setting a steep precedent. KP2 was a long shot in itself, and they still had to do two guest characters to help sell the pack. Who else is left? Are we really about to have 5+ guests in ONE game? What about the next game? Who will we have left to use as a wow factor? Fujin is fersure going to be hype in MK11, why waste that opportunity so late in this game's life when his presence and relevance will still be zilch? Same goes for our other KP3 prospects.

I think it'd be pretty easy to do a KP3 without guests and make sure it'd sell. Just bring out the big guns they know won't be making it into an MK11 (or are at least a long shot) and then the two poll winners regardless of whether they make it into MK11 or not;

Another of the NPC trio (Probably Rain)
and the two poll winners; Noob & Jade

A boss, a ninja chick and two popular male ninjas, all Trilogy era and hugely popular. They would surely sell big without the need of guests.
09/25/2016 08:54 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:

I would love a KP3, I would also love closure. I want Ed or someone to outright say "No more DLC for MKX(L). Thank you for your support, we will take your comments into consideration in development of future MKs."

This. I am probably one of the very few that enjoys the man's trolling, but if this is truly the end, just cut the cord and let's go full steam ahead to Injustice 2.

Its not trolling at this point. Every tweet he makes, in his replies are literally "WHENS KP3" etc. Even after the whole Palmer Luckey shit storm. Apparently everything is a clue to KP3.

Its weird. They could have done KP1 with just story mode fighters. KP2 is the KP1 we got and KP3 is the KP2 we got. Then we would have got KP4 comments.

It'll end up harming Injustice 2 promotion and WB Games will turn him into a basically mute man. No one wants that.

If anyone is in the Street Fighter community, how big is the demand for the fightable dolls (Marz etc.) to appear as full fledged characters now?
About Me

Why couldn't this ending have happened?

09/25/2016 12:55 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
His trolling caused so much backlash this game that he needs to start mending fences for the next games.

That seems like what he's trying to do. I think the comic is pretty clear cut. They're trying to shift the focus to Injustice 2, and I'm sure the team is feeling like we just want more more more. Which, perhaps they don't mind giving us more, except that it would be setting a steep precedent. KP2 was a long shot in itself, and they still had to do two guest characters to help sell the pack. Who else is left? Are we really about to have 5+ guests in ONE game? What about the next game? Who will we have left to use as a wow factor? Fujin is fersure going to be hype in MK11, why waste that opportunity so late in this game's life when his presence and relevance will still be zilch? Same goes for our other KP3 prospects.

All the more reason for him to come out and just say it. The only that he can accomplish by constantly dangling a carrot in front of them is to piss them off when they realize that you have no intention of following through.

Its like they've been trying to drive away long term fans with this game.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/27/2016 05:36 AM (UTC)
I really just want the remaining NPC characters. I know a lot of people are wanting a few curve balls but I really think they should save some of the heavy hitters(Jade, Noob, Shang ect) for MK11.

I haven't even purchased KP2 yet and haven't played MKX since January or December. However the rest of the NPC characters(Rain/Fujin/Sindel/LiMei/Baraka) being added would totally bring me back.
Still want Baraka.

Alien is just not the same.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/30/2016 01:34 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I really just want the remaining NPC characters. I know a lot of people are wanting a few curve balls but I really think they should save some of the heavy hitters(Jade, Noob, Shang ect) for MK11.

I haven't even purchased KP2 yet and haven't played MKX since January or December. However the rest of the NPC characters(Rain/Fujin/Sindel/LiMei/Baraka) being added would totally bring me back.

I havent even bought the KP2 yet either (havent even played the game since before it came out) and i was always a die hard buy DLC no matter what it was MK loyalist. Lame as Alien and Leatherface were the final nail in the coffin for me, and tri borg was not enough to regain my attention, tho im glad they put bo rai cho in

i agree those three are better left for mk 11. (jade, noob, tsung)

Rain/Sindel/Baraka can continue to sit this one out, since they were playable in MK2011.

Li Mei (kinda annoyed they made her older, since outworlders age so slowly in the first place) and Fujin must be included if they do another KP. Sareena/Ashrah would be great too. or #RIP Reiko or #RIP Havik would have gotten me excited as well. yles
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10/01/2016 12:23 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:I haven't even purchased KP2 yet and haven't played MKX since January or December.

I haven't even bought the KP2 yet either (havent even played the game since before it came out) and i was always a die hard buy DLC no matter what it was MK loyalist. Lame as Alien and Leatherface were the final nail in the coffin for me, and tri borg was not enough to regain my attention, tho im glad they put bo rai cho in
You guys are missing out!!! Leatherface is nothing special; but alien is superb, the variations are great (although i personally don't like tarkatan - the two species should have remained totally separate IMO). Bo' is very fleshed out & as for triborg - well, just don't think of him as a crappy composite character. Think of him as four characters because they all play so varied and distinct from each other.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/01/2016 02:01 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:

You guys are missing out!!! Leatherface is nothing special; but alien is superb, the variations are great (although i personally don't like tarkatan - the two species should have remained totally separate IMO). Bo' is very fleshed out & as for triborg - well, just don't think of him as a crappy composite character. Think of him as four characters because they all play so varied and distinct from each other.

Everybody sleeps on Leatherface, man. Character is fun as hell.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/03/2016 10:55 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:I haven't even purchased KP2 yet and haven't played MKX since January or December.

I haven't even bought the KP2 yet either (havent even played the game since before it came out) and i was always a die hard buy DLC no matter what it was MK loyalist. Lame as Alien and Leatherface were the final nail in the coffin for me, and tri borg was not enough to regain my attention, tho im glad they put bo rai cho in
You guys are missing out!!! Leatherface is nothing special; but alien is superb, the variations are great (although i personally don't like tarkatan - the two species should have remained totally separate IMO). Bo' is very fleshed out & as for triborg - well, just don't think of him as a crappy composite character. Think of him as four characters because they all play so varied and distinct from each other.

I'm not interested in any other guests characters. My boy Jason and Predator were good enough. That being said I might throw caution to the wind and go ahead and buy Bo'Rai'Cho and Triborg. I JUST played MKX last week and forgot how fun it was. I do think MKX is one of the best games in the series- I just dislike the way NRS handled this game- they took a lot of the fun OUTSIDE of the game away for a lot of old timers. Hard to get excited these days regarding MK.
10/04/2016 09:20 PM (UTC)
You need to occupy four slots to not get not harm the screen. If there was a KP3 could be (Rain, Sindel and Baraka) in a slot (and doubles it) with the Story name. And Li Mei and Fujin.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

10/04/2016 11:28 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
You need to occupy four slots to not get not harm the screen.

Final Injustice select screen begs to differ...

10/06/2016 07:37 AM (UTC)
I hope that it's all classic fighters.

1. Li Mei
2. Fujin
3. Baraka
4. Rain
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

10/07/2016 01:20 AM (UTC)
Dasher10 Wrote:
I hope that it's all classic fighters.

1. Li Mei
2. Fujin
3. Baraka
4. Rain

That's all I want. I'd also add Sindel but as long as we get Rain/Fujin I'll be satisfied enough. Then MKX would feel truly "complete" to me as far as the roster goes.
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